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The 9 Keys to the Kingdom of God

Bible Study
by, Val Valano
Matt 3:1 In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,2
and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!"
The kingdom of God an be aessed in the he!e and no" on ea!th as it is
in hea#en$ %e "alk in &o"e! like the kingdom is in &o"e! not in "o!d, #e!y
fe" a!e able to en'oy this hea#en on ea!th today$ %e (nd that e#e!ything in
the "o!ld is an illusion, "e must not take !oot in it$ Satan has !eated
many kingdoms on ea!th fo! us to be ensa!ed in$ %e an be ent!aned by
tele#ision, ente!tainment, "o!ldy a)ai!s, &olitis, ou! family &!oblems,
f!iendshi&s, money, mate!ial &ossessions and e#en obsession "ith
&!o&hey "athing$ The fo!mula to lea!ning ho" to o#e!ome the "o!ld
and li#e in the kingdom of God in ou! e#e!yday li#es is found in 2 *ete! +,
11$ -esus told *ete! .e "ill gi#es the keys to the kingdom to him, that tells
us the!e is mo!e than one key$ / found them and the!e a!e 9$ *ete! "as
gi#en these keys to sha!e "ith all and he did and its been in ou! fae the
"hole time$
Matt 0:1 Again, the devil took Him up on an eceedingly high mountain, and showed
Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory!
2ll the kingdoms of the "o!ld and thei! glo!y3 .o" many kingdoms a!e
the!e in the "o!ld3 This is a legitimate 4uestion sine "e kno" the!e a!e
demoni kingdoms among us$ The!e a!e kingdoms of fallen angels,
te!!ito!ial kingdoms, em&i!es, geog!a&hial kingdoms fallen angels ha#e
autho!ity o#e!$ Then the!e a!e human kingdoms$ By the end of this study, /
ho&e to at least (nd the ans"e!s along "ith the .oly S&i!it to most of the
5ets look at most of the #e!ses found in the ne" testament one!ning the
Kingdom of God$
Matt +:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, "or theirs is the kingdom of heaven!
# Here we $nd the "poor in spirit" has access to the kingdom!
Matt +:16 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness% sake, "or theirs is
the kingdom of heaven!
7 Those 8&e!seuted fo! !ighteous sake8 has aess$
Matt +:19 &hoever therefore 'reaks one of the least of these commandments, and
teaches men so, shall 'e called least in the kingdom of heaven( 'ut whoever does
and teaches them, he shall 'e called great in the kingdom of heaven!
7 The!e is a hiea!hy based on ea!thly ondut$ 5east and G!eat in the
Matt +:26 "or I say to you, that unless your righteousness eceeds the righteousness
of the scri'es and )harisees, you will 'y no means enter the kingdom of heaven!
7 This is talking about &u)ed u& egos in many 9h!istians, also those "ho
"ish to be sla#e to the 5a" today$ These &eo&le do not !eali:e "hat has
been done a"ay "ith and "hat hasn;t$ The <oyal 5a" "!itten by the hand
of God .imself an ne#e! be dest!oyed o! done a"ay "ith, .e sim&ly took
them f!om stone and "!ote them on ou! hea!ts and in ou! minds$ %e "ho
a!e "alking in !ighteousness a!e ful(lling the 5a" "ithout e)o!t beause
"e a!e led by the S&i!it "ho s&eaks th!ough ou! hea!ts and minds, and
e#idene of that is these &eo&le ha#e a lea! onsiene$ The Gentiles in
the Book of 2ts "e!e isn;t obeying the 5a" "ithout ha#ing kno"ledge of
it$ /t isn;t something "e think about doing, it is something "e 'ust do by
"alking in the S&i!it$
Matt =:16 *our kingdom come! *our will 'e done +n earth as it is in heaven!
7 >n ea!th 2S /T /S in hea#en des!ibes a &!esent tense kingdom$
Matt =:33 But seek $rst the kingdom of ,od and His righteousness, and all these
things shall 'e added to you!
7 %e a!e inst!uted to 8seek8 the kingdom and God;s !ighteousness to
seu!e a &!o#isional life$
Matt =:30 -herefore do not worry a'out tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry a'out its
own things! .u/cient for the day is its own trou'le!
7 .e!e "e lea!n to e?&et t!ouble in this life but not to "o!!y about it$ Ve!y
Matt @:21 "0ot everyone who says to 1e, %2ord, 2ord,% shall enter the kingdom of
heaven, 'ut he who does the will of 1y "ather in heaven!
7 Aot e#e!yone "ho laims to be 9h!istian "ill ente! the kingdom, the key
"o!d he!e is 8does8 the "ill of my Bathe!, sho"ing &!o,ation not &assi#e
Matt 1:11 And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with
A'raham, Isaac, and Jaco' in the kingdom of heaven!
7 To sit do"n illust!ates that many "ill be able to s&eak "ith ou!
Matt 11:13 "or all the prophets and the law prophesied until John!
7 /s this telling us the!e a!e no mo!e g!eat &!o&hets sine -ohn the Ba&tist3
/ belie#e so$
Matt 11:10 And if you are willing to receive it, he is 3li4ah who is to come!
Matt 11:1+ He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Matt 12:2@ And if I cast out demons 'y Beel5e'u', 'y whom do your sons cast them
out6 -herefore they shall 'e your 4udges!
Matt 12:21 But if I cast out demons 'y the .pirit of ,od, surely the kingdom of ,od
has come upon you!
7 9asting out demons in -esus Aame b!ings the kingdom to you$ Seems
he!e that hea#enly gifts, "hen in o&e!ation is someho" aessing the
Matt 1=:19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you
'ind on earth will 'e 'ound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will 'e
loosed in heaven!"
7 This has been #astly misinte!&!eted by the 9atholi 9hu!h and ab!oad$
Beause -esus is s&eaking to *ete!, the 9atholi 9hu!h belie#es that *ete!
"as the (!st *o&e and thei! hu!h is the one and only t!ue hu!h of
9h!ist and that they a!e the one;s "ho &osses the keys to the kingdom$
S!i&tu!e is #e!y lea! that all "ho belie#e and ha#e faith in 9h!ist "ill "alk
in &o"e! and in glo!y in 9h!ist and signs and "onde!s "ill follo" all "ho
belie#e$ Ao one single hu!h othe! than the body of 9h!ist as a "hole has
been assigned to be any t!ue hu!h$ The only t!ue hu!h onsists of all
belie#e!s "o!ld "ide as one body, one hu!h, one b!ide$ So, in tu!n, "e
ha#e the keys to the kingdom "hih gi#es us the ability of binding and
Matt 1=:2@ "or the .on of 1an will come in the glory of His "ather with His angels, and
then He will reward each according to his works!
7 The Kingdom has a me!it system based on "o!ks$
Matt 1=:21 Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste
death till they see the .on of 1an coming in His kingdom!"
7 / belie#e -esus is !efe!!ing to those "ho "ill be dest!oyed "ith the
b!ightness of .is oming$
Matt 11:0 -herefore whoever hum'les himself as this little child is the greatest in the
kingdom of heaven!
7 To humble oneself as a hild, "ould !e4ui!e the absene of "isdom$ %e
kno" that hild!en lak "isdom, "isdom has the ability to make one
&!ideful the!efo!e, if "e listen "ith s&i!itual ea!s and not human ea!s, "ith
the enthusiasm and &u!e in hea!t, "e "ould be alled g!eat in the
kingdom$ %hile "isdom is a gift f!om God, it is not !e4ui!ed to ha#e suh to
ente! the kingdom of god, only &u!e in hea!t fo! God "ith enthusiasm as a
Matt 11:+ &hoever receives one little child like this in 1y name receives 1e!
Matt 11:= "&hoever causes one of these little ones who 'elieve in 1e to sin, it would
'e 'etter for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in
the depth of the sea!
7 *oo! ondut that e)ets othe! belie#e!s and auses them to stumble is
Matt 11:20 And when he had 'egun to settle accounts, one was 'rought to him who
owed him ten thousand talents!
2dam sinned, >!iginal sin$ Thus, besto"ed a debt fo! all mankind to be
&aid and that debt "as ou! souls in .ell !eei#ed th!ough death$
Matt 11:2+ But as he was not a'le to pay, his master commanded that he 'e sold,
with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment 'e made!
Satan !e4ui!es blood and demanded all mankind as &ayment fo! sin$
Matt 11:2= -he servant therefore fell down 'efore him, saying, %1aster, have patience
with me, and I will pay you all!%
Matt 11:2@ -hen the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released
him, and forgave him the de't!
Matt 11:21 "But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed
him a hundred denarii( and he laid hands on him and took him 'y the throat, saying,
%)ay me what you owe!%
Matt 11:29 .o his fellow servant fell down at his feet and 'egged him, saying, %Have
patience with me, and I will pay you all!%
Matt 11:36 And he would not, 'ut went and threw him into prison till he should pay
the de't!
7 Cidn;t 9h!ist &!eah to those in &!ison befo!e he !ose3 Sin and death had
not been "on yet$
Matt 11:31 .o when his fellow servants saw what had 'een done, they were very
grieved, and came and told their master all that had 'een done!
Matt 11:32 -hen his master, after he had called him, said to him, %*ou wicked servant!
I forgave you all that de't 'ecause you 'egged me!
Matt 11:33 .hould you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, 4ust as I
had pity on you6%
Matt 11:30 And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he
should pay all that was due to him!
7Coesn;t it say that "e "ill be 'udged by ho" "e 'udge othe!s3 2nd the
onse4uenses of lak of fo!gi#eness of othe!s "ill be lak of fo!gi#eness of
ou! sins3
Matt 11:3+ ".o 1y heavenly "ather also will do to you if each of you, from his heart,
does not forgive his 'rother his trespasses!"
Matt 19:19 %H+0+R *+7R "A-H3R A08 *+7R 1+-H3R,% and, %*+7 .HA22 2+93 *+7R
03I,HB+R A. *+7R.32"!% "
Matt 19:26 -he young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept from my youth!
&hat do I still lack6"
Matt 19:21 Jesus said to him, "If you want to 'e perfect, go, sell what you have and
give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven( and come, follow 1e!"
7 .e!e "e see the ability to sto!e u& t!easu!es in the kingdom$
Matt 19:22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for
he had great possessions!
Matt 19:23 -hen Jesus said to His disciples, "Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a
rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven!
Matt 19:20 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of ,od!"
7 5usts of the "o!ld "ill deny aess to the kingdom$ /t does not say that
!ih &eo&le annot get into the kingdom, only that it is #e!y diDult$
%ealth has a sting and is a t"o edge s"o!d$ /t;s about the image set u& in
ou! hea!t, is it an ea!thly image o! the image of 9h!ist3 2!e "e attahed to
the things of this "o!ld3 >! a!e "e seeking s&i!itual things of God3
Matt 19:2+ &hen His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, "&ho
then can 'e saved6"
Matt 19:2= But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "&ith men this is impossi'le,
'ut with ,od all things are possi'le!"
7 .e!e 9h!ist inte!ates that all things a!e &ossible "ith the S&i!it of God
meaning, if one is (lled "ith the S&i!it of God, the!e is no limit to
Matt 26:= And a'out the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle,
and said to them, %&hy have you 'een standing here idle all day6%
Matt 26:@ -hey said to him, %Because no one hired us!% He said to them, %*ou also go
into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive!%
Matt 26:1 ".o when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward,
%:all the la'orers and give them their wages, 'eginning with the last to the $rst!%
Matt 26:9 And when those came who were hired a'out the eleventh hour, they each
received a denarius!
7 The!e is something to the 11th hou! &!o&hetially$ /n anothe! #e!se "e
(nd the midnight hou! as being 'udgment time! +'serve; 1atthew <=;
while the 'ridegroom was delayed, they all slum'ered and slept!
"And at midnight
a cry was heard: %Behold, the 'ridegroom is coming( go out to meet him!
And again, Ma!k 13:3+ &atch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the
house is comingin the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the
and in )salm *s 119:=2 At midnight I will rise to give thanks to *ou, Because of *our
righteous 4udgments! Here we $nd "I will RI.3" at midnight, that is what the dead
and the living will do upon :hrist return! Ao" look at the sto!y of the E?odus$
-hen 1oses said, "-hus says the 2+R8; %A'out midnight I will go out into the midst
of 3gypt(
and all the $rst'orn in the land of 3gypt shall die, from the $rst'orn of
)haraoh who sits on his throne, even to the $rst'orn of the female servant who is
'ehind the handmill, and all the $rst'orn of the animals!
-hen there shall 'e a
great cry throughout all the land of 3gypt, such as was not like it before, nor shall 'e
like it again!
But against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue,
against man or 'east, that you may know that the 2+R8 does make a di>erence
'etween the 3gyptians and Israel!%
And all these your servants shall come down to
me and 'ow down to me, saying, %,et out, and all the people who follow you!% After
that I will go out!" -hen he went out from )haraoh in great anger!
2ts 26:@ 0ow on the $rst day of the week, when the disciples came together to 'reak
'read, )aul, ready to depart the net day, spoke to them and continued his message
until midnight!
This is telling me that the gos&el "ill be &!eahed until Midnight on
.ea#ens time, not ou!s, then 'udgment$ +'serve; <e# 10:= -hen I saw another
angel ?ying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
who dwell on the earth to every nation, tri'e, tongue, and people <e# 10:@ saying
with a loud voice, ""ear ,od and give glory to Him, for the hour of His 4udgment has
come( and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water!"
<e# 3:3 Remem'er therefore how you have received and heard( hold fast and repent!
-herefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know
what hour I will come upon you!
The 5o!d is oming at a s&ei( hou! on the hea#enly lok, not the ea!thly
lok$ .e!e is ho" &!iise of a time this "ill ha&&en, <e# 9:1+ So the fou!
angels, "ho had been &!e&a!ed fo! the hou! and day and month and yea!,
"e!e !eleased to kill a thi!d of mankind$
Matt 26:16 But when the $rst came, they supposed that they would receive more( and
they likewise received each a denarius!
Matt 26:11 And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner,
Matt 26:12 saying, %-hese last men have worked only one hour, and you made them
e@ual to us who have 'orne the 'urden and the heat of the day!%
Matt 26:13 But he answered one of them and said, %"riend, I am doing you no wrong!
8id you not agree with me for a denarius6
Matt 26:10 -ake what is yours and go your way! I wish to give to this last man the
same as to you!
Matt 26:1+ Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things6 +r is your eye
evil 'ecause I am good6%
Matt 26:1= .o the last will 'e $rst, and the $rst last! "or many are called, 'ut few
7 Ao !oom fo! om&laining o! &!ide in the kingdom$ Many a!e alled but fe"
hosen fo! the kingdom$ Many belie#e that the g!eat men of old, e#en the
2&ostles themsel#es a!e g!eate! than us today, "e (nd he!e that is not so
in the eyes of the 5o!d$ /f "e being the last "ill be (!st and the (!st being
last behind us, this is e#idene that the 5o!d lo#es all e4ually and "ill
'udge "ith 'ustie and not &a!tiality$
5uke 1:33 And He will reign over the house of Jaco' forever, and of His kingdom there
will 'e no end!"
7 The kingdom of God is an e#e!lasting kingdom$
-ohn 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, "1ost assuredly, I say to you, unless one is
'orn again, he cannot see the kingdom of ,od!"
7 The kingdom is one "e an see "ith ou! eyes$ / belie#e this is th!ough ou!
s&i!itual eyes not ou! &hysial eyes$ The!e is mo!e to this late!$
-ohn 3:@ 8o not marvel that I said to you, %*ou must 'e 'orn again!%
-ohn 3:1 -he wind 'lows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, 'ut cannot tell
where it comes from and where it goes! .o is everyone who is 'orn of the .pirit!"
7 The S&i!it is omni&!esent, thus the kingdom is also omni&!esent$ Being
bo!n again is lite!ally the &!oess of !emo#al of the human s&i!it "hih has
been destined to death and the !e&laement of the .oly S&i!it "hih 9h!ist
ga#e th!ough .is death$ The biggest &!oblem is most &eo&le still "alk this
ea!th as if they still had thei! ea!thly s&i!it$
-ohn 11:3= Jesus answered, "1y kingdom is not of this world! If 1y kingdom were of
this world, 1y servants would $ght, so that I should not 'e delivered to the Jews( 'ut
now 1y kingdom is not from here!"
7 My fa#o!ite 4uote, Aot of This %o!ld$ So, the kingdom is not f!om ea!th
ho"e#e!, 9h!ist had not yet been !ui(ed$ %e see he!e that 9h!ist had to
ful(ll .is o"n death in o!de! fo! the kingdom to be aessed by .is blood
and .is .oly S&i!it$
2ts 10:22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, ehorting them to continue in the
faith, and saying, "&e must through many tri'ulations enter the kingdom of ,od!"
7 This is one of the most !e#ealing #e!ses / ame a!oss$ %e MFST ente!
the kingdom of God th!ough M2AG T</BF52T/>AS$ %>%H 2nd ho" many of
us om&lain to God about ou! aIitions3 T!ibulation /S the gates to the
/ belie#e the se!ets a!e sto!ed in the ne?t fe" s!i&tu!es in unde!standing
ho" to li#e in the kingdom of God no" and ho" to d!a" ou! onlusion fo!
the &u!&ose of being he!e, and "hy "e "e!e !eated in the (!st &lae$
<omans 10
The 5a" of 5ibe!ty
A Receive one who is weak in the faith, 'ut not to disputes over dou'tful things!
7 This is a monumental !e#elation$ E#e!thing 9h!ist talked about
one!ning the kingdom of God is detailed he!e$ .e!e "e a!e told not to
dis&ute o#e! things that auses doubt$ Theologial di)e!nees a!e
om&letely admonished by God$ The teahings of s&i!itual matte!s "e!e
something the &eo&le of 9h!ist;s day and *auls day "as ha!d to unde!stand
sim&ly due to the fat that the 5a" "as all they kne"$ So imagine the
one&t of g!ae to a &eo&le "ho "o!ked ha!d at being la" abiding$ /
belie#e this #e!y &assage is something to take heed e#en today$ .o" many
9h!istians a!gue o#e! endless debates on things of inte!&!etation3 %ell,
the ne?t fe" #e!ses "ill shatte! all &!ide fo! those head st!ong 9h!istians
"ho think they ha#e it all (gu!ed out$
< "or one 'elieves he may eat all things, 'ut he who is weak eats only vegeta'les! B
2et not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not
eat 4udge him who eats( for ,od has received him!
7 Cid you hea! that3 God has !eei#ed him !ega!dless of thei! la",like
C &ho are you to 4udge anotherDs servant6 -o his own master he stands or falls!
Indeed, he will 'e made to stand, for ,od is a'le to make him stand!
7 2!e "e all not se!#ants of the Most .igh and -esus 9h!ist3 Coes this not
say that someone elses sal#ation is none of ou! business3 2nd that it is
God "ho "ill o!!et, !ebuke, hastise, lo#e, teah and guide3 To his o"n
maste! he stands o! falls$ Get it3 God is able to make him stand, not me,
not you, not anyone else$ The!efo!e, -udging someone denies aess to the
hea#enly !ealm$
= +ne person esteems one day a'ove another( another esteems every day alike! 2et
each 'e fully convinced in his own mind!
7 Ao" "e a!e getting to the nitty g!ittyH 5et eah be BF55G 9>AV/A9EC 8/A
./S >%A M/AC$8 That is the key, that is the ans"e! to the &a!ables and
myste!ies of the kingdom of God$ Bull aess into the kingdom !e4ui!es a
95E2< 9>AS9/EA9E$ 2 guilty onsiene is "hat kee&s us in a sinful state$
.o" else "ould one e?&lain ho" one an eat o! obse!#e in one "ay "hile
anothe! does it enti!ely di)e!ent "hile both being ae&ted by God3 %hih
"ay is sin3 Sin is the bu!den of the onsiene$ .e!e is the ans"e!$$$$
E He who o'serves the day, o'serves it to the 2ord(FaG and he who does not o'serve
the day, to the 2ord he does not o'serve it! He who eats, eats to the 2ord, for he
gives ,od thanks( and he who does not eat, to the 2ord he does not eat, and gives
,od thanks!
7 Ao" see, you must ha#e been thinking / "as going to lighten the im&at
of sin by saying "e an do anything "e "ant as long as "e on#ine
ou!sel#es its ok$ Ao, that ouldnt be the fa!thest f!om the t!uth$ %hate#e!
"e do as long as it is in good onsiene and gi#ing the 5o!d thanks and
glo!ifying .im, "e a!e &leasing to .im$ %hat is sin fo! one &e!son may not
be sin fo! anothe!$ Eah &e!son has a set design !eated by God to ful(ll
ou! o"n uni4uiness in .is image, eah "ith a di)e!ent set of "hats good
fo! us and "hats not, eah has a measu!e of Baith gi#en to them, di)e!!ing
f!om one anothe!, eah has a deg!ee of g!ae di)e!ent f!om anothe!$ %ho
a!e "e to 'udge3 %ho a!e "e, the me!e se!#ants of ou! Maste! to say that
the!e is a set of !ules fo! all to obse!#e3 Coes it not say that lo#e o#e!s a
multitude of sin3 Co "e ha#e a magnifying glass to &ie!e into the soul of
someone else3 Ao$ %e should not be a!guing this but !athe! lea!ning with
our personal objectives for our own salvation$ Bae it, "hen it omes time
to stand at the Th!one of God, "e "ill be standing the!e alone as "e should
be "o!king out ou! o"n sal#ation "ith fea! and t!embling, and lea!ning to
"alk in lo#e, &o"e! and glo!y fo! the kingdom of God$ 5ets get to the ne?t
H "or none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself! I "or if we live, we live
to the 2ord( and if we die, we die to the 2ord! -herefore, whether we live or die, we
are the 2ordDs! J "or to this end :hrist died and roseF'G and lived again, that He
might 'e 2ord of 'oth the dead and the living! AK But why do you 4udge your
'rother6 +r why do you show contempt for your 'rother6 "or we shall all stand
'efore the 4udgment seat of :hrist!FcG AA "or it is written;
L As I live, says the 2+R8,
3very knee shall 'ow to 1e,
And every tongue shall confess to ,od!MFdG
A< .o then each of us shall give account of himself to ,od! AB -herefore let us not
4udge one another anymore, 'ut rather resolve this, not to put a stum'ling 'lock or a
cause to fall in our 'rotherDs way!
7 2nothe! key, be a"a!e of othe! &eo&le;s sal#ation that "e do not do
something in thei! eyes to ause them "eakness o! stumble, ho"e#e! "e
also must !ef!ain f!om 'udging someone elses "alk "ith the 5o!d as "ell$
%e do not kno" "hat g!ade thei! in in thei! s&i!itual eduationH They ould
be in thei! maste!s &!og!am "hile you;!e still ente!ing 'unio! ollegeH
7 / am on#ined that e#e!ything s&i!itual in all of its "isdom and
unde!standing begins and ends in the mind and the mind is the gate"ay to
the kingdom of God "ithin us$ 5et;s look at the &o"e! of the mind to &!o#e
my &oint fu!the!$ -ude 1:+ But / "ant to !emind you, though you one kne"
this, that the 5o!d, ha#ing sa#ed the &eo&le out of the land of Egy&t,
afte!"a!d dest!oyed those "ho did not belie#e$ $$$$$$$ %he!e does belief
sta!t3 /n the mindH %he!e does faith sta!t3 /n the .ea!tH +'serve; <e# 2:23 I
will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who
searches the minds and hearts! And I will give to each one of you according to your
works! .o we know from this the mind and heart are two di>erent attri'utes of us
and they work together or against each other!
.ea!t J Baith
Mind J Belief
%hih omes (!st3 Bi!st, the %o!d omes by hea!ing, in othe! "o!ds, God
alls out to you! mind, if you belie#e, that is the at of using you! mind,
then faith being something ho&ed fo!, ou! belief o! ou! 8mind8 st!engthens
ou! Baith$ This is the myste!y ans"e!ed to those 89h!istians8 "ho "ill not
ente! the kingdom of God$ 85o!d, 5o!d, did "e not &!o&hey in you! name,
do many g!eat things in you! name3 and .e ans"e!ed, 2"ay f!om me,
la"less ones, / ne#e! knoe" youH8 /n -ude 1:+ again, /t says the 5o!d
8sa#ed8 them but then dest!oyed all "ho did not 8belie#e$8 %hy did 9h!ist
all them la"less ones3 %e lea!n "he!e the la" is today, "e lea!n "he!e
the la" "ent late! on$
1*et 1:13 -herefore gird up the loins of your mind, 'e so'er, and rest your hope fully
upon the grace that is to 'e 'rought to you at the revelation of Jesus :hrist(
7 *ete! is telling ho" im&o!tant ou! minds a!e he!e and "a!ns us to &!otet
itH Gi!d u& the loins of you! mind$$$$
1*et 1:10 as o'edient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in
your ignorance(
1*et 1:1+ 'ut as He who called you is holy, you also 'e holy in all your conduct,
1*et 1:1= 'ecause it is written, "B3 H+2*, "+R I A1 H+2*!"
1*et 1:1@ And if you call on the "ather, who without partiality 4udges according to
each one%s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear(
7 >u! stay he!e is #e!y sho!t and temo!a!y, "e must not sub'et ou!sel#es
to fea!$
1*et 1:11 knowing that you were not redeemed with corrupti'le things, like silver or
gold, from your aimless conduct received 'y tradition from your fathers,
1*et 1:19 'ut with the precious 'lood of :hrist, as of a lam' without 'lemish and
without spot!
1*et 1:26 He indeed was foreordained 'efore the foundation of the world, 'ut was
manifest in these last times for you
1*et 1:21 who through Him 'elieve in ,od, who raised Him from the dead and gave
Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in ,od!
7 9ase in &oint, gua!d you! mind so that you! faith and ho&e a!e in God$
2ess to the kingdom and li#ing in the kingdom no" sta!ts in the mind,
t!ansends into belief, "hih st!engthens faith, "hih then gi#es us the
ability to li#e "ithout fea!, ha#ing full aess to the kingdom and in that,
"alking in &o"e! and glo!y in 9h!ist -esus$ 5ook he!e$$$$ This is the
o&e!ation of this t!ansfo!mation needed fo! kingdom &o"e!$
He'rews I!!!

"or if that $rst covenant had 'een faultless, then no place would have 'een
sought for a second!
Because $nding fault with them, He says; "B3H+28, -H3 8A*.
AR3 :+1I0,, .A*. -H3 2+R8, &H30 I &I22 1AN3 A 03& :+930A0- &I-H -H3
H+7.3 +" I.RA32 A08 &I-H -H3 H+7.3 +" J78AH
0+- A::+R8I0, -+ -H3
:+930A0- -HA- I 1A83 &I-H -H3IR "A-H3R. I0 -H3 8A* &H30 I -++N -H31 B*
-H3 HA08 -+ 23A8 -H31 +7- +" -H3 2A08 +" 3,*)-( B3:A7.3 -H3* 8I8 0+-
:+0-I073 I0 1* :+930A0-, A08 I 8I.R3,AR838 -H31, .A*. -H3 2+R8!
-HI. I. -H3 :+930A0- -HA- I &I22 1AN3 &I-H -H3 H+7.3 +" I.RA32 A"-3R -H+.3
8A*., .A*. -H3 2+R8; I &I22 )7- 1* 2A&. I0 -H3IR 1I08 A08 &RI-3 -H31 +0
-H3IR H3AR-.( A08 I &I22 B3 -H3IR ,+8, A08 -H3* .HA22 B3 1* )3+)23!
0+03 +" -H31 .HA22 -3A:H HI. 03I,HB+R, A08 0+03 HI. BR+-H3R, .A*I0,,
%N0+& -H3 2+R8,% "+R A22 .HA22 N0+& 13, "R+1 -H3 23A.- +" -H31 -+ -H3
,R3A-3.- +" -H31!
"+R I &I22 B3 13R:I"72 -+ -H3IR 70RI,H-3+7.03.., A08
-H3IR .I0. A08 -H3IR 2A&23.. 8338. I &I22 R3131B3R 0+ 1+R3!"
In that He
says, "A 03& :+930A0-," He has made the $rst o'solete! 0ow what is 'ecoming
o'solete and growing old is ready to vanish away!
7 .e!e "e go to ans"e! "he! ethe la" "ent$$$$$ .e *FTS .is la"s in ou!
M/ACS, !eating the ne" onsiene, and %</TES them on ou! .E2<TS,
ha#ing faith in "hat ou! onsiene says /B "e 5/STEA and >BEG it$ 5et;s
look at anothe! one$ !!! Titus 1:1+ -o the pure all things are pure, 'ut to those who
are de$led and un'elieving nothing is pure( 'ut even their mind and conscience are
Titus 1:1= -hey profess to know ,od, 'ut in works they deny Him, 'eing a'omina'le,
diso'edient, and dis@uali$ed for every good work!
7 To the &u!e, "ell, !eall "hat "e lea!ned about foods$ The de(led and
unbelie#ing nothing is &u!e, but e#en thei! M/ACS 2AC 9>AS9/EA9E a!e
de(led$ These a!e &eo&le "ho belie#e in God but deny .is &o"e! and ha#e
no faith in "hat they belie#e in, not follo"ing and listening to the la"s in
thei! minds and in thei! hea!ts$ Thus, making them una#ailable fo! God;s
use fo! them, dis4ualifying them f!om good "o!ks, kingdom &o"e!, like an
em&ty #essel "ith no life in it$ >bse!#e: 2Tim 1:@ Bo! God has not gi#en us a
s&i!it of fea!, but of &o"e! and of lo#e and of a sound mind$
1Tim =:3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words,
even the words of our 2ord Jesus :hrist, and to the doctrine which accords with
1Tim =:0 he is proud, knowing nothing, 'ut is o'sessed with disputes and arguments
over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions,
1Tim =:+ useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who
suppose that godliness is a means of gain! "rom such withdraw yourself!
7 Gou ha#e hea!d it and seen it time and again, maybe e#en took &a!t in it, /
kno" / ha#e, 9h!istians "ho like to debate the "o!d of God, bible debates
a!e not healthy beause the 5o!d s&eaks to eah of us di)e!ently$ /t says to
"ithd!a" you!sel#es f!om themH 2gain, a key &oint in the denial of aess
to the kingdom$
But concerning 'rotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you
yourselves are taught 'y ,od to love one another(
and indeed you do so toward
all the 'rethren who are in all 1acedonia! But we urge you, 'rethren, that you
increase more and more(
that you also aspire to lead a @uiet life, to mind your own
'usiness, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you,
that you may
walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing!
7 Cid you hea! that3 M/AC G>F< >%A BFS/AESS3 2nd to "o!k "ith ou! o"n
hands3 So "e may "alk &!o&e!ly T>%2<C FABE5/EVE<S, Kthose "ho a!e
outside the kingdom, those in the "o!ldL, so "e lak A>T./AGH 9ol 3:2 Set
you! mind on things abo#e, not on things on the ea!th$
&hat mind should we have then6
2et this mind 'e in you which was also in
:hrist Jesus,
who, 'eing in the form of ,od, did not consider it ro''ery to 'e e@ual
with ,od,
'ut made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a 'ondservant, and
coming in the likeness of men!
And 'eing found in appearance as a man, He
hum'led Himself and 'ecame o'edient to the point of death, even the death of the
cross! (
-herefore ,od also has highly ealted Him and given Him the name which is
a'ove every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should 'ow, of those in
heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
and that every
tongue should confess that Jesus :hrist is 2ord, to the glory of ,od the "ather!
&A2N 2IN3 :HRI.-!
Phil. 3:
0ot that I have already attained, or am already perfected( 'ut I press on, that I
may lay hold of that for which :hrist Jesus has also laid hold of me!
Brethren, I do
not count myself to have apprehended( 'ut one thing I do, forgetting those things
which are 'ehind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
I press
toward the goal for the pri5e of the upward call of ,od in :hrist Jesus!
-herefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind( and if in anything you
think otherwise, ,od will reveal even this to you!
0evertheless, to the degree that
we have already attained, let us walk 'y the same rule, let us 'e of the same mind!
Brethren, 4oin in following my eample, and note those who so walk, as you
have us for a pattern!
"or many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell
you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of :hrist;
whose end is
destruction, whose god is their 'elly, and whose glory is in their shamewho set their
mind on earthly things!
"or our citi5enship is in heaven, from which we also
eagerly wait for the .avior, the 2ord Jesus :hrist,
who will transform our lowly
'ody that it may 'e conformed to His glorious 'ody, according to the working 'y
which He is a'le even to su'due all things to Himself!
)hil! C;
Be anious for nothing, 'ut in everything 'y prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your re@uests 'e made known to ,od(
and the peace of ,od,
which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through :hrist
7 By doing this, the atual &eae of God "ill gua!d ou! hea!ts and mindsH
3phesians C;
-his I say, therefore, and testify in the 2ord, that you should no
longer walk as the rest of the ,entiles walk, in the futility of their mind, (
their understanding darkened, 'eing alienated from the life of ,od, 'ecause of the
ignorance that is in them, 'ecause of the 'lindness of their heart(
who, 'eing past
feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with
But you have not so learned :hrist,
if indeed you have heard Him
and have 'een taught 'y Him, as the truth is in Jesus;
that you put o>, concerning
your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful
lusts, (
and 'e renewed in the spirit of your mind,
and that you put on the new
man which was created according to ,od, in true righteousness and holiness!
7 %e must not look bakH >ne enlightened, "e t!ead on, mo#ing fo!"a!d,
looking u&, "alking in the kingdom at all times$ .o" though, if "e a!e in a
state of sin, an "e e#e! be !ighteous3 *aul des!ibes the st!uggle #e!y
"ell in his lette! to the <omans, "e (nd in ha&te! @:
&hat shall we say then6 Is the law sin6 :ertainly not! +n the contrary, I would not
have known sin ecept through the law! "or I would not have known covetousness
unless the law had said, "*+7 .HA22 0+- :+93-!"
But sin, taking opportunity 'y
the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire! "or apart from the law
sin was dead!
I was alive once without the law, 'ut when the commandment came,
sin revived and I died!
And the commandment, which was to bring life, I found to
bring death!
"or sin, taking occasion 'y the commandment, deceived me, and 'y
it killed me.
-herefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and 4ust and
Has then what is good 'ecome death to me6 :ertainly not! But sin, that it might
appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the
commandment might 'ecome eceedingly sinful!
"or we know that the law is
spiritual, 'ut I am carnal, sold under sin!
"or what I am doing, I do not understand!
"or what I will to do, that I do not practice( 'ut what I hate, that I do!
If, then, I do
what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good!
But now, it is no longer I
who do it, 'ut sin that dwells in me!
"or I know that in me Othat is, in my ?eshP
nothing good dwells( for to will is present with me, 'ut how to perform what is good I
do not $nd!
"or the good that I will to do, I do not do( 'ut the evil I will not to do,
that I practice!
0ow if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, 'ut sin
that dwells in me!
I $nd then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good!
I delight in the law of ,od according to the inward man!
But I see another law in
my mem'ers, warring against the law of my mind, and 'ringing me into captivity to
the law of sin which is in my mem'ers!
+ wretched man that I am! &ho will deliver me from this 'ody of death6
thank ,odthrough Jesus :hrist our 2ord! .o then, with the mind I myself serve the
law of ,od, 'ut with the ?esh the law of sin!
7 Sounds ho&eless doesn;t it3 %ell, the ans"e! is e?&lained he!e$$$
/ say then: %alk in the S&i!it, and you shall not ful(ll the lust of the
Bo! the Mesh lusts against the S&i!it, and the S&i!it against the
MeshN and these a!e ont!a!y to one anothe!, so that you do not do the
things that you "ish$
But if you a!e led by the S&i!it, you a!e not unde!
the la"$
7 Gou see that3 /f "e a!e led by the S&i!it, not only "e a!e not unde! the
la" of the Mesh but "e "ill not do the things "e "ish to do, that is, "hat
ou! Mesh desi!es to do$ Ao", ski&&ing o#e! to Romans I;
"or those who live according to the ?esh set their minds on the things of the ?esh,
'ut those who live according to the .pirit, the things of the .pirit!
"or to 'e carnally
minded is death, 'ut to 'e spiritually minded is life and peace!
Because the carnal
mind is enmity against ,od( for it is not su'4ect to the law of ,od, nor indeed can 'e!
.o then, those who are in the ?esh cannot please ,od!
But you are not in the ?esh 'ut in the .pirit, if indeed the .pirit of ,od dwells in
you! 0ow if anyone does not have the .pirit of :hrist, he is not His!
And if :hrist is
in you, the 'ody is dead 'ecause of sin, 'ut the .pirit is life 'ecause of
But if the .pirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in
you, He who raised :hrist from the dead will also give life to your mortal 'odies
through His .pirit who dwells in you!
-herefore, 'rethren, we are de'torsnot to the ?esh, to live according to the ?esh!

"or if you live according to the ?esh you will die( 'ut if 'y the .pirit you put to
death the deeds of the 'ody, you will live!
"or as many as are led 'y the .pirit of
,od, these are sons of ,od!
"or you did not receive the spirit of 'ondage again to
fear, 'ut you received the .pirit of adoption 'y whom we cry out, "A''a, "ather!"
-he .pirit Himself 'ears witness with our spirit that we are children of ,od,
and if
children, then heirsheirs of ,od and 4oint heirs with :hrist, if indeed we su>er with
Him, that we may also 'e glori$ed together!
7 2!e you seeing the dynamis in the &o"e! of ou! minds no"3 E#e!ything
begins and ends "ith ou! minds$ The !est follo"s$
-he 2aw of 2ove

AC I know and am convinced 'y the 2ord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself(
'ut to him who considers anything to 'e unclean, to him it is unclean! A= *et if your
'rother is grieved 'ecause of your food, you are no longer walking in love! 8o not
destroy with your food the one for whom :hrist died!
7 Aothing is unlean$ 9ould you imagine being told all of you! life that this
is unlean and that is unlean and no" that nothing is atually unlean3
That is the &o"e! of the S&i!it, something the 5a" ould not gi#e$ The
S&i!it gi#es life, the 5a" does not$ This &enat!ates the #e!y hea!t of man, it
is basially going f!om the 8do "hat / tell you8 to 8this is "hy$8 B!om 5a" to
G!ae$ But to him "ho onside!s anything to be unlean, to ./M it is
unlean, the!e is the &oint / "as making about the onsiene$ But notie
ho" it says yet if you! b!othe! is g!ie#ed beause of you! food, you a!e no
longe! "alking in lo#e3 Aot only a!e "e to &ay s&eial attention to ou! o"n
onsiene and ho" it de#elo&s, but "e must be a"a!e of &ossible "eake!
in faith 9h!istians a!ound us, and let not ou! ondut send a "!ong signal
to them, as it "as e?&lained ea!lie!, "e dont kno" "hat set of guidelines
anothe! &e!son is follo"ing in thei! o"n onsiene$ /t says he!e that "e
an atually CEST<>G someone 9h!ist died fo! in ou! !ekless ondut$
AE -herefore do not let your good 'e spoken of as evil(
7 %hat does this mean3 Co not let you! good be s&oken of as e#il3
Something you see as good, may not be seen as good by someone else, in
fat thay may all it e#il and if so, you may ha#e "eakened thei! faith$ Co
that "hih you all good in se!et to the 5o!d$ Ao" fo! the kingdom$$$
AH for the kingdom of ,od is not eating and drinking, 'ut righteousness and peace
and 4oy in the Holy .pirit! AI "or he who serves :hrist in these thingsFeGis accepta'le
to ,od and approved 'y men!
7 .o" the .oly S&i!it is !e#ealing this to me is this "ay$$$ the kingdom of
God is not about o!dinanes and touh, dont touh, lean and unlean,
these a!e things of milk, things that a!e elementa!y in ou! S&i!itual
eduation$ /n fat, the kingdom of God is &u!suing !ighteousness, that is,
doing "hats !ight beause its the !ight thing to doN "hih b!ings about a
lea! onsiene "hih b!ings in &eae and 'oy in the .oly S&i!it$ .o" do
"e beome !ighteous3 By doing "hats !ight$ /t !eally is that sim&le$ But "e
ha#e a human need to om&liate things, ou! analytial minds a!e often ou!
"o!se enemy, in fat, it ould be #e!y e!tain that the demoni is the #e!y
ul&!it fo! ou! many imaginations$ >k, it says to se!#e 9h!ist in this "ay
and "e "ill be ae&table by God and a&&!o#ed by men$ %hy "ould "e
need to be a&&!o#ed by men3 Ve!y sim&ly, it illust!ates ho" by doing good
by all &eo&le glo!i(es God th!ough eah and e#e!y one of us$ This does not
say to seek mens a&&!o#al, but lo#ing you! neighbo! as you!self gi#es you
a good !e&utation, and if "e a!e 2mbassado!s of 9h!ist "e must !e&!esent
the kingdom of ou! iti:en!y$ Most im&o!tantly, "e don;t kno" "hen God
"ill use ou! s&i!itual "alk to touh someone .e may be alling$ Thus, the
kingdom of God &ossibly touhing an unbelie#e!$ /f you a!e "alking in
&o"e! and glo!y th!ough 9h!ist, that is, &!esent in the kingdom of God on
ea!th, God ouuld use it to touh othe!s$
AJ -herefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things 'y which
one may edify another! <K 8o not destroy the work of ,od for the sake of food!
All things indeed are pure, 'ut it is evil for the man who eats with o>ense!
7 /t is EV/5 fo! the man "ho eats "ith o)ense3 That goes bak to the
onsiene, again &!o#ing my &oint that it sta!ts and ends in the mind$ /t
gets so muh dee&e!, so &lease hang in the!e and kee& !eading$
<A It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything 'y which your
'rother stum'les or is o>ended or is made weak!FfG << 8o you have faith6FgG Have it
to yourself 'efore ,od! Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he
approves! <B But he who dou'ts is condemned if he eats, 'ecause he does not eat
from faith( for whatever is not from faith is sin!FhG
7 2gain, it is a matte! of ones mind, ones onsieneness and ho" he o!
she may se!#e the 5o!d in thei! o"n uni4ueness, at thei! o"n le#el of
unde!standing that has been !e#ealed to them by God and in "hat deg!ee
of s&i!itual eduation they ha#e attained$
19o! 0:26 "or the kingdom of ,od is not in word 'ut in power!
7 not in "o!d, but in &o"e!$ %e "alk in &o"e! "hen "e "alk &!esent in the
kingdom of God, if "e a!e "alking in S&i!it that is$ %e kno" it is not ou!
o"n &o"e! but that of God and 9h!ist -esus$
1 9o!inthians 1+
0ow if :hrist is preached that He has 'een raised from the dead, how do some
among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead6
But if there is no
resurrection of the dead, then :hrist is not risen!
And if :hrist is not risen, then our
preaching is empty and your faith is also empty!
*es, and we are found false
witnesses of ,od, 'ecause we have testi$ed of ,od that He raised up :hrist, whom
He did not raise upif in fact the dead do not rise!
"or if the dead do not rise, then
:hrist is not risen!
And if :hrist is not risen, your faith is futile( you are still in your
-hen also those who have fallen asleep in :hrist have perished!
If in this
life only we have hope in :hrist, we are of all men the most pitia'le!
But now :hrist is risen from the dead, and has 'ecome the $rstfruits of those who
have fallen asleep!
"or since 'y man came death, 'y 1an also came the
resurrection of the dead!
"or as in Adam all die, even so in :hrist all shall 'e made
7 .e!e "e see 2 2dams so to s&eak$ The (!st 2dam th!e" us into death, the
seond 2dam "hom is 9h!ist, o#e!ame death and took life bak fo! us$
2lso did you notie *aul &uts the bu!den of o!iginal sin on 2dam and not
E#e3 /f it "e!e of E#e, "ould 9h!ist had been a "oman3 /nte!esting
thought$ >f ou!se "e kno" it is not E#e "hih the bu!den lays but 2dam
"ho "as the head of he!$ 2lso notie is says, in 9h!ist 255 shall be made
ali#e3 /s all !eally all3 2ll of !eation3 E#e!y &e!son "hom e#e! li#ed3 2ll3
.o" muh is all3 %e (nd that ans"e! ne?t$

But each one in his own order; :hrist the $rstfruits, afterward those who are
:hrist%s at His coming!
# -hose who are :hrist%s A- His return! -here is the All! 0et is the ama5ing
revelation a'out the kingdom!!!
-hen comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to ,od the "ather, when
He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power!

.E CE5/VE<S T.E K/AGC>M T> T.E B2T.E<H %>%H %hen he &uts an end
to 255 !ule and 255 autho!ity and &o"e! that is both human and demoni$
The Kingdom is being BF/5T !ight he!e and !ight no"H .e!e and no"H Ae?t
"e disuss the onsummation$ .o" it all ends and "hy$
"or He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet!
# 8oes this mean :hrist reigns today6 *ou 'et He does!

-he last enemy that will 'e destroyed is death!
# -he 2A.- enemy that will 'e destroyed I. 83A-H!
"or "H3 HA. )7- A22 -HI0,. 7083R HI. "33-!" But when He says "all things
are put under Him," it is evident that He who put all things under Him is ecepted!

0ow when all things are made su'4ect to Him, then the .on Himself will also 'e
su'4ect to Him who put all things under Him, that ,od may 'e all in all!
7 .e!e is the g!eat onsummation in fullness$ %hen all of us a!e one "ith
God, "ith absolutley no sin, no Mesh, no da!kness, nothing but light, lo#e
and all the fullness of God d"ells in us by the "o!k 9h!ist did$
+therwise, what will they do who are 'apti5ed for the dead, if the dead do not
rise at all6 &hy then are they 'apti5ed for the dead6
And why do we stand in
4eopardy every hour6
I a/rm, 'y the 'oasting in you which I have in :hrist Jesus
our 2ord, I die daily!
If, in the manner of men, I have fought with 'easts at
3phesus, what advantage is it to me6 If the dead do not rise, "23- 7. 3A- A08
8RI0N, "+R -+1+RR+& &3 8I3!"
8o not 'e deceived; "3vil company corrupts
good ha'its!"
Awake to righteousness, and do not sin( for some do not have the
knowledge of ,od! I speak this to your shame!
#&hat powerful words )aul spoke here! &e can imagine what was going on with
these people! -hey must have 'een doing whatever they pleased and took
advantage of their li'erty and freedom 'y keeping company and participating in the
deeds of un'elievers! It was shameful for them as they got wayward in their li'erties!
0et we are going very deep into things! )ay attention here!
But someone will say, "How are the dead raised up6 And with what 'ody do
they come6"
"oolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies!
7 %hat %E so" annot be made ali#e until it dies (!stH >u! #e!y &hysial
bodies annot be made ali#e, that is, !esu!et until it diesH Think of ou!
bodies like a &od, a seedling$ The mate!ial that is ontained in the &od o!
seed is life, the s&i!it "aiting to s&!ing into g!o"th as the sun does to the
seed o! &od$ But (!st it must be nou!ished "ith "ate!, and sunshine, only
then it "ill s&!out u&, !aise abo#e g!ound so to s&eak, fo! ou! bodies in
anothe! "o!ds, fo! ou! bodies to shed o) the s&i!it "ithin, out of the "o!ld
and into ou! !esu!etion, "ith ou! hea#enly bodies$ The &od dies, then
"hats inside omes to life$
And what you sow, you do not sow that 'ody that shall 'e, 'ut mere grain
perhaps wheat or some other grain.
But ,od gives it a 'ody as He pleases, and to
each seed its own 'ody!
All ?esh is not the same ?esh, 'ut there is one kind of
?esh of men, another ?esh of animals, another of $sh, and another of 'irds!
are also celestial 'odies and terrestrial 'odies( 'ut the glory of the celestial is one,
and the glory of the terrestrial is another!
-here is one glory of the sun, another
glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars( for one star di>ers from another
star in glory!
# -ake note, there are celestial and terrestrial 'odies!
.o also is the resurrection of the dead! The body is sown in corruption, it is raised
in incorruption!
It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory! It is sown in weakness, it
is raised in power!
It is sown a natural 'ody, it is raised a spiritual 'ody! -here is a
natural 'ody, and there is a spiritual 'ody!
7 Think of ea!th as one mass ga!den, That;s it$ %e a!e "hat is g!o"ing
he!e$ %e a!e all so"n in the soil of the ea!th, "e a!e made of the #e!y
elements of the ea!th, f!om the dust of the ea!th !ight3 The!e a!e "eeds in
e#e!y ga!den, the!e a!e enemies of e#e!y ga!den, bugs, snakes, dee!, et$$$
Think of it as if the .oly S&i!it is the fe!tili:e!$ 2nd in the g!eat ea!th
ga!den, it is &ossible to let ou! !oots g!o" too dee&, that is to beome &a!t
of the "o!ld$ .a#e you e#e! notied that the !oots of most "eeds a!e muh
dee&e! than that of good foilage3 So it is "ith ou! &hysial bodies,
de&ending on "hat s&i!it "e ha#e$ *e!sonally, / "ould like to &itu!e myself
a #ib!ant g!een moss sitting e#e! so lightly on a single !ok !athe! than a
dandelion (!mly !ooted in the soil of this "o!ld, looking &!etty f!om the
outside, &!ofessing / am a 9h!istian but !ooted in e#il$
And so it is written, "-H3 "IR.- 1A0 A8A1 B3:A13 A 2I9I0, B3I0,!" -he last
Adam became a lifeQgiving spirit!
However, the spiritual is not $rst, 'ut the natural, and afterward the spiritual!

-he $rst man was of the earth, made of dust( the second 1an is the 2ord from
As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust( and as
is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly!
And as we have 'orne
the image of the man of dust, we shall also 'ear the image of the heavenly Man.
# Are you seeing the dynamics here6 &e must con@uer the world, we must
overcome the world, we must get out of the garden and into the kingdom!
0ow this I say, 'rethren, that ?esh and 'lood cannot inherit the kingdom of
,od( nor does corruption inherit incorruption!
# &e must understand that ?esh and 'lood is a simple pod, nothing more! -he
net verse has also 'een grossly misinterpreted!
Behold, I tell you a mystery; &e shall not all sleep, 'ut we shall all 'e changed

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet! "or the trumpet will
sound, and the dead will 'e raised incorrupti'le, and we shall 'e changed!
7 So many ha#e ome to belie#e this is the !a&tu!e "hen atually *aul
he!e is sim&ly des!ibing the &!oess of ho" "e "ill !eei#e ou! hea#enly
bodies$ This is ha!#est time in the g!eat ea!th ga!den$ This is "hen "e
ha#e ome to f!uitation$ /n a "ay, think of us as an o!hid, The seeds a!e
gene!ally almost mi!oso&i and #e!y nume!ous, in some s&eies o#e! a
million &e! a&sule$ 2fte! !i&ening, they blo" o) like dust &a!tiles o!
s&o!es$ / see this as "hen God alls someone, like the s&i!it of the "o!ld
blo"ing o) and the .oly S&i!it mo#ing in, "hen they a!e bo!n again but
like the o!hid, if They lak endos&e!m KGod;s %o!dL and don;t ente!
symbioti !elationshi&s "ith #a!ious fungi K the .oly S&i!itL that &!o#ide
them the neessa!y nut!ients, they "ill fail to ge!minate Kb!ing good
f!uitL, so that all o!hid s&eies a!e myohete!ot!o&hi du!ing ge!mination
and !eliant u&on fungi K.oly S&i!itL to om&lete thei! lifeyles, as "e a!e
!eliant on the .oly S&i!it to om&lete ou! life yle "hih is to be !aised
"ith 9h!ist$ / gi#e you a natu!al &!oess beause "e too a!e a natu!al
&!oess$ / "ant to im&!ess u&on you the im&o!tane of ho" unim&o!tant
ou! atual bodies a!e and ho" #e!y im&o!tant ou! S&i!its a!e$ .o" "e
g!o", ho" dee& "e !oot ou!sel#es in the "o!ld, "hat "e feed o) of fo!
g!o"th, that is s&i!itual g!o"th, and ho" "e should not fea! death beause
its is #ital fo! ou! bodies o! 8&ods8 to die o) so the inne! being, an !aise
"ith 9h!ist$
"or this corrupti'le must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on
.o when this corrupti'le has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on
immortality, then shall 'e 'rought to pass the saying that is written; "83A-H I.
.&A22+&38 7) I0 9I:-+R*!"
# 8eath is then swallowed up in I-.32"! 8o you see that6 8eath will swallow itself,
'asically self destruct!
"+ 83A-H, &H3R3 I. *+7R .-I0,6 + HA83., &H3R3 I. *+7R 9I:-+R*6"
sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law!
But thanks be to ,od, who
gives us the victory through our 2ord Jesus :hrist!
-herefore, my 'eloved
'rethren, 'e steadfast, immova'le, always a'ounding in the work of the 2ord,
knowing that your la'or is not in vain in the 2ord!
2et us o'serve :hrist in His fullness!!!!
He'rews A
,odDs .upreme Revelation
A ,od, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers
'y the prophets, < has in these last days spoken to us 'y His .on, whom He has
appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds( B who 'eing the
'rightness of His glory and the epress image of His person, and upholding all things
'y the word of His power, when He had 'y HimselfFaG purged ourF'G sins, sat down at
the right hand of the 1a4esty on high, C having 'ecome so much 'etter than the
angels, as He has 'y inheritance o'tained a more ecellent name than they!
-he .on 3alted A'ove Angels
= "or to which of the angels did He ever say;
L *ou are 1y .on,
-oday I have 'egotten *ouM6FcG
And again;
L I will 'e to Him a "ather,
And He shall 'e to 1e a .onM6FdG
E But when He again 'rings the $rst'orn into the world, He says;
L 2et all the angels of ,od worship Him!MFeG
H And of the angels He says; L &ho makes His angels spirits
And His ministers a ?ame of $re!MFfG
I But to the .on He says;
L *our throne, + ,od, is forever and ever(
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of *our kingdom!
J *ou have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness(
-herefore ,od, *our ,od, has anointed *ou
&ith the oil of gladness more than *our companions!MFgG
AK And;L *ou, 2+R8, in the 'eginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of *our hands!
AA -hey will perish, 'ut *ou remain(
And they will all grow old like a garment(
A< 2ike a cloak *ou will fold them up,
And they will be changed.
But *ou are the same,
And *our years will not fail!MFhG
AB But to which of the angels has He ever said; L .it at 1y right hand,
-ill I make *our enemies *our footstoolM6FiG
AC Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will
inherit salvation6
The Aine Keys
2 *ete!
But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue
to knowledge selfQcontrol, to selfQcontrol perseverance, to perseverance
to godliness 'rotherly kindness, and to 'rotherly kindness love!
"or if
these things are yours and a'ound, you will be neither 'arren nor unfruitful in the
knowledge of our 2ord Jesus :hrist!
"or he who lacks these things is shortsighted,
even to 'lindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins!
-herefore, 'rethren, 'e even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if
you do these things you will never stum'le(
for so an entrance will 'e supplied to
you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus
<e# 11:1+ -hen the seventh angel sounded; And there were loud voices in heaven,
saying, "-he kingdoms of this world have 'ecome the kingdoms of our 2ord and of
His :hrist, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
1 -ohn +:0 Bo! "hatsoe#e! is bo!n of God o#e!ometh the "o!ld: and this is
the #ito!y that o#e!ometh the "o!ld, e#en ou! faith$
So "!a&&ing u& he!e "ith this study "e (nd that the kingdom of GodN
The ele#enth hou! is u&on us all, many ha#e been alled to this a"aking$
5uke 1@:
Ao" "hen .e "as asked by the *ha!isees "hen the kingdom of
God "ould ome, .e ans"e!ed them and said, 8The kingdom of God does
not ome "ith obse!#ationN
no! "ill they say, ;See he!eH; o! ;See the!eH;
Bo! indeed, the kingdom of God is "ithin you$8 <emembe! the o!hid$ 5et
the "ind blo" a"ay you! "o!ldy s&o!es and seed$ So" that "hih is good
and ae&table by God, lea!n "hat lo#e !eally is and li#e by it, listen to
you! onsiene and kee& it guilt f!ee, gua!d you! mind and you! s&i!it "ith
the things of God and of lo#e and by no means anything "ill hu!t you$
The KEGs into the kingdom of God he!e and no":
The keys to the kingdom "as said to be gi#en to *ete!, indeed they "e!e
ho"e#e!, *ete! sha!ed the kno"ledge of the keys and as "e lea!ned, he
sha!ed them in 2 *ete!$ %ould you like abundant aess to the Kingdom of
God3 .e!e a!e the nine keys$$$$$
diligene, add to your faith #i!tue, to #i!tue kno"ledge,
to kno"ledge self,
ont!ol, to self,ont!ol &e!se#e!ane, to &e!se#e!ane godliness,
godliness b!othe!ly kindness, and to b!othe!ly kindness lo#e
5ets b!eak it do"n fu!the!$$
>ne you ha#e lea!ned about faith, and you! faith is st!ong, you mo#e to
the le?t le#el "hih is #i!tue$ 5ea!ning to do good and "hat is ae&table
to God at all times$ one you ha#e aom&lished this lass!oom, you mo#e
to kno"ledge$ Ao" you a!e getting on to the solid foods, you ha#e 'ust
ente!ed -unio! 9ollege$ Kno"ledge "ill in!ease, that is if you a!e
sustaining in all you ha#e lea!ned thus fa!, the 5o!d "ill !e#eal things to
you, the .oly S&i!it "ill !e#eal things, e#en the se!ets of God$ %hen you
ha#e aom&lished ho" to hea! .is #oie, al"ays ating on "hat .e says,
s&eaking th!ough you! good onsiene, you mo#e to self ont!ol$ /
"onde!ed "hy self ont!ol "as so fa! do"n on the list$ The 5o!d told me it
is beause one annot !ef!ain f!om th lusts of the Mesh until these ha#e
been li#ed (!st$ Think about it, self ont!ol is not easy and many ne"
9h!istians t!y to ha#e self ont!ol (!st only to (nd themsel#es failing time
and time again, baksliding they all it, "hih gi#es them huge
disa&ointment in the %alk "ith the 5o!d, feeling guilty, ontinuing to li#e
"ith a guilty onsiene "hih kee&s them se&a!ated f!om God and the
kingdom, e?atly "hat Satan "antsH So, self ont!ol is attained th!ough
diligene, faith, #i!tue and kno"ledge$ %o"H >ne "e lea!n self ont!ol,
"hih / imagine eah of these ste&s is a &!oess in itself, "e g!aduate f!om
-unio! 9ollege and ente! into the Fni#e!sity "ith &e!se!#e!ane$
*e!se!#e!ane is not easy and an only be attained by follo"ing this model
e?atly in o!de! and e#en then, it is a &!oess$ Aone of this ha&&ens o#e!
night$ .o" many times does it say in the Book of <e#elation, fo! us to
8endu!e38 %e annot lose hea!t$ /t also says that many "ill de&a!t f!om the
faith and hase dot!ines of demons, again &e!se!#e!ane is like building
ou! house on solid g!ound$ By this le#el in matu!ation in 9h!ist, the
demoni "ill beome e#en mo!e att!ated to you and you! life, the!efo!e, it
makes &e!fet sense that "e must at this le#el, lea!n &e!se!#e!ane$ Ae?t
"e (nd godliness$ This is getting into the Maste! *!og!am$ /f "e a!e
faithful, #i!tuos, kno"ledgable, self ont!olled in ou! Mesh and "e
&e!se!#e!e "hih is being steadfast, "e lea!n to "alk in all godliness$ 2fte!
godliness, "e (nd the Coto!al *!og!ams of b!othe!ly kindess and lo#e$ %e
lea!n "hat b!othe!ly kindess !eally is at the end of ou! Eduation fo! the
Keys to the kingdom beause !eal lo#e must be genuinely f!om the hea!t
not 'ust in deed but in &o"e! and authentiity$ .o" many times ha#e any of
us said, ho" do / lo#e that monste! of a &e!son3 %e lea!n if "e follo" these
ste&s$ 2gain, it;s a &!oess$ Then the t!uly aom&lished 9h!istian "ill
(nally get thei! Coto!al in lo#e$ 5o#e is the most om&le? issue in all and
of all$
/s it &ossible to be aom&lished in this3 Ges$ %ill "e stumble at times3 of
ou!se$ But "e kee& goingH
Ciligene J 2n ati#e kingdom lifestyle, being diligent is to ne#e! "a#e!,
being steadfast$ <emembe!ing that "e ente! the kingdom of God th!ough
many t!ibulations in ou! life$ 2Iition is the ent!ane$ But its ou! !eation,
o&ing skills and ondution to aIition that eithe! kee& u& loked out of
the kingdom o! the &o"e! in "hih "e "alk in it$
Baith J B!om the hea!t of manO"omanOhild$ Baith an g!o", "e an ha#e
in!ease in faith$ Baith is "hat is ho&ed fo! fo! that "hih is unseen$ Baith
in fat, is "he!e many &eo&le ha#e st!uggles, this is the le#el most annot
get &ast$ 2n e?am&le is "o!!y$ /f you ha#e "o!!y in you! life fo! any
i!umstane, you lak faith that God is in om&lete ont!ol and you ha#e
not lea!ned that in ou! aIitions, "e a!e being built u& "ith mo!e faith /B
"e &ut faith in God that .e "ill see us th!ough "hate#e! i!umstane$ /f
you "o!!y about &!o#isions, you lak faith$ T!ue faith is om&lete !eliane
on God in e#e!y matte! in ou! li#es and the akno"ledgment that if "e a!e
being b!ought do"n th!ough aIitions, it is beause the!e a!e things the
5o!d is t!ying to add to us, something "e lak that is to be built u&$
Vi!tue J Vi!tue is attained th!ough the mind and in ondut$ Vi!tue is the
outome of a lea! onsiene$ 5istening to the .oly S&i!it and doing "hat
is good and ae&table to God$ Making a onsiene e)o!t to do good
al"ays e#en du!ing the attem&ted sna!es of ou! ad#asa!y, the de#il$ 5i#ing
a lean and holy life is to li#e a life of #i!tue$
Kno"ledge J .a#ing "o!ldy kno"ledge is not &!o(table but !athe!
kno"ledge of s&i!itual matte!s$ Kno"ledge omes by hea!ing the #oie of
the .oly S&i!it$ Ci#ine Kno"ledge only omes "hen the &!e#ious ste&s
ha#e been attained$ This is the &!oess of the 8"hy;s8 of you! life$ To ha#e
unde!standing /S kno"ledge$ 2e&tane in all matte!s an only be
attained if you unde!stand the "hy behind it, e#en though "e may not
kno" the "hy of a i!umstane until "e #ie" it in hindsight, it is ha#ing
kno"ledge to"a!d a s&i!itual ma!k in you! life$ Th!ough kno"ledge omes
&eae and 'oy and omfo!t$
Self 9ont!ol J .a#ing the ability to tame you! Meshly desi!es and you! e#il
mindful desi!es$ This ob#iously takes time but if you a!e "o!king these
ste&s, you should be "alking in the s&i!it no", so "o!king on self ont!ol
an be ahie#ed at this &oint$ %e sim&ly !efe! to "hat "e ha#e lea!n
&!e#iously and "e gain st!ength fo! self ont!ol$ %e also must
akno"ledge that "e annot ont!ol ou! Mesh "ithout God;s hel&$ 2gain,
anothe! element of !elying on God soley in all of ou! i!umstanes and
s&i!itual eduation$
*e!se!#e!ane J This le#el being a #e!y matu!e le#el att!ats the demoni$
>ften God uses the demoni to test ou! %alk$ /t is not im&ossible to get
onto a "ay"a!d &ath e#en at this le#el$ This is the le#el of enlightenment,
though "e "ould assume the le#el of kno"ledge "ould be enlightenment,
that is not the ase$ Gou see, "hen "e t!uly endu!e all these things "ith
God, enlightenment takes &lae th!ough ou! endu!ane K&e!se!#e!aneL$
/t;s the ation, it;s kingdom li#ing that &!odues enlightement$ Standing
and &u!suing things of God on a daily basis, taking the enemy head on and
being a !ighteous soldie! in 9h!ist, &utting on the a!mo! of God daily
KStudy E&hesians =L$ This is the s&i!itual "a!fa!e le#el$ %hen you endu!e,
you a!e on the battle(eld, you lite!ally a!e "alking in the su&e!natu!al$
2Iitions "ill ome at you f!om e#e!y di!etion, thoughts of you! &ast,
ne" dot!ine, "o!dly a)ai!s, fea! !ee&ing u& "hile "athing the
&!o&heti$ %e must and a!e ommanded to endu!e$ 2s it says, th!ough
t!ibulation "e ente! the kingdom of God$
Godliness J Godliness is onduting a lifestyle that says, 8"alk like
9h!ist$8 .a#ing no &a!t in da!kness, "o!ldly a)ai!s, mate!ials and the
illusions of this "o!ld$ To be godly is to ha#e enmity "ith the "o!ld$ 2
f!iend of the "o!ld is an enemy of God$ .e!e "e ontinue to li#e out of the
"o!ld and in the kingdom$ The ungodly lo#e the "o!ld, thus "e do not, but
see it fo! "hat it !eally is$ 2 t!a&$ Being godly is both in ondut and
kno"ledge, &ei!ing ou! hea!ts the la"s of God and li#ing them$ /t says, Be
ye holy beause / am .oly$ Godliness and holiness a!e the same, so "hen
you think of being godly, you a!e being holy$
B!othe!ly Kindness J /f "e ha#e lea!ned all the ste&s so fa!, "e a!e no"
able to &!odue the good f!uit of b!othe!ly lo#e$ Seeing that God lo#es
e#e!yone 'ust as .e lo#es us$ %hen someone does e#il to us, "e see "hat
dynamis a!e !eally at &lay a!ound that &e!son, the demoni$ 2lso, being
onsiene of anothe! b!othe! o! siste! in the Baith;s "eaknesses and being
a!eful "ith ou! libe!ties in 9h!ist -esus so ou! libe!ties do not make
anothe! stumble$ God so lo#ed the "o!ld he ga#e .is only Begotten Son,
means .e t!uly lo#es all mankind, the!efo!e, "e should t!eat e#e!y &e!son,
e#en #ile &eo&le "ith kindness and !es&et$ God !eated e#e!y &e!son,
e#e!y &e!son is a !eation of God, shall "e hate "hat God has !eated3 Ao$
.ate the e#il not the &e!son being ont!olled by e#il$ Coes it not say that
God is the a#enge! of an e#il &e!son3 Th!ough ats of kindness e#en "hen
"e a!e not om&elled to do so, something takes !oot in us, and that is the
last key to om&lete all le#els$ 5o#e$
5o#e J 5o#e is e#e!ything$ 5o#e is the genuine &u!&ose fo! all things
!eated and all things that a!e ha&&ening in todays "o!ld$ To "alk in lo#e is
to be f!ee of 'udgment and 'udging othe!s$ This is the g!aduating lass,
that enables us to e?&e!iene 'oy, &eae, ontentment, to be satis(ed in all
God has done fo! us and all that .e is doing fo! us$ .a#e you e#e! ome
a!oss a 9h!istian "ho seemed so ontent about e#e!ything3 2s if they
ne#e! "o!!y about anything3 2nd you said to you!self, / "ish / ould be like
thatH >! you may ha#e e#en said, "hat a mo!on, don;t they kno" "hats
going on in the "o!ld3 >! a &e!son "ho has a ton of &!oblems but seems
like they ha#e in!edible st!ength you "ish you had3 This is the f!uit of
thei! "alk, they 'ust may ha#e g!aduated and a!e no" "alking in &o"e!
and glo!y in 9h!ist ha#ing full aess to the hea#enly !ealm of the kingdom
of God and a!e li#ing it, that kingdom "ithin$ This is the aom&lishent of
li#ing /A the kingdom %/T./A you$ %e a!e "alking not by sight o! hea!ing,
not by "o!d but &o"e!$ The kingdom of God is "ithin you, that means you
li#e in it but you must b!ing it out$ Gou no longe! !eognise you! Mesh o!
the "o!ld, but the inne! man as it says, the s&i!itual "alk$ Gou ha#e
a"akened to you! t!ue identity "hih is the kingdom li#ing in you$ /t is
&!esent and tangible$ >ne lo#e has been lea!ned, unde!standing "he!e
the kingdom is, astounds you beause its been inside you the "hole time,
you 'ust didn;t ha#e the keys to unlok the gates$ 5o#e unloks the gates
but lo#e annot be attained "ithout (!st lea!ning, diligene, faith, #i!tue,

self,ont!ol, &e!se#e!ane, godliness and

b!othe!ly kindness$
A &ord from our 2ord
I beg you to seek what I am saying, take heed, for the days of the end are upon you.
Those who listen and obey, will not only overcome th world and walk in power and
glory in Christ but will also be protected on the ay of !engence. Take heed Israel,
my hand is upon you, I will bring every earthly king and nation against you until you
repent. "ou peicred my #on, and you will weep for yours. The world will cry out, the
rocks will cry out, the skies will befall their stars, the sun will hide its life giving light
from you. The edges of the earth crusts will be shaken to its core and every bird
from the sky will fall. o not run or hide, there is nowhere you can go and no where
you can hide from my face. I will seek you out of every crack and hole in this earth.
#tand when I say #tand, $ee only when I say $ee, do not seek to save your life or I
will take it away. %ife is waiting for you my little children, hold my hand in this dark
hour and when you come into my light, you will see me in my glory and I will
embrace you and you will know that I am your %ord &od. #aleh

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