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Weekly Bulletin


Saint Joseph Church, Arma

GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am

Notes from the Pastor: I thank all of you for your hospitality in welcoming Fr. Richard Tillman and the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging last weekend. He was happy for your response and we continue to hope and pray that their ministry will continue to flourish. I also received an email from the Diocesan Together Vision which reads as follows: Dear Fr. Lumbre, The Office of Development provides this report to pastors eight weeks after the bishops visit to your parish. Please use this information as you see fit. The TOGETHER vision has received $51,161.88 in pledges and gifts from 8 donors in the St. Michael, Girard Parish family. The TOGETHER vision has received $7,100.00 in pledges and gifts from 8 donors in the St. Joseph, Arma Parish family. Thank you for sharing responsibility in the future of our Diocese. Coryanne Graham TOGETHER Communications Coordinator Catholic Diocese of Wichita 424 N. Broadway | Wichita KS |67202 316.440.1744 Once again, thank you and May God bless you for all your generosity! Also, last Sunday, I wrote about our Christian duty to stand for what we believe in especially when

CONFESSION Sat. 2:00-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales/Marcel Normand Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Judy Smerchek Secretary Rectory Office Hours Wednesdays 9AM-Noon Tel. (620) 347-4525

Next Saturday(2/4/2012) Altar Servers: Ushers E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 4:00 PM Trevor Graham Dave Petrey & Bill Harman Linda Carpino Laurie Graham Georganne Galichia & Virginia Rowland
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 8AM-6PM 8:00 AM 9AM-4PM 7:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Next Sunday(2/5/2012) 8:00 AM Kaylee Bogina Greg Bogina & Mike Ashbacher Tracey Bogina Pat Westhoff Alice & Bob Davied

Mass Schedules & Intentions for January 28tht-February 5th

January 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 No Intention Virginia Roshay Roy & Pauline Harman Frank N. Johnson Elsie Elmer Tony Carpino Elsie Elmer Eucharistic Adoration Jackie Amershek Eucharistic Adoration Elsie Elmer No Intention Elsie Elmer No Intention Virginia Roshay Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Arma Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

they are entangled with the intricacies of society and politics. While we are committed to non-violent actions , we are also encouraged to act and do everything as dictated by our conscience. I am including here in our bulletin a copy of Bishop Jackels homily last Sunday which is in response to Secretary Sebellius, Health and Human Services Director. Our bishop is encouraging us to pray more and to move into action by contacting our representatives and expressing the voice of our Catholic conscience. I hope and pray, as good Catholic, we will respond to this call actively and positively and pray more for strength for all of us and for the truth and good to prevail. God bless you all! Fr. Roger Free Will Donation Breakfast Make plans to attend, Sunday, February 12th following the 8:00am Mass. The money collected will be used as start up money for the up and coming Spaghetti Feed that will be held on Sunday, May 6th. Cindy Keith will donate a quilted wall hanging that she has made. We will be asking for a 50 cent donation for each ticket. Tickets will only be available at the breakfast. Planning Committee The planning committee for the Spaghetti Feed, like the one that St. Joseph used to have, will meet Tuesday, January 31st at 6pm in the rectory.


COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions Contributions Over/ (Under)

Saint Josephs Upcoming Events Finance Council Next Meeting TBA St. Ann Altar Society Wednesday, January 18th 6:00pm, weather permitting Parish Council Next Meeting TBA Knights of Columbus 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm St. Michael Parish Hall

July 2011 to date N/A N/A N/A

1/15-$1,040.00 1/22- $797.00

Sebelius went so far as to say that she believes that this decree strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventive services. But how can you speak of balance when the result is taking away religious liberty and conscience protection? There are exceptions; for example, a religious organization will not be forced to go against its conscience if it qualifies as a religious organization according to the federal tax code, and if it hires and serves mainly people of the same faith, and if its sole purpose is to teach religious doctrine. I cant think of what kind of religious organization might possibly qualify for this exemption. The only other exception is for religious organizations that since 2010 have made no changes to their health insurance plans beyond those specifically allowed by the federal government. The Diocese of Wichita and its employee health insurance program enjoys this second exemption, at least for now. But we may still be forced by the federal government to provide notice to employees about where contraceptives and sterilizations are available. Even though the Diocese of Wichita as an employer presently enjoys an exemption, the Catholic faithful here should still be concerned Concerned because the federal government could in the future still make new requirements that would force us to do something against our conscience. A lot depends on who is running the government, and whether or not that administration is friendly towards religious liberty and conscience protection. Concerned because it does affect many other religious organizations, Catholic and others, that are denied religious liberty and forced to act against their conscience. Concerned because this mandate does not respect the diversity that is so much a part of our national unity. Concerned also because religious liberty and conscience protection are being threatened in a very real and concrete way, right here and now: the government forcing a Church to do something that it judges to be morally objectionable. Catholic social justice teaches that, in keeping with human dignity, people have a right to health care. But it also teaches that, again, in keeping with human dignity, people have a right to freedom of religion and of conscience; to have that taken away is too high a price to pay for health care. I said earlier that I feel a little like Jonah, also because I am not sure how people will react to this message. I am not looking that we fast, put on sack cloth and sit in ashes. My hope is rather that we will contact our elected leaders and let them know that we do not want to be forced to act against our beliefs, we or anyone else, and that we want religious liberty and conscience protection restored. And pray, pray more, pray more harder.

Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Chair Pat Westhoff Members at Large Emil Pronier, Betty Rons & Marcel Normand Secretary Karen Pryer Worship Committee: Chair Karen Pryer Lectors Marcel Normand E.M.Es Joann Black Music Jan Harman Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Sacristan Larry Pronier Rosary Altar Society: Judy Smerchek *Note: Helen Normand resigned as president of the Altar Society although she indicated she will continue to help especially with the Community Pantry Christmas project. Judy Smerchek is elected new president, Trish Kreutzer vice-president, Joan Black-secretary, and Barbara Espositotreasurer. St. Joseph Day Dinner this March is their coming project! Parish Finance Council: Chair Fred Bogina Members Bill Harman, Judy Wingebach, Linda Broyles (The following is the homily of Bishop Jackels on the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, January 22, 2012. Please read and reflect on it. Pray about it and hopefully, act on it.) Many of us are familiar with the story of the prophet Jonah being swallowed by a whale. That happened because Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh and preach. Maybe Jonah didnt want to deliver Gods message because it threatened doom, or because he didnt know how the people would react: repent, or attack? I feel a little like Jonah. I would rather not have to deliver this message, mostly because the message itself is sad and disturbing. You may have heard the news item from this past Friday: Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services Director, decreed that a religious organization (like a Church) that offers health insurance to its employees will be forced to cover contraceptives(some of which can cause an abortion) and sterilizations, free of charge even if it believes in conscience that these are morally objectionable.


+In Memoriam+ Let us pray for the eternal repose of the soul of Verl Diskin, the father of Janel Scales our bookkeeper and bulletin editor. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord. And let perpetual life shine upon him. Amen.

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