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School of Social Sciences and International Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

ARTS1870 Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology

Semester 1, 2011

You can purchase your reading kit from the UNSW bookstore on campus. You will also need ready access to the The First Year Experience, by A. Game and A. Metcalfe (Federation Press, Sydney 2003), which you can also buy at the UNSW bookstore. & You must bring this course outline and your reading kit to all lectures and tutorials

Course Coordinator and Course EnquiriesPage 4 Lecture Time. Page 4 Course details, Summary of the Course .. Page 5 Aims of the Course and Course Objectives . Page 5 Student Learning Outcomes Page 6 Graduate Attributes . Page 6 Rational for the Inclusion of Content and Teaching Approach Page 6 Teaching strategies .. Page 7 Assessment .. Page 9 Marking Criteria .. Page 13 Submission of Assignments and Extensions .. Page 13 Academic Honesty and Plagiarism .. Page 11 Resources . Page 14 Weekly lecture programme and tutorial topics Page 15 Grading and Marks .. Page 28 Course Evaluation and Development .. Page 29 Attendance .. Page 29 Submission of Assignments and Extensions ... Page 30 Special Consideration .. Page 30 Review of Results ... Page 31 Occupational Health and Safety .. Page 32 Student Support Services Page 32 Further Course Reading Page 33

COURSE CONVENORS & LECTURERS Dr . Amanda Kear ney & Pr of. Andr ew Metcalfe


Amanda Kearney Room 151, 1st floor, Morven Brown Building Phone 9385 8485 Email: Consultation Hours: see notice on office door Andrew Metcalfe Room 168, 1st floor, Morven Brown Building Phone 9385 2410 Email: Consultation Hours: see notice on office door

Should you need to meet outside of these times, you can approach us during the lecture break to make an appointment at an alternative time.

LECTURES There are two lectures times, however you only need to attend the one you are enrolled in.

BLACKBOARD There will be a Blackboard page for this course, where you will find weekly lecture material (slides, links etc) posted weekly, there will also be a blog/discussion board for you to engage with your class mates on the weekly topics, assessment and other course related issues. The link for Blackboard is:

Course details Units of Cr edit


Summar y of the Cour se

This course offers an introduction to the disciplines of Sociology and Anthropology. Ideas to be considered will include society, power, culture, identity, modernity, family, kinship, belonging, advocacy and social justice. The course will look at the historical development of the disciplines, but more importantly will highlight contemporary applications of the disciplines in todays world. Students will engage with what sociologist and anthropologists do and will be given opportunities to reflect on the relevance of these topics to other disciplines in the social sciences. The course serves as an introduction to the key concepts underpinning Sociology and Anthropology. Throughout this course students will engage with how social groups interact with each other and negotiate change.

Aims of the Cour se

Course aims Encourage students to develop their own intellectual skills in a creative exchange with teachers and other students Introduce an appreciation of classic and contemporary texts in the discipline Develop the ability to apply key concepts in everyday situations Encourage an appreciation of the connections between theory and empirical work Provide a sound basis for further study in Sociology and Anthropology Provide an opportunity for students to develop their skills in research, reading, writing, analysis and collaboration with others

Cour se Objectives
On successful completion of this unit, students will: 1. value critical evaluation and analysis of the cultural markers we leave on the world and each other as we move through it 2. have the capacity for independent thought and research 3. have the capacity to build a learning community among students and make connections with other courses in the Social Sciences 4. have engaged in written and oral presentations which reflect these understandings as well as an awareness of the value of interdisciplinary approaches to a study of this kind. Objectives of Fir st Year : Students successfully completing this course will: 1. develop the capacity to locate the University Library catalogue, appropriate social sciences databases, relevant websites and other sources 2. develop effective reading and study habits and note taking skills 3. demonstrate the ability to develop critical arguments based upon appropriate sources 4. demonstrate the ability to reference sources and to comply with bibliographic conventions 5. demonstrate an understanding of introductory Sociology and Anthropology

6. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of cross-cultural awareness and respect 7. demonstrate an appreciation of the multi-dimensional effects of individuals and communities 8. develop a basic understanding of the nature of representations of individuals and communities historically and in the present, and the role which major academic disciplines have played in these representations 9. develop an appreciation of social justice and human rights

Student Lear ning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course students will be able to: 1. read key and classic texts and apply them in analysis of social realities 2. appreciate the perspectives central to Sociology and Anthropology 3. demonstrate a familiarity with the history of the disciplines and change over time 4. establish creative and reflexive work disciplines 5. undertake library and independent research 6. work collaboratively with other students 7. speak and present in small groups

Gr aduate Attr ibutes

The students will be encouraged to develop the following Graduate Attributes by undertaking the selected activities and knowledge content. These attributes will be assessed within the prescribed assessment tasks. The skills involved in scholarly enquiry (Graduate Attribute 1). Information literacy - the skills to appropriately locate, evaluate and use relevant information (Graduate Attribute 5). An appreciation of, and respect for, diversity (Graduate Attribute 7). A respect for ethical practice and social responsibility (Graduate Attribute 11).

Rationale for Inclusion of Content and for Teaching Appr oach

The content of this course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of Anthropology and Sociology. We endeavour to illustrate the dynamic nature of these disciplines and their capacity to inform not only the social sciences but our everyday lives. In other words we aim to inspire you to learn, and engage with humanity and sociality. We consider this learning environment our opportunity to transmit our passions for Anthropology, Sociology, social justice and ethics. In order to achieve this we call upon students to actively (rather than passively) engage in the learning process, introducing content that relates to everyday life experiences, personhood, identity, representation, family and overall processes of socialisation. Throughout a range of assessment tasks and in tutorial discussions you will be called upon to reflect on what you are learning, how this relates to what you already know and what questions it is raising in your quest for knowledge. Some aspects of this will be recorded in assessment items. This course is a gateway into many different disciplines within the social sciences, and while it focuses on specific aspects of Sociology and Anthropology, it will provide all students with a

firm grounding in social theory and a strong appreciation of cross-cultural engagements, humanity and personhood, cultural variation and cultural relativity all important skills for a social scientist. Whilst the learning environment is primarily geared towards large group lectures, we as a teaching team (lecturers and tutors) aim to create a learning environment that allows for individual and creative expression. You will not be lost amongst the masses, if you are prepared to engage, get into the learning environment, ask questions, interact with peers and reach out to the teaching team each of whom are passionate about what they teach! In line with all this, the learning and teaching rationale underpinning this course, is informed by the following principles: engaging students actively in their own learning building a learning environment based on cooperation and respect between students, and between students and staff, where students are appropriately challenged and activites are linked to real life, scholarship and research building on students prior knowledge and life experience built appreciation for diversity

Teaching Str ategies

In this course you will participate in the following: Lar ge gr oup lectur es A two-hour lecture/discussion will be held each week, dealing with a specific lecture topic in Anthropology or Sociology. These lectures will var y in for mat fr om week to week and will include delivery of lecture material, films, in-class exercises, problem solving exercises, question & answer time, audio and other visual recordings. These lectures will be recorded and made available for you to listen to online, via Blackboard. All lecture slides will also be available via Blackboard. Small groups tutorials (up to 20 students) The tutorials are organised around key discussion questions each week. Your tutor will direct you in these discussions and any questions you have regarding this material, should be directed to your tutor. The tutorial space is an informal environment in which you can explore, more deeply, those topics raised in lectures or in your weekly readings. Tutorials at UNSW offer a culturally and pedagocially safe place for students to learn. To ensure everyone gets the most out of our classes you must adhere to the ARTS1870 Code of Conduct by which staff and students are expected to abide. In classes all students and staffs opinions will be treated with respect, however racists or sexist remarks are unacceptable. We will not tolerate any type of bullying, aggression or demeaning of fellow classmates or staff, such cases will result in requests to leave the room. In all lectur es and tutor ials please obser ve the following: 1) Always pr epar e by doing the weekly r eadings and come pr epar ed to offer up discussion points in ever y tutor ial. 2) Do not talk when lectur er s or other students ar e talking to the class. 3) Show r espect and cour tesy to all class mates and member s of the teaching team 4) TURN OFF MOBILE PHONES.

Lectur e & Tutor ial Pr ogr amme

Week 1 Lectur e /no tutor ial Feb 28th Lecture Theme: Introduction to Course Week 2 Lectur e /Tutor ial March 7th Lecture Theme: What is the Social? What is Culture? Part 1 Week 3 Lectur e /Tutor ial IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE March 14th Lecture Theme: What is the Social? What is Culture? Part 2 Week 4 Lectur e /Tutor ial IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE March 21st Lecture Theme: Relationships, Belonging and Community Part 1 Week 5 Lectur e /Tutor ial March 28th Lecture Theme: Relationships, Belonging and Community Part 2 Week 6 Lectur e /Tutor ial IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE April 4th Lecture Theme: Identity and the Everyday Part 1 Week 7 Lectur e /Tutor ial April 11th Lecture Theme: Identity and the Everyday Part 2 Week 8 Lectur e Lectur e/ No Tutor ial IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE April 18th Lecture Theme: Politics, Culture and Emotion Part 1 Mid Semester Br eak 25th Apr il 1st May Week 9 Lectur e / No Tutor ial IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE May 2nd Lecture Theme: Politics, Culture and Emotion Part 2 Week 10 Lectur e /Tutor ial May 9th Lecture Theme: Practices in Culture Part 1 Week 11 Lectur e / Tutor ial May 16h Lecture Theme: Practices in Culture Part 2 Week 12 Lectur e /No Tutor ial May 23rd Summing Up & Feedback Week 13 No Lectur e/ Feedback (no tutor ial) May 30th

Assessment Descr iption Part 1 In Class Exercises Tutorial Facilitation Part 2 In Class Exercises Discussion Paper Due Date Due in tutorial time Week 5 (starting 28th March) Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7 Due in tutorial time Week 12 (starting May 23rd) 4pm Friday 27th May Mar k 20% 20% 25% 35%



This piece of assessment must be 800 words minimum in length. This can be handwritten or typed, it will sometimes involve you drawing things, and including visual material as well as writing. It will be a separate notebook to your lecture notes. The aim of this assessment piece is to get you to write up and reflect on the first 2 IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISES which relate directly to the early themes of the course. This task will enable you to learn to write in a scholarly context and this exercise will help you develop your writing skills and build your confidence in dealing with key concepts in sociology and anthropology. Steps for writing up your in class (lecture) exercises: 1. Undertake the exercises in class. If you miss the lecture, you miss the exercise, unless you provide the course co-ordinators with a medical certificate to justify your absence. 2. Write up the exercises as instructed in the lecture. Reflect on the exercise using the readings for the week and the key concepts discussed in the lecture. Important: Use at least two in text references from the weekly readings/study kit to help support your overall discussion points. (Relevant Graduate Attribute: 5) (Student Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, and 5)


15-20 minutes


In small groups you will facilitate discussion of the weekly tutorial topic. Using the tutorial overview as guide for that week, you and your group members can address one question and design an activity that engages the class and promotes discussion. You will orchestrate the group discussion and direct question time around student questions. You tutor will help to summarise the weekly topics, following your facilitation. The aim of the facilitation is to generate class discussion. This is not a pr esentation, but this assessment task is a facilitation, and the most important aspect of this exercise is to engage your class members in interesting and dynamic ways. You can use a variety of techniques, and these will be discussed in your first tutorial classes. This is a group mark, with each member getting the same mark, so the onus is on working collaboratively as a group and your tutor will help guide you in the ethics of group work. You will be able to choose from four of the tutorial topics (Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7). This is an exercise in working in groups and working collaboratively. Students are reminded that they must support their peers in this exercise and come to each session prepared to talk, respond and actively engage. The onus is on you to make your tutorials interesting and satisfying! (Relevant Graduate Attribute:1) (Student Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 6 and 7)





This piece of assessment must be a minimum of 1500 words in length This can be handwritten or typed, it will sometimes involve you drawing things, and including visual material as well as writing. It will be a separate notebook to your lecture notes. The aim of this assessment piece is to get you to write up and reflect on the next 3 IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISES which relate directly to the early themes of the course. YOU DO NOT RESUBMIT THE FIRST 2 EXERCISES THAT HAVE BEEN MARKED! This task will enable you to learn to write in a scholarly context and this exercise will help you develop your writing skills and build your confidence in dealing with key concepts in sociology and anthropology. Steps for writing up your in class (lecture) exercises: 1. Undertake the exercises in class. If you miss the lecture, you miss the exercise, unless you provide the course co-ordinators with a medical certificate to justify your absence. 2. Write up the exercises as instructed in the lecture. Reflect on the exercises using the readings for the week and the key concepts discussed in the lecture. Important: Use at least three text reference from the weekly readings/study kit to help support your overall discussion points.

(Relevant Graduate Attribute: 1, 5, 7, 11) (Student Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 4and 5)




(Relevant Graduate Attributes: 1, 5, 7). (Student Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3 and 5) In 1500 words address one of the following points: 1. Discuss anthropological approaches to either family and kinship or gender and sexuality. 2. Is Anthropology advocacy? Respond to the question by examining the role of anthropology and anthropologists in contemporary social justice debates, use examples to illustrate your argument. 3. Discuss how emotions shape our everyday lives and values. Use a personal or media example to help illustrate your points (eg a newspaper article or public event). Note: Use key readings from one of the weeks on emotion and/or belonging to help support your argument. 4. Drawing on a close reading of passages in Durkheim, Foucault or Simmel, analyse a particular experience youve had of university life. 5. Foucault and the article Learning as devotional practice present very different accounts of the time, space and ontology of discipline. Draw out these differences, and the assumptions upon which they rely. 6. Thinking of the different situations discussed by Frank and Foucault, discuss the difference between witness, on the one hand, and observation, judgement and examination, on the other hand.


Submission of Assessment Tasks and Extensions

Most assessment items in this course are handed in directly, in tutorials, but the discussion paper is submitted to the School Office, by being placed in the appropriate box. Submitted work will be stamped by the School Office with the receipt date. It is the students responsibility to check that their assignment has been received, and if not, to notify the Course Coordinator immediately. It is the students r esponsibility to keep a copy of their work in case of loss. All assignments must be submitted with an Assignment Declaration form signed by the student and an Assignment Cover Sheet. These are available from the School Office. Students must read the rules on Student Academic Misconduct relevant to assignment submission (further information given below). All written assessment should be submitted no later than the dates set. It is important to take deadlines seriously, as late submission of work disadvantages students as they get behind in their work and are more likely to produce work which is not at the standard they are capable of. The late submission of work will also mean a delay in the return of work. All assignments must be submitted by the due date unless an extension of time has been granted. The penalty for late submission without permission is 3% (of the perfect mark) per day late. Late work will not be accepted once the marked assignments have been returned or after two weeks past the due date, whichever is earliest, whether an extension has been granted or not. Mar ked assignments will either be r etur ned thr ough the tutors or mailed back to you. Please attach a stamped and self-addr essed envelope to your discussion paper and final in class exer cise, if you want them r etur ned to you.

Academic Honesty and Plagiar ism

Students are reminded of their Rights and Responsibilities in respect of plagiarism, as set out in the University Undergraduate and Postgraduate Handbooks, and are encouraged to seek advice from academic staff whenever necessary to ensure they avoid plagiarism in all its forms. The library runs the ELISE tutorial on-line which familiarizes students with academic writing, research and using information responsibly. It can be located at: The Lear ning Centr e can pr ovide fur ther infor mation found via

Resour ces
Most of the sources required for this course are available in the UNSW Library and can also be found online. A number of books on the further reading list will be held on Reserve in the library and copies of your Reading Kit will be held. YOU WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE YOUR READING KIT FROM THE UNSW BOOKSTORE ON CAMPUS. YOU WILL ALSO NEED READY ACCESS TO THE



SYDNEY, 2003), WHICH YOU CAN ALSO BUY FROM THE UNSW BOOKSTORE. The Libr ar y catalogue is accessible on line at: The Library offers you a number of Subject Guides that are excellent tools for navigating resources and research tools. Those subject guides most relevant to this course include the: Social Sciences, Anthropology, Sociology, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Womens and Gender Studies. You can peruse these Subject Guides at: The Libr ar y databases and e-jour nals are available through SIRIUS, available at: Databases contain full text versions of countless Anthropology and Sociology journals and will be an excellent source of information for all of your assessment tasks. Some of the best databases include: Social Sciences Index Informit Anthropology Plus Sociological Abstracts APAIS (Australian public Affairs Information Service) The library compulsory online training ELISE can be found at: Additional online training is available at: Whilst the internet is not recommended as your first port of call for research, it can offer some valuable information regarding Anthropology and Sociology, social justice and human rights. However, you MUST NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as an academic reference in any of your assessment. The following are some useful websites to learn more about Sociology and Anthropology: Australian Anthropological Society: Australian Sociological Association: Australian Archaeological Association: Royal Anthropological Institute: American Anthropological Association:



Week 1 - Feb 28th
LECTURE: Intr oduction to the Cour se NO TUTORIAL Anthropology and Sociology are closely related social science disciplines. They study the ways in which people live together under various social and cultural conditions. By exploring the multifaceted dimensions of human societies, they seek to understand human behavior, social interactions, and institutional structures in all their diversity. Anthropology and Sociology are two fields of study that can help you better understand the human experience and condition, both in our lives and in the world-at-large. In this weeks lecture students will be introduced to several key concepts that are considered critical to understanding the disciplines of anthropology and sociology. We will also introduce the course, how things work and what you can expect in terms of lectures, tutorials and assessment.

NB: Ensure that you do the weekly reading before every lecture class in class (lecture) exercises and discussion points in lectures and tutorials will depend on familiarity with the weekly reading. We will not waste class time recapitulating what you are already supposed to have read.



Week 2 - Mar ch 7th

LECTURE: What is the Social? What is Cultur e? Par t 1

This lecture will introduce students to the field of socio-cultural anthropology. It has often been said that the aim of anthropology is to make the apparently strange and exotic seem comprehensible, while at the same time compelling us to ask questions about behaviors we might consider to be natural or commonsensical. We will discuss this.

Weekly Reading Hyland Eriksen, T. 2004. What is Anthropology, pp.19-41 The Key Concepts. London: Pluto Press.

In this weeks tutorial you will: Meet your tutor and classmates Establish your tutorial facilitation groups (In small groups) Discuss What is Anthropology? and What can it offer you?


Week 3 - Mar ch 14th

LECTURE: What is the Social? What is Cultur e? Par t 2 IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE YOU MUST ATTEND LECTURE TO DO THIS! This class will consider one view of sociology, centred on the disciplined responsibility to witness and accept otherness. We will ask about the relations between the testimony and witness, speaker and the listener. What are the ethics of witnessing? What difference does it make to the world?

Weekly Reading J. Berger, 1991, extract from And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos. New York: Vintage. A.W. Frank 1995, from Testimony in The Wounded Storyteller , Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Tutor ial 1. Reflect on the in class exercise. 2. Small group work: Frank says that Communion is not instrumental and not conditional, and so administrative systems have no place for it. (p 145). What does he mean by this? Why, nonetheless, is communion so important? 3. Last 20 minutes of class, in your tutorial facilitation group, discuss your approach and activity for the facilitation.


Week 4 - Mar ch 21st

LECTURE: Relationships, Belonging and Community Par t 1

IN CLASS (LECTURE) EXERCISE YOU MUST ATTEND LECTURE TO DO THIS! This lecture will focus on one fundamental theme in anthropology kinship. We will consider anthropologys engagement with notions of kinship, kin, kindred and affinity; and in doing so consider constructs of family and belonging. Kinship remains one part of the currency of life in that it is for most of us the foundation of our identity constructs.

Weekly Readings Bonvillain, N. 2010. Cultural Anthropology. Chapter Eight: Kinship and Descent. Pp. 181-206. Prentice Hall: Boston. Morphy, F. 2006. 'Lost in translation? Remote Indigenous households and definitions of the family', Family Matters, 73: 23-31.

In this weeks tutorial you will 1. Begin tutorial facilitations 2. Discuss What constitutes family and kindred in your experience? What powerful normative notions of family and kindred exist within mainstream Australia and Australian politics?


Week 5 - Mar ch 28th

LECTURE: Relationships, Belonging and Community Par t 2

In todays class we will explore our themes through the analysis of congregation and communion offered in Durkheims account of religious ritual in Australian Aboriginal society. Durkheim, who is one of the founders of sociology, insists that congregation is not simply additive: that it changes the state of being of the people involved, so that they no longer recognise either themselves or their mundane senses of time and space. To bring this close to home, we will also consider the role at university of these rituals and experiences of communion.

Weekly Reading: E. Durkheim [1915] 1976 from Conclusion in The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, London: Allen & Unwin. A. Game and A. Metcalfe (2003) The First Year Experience, Sydney: Federation Press chapters on Interest, Students, Teachers, Taking It Easy. Tutorial: 1. Group Facilitation 2. Feedback on Facilitation. 3. Tutorial discussion of The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life.


Week 6 Apr il 4th

LECTURE: Identity and the Ever yday Par t 1


Over the next two weeks we will focus on identity and the everyday. Today we will explore the relationship between subjection and subjectivity, looking at the way objectification and subjectivity come together in the production of identity. Our guide will be Michel Foucault, who studied the way in which power and knowledge work in the production and self-recognition of subjects in everyday life. He provides a counterpoint to Frank on witnessing. To bring this close to home, we will also consider how the disciplinary practices of surveillance, normalising judgement and examination operate at university.

Weekly Readings: M. Foucault (1979) The means of correct training in Discipline and Punish, Ringwood: Penguin. A. Game and A. Metcalfe (2003) The First Year Experience, Sydney: Federation Press chapter on Assessment. Tutorial: 1. Group Facilitation and feedback. 2. Discuss Foucaults analysis of the production of subjectivity through power and knowledge. Discuss how identity is formed and how your identity has been formed, and ask whether your identity is the basis of your uniqueness.


Week 7 Apr il 11th

LECTURE: Identity and the Ever yday Par t 2 Building from last weeks focus on the individual in the social world, we will look closely at how we define and distinguish our selves in relation to others Traditionally anthropology has worked within a framework of us and them, insider and outside, self and other. A rethink in the discipline now has us engaging with more complex notions of identity, personhood and culture. In this lecture we will explore the fascinating world of identity constructs, body politics, personhood, individuality and collective identity.

Weekly Reading: Gottlieb, A. 2002. Interpreting gender and sexuality: Approaches from cultural anthropology. In Exotic No More: Anthropology on the front lines. Edited by J, MacClancy, pp.167-189. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

In this weeks tutorial you will: Have a tutorial facilitation Address the following 1. Consider your subject position and reflect on how this impacts on what you know, what you think you know and how you engage with the world. 2. What ethical, and political issues emerge with the construction of us them or self other categories?


Week 8 Apr il 18th


In these next two weeks, we will look at the politics of culture and emotion in different cultural contexts and spaces. We will discuss the social, ethical and political consequences of our relationships to home and place. This week we will explore Simmels analysis of the reduced emotional range found in urban life. Simmel is another of the founders of sociology. Because of the threats the metropolis poses to the acknowledgement of peoples uniqueness, the city is characterised, Simmel says, by defensiveness and alienation, and the qualities of anxiety, reserve, cold-heartedness and blas attitude. These characteristics of not-belonging overlay and defend against acknowledgement of the fundamental emotions of fear, jealousy, aversion and repulsion. (Please note: Our emphasis in the class is not on an urban/rural divide per se, but on the emotional qualities of alienation.) We will also look at the defensive role of emotional defences at university.

Weekly Reading: Simmel, Georg 1950 The Metropolis and Mental Life in K. Wolff (ed), The Sociology of Georg Simmel, Free Press, New York. A. Game and A. Metcalfe (2003) The First Year Experience, Sydney: Federation Press chapters Arriving, Procrastination.

There will be no tutorial this week. You will use the time to work on your in class exercise.


Week 9 May 2nd


This lecture focuses on the politics of place and the emotional connections we have with place. Places, landscapes and seascapes - real or imagined - encode and express identity. They are also locations for conflict and contestation. We will also discuss essay writing in the lecture.

Weekly Reading Kearney, A. 2009. Homeland Emotion: An emotional geography of heritage and homeland. International Journal of Heritage Studies (Special Issue) Vol.15(2-3):209-222.

There will be no tutorial this week. You will use the time to work on your in class exercise.


Week 10 May 9th

LECTURE: Pr actices in Cultur e Par t 1

Todays lecture will reflect on anthropological methods, anthropology in practice and applied anthropology. We will learn about the role of anthropology and anthropologists in various social justice debates and in the quest for human rights, Indigenous rights, land rights, sea rights and resource rights.

Weekly Reading Begley, L. 2009. The other side of fieldwork: Experiences and challenges of conducting research in the border area of Rwanda/eastern Congo. Anthropology Matters Vol.11(2):1-11.

In this weeks tutorial you will: 1. Discuss the weekly topic and reflect on the nature of some of your own personal ethics and your views/thoughts on social justice, advocacy and human rights. 2. Group Facilitation.


Week 11 May 16th

LECTURE: Pr actices in Cultur e Par t 2

Over the final weeks, we look at the ways anthropology and sociology is applied in the world. We will discuss how we apply our research to different cultural analyses and political practices. This week connects the themes weve explored in Frank, Durkheim, Foucault and Simmel, bringing them to bear on the practices of a lively classroom and on the methodological practices suitable for researching such a situation.

Weekly Reading Metcalfe, A. and Game, A. (forthcoming, 2011) Learning as devotional practice: the role of the teacher in C. Day (ed) International Handbook on Teacher and School Development. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Tutorial: 1. Discuss: Using examples from lectures in Weeks 10 & 11, discuss what you understand as the ethics involved in sociology and anthropology


Week 12 May 23r d

Summing UP Lectur e NO TUTORIAL

What have we lear nt? & Wher e to fr om her e?

There will be no tutorial this week. You will use the time to work on your final essay papers. The Course Convenors will be available to meet with you should you have any question or require feedback.

Week 13 May 30th

NO LECTURE NO TUTORIAL There will be no lecture or tutorial this week. The Course Convenors will be available to meet with you should you have any question or require feedback.


Gr ading and Mar ks

High Distinction 85-100% The work demonstrates Sophisticated expression of ideas and grasp of theoretical concepts Outstanding structure and logical development of original arguments A critical articulation of the students subject position which is threaded through the writing Evidence of extensive research involving a range of texts/sources relevant to the topic including, where relevant, primary sources Sophisticated application of material gained from research in developing the students own arguments The ability to produce work that contains no referencing, bibliographic, spelling, grammatical, typing and/or punctuation errors

Distinction 75-84% The work demonstrates Advanced expression of ideas and grasp of theoretical concepts Well developed ability to structure the essay and present a logical argument Research of a reasonable number and range of texts/sources relevant to the topic including where relevant/primary sources Advanced application of material gained from research in developing the students own arguments A reasonable articulation of the students subject position A sound level of presentation, but attention needs to be paid to referencing, bibliographic, spelling, grammatical, typing and/or punctuation matters

Cr edit 65-74% The work demonstrates General competence in expressing ideas and grasp of theoretical concepts Competence in structuring the essay and presenting a logical argument Research that indicates reference to more than the essential or basic sources Competence in applying material gained from research in developing the students own arguments Some evidence of awareness of the students subject position Competent presentation, but more attention is needed to referencing, bibliographic, spelling, grammatical, typing and/or punctuation matters

Pass 50-64% The work demonstrates Adequacy in expressing ideas and grasp of theoretical concepts An attempt at structuring the essay and presenting a logical argument


Some reference to basic or essential sources Descriptive or narrative approach to applying material gained from research rather than critical or analytical engagement with it Limited understanding of the students subject position Overall presentation requiring considerably more care with referencing, bibliography, spelling, grammar, typing and/or punctuation

Fail 0 49% The work demonstrates Inadequate grasp of ideas and grasp of theoretical concepts Inability to structure the essay or present a logical argument Minimal research and/or inappropriate or irrelevant texts consulted Insufficient or no evidence of understanding of the students subject position Unacceptable presentation, including inadequate attention to bibliography, referencing and, spelling, grammar, typing and/or punctuation

Cour se Evaluation and Development

Student evaluative feedback is gathered periodically using, among other means, UNSW's course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement (CATEI) process. Informal feedback and classgenerated feedback are also important. Student feedback is taken seriously, and continual improvements are made to the course based in part on such feedback. Significant changes to the course will be communicated to subsequent cohorts of students taking the course. If students need they can contact the Equity Officer (Disability) in the Student Equity & Diversity Unit (9385 4734). Issues to be discussed may include access to materials, signers or notetakers, the provision of services and additional exam and assessment arrangements. Early notification is essential to enable any necessary adjustments to be made. A list (and details) of student support services is available through the following link:

Students are expected to attend all tutorials/seminars. A satisfactory attendance record of at least 80% of scheduled classes must be met to pass the course. Tutors will keep attendance records for their classes. Students are expected to be punctual; lateness of more than 15 minutes will be considered absence, and students must attend the whole duration of the tutorial to be considered present. If illness or misadventure causes you to miss a tutorial, you should try to attend an alternative tutorial group during that week. It is your responsibility to inform your regular tutor of this by completing the Alternative Workshop/Tutorial Attendance Form, available at the School Office. The form must be signed by the host tutor and given to your regular tutor the following week. No more than two such forms will be accepted per semester, and the host tutor is free to refuse such permission.


If illness or misadventure will cause you to miss an excessive number of tutorials (usually 3 or more), you MAY apply for Discontinuation Without Failure from the course by filling out the appropriate form available at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Office. For more details about the Universitys policy on attendance, please consult:

Submission of assignments and extensions

The discussion paper is to be submitted to the School Office, located on the Ground Floor of the Morven Brown Building, usually by being placed in the appropriate box. These will be stamped by the School Office with the receipt date in case of late submission only. It is the student's responsibility to keep a copy of their work in case of loss of an assignment. All assignments must be submitted with an Assignment Declaration form signed by the student (required for all assignments) and an Assignment Cover Sheet (if blind marking is done). These are available from outside the School Office, above the assignment submission boxes. Students must read the rules on Student Academic Misconduct relevant to assignment submission (further information given below). Normally assignments are returned in tutorials. For assignments with due dates from Week 10 onwards please attach a self addressed and stamped envelope if you want your assignment returned. All assignments must be submitted by the due date unless an extension of time has been granted. The penalty for late submission without permission is 3% (of the perfect mark) per day late, including weekends. Late work will not be accepted once the marked assignments have been returned or after two weeks past the due date, whichever is earliest, whether an extension has been granted or not. Marked Assignments will either be returned through the tutors or by return mail if you have filled out a self addressed envelope.

Special Consider ation

The Universitys policy on Special Consideration Illness and Misadventure is as follows: The purpose of Special Consideration is to enable the University to assess and address the impact on students of short term events, beyond the control of the student, that affect performance in a specific assessment task or tasks. Students with a disability, and those with ongoing medical conditions, who require consideration of their circumstances and support, are advised to register with the Equity and Diversity Unit. Registration is advisable but not obligatory. - Code of Practice Students with Disabilities: Sickness, misadventure, or other circumstance beyond your control may prevent you from completing a course requirement or attending or submitting assessable work for a course, or may significantly affect your performance in assessable work, e.g. formal end of session examination, class test, laboratory test, or seminar presentation. You can apply for consideration for the affected assessments.


Depending on the circumstances, the University may take action to allow you to overcome the disadvantage, e.g. give you an additional assessment or extend a deadline.Merely submitting a request for Special Consideration does not automatically mean that you will be granted an additional assessment, nor that you will be awarded an amended result. For example, if you have a poor record of attendance or performance throughout a session/year in a course you may be failed regardless of illness or other reason affecting a final examination in that course. It sometimes happens that a student may encounter a situation that is so significant or personal they do not want to use the Special Consideration procedures. In a case like this you may prefer to contact the University Health Service, the Counselling Service, an academic adviser in your program office or the Manager, Student Administration and Records. Remember that it is always important to let the University know if there is anything that may affect your ability to continue your studies. Details of the university policy and procedures on Special Consideration can be found at: Work or family commitments, religious holidays, or work due in other courses are not acceptable reasons for special consideration since the possibility of such events are supposed to be taken into account when managing your time, nor are short illnesses suffered within a week of the due date since your assignment is assumed to be almost finished by that point. Evidence of significant progress in the assessment task will have to be demonstrated when asking for extension due to an emergency or illness close to the submission date. You must lodge the application for SC, or notify or have a friend/family member notify UNSW Student Central, within 3 days of the event for which you are seeking SC. If SC is granted, this may take the form of a removal of part or all of a late penalty, or an adjustment to the raw grade, or an alternative form of assessment, at the discretion of the Course Coordinator.

Review of Results
Where a student believes the mark awarded for an assignment or any assessable task does not adequately reflect the quality of the assignment, the student may request a review of the mark. The first step is for the student to talk to the marker to obtain an explanation or justification of the given mark. Revision of the original mark may or may not be made after this. If the student is not satisfied, an appeal can be made to the Course Coordinator. This appeal must be in writing and lodged within two weeks of the date on which assignments were returned. If a re-mark is requested, the Course Coordinator will review the assignment to ascertain whether it warrants a re-mark. If it does, the student will be made aware that a re-mark does not guarantee a higher mark. The student will be advised of the outcome of this review within two weeks of the date of the appeal. If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the review an appeal may be made to the School Grievance Officer (Professor Ralph Hall). This appeal must be in writing specifying the grounds for the appeal and must be lodged within one week of receipt of the outcome of the review by the Course Coordinator. The Grievance Officer will conduct a review of the mark and submit a report to the Head of School who will advise the student of the outcome of this review within three weeks of the date of submission of the appeal.


Please read the University policy on Review of Results for additional information:

Occupational Health and Safety

UNSW has an Occupational Health and Safety Policy that staff and students must COMPLY WITH. Please refer for details to:

Student Suppor t Ser vices

Student equity and diversity issues are addressed via the Student Equity officers (Disability) in the Student Equity and Diversity Unit (93854734) Further information for students with disabilities is available at:


Fur ther Cour se Reading

What is the Social? What is Culture? Durkheim, Emile 1982 What is a Social Fact in The Rules of the Sociological Method, trans. W.D. Halls, New York: Free Press. Game, A. and Metcalfe, A. 1996, Passionate Sociology. London: Sage. Herzfeld, M. 2001. Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society. Chapter 1 Orientations: Anthropology as a practice of theory, pp.1-20. Chapter 2 Epistemologies pp.2154. Oxford: Blackwell. Hyland Eriksen, T. 2004. What is Anthropology. London: Pluto Press. Layton, R. 1997. An Introduction to Theory in Anthropology. Chapter 1 The idea of a social system, pp.1-26, Chapter 7 Postmodernism and anthropology, pp.184-215. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Peters-Golden, H. 2008. Thinking holistically. In Thinking Anthropologically. Edited by P, Slazman and P, Rice, pp.15-25. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Relationships, Belonging and Community Brumann, C. 2003. All the flesh kindred that ever I see: A reconsideration of family and kinship in utopian communes. Society for Comparative Study of Society and History. Vol. 45:395-421. Decker, S. and B, VanWinkle. 1996. Life in the Gang: Family, friends and violence. Chapter 1, pp.1-26. Hage, Ghassan (2003) A concluding fable: the gift of care, or the ethics of pedestrian crossings in Against Paranoid Nationalism, Sydney: Pluto Press. Haebich, A. 2000. Broken circles: Fragmenting indigenous families 1800-2000, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle. Herzfeld, M. 2007. Introduction: Global kinship Anthropology and the politics of knowing. Anthropological Quarterly Vol 80(2): 313-323. Leslie, G, R. and S, Korman. 1989. The Family in Social Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 1, pp.3-23. The nature of the family. Levine, N. 2008. Alternative kinship, marriage and reproduction. Annual Review of Anthropology. Vol. 37:375-389. Metcalfe, A. and Game, A. Meetings: Gifts without Exchange, European Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(1), 2008: 101-117


Identity and the Everyday Butler, J. 1997. Excitable Speech: A politics of performance. New York, London: Routledge. Introduction, pp.1-44. Certeau, Michel 1984, The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkekey, University of California Press. Fesl, E. 1985. The Language of Difference, in Difference: Writings by Women. Compiled by S, Hawthorne. Fitzroy. Game, A. and Metcalfe, A. 1996, School in Passionate Sociology. London: Sage. Herzfeld, M. 2001. Anthropology: Theoretical practice in culture and society. Oxford: Blackwell. Chapter 6, pp.133-151. Borders/Nodes/Groupings. Hyland-Erickson, T. 2004. What is Anthropology. Chapter 9 Identification, pp. 156-173. London: Pluto Press. Morris, B. 2003. Anthropology and the state: The ties that bind. Social Analysis.Vol. 47(1): 137144. Parker, R. 2007. Culture, Society and Sexuality: A Reader. Taylor and Francis: Hoboken. Smith, L, T. 1999. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Dunedin: University of Otago Press. Politics, Cultur e and Emotion Bachelard, G. 1969. The poetics of space. Boston: Beacon Press. Cloke, P., P. Crang and M. Goodwin. 2005. Introducing Human Geographies. Hodder Arnold: London. Davidson, J., L. Bondi and M. Smith (eds.) (2005). Emotional Geographies. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. Durkheim, Emile The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, trans. Carol Cosman, Oxford: Oxford University Press Feld, S and D, Basso. (eds) 1996. Senses of Place. School of American Research Press: Santa Fe. Giddens, Anthony 1992 The Transformation of Intimacy, London, Polity Press. Gosden, C. 1994. Social Being and Time. Blackwell: Oxford. Hirsch, E and M, O'Hanlon. 1995. "Introduction". In The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on place and space. Edited by E, Hirsch and M, O'Hanlon, pp.1-30. Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York. 33

Low, S. and Lawrence-Zunigais, D. 2003. The Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture. Blackwell Readers in Anthropology. Lutz, C and G, White. 1986. The anthropology of emotions. Annual Review of Anthropology 15:405-436 Mitchell, D. 2000. Cultural Geography: A critical introduction. Blackwell Publishers: Malden, Massachusetts. Practices in Culture Agar, M. 1996. The Professional Stranger: An informal introduction to ethnography. San Diego: Academic Press. Ahmed, A and C, Shore (eds). 1995. The Future of Anthropology: Its relevance to the contemporary world. Athlone: Atlantic Highlands, NJ. Bell, D., P, Caplan and W, Jahan Karim (eds). 1993. Gendered Fields: Women, men and ethnography. Introduction 1 The context, pp.1-17, and Chapter 1 Yes Virginia, there is a feminist ethnography, pp.28-43. London and New York: Routledge. Butler, Judith 2008 Frames of War , London, Verso. Crick, M. and B, Geddes. 1993. Research Methods in the Field: Ten anthropological accounts. Geelong: Deakin University Press. De Waal, A. 2002. Anthropology and the aid encounter. In Exotic No More: Anthropology on the front lines. Edited by J, MacClancy, pp.251-269. Fassin, D. and W, Stoczkowski. 2008. Introduction: Should anthropology be moral? A debate. Anthropological Theory. Vol. 8(4): 331-332. Metcalfe, A. and Game, A. 2006. Teachers Who Change Lives, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. Nolan, R. W. 2003. Anthropology in Practice: Building a career outside the academy. Colorado: Lynne Rienner. Chapter 2, pp.33-65. Preparation for the field. Sontag S (2004) Regarding the Torture of Others In The New York Times, May 23, 2004. Tilley, C. 2001. Anthropology confronts inequality. Anthropological Theory. Vol.1(3): 299-306. Van Maanen, J. 1995. The End to Innocence: The Ethnography of Ethnography. In Representation in Ethnography. Edited by J, Van Maanen, pp.1-35. London: Sage Publications.


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