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Japan Community Power Conference

In preparation for the enforcement of the feed-in tariffs, the development of renewabe energy projects is accelerated in many areas in Japan. In the course of such development, the bottom up and cooperative approach among local stakeholders is important. And it is also important to introduce the mechanism which enables local stakeholders to receive the benefit of local renewable resources. Recently, such concept and approach create new trend called "Community Power" in the world. In Japan Community Power Conference, we will explore the keys for successful planning and implementation of Community Power through the dialogue among the domestic and international pioneers, the experts and the challengers of Community Power.

Date and Time: 2012, March 8th (Thu) 10:00-16:45 Venue: MIRAICAN Hall at National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Organizer: Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies Co-organizers: World Wind Energy Association, Japan Renewable Energy Platform, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation, JST Local Energy and Finance Research Group Paricipation Fee: Free

10:00 Welcome Tetsunari IIDA Keynote: Sren Hermansen Moderator: Shota FURUYA Tohru SUZUKI Yoichi TAKEMOTO Masahiko SHIZAWA Misaki ASHIKI


Session 1: Vision & Realization


Lunch Keynote: Stefan Gsnger Moderator: Noriaki YAMASHITA Akihiro HARA Yasushi MARUYAMA Nobuto HOSAKA Mayumi TAMIYA


Session 2: Ownership & Public Participation


Coee Break Session 3: Local and Global Network Closing remark End Keynote: Jos Etcheverry Moderator: Tetsunari IIDA Noriko HATTORI Sren Hermansen Stefan Gsnger Harutoshi FUNABASHI


16:30 16:45

Japan Community Power Conference

List of Speakers
Stefan Gsnger (Secretary General, World Wind Energy Association) Sren Hermansen (Director, Sams Energy Academy) Jos EtcheverryAssistant Professor, York University) Tohru SUZUKI (Secretary General, Hokkaido Green Fund) Masahiko SHIZAWA (Coordinator, Odawara Renewable Energy Council) Yoichi TAKEMOTO (Executive Director, Bizen Green Energy) Mayumi TAMIYA (Planner, casanetsumugu) Noriko HATTORI (Director, Earth Life Network) Akihiro HARA (Executive Director, Ohisama Shimpo Energy) Harutoshi FUNABASHI (Director, Institute for Sustainability Research and Education) Nobuto HOSAKA (Mayor, City of Setagaya) Yasushi MARUYAMA (Associate Professor, Nagoya University) Misaki ASHIKI (Director, Renewable Energy Shinshu-net)

Please submit on the ISEP web site or ll in the following form and send FAX.

National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation 2-3-6, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 5 minutes walk from "Fune-no Kagakukan station"






Please ll in the form and send FAX to +81 3 6382 6062

This event is supported by Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency

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