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Knorman Dave G. Cardona III- St.


Every Child is Special

AAMiR KHAN PRODUCTION Every child is Special because he or she is different to each other meaning to say he or she is unique. In the movie, the child named Ishaan is suffering from mental disorder classified as Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disorder marked by a severe difficulty in recognizing and understanding written language, leading to spelling and writing problems. It is not caused by low intelligence or brain damage. Based on the movie, Ishaan is very bright and smart enough to sent him in school, but it seems that Ishaan needs more love and affection from his family although they are showing some, it might better to ask him or have a talk with him when things are difficult, like when Ranjit fought Ishaan, why dont his father ask him first and comforted instead of beating him up. His art teacher named Nikumbh suffered also dyslexia when he is young. Like Ishaan, Nikumbh cant read nor write in his childhood. He found himself to Ishaan, he loves painting as well, and they both had a wide imagination in terms of painting. Nikumbh made inspired by Ishaan when they went to small pond and Ishaan made an airplane from worthless and collected material from his way home. NIkumbh molded and developed Ishaan, he teaches Ishaan how to write and read, and it became successful. When Ishaans father talked to Nikumbh he told that he and his wife searched the web and learned that dyslexia is curable, and caring is important to cure. After the visitation, he walked downstairs and saw his son trying to read the painting contest banner in the bulletin board thus, tears of joy are flowing from his eyes, because his son read the contest well done. On the day of the contest, Ishaan woke up early, took a bath and well groomed. He left the dorm and went to the pond; it seems that Ishaan is contemplating around. His entire classmate went to the venue of the contest. The contest is about to start but little Ishaan is not around, Nikumbh believed that Ishaan is coming. I thought its about ten minutes late when Ishaan arrived at the venue, and Nikumbh gave him a sketch pad and he sat far away from the crowd. He used the set of art materials that was given by his brother Yohan. He is painting very calm, fresh and undisturbed. Nikumbh also painted. Ishaan finished his painting and passed it to Nikumbh, Ishaan painted the whole view around the small pond. Nikumbh is very happy when he saw the painting, when Ishaan is getting around he saw Nikumbhs painting which is his image, He tightly embraced Nikumbh and he started crying. Ishaans painting won the best painting, and it will be the front cover of their year book and Nikumbhs painting as the back cover. This is story of a teacher and a student with common interest and common problems during their childhood, this is very inspirable! Every child is different, sooner or later all of them will learn RAM SHANKAR NIKUMBH

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