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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a special meeting on the 9th day of May at 7:00 p.m. This special meeting was called to discuss and vote on the options brought to the board by the Fence committee. The following Directors of the corporation were present: Chuck Wooley, Warren Carlson, Jim Wilkins, Ron Wiedemann, Martha Plummer, Steve DeFord, and Susie Brothers. Homeowner/builder Bill Mace asked to attend to discuss letters sent to him by the board asking for information on several issues involving condos and a house under construction by him in Chesterfield Village. The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Wooley. Bill Mace was asked to share information he had concerning the open trenches in front of the condos under construction and debris on the sidewalks in addition to the date of completion for the condos and the home under construction on Dearborn. Mr. Mace said the open trenches in front of the condos will be filled in a soon as the sewer can be connected. The completion date for the condos should be within 6 weeks. A completion date for the home on Dearborn was not given. Mr. Mace cited personal problems he is experiencing at this time, which he claims are contributing to the overdue completion date. Mr. Mace had earlier offered a section of property located immediately north of the condos under construction next to the clubhouse. Scott Engineering is drawing up the legal description for the land and the board will receive a copy to look over should we decide to accept the land. Should the board vote to accept the land we will need to write a letter to Mr. Mace with our decision and asking for a deed to the land. We will agree to accept the land with the caveat that he install a fence behind the back yards of the condos. The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the options presented to the board by the Fence committee who have been studying the fence along Cox road. The board members had one week to study the options presented to them and agreed to meet this evening to express their opinions concerning the fence committee findings. After discussing each option and the pros and cons of each option the question about whether the homeowners associations insurance policy covered the fence should there be a claim made because of the fence since it is on Common Ground belonging to the homeowners association. Jim Wilkins will check with the insurance agent for clarification. Warren Carlson will ask Joe Reed to the other six homeowners whose property backs up the Cox road fence if they would contribute to the cost of the fence repair. It was suggested that it might be a better option to wait until September or October to begin work on the fence since construction tends to slow down as after summer and we could split the payment of the fence between 2005 and 2006 dues since the 2006 homeowner dues begin coming in during November. That also would allow time to meet with the homeowners to present the options for repair/replacement of the fence.

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