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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on July 11, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following directors of the corporation were present: Susie Brothers, Warren Carlson, Steve DeFord, Ron Wiedemann, Jim Wilkins, Martha Plummer and Chuck Woolley. Homeowner Linda Becker was present. The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Wooley. A. Secretarys Report June minutes were emailed to all board members prior to this meeting. Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the June minutes. B. Treasurers Report Jim Wilkins handed out copies of the June balance sheet for CVHA showing total liabilities and equity of $100,532.97. C. Pool & Clubhouse A cover was installed over the pool pumps and flowers have been replanted in one of the planters by the pool. There has been some alcohol brought into the pool area. There is nothing posted on the sign outdoors stating no alcohol is allowed. The board voted to prohibit smoking and alcohol in the clubhouse, pool area and Common Grounds around the pool. This will be added to the sign outside the pool in addition to the pool rules distributed in the new homeowners packets. D. Neighborhood Watch There have been two more reports of vehicles being broken into; these break-ins were at the condos. Problems at the Lakeshore apartments and Palace theatre were reported to the police. Ron Weidemann asked Mike Snaveley to add the CVHA directory listing all the homeowners names, addresses and phone numbers to the web site. A password will be needed to access the directory. A new Neighborhood Watch sign will need to be purchased for the neighborhood. E. Grounds Trees have been trimmed along Chesterfield Boulevard. Repairs have been made on the north detention pond fence and Warren is treating the Scenic pond with an algaecide. Cattails and Willows may need to be trimmed in and around the edge of the detention pond. Warren hasnt heard from Joe Reed concerning the 7 neighbors, whose property backs up to the fence along Cox road, helping with the cost of fence repair along Cox road. The flowers at the entrances to the neighborhood have to be watered by a tank and sometimes the cost runs as high as $400.00 per month. This might be an issue to consider when planning for rebuilding new entrances. Warren will follow-up with the post office on the tree trimming around the mailboxes. Bill Mace has not contacted Warren concerning the property he offered to deed over to the CVHA.

New Business Homeowner Linda Becker reported there have not been many RSVPs to the announcement in the CVHA newsletter about the neighborhood cookout and pool party. She wanted to know if the board felt it should be cancelled or go ahead with it. After discussion it was felt we should proceed with the cookout and just anticipate a smaller group since there are still several days before the cookout and some residents may come without responding. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 1, 2005. Discussion ensued as to whether or not we should have a nominating committee for the 2006-year board members needed to fill the 3 vacancies that will be effective at that time. Jim Wilkins suggested we should let homeowners know in advance how much the homeowners dues will be for the 2006 year. Pool chairs need to be rewebbed. Steve DeFord will check to see if there is anyone who can reweb the chairs. Respectfully submitted by Susie Brothers.

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