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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on August 1, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following directors of the corporation were present: Susie Brothers, Warren Carlson, Steve DeFord, Ron Wiedemann, Jim Wilkins, Martha Plummer and Chuck Woolley. The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Wooley. A. Secretarys Report July minutes were emailed to all board members prior to this meeting. Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the July minutes. B. Pool & Clubhouse Steve DeFord contacted Maschinos Hardware, where the pool chairs were purchased, and they in turn gave him the name of someone who does rewebbing for the chairs. The cost will be approximately $80.00 per chair to repair/reweb. Steve recommended waiting until next year at the beginning of the season to repair. There are 20 chairs each with 35 straps @$1.90 per strap. Motion was made, seconded and approved to wait until the beginning of next pool season to repair the chairs. B. Treasurers Report Total assets as of July 31, 2005 were $90,645.41. The checking account has $29,153.92 plus the two CDs which have a combined total of $61,481.45. C. Neighborhood Watch The neighborhood directory is posted on the website. Ron pans to have the Neighborhood Watch Block Captains in place by next months board meeting. E. Grounds October or November Warren will recheck bids on monuments at the entrances at Cox Road into Chesterfield Village. Expense on watering the flowers planted in the beds at the entrances is very expensive (appr $400.00 per month during the growing season). New Leaf who now does the watering suggested if homeowners living at the corner lots next to the entrances would connect into a sprinkler head near the flower beds the expense would be minimal (approximately $5.00 per month) and that would solve the watering problem. The board could then in turn deduct that amount from their homeowners dues. Warren is checking on the feasibility of that option. Bill Mace doesnt have the surveys back on his property, which includes a portion of the lot he offered to CVHA, behind the condos he is building next to the tennis courts,. The stones, which have fallen off of the face of the clubhouse porch, need to be replaced. Mr. Mace offered to have the masons who are working on the condos repair them.

F. Architectural Committee Martha gave a copy of the letter to board members that was sent to Bob & Sharon Price giving them permission to install a satellite dish. A letter will be sent to homeowners in response to a complaint of a satellite dish that is visible from the front of the house at 3644 S. Breech asking them to move it to the back of the house. New Business Chuck Wooley received a complaint from a homeowner concerning Mr. Maces house and the length of time it has been under construction. A letter will be sent to Mr. Mace reminding him he is past the time of completing construction of the house on Dearborn. A letter will also be sent to the owner of the vacant lot on Dearborn inquiring what their intentions are for the property and asking for the yard to be consistently mowed in a timely manner. The resident at the corner of Dearborn & Chesterfield complained to Warren that the area outside of his fence, which he believes belongs to the townhouses, isnt being mowed. The lock to the stairwell may need to be replaced. Jim has been in the clubhouse two times this past month and noticed the doors were unlocked and the air conditioning was on. Jim asked if we could renew the CDs. The 6-month CD will run through February and the 3-month CD through November if we renew; they mature this month. The question was raised as to whether or not we would need this money for the Cox road fence repair. The recommendation was to check into renewing them for 3 months. Jim stated the amount for next years dues should be communicated to CVHA homeowners. The budget for 2006 will need to be finalized before we can make a final decision on the 2006 dues. Information for 2006 for the grounds and the pool/clubhouse/tennis courts will need to be looked over to see what projected expenses will be. After these expenses are turned in we will have a better idea of what the homeowners dues will be for next year. Respectfully submitted by Susie Brothers.

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