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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on September 12, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following directors of the corporation were present: Susie Brothers, Warren Carlson, Ron Wiedemann, Jim Wilkins, and Chuck Woolley. The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Wooley. A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the September meeting were emailed to each member earlier in the month. Motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. B. Pool & Clubhouse Steve DeFord was not present at the meeting but, left word that All American Pool will be closing the pool for the season. C. Grounds Bill Maces stonemason will repair the stones on the side of the clubhouse patio.

New Leaf sent a letter to Warren saying beginning in September they would be raising their price for the
lawn maintenance. The explanation and the formula they are using to calculate the increase was a bit vague. Warren will send a letter asking them for a more detailed explanation and to remind them we have a contract with a set price until time to renegotiate a new contract. Warren will get a new bid from New Leaf for next year. The weeds along the drainage area (behind the homes on the north side of Forest Avenue) were trimmed for approximately $75.00. Bid for the fence bordering Cox road will be revisited. Warren spoke with Joe Reed asking if Joe had sent a letter to the homeowners whose property backs up to the fence to see if they will contribute some toward the repair of the fence. Warren hasnt heard back from Joe. The watering costs for the plants in the monuments at the entrances to the subdivision off of Cox road is approximately $350.00-$400.00 per month. Warren proposed that we consider asking if the homeowners whose property is next to the monuments on the corner lots would be willing to let us tap into their irrigation lines so that a sprinkler head could be installed and plants around the monuments could be watered when the homeowners lawns are watered. Cost would be approximately 1.5 cents per gallon and would amount to approximately 40 cents per day for each sprinkler head @ 20 minutes. With 4 heads @ 4x per week this would average approximately $20.00 per month vs the $350-400.00 we are spending now. Advantages would be: Consistent watering Maintain better quality plants Payoff improvements within 2 months Maintain grass & image around monuments Sprinkler head can be shut off w/o affect on homeowners Approximate costs would be $50.00-$75.00 for installation, $25.00 for parts for a total of $100.00 per monument. Approval from homeowners on corner lots would need to be in writing and CVHA would reimburse the homeowners for the estimated water usage.

D. Neighborhood Watch New Neighborhood Watch signs are up. There are 9 zones identified and 7 have Neighborhood Watch Captains. We will put information in the CVHA newsletter detailing which zones still need Neighborhood Watch Captains in the hope that will draw a response. Thanks to Arlene Wilkins and Mickie Wiedemann for helping get the Neighborhood Watch Captains in place. Swimming pool regulations are being revised so they can be included in the packets for new residents. E. Treasurers Report Jim Wilkins distributed a list of items for the board to consider. A draft of a Profit & Loss Overview was distributed to all board members Jim asked that the board consider a way to block the entrance from the bathroom hallway into the rest of the clubhouse so that anyone utilizing the pool would still be able to enter into the hallway where the restrooms are but, be prohibited from entering into the rest of the clubhouse. Jim called City Utilities to discuss streetlights along Westview that are not working. They checked and determined there is no electrical current running to two of the streetlights. Jim will have the CVHA Directory printed and distribute it with the CVHA Newsletter next week. Old Business Dr Abrahim left a message for Chuck Wooley inquiring if any other homeowners who have satellite dishes not in compliance with the CVHA Rules & Covenants had been contacted. Melba Stovall called Chuck concerning a truck that is parked against the fence in the condos. It is a ton truck and there isnt anything in the covenants addressing ton trucks. Chuck asked for everyone to be thinking of nominees for the 2006-07 CVHA board. Nominations will be held during the annual December 13 meeting. A homeowner on Winchester asking whose responsibility it is to replace a dead tree along the street. The trees planted in front of the houses are red maples. New Business Homeowner Linda Becker would like to host an Autumn Harvest party, in conjunction with the CVHA, at the clubhouse for the neighborhood. The date will be Sunday evening, October 23 from 5:00-7:00 pm. A note will be included in the upcoming CVHA newsletter announcing the event. $50.00 will be budgeted to purchase some of the food. Homeowners will be asked to bring a dish. Linda would also like to organize a neighborhood garage sale. She asked the board if that would be permitted and what the boards collective opinion was. It was agreed that would be fine. This will also be included in the upcoming newsletter with Lindas phone # to respond if interested. The date will be October 8 from 8:00 am-12:00pm. Bill Mace wanted to discuss the boundaries of the condos & the area behind the condos next to the tennis courts he had offered at an earlier date to sign over to the CVHA. Board members walked to the back of the condos between the tennis courts with Mr. Mace to discuss where a privacy fence would be installed at the back of the condos and where the boundary at the side of the condos next to the clubhouse parking lot should be. It was decided by board members there will be no change in the boundary on the side of the condos, there will need to be a fence along the back property line of the condos, and the streetlights that were knocked down during construction of Mr. Maces condos must be replaced.

Next month we need to discuss what the agenda will be for the annual December meeting. We need to provide the agenda in a newsletter to homeowners approximately 6 weeks before the annual meeting. Respectfully submitted by Susie Brothers.

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