10 October 2005

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on October 3, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following directors of the corporation were present: Susie Brothers, Warren Carlson, Steve DeFord, Ron Wiedemann, Jim Wilkins, and Chuck Wooley. The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Wooley. A. Treasurers Report Jim Wilkins distributed copies of the CVHA Treasurers Report to all members showing a balance of $16,603.33 in the checking account, a 6-month CD worth $31,571.71, and a 3-month CD worth $30,357.03 to total $78,532.07. B. Secretarys Report Minutes from the September meeting will be emailed to all board members. C. Pool & Clubhouse The pool has been closed. Pool chairs will be rewebbed next spring. D. Neighborhood Watch Ron is waiting to hear from the person who is revising the pool regulations. Ron hasnt made contact with the Springfield Police Department to get their help in organizing the Neighborhood Watch meeting. He will organize a meeting later this month. Ron will not be in attendance for the November meeting but will speak at the annual December meeting. E. Grounds Warren is waiting for feedback from homeowners about their contributions to the fence repair along Cox road.

Rozales Masonary is to make any necessary revisions to the earlier bid on the monuments and fence and
contact Warren. If we are going to present this fence repair project to the homeowners at the annual December meeting we need to discuss how it will be presented. Discussion ensued among the board members concerning the proposed fence repair and how to present it at the December meeting to homeowners. The tree trimming along the circle drive was bid at $500.00, for trimming 20 trees. A bid for removal of volunteer Willow trees growing along the Scenic pond was $650.00. Warren asked for opinions. It was decided to ask for volunteers at the December meeting first before we pay for removal. The addition of sprinkler heads to the corner monuments at the entrance to the neighborhood off of Cox road was discussed again. Most agreed this sounded like a good idea but, homeowners on the corner lots will need to be approached to see if they are willing to allow us to tie into their lines. (More detailed information on cost and advantage to doing this is in the September minutes). Bill Mace told Warren the city inspector came out and advised him the easement must be 5 feet from the side of the condos. He will run a fence from the back of the condo lots to the back corner of the condos with no fence to be installed along the side of the condos. Mr. Mace has the streetlight poles that were knocked down during construction of his condos. He asked Warren if he could reposition them. The board members decided to walk outside and see how much light

would be cast by having additional light poles in the position he is proposing before getting back with him with a decision. New Business Linda Willard visited the board meeting in response to a letter she received asking that the board be given a timeline on construction on the lot they own on Dearborn. Mrs. Willard refused to give a date when construction might begin. The board asked that she give consideration to this during the next few weeks and bring a date back to the November meeting. A follow-up letter will be sent to the Willards reemphasizing the board will need a date indicating when construction will begin. Linda Becker reported there are 15-20 houses that will be involved in the 1st annual neighborhood garage sale this Saturday. There hasnt been a tremendous response to the Harvest Party as of yet. She wanted to verify that the board would contribute $50.00 to the expense of food for this event. This amount will be contributed. A letter will be sent to the homeowners on Dearborn who have a boat trailer parked at the back of their house and the homeowner who has a jet ski sitting in their yard. Charlie Hyde called to say a neighbor at 3636 Britain has had a travel trailer sitting in his driveway for 3 weeks. The board received a letter from Michelle Chrismer in response to a letter sent from the board after receiving complaints about the upkeep of their lawn. David Grodi sent an email requesting an alternate location for his satellite dish after receiving a letter from the board asking that the dish be moved to a place that would be in compliance with the CV Covenants. It was decided the proposed location would need some repositioning before receiving the boards approval A letter was sent to the board from John and Jennifer Burke asking that the board reconsider the request for them to reposition their satellite dish. It was decided the dish should be moved to comply with the CVHA rules. Respectfully submitted by Susie Brothers.

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