11 November 2005

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on November 14, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following directors of the corporation were present: Susie Brothers, Warren Carlson, Steve DeFord, Jim Wilkins, and Chuck Wooley. Ron Weidemann was not present. The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Wooley. A. Grounds Report Warren Carlson opened the meeting by discussing the fence repair/replacement along Cox road. Four of the seven homeowners whose property borders the fence line were present. Warren distributed copies of a bid from Rozales Masonry dated 11/11/05. Homeowner, Joe Reed, spoke on behalf of the homeowners saying after speaking to the 7 homeowners, said they would be willing to contribute $2,650.00 toward the cost of the fence. This would be approximately of the repair of the fence only, not including the monuments at each of the entrances to Chesterfield Village from Cox road. Discussion followed allowing the homeowners present to express their views. Dr. Abraham said he would contribute to the fence fund only if he had the freedom to install a 6 ft wooden privacy fence, Jack Barker also wanted the option to install a wooden privacy fence to replace the iron fence and didnt feel property owners with a smaller linear footage should be required to pay the same amount as homeowners with larger yards. Joyce Leatherman said she was okay with the iron fence; Joe Reed is willing to contribute his share even though his house is for sale and would be ok with the iron fence. Homeowners who have corner lots next to Cox road with the entrance monuments sitting at the edge of their property, (Fred Layman, Dennis Lewis and Joe Reed) would not be opposed to hooking up to the CVHA watering systems to water the flowers planted in the monuments at the entrances. This would save a substantial amount of money to the CVHA by not having to pay the lawn maintenance workers who now truck in water for this purpose. Homeowners would be paid a predetermined amount during the watering season to supplement any costs incurred. Mr. Laymans only concern was that he doesnt water his lawn as often as might be needed to maintain the flowers planted in the monuments. Board members discussed the fence options among themselves after the homeowners left the meeting. It was decided to go forward with the repair of the fence and monuments without homeowner contributions since there were opposing views among homeowners as to what type of fence would be installed if homeowners contributed. Motion was made, seconded and passed to begin (Option 1-Repair Entrances, signs, posts and fence) for approximately $25,000. without homeowners contributions. Jim Wilkins voted no. B. Treasurers Report Jim Wilkins asked that we convert the $30,584.65 CD (value as of 11/15/05) to cash since it will be midDecember before dues begin coming in. As of 11/14/05 CVHAs checking account has a balance of $3,402.58 and the other CDs value is $31,871.05. 2005-06 CAM and Trash Service invoices will mail after Dec 1. CVHAs condo policy premium with State Farm will increase from $4,148 to $4,874 for 2006. Jim was given a couple of names to contact to do a price comparison before we renew with State Farm. The November City Utilities bill will have a credit of $815.67 due to an overestimate on the October bill.

C. Secretarys Report Minutes from October 3 meeting were emailed to board members. Motions was made and seconded to accept the minutes as written.

D. Pool Report Steve DeFord had no news to report. E. Grounds Trees were trimmed along the circle drive. The contract will be re-bid at the end of the year for Common Area maintenance. Snow removal was confirmed for 2006. Presidents Report Approximately 80% of the homeowners who were sent letters for non-compliance concerning the placement of satellite dish placement have changed the positioning of their dishes. David Bakare was send a 3rd letter giving him 5 days to comply with the request to reposition his dish. If the remaining homeowners do not comply, the board will go back to the attorney. Chuck Wooley received a complaint about one of Bill Maces dumpsters which had trash blowing through the neighborhood. He also received a call concerning streetlights being out in front of the condos which Mr. Mace is responsible for repairing. Homeowner Jeff Stone asked permission to install two satellite dishes in addition to the 1 dish he has now. Susie Brothers and Steve DeFord went by his house to see exactly where the dishes would be placed. If they are installed at the position Mr. Stone indicated they will be in compliance with the covenant addressing placement of satellite dishes. The board granted permission for Mr. Stone to have them installed. New Business Jim Wilkins asked if a note about the CAMS remaining the same as last year would be included in the newsletter which will be distributed to homeowners announcing the annual CVHA homeowners meeting. After discussion it was decided the newsletter would list the agenda for the annual meeting as: CAM dues Fence along Cox road Neighborhood Watch Report Jim Wilkins asked how pro-active the board should be in enforcing the covenants. The consensus among board members was the board should enforce the covenants when a violation is brought to our attention or if we happen to notice a violation. It was agreed it is not the boards job to police the neighborhood looking for covenant offenders.

Respectfully submitted by Susie Brothers.

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