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Introduction Storytelling and singing competition is the conveying of events in words, images and sounds, often by improvisation or embellishment.

Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and in order to instill moral values. Crucial elements of singing and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. The earliest forms of storytelling were thought to have been primarily oral combined with gestures and expressions. In addition to being part of religious,ritual,rudimentary

drawing scratched onto the walls of caves may have been forms of early storytelling for many of the ancient cultures. We do not tell a story or singing only to help our students learn words or sentences, but also to enjoy and receive oral input. When teaching initial stages the most important source of input is the teacher. The use of English Language is very important among school children. Therefore it must not be used only in the classroom or when pupils are in school. It has to be practiced in their daily conversation regardless place and time. A consistent use of English Language will ensure pupils; at their tender age inculcate the essential skills needed. Reading, speaking, listening, writing and grammar in English Language are five important skills pupils should master. Therefore, a storytelling and singing competition was planned to be implemented in SJK (T) LADANG SUNGAI PAPAN.

Aims There are four aims of storytelling and singing competition. First, to make use of English in this school visible. Use of English can be in forms of reading, speaking, listening and writing. Second, to encourage all pupils to use English Language as a medium of interaction with their friends and teachers. This can encourage them start using English Language as early as 7 years old. Building confident among pupils also one of the aim of this competiton. Moreover this competiton also will enhance pupils memorizing skills. Make English as second language at school.

Objectives of Programme The main objectives to carry out this program was to improve pronunciation and pupils fluency. To building confidence of pupils when presenting the story to audience. Development of literacy by enriching the teaching of speaking skills Develops an understanding of orality, and the use of spoken story language; rhyme and repetition; narrative patterns, conventions and structures Develops sequencing, comprehension and prediction skills. Develop an ability to stand before peers and strangers and speak freely and with confidence Develop vocal and physical confidence. Develop storytelling techniques. Experience intergenerational and intercultural exchange.

Duration of Programme Story Telling and singing Competition was held on 19 April 201. Target Group This program target to level 2 students. Report on implementation of Programme Story Telling Competition The story telling competition was carried out on 19 march 2011with an opening ceremony held at assembly site. After recitation from priest, headmaster Mr. Aragennan S/O Munusamy giving opening speech. After the opening ceremony finished the program was started at 8.30am.The teacher-in-charge to this program was Mr. Sathiswaran S/O Krishnan. There were 4 participants for this competition. Participants were to tell their stories based on the themes set by the organizing committee. The themes were courage, kindness and responsibility. The stories to be presented could be taken from old folklore or modern stories. This competition was the most interesting. There were many talented pupils who presented their story creatively. The combination of gesture, pronunciation of words and rhythms of sentences had attracted the audience which included some parents. Some of them gave full support for their children in order to give them more confidence.

The judges had a tough time to decide on the winners. The champion for the story telling competition was Shaswatha D/O Nagarajan from 4 Cemerlang. The story that he told was Random Acts of Kindness. The second place went to Sukilan S/O Krishnasamy from 5 Cemerlang with the story entitled King Arthur. The third place went to Akilan S/O Krishnasamy from 3 Cemerlang. The title of her story was SHOEMAKER. At last formal closing ceremony was held at SJKT Ladang Sungai Papan School Hall at 2.00 PM. Headmaster given trophy and certificates to all contestant. At closing ceremony speech Head Master Stressed the importance of English language in official writing and speaking and appreciated the efforts made by the organizing committee in conducting such successful competiton. Singing competition The singing competition was the second activity carried on 19 April 2011. The teacher-in-charge was Mr.R.Saravanan S/O Ramachandran. The competition started as scheduled. There were 4 student participated in the competition. Student sang a song indivually. The selection of songs was made by both the English Language teachers and the Music Teacher. Each students had to perform within 8 minutes. Participants were allowed to use gestures when singing. Use of costumes was optional. There were 2 judges responsible for the adjudication. The judges were teachers from SK Ladang Sungai Papan school. The winner of the singing competition was Shaswatha D/O Nagarajan from 4 Cemerlang. She presented the song titled My lovely mother. The runner up went to Pavintiran S/O Nagarajan from 6 Cemerlang with his song One Malaysia one nation. The second runner up went to Akilan S/O Krishnasamy, who sang My Teacher. Prizes were given away on the same day of competition.

Strengths and weaknesses of Programme The implementation of Story telling competiton was a success. All the activities were carried out smoothly. However, there were some strengths and weaknesses found when carrying out this programme. The table below shows the strengths and weaknesses of the programme.

Strengths of Programme

When the program started all teachers gave full cooperation to handle this program. All teachers had played their roles according to the organizing committee. Not only the teachers, full support also given by parents in form of monetary and moral supports and equipments need to improvement of programme(Microphone and P.A system). Local companies operating nearby the schools also sponsored the prizes for the winners.

Weakness of Programme Althought got a lot of strength there was a weakness also to this programme.

Suggestions and recommendations

In order to make English Week more successful in the future, The English Language Panel would like to give some suggestions and recommendations. First, it is suggested that the duration of English Week to be extended to two weeks next year. That will enable more activities to be implemented during the English Week. Second, the choice of activities must be variety to promote more participation of pupils.

The English Language would also like to recommend the school administration to allow activities to be carried out outside the formal school time table so that more pupils can watch all the activities at different time and place. The school administration must also take immediate action to repair and improve the quality of the school P.A system for a better quality of pupils presentation.

Conclusion It is hoped that the storytelling competition 2011 implemented by the English Language Panel of SJK(T) Ladang Sungai Papan be benefitted by all students. The English Language Panel also hope that to further improve the Storytelling and singing Competiton in order to make use of English Language more visible in this school.

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