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Villanueva, Mariel A.

2012 BS CpE/ 3-4 MWF 3 Idiots Movie Review

January 04,

The 3 Idiots is all about the 3 students who have their different struggles in being a college student. The one who is telling the story way back 10 years ago is Farhan who is not happy with what he is pursuing in college which is Engineering. He is just doing it because of his parents whom from his birth, decide on the future of their son. They sacrifice their own comfort (there is only one aircon in the house which is placed in the room of Farhan) just to give Farhan a good life. For me, Farhans parents really love their son because they only want the best for him but sadly, Farhan loves a different career which is Photography. The other student is Raju who is studying for the wellness of his family. I like how the color of the screen changes which becomes black and white every time the setting is on the house of Raju. It makes me feel that his family is like living in the early years where colored TV is not yet invented and financial problem is the main fact that urges Raju to study in an Engineering school. The third student is Rancho which from the start amazed me with his intelligence. His first scene with the senior peeing in his door made me laugh and adds with the excitement to continue watching it. Rancho changes the lives of his two friends, Farhan and Raju. He is after the application of what every school should provide to the students, not the definitions from the books which are commonly not understood. It is the best long film that I had watch so far. Im not into watching films which runs for almost 3 hours but this movie is different. I can relate to some scenes such as the hardships in studying especially if you are taking up an Engineering course. I really like the perception of Rancho about what a school should offer to us, students. Studying is not all about memorizing the technical terms and its definitions just to have an answer in the exams. We should understand the true meaning of it as well as its application in our daily living. We know for a fact that after we graduated, we will not deal with the technical definitions of the things related to our occupation but with its application to be able to work effectively. An example of this is the scene where Chatur, Ranchos rival among the top students, defined the word Machine. His definition is so technical that a common individual cannot understand unlike with Ranchos definition which can be understood easily. One aspect of the movie that surprises me is the twist when Farhan, and Raju together with Chatur reaches the present location of Rancho. It is very shocking to know that Rancho portrays a fake identity. However, it made me adore his character more because he is studying for the sake of learning not because of the diploma which can

be displayed just to say that a person is really an educated one. His passion in studying machines, engineering put him in his present profession. I really like the movie except for the musical part. The singing and dancing part should be less because sometimes, I get boring about it that I want to fast forward it to the next scene. But I still managed to watch it because at some point, its still part of the film. The lesson that I learned from the film is that if you really love what you are doing, you dont need to aim for success because it will be the one that will chase you. I think that every 4th year high school student should watch this film before choosing their course in college, for it might help them realize what career they should take for them to be happy and successful in life.

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