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ALL MEMBERS OF NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE to be held on THURSDAY, 1st March 2012 at the RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 6.30pm for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.

PLEASE NOTE Members are advised that prior to this meeting at 5.45pm there will be a presentation for all Parish Councillors on the proposed development of a wind turbine(s) on MoJ land (part of the former prison farm) at the western end of Noke Common prior to agents submitting a detailed panning application. _________________________________________________________________________________

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME To receive and consider questions submitted by members of the public (15 minutes). 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of meeting held on 16th February 2012 (Paper A) 4. Matters arising 5. Recently lodged planning appeals and latest decisions 6. Licensing Applications
7. Planning Applications (Paper B)

1. P/00167/12 2. P/00124/12 3. P/00131/12

4. P/00137/12 5. P/01253/11 6. P/00180/12

7. P/00200/12 8. P/00207/12 9. P/01709/11

10. P/01869/11

8. Decisions for Information (Paper C)

9. Any other planning related matters including consultations

10. Questions from the Committee 11. Close of Meeting Contact: Chris Hougham 01983 525781 or 29 College Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1HB 22/02/12


Committee Date: 1st March 2012 1. P/00167/12

Location: Proposal: Ward: 2. P/00124/12 Location: Proposal: Ward: 3. P/00131/12 Location: Proposal: Ward: 4. P/00137/12 Location: Proposal: Ward: 5. P/01253/11 Location: Proposal: Ward: 54 Hunnyhill Lawful Development Certificate for retention of raised decking in rear garden Newport Central land adjacent, Moorlands, Forest Road Proposed installation of photovoltaic array and equipment cabinet Carisbrooke 43 Chapel Street, Proposed conservatory Newport Central Bottom Barn, Rowridge Lane, Rowridge, Removal of condition no. 2 on P/02589/04 - TCP/21322/F which restricts the use of the studio to holiday accommodation Carisbrooke Land adjacent, 94 Fairlee Road Detached house with parking; formation of vehicular access Newport North


6. P/00180/12 Location: Proposal: Ward: 7. P/00200/12 Location: Proposal: Ward: 8. P/00207/12 Location: Proposal: Ward: Sainsbury's, Foxes Road, 1 x internally illuminated totem sign (revised scheme) Newport Central Newport West Island Tea & Coffee Co, The Old Granary, Whitecroft Farm, Sandy Lane Removal of condition no. 11 on P/00161/11 - TCP/01641/R which states the land and buildings shall be retained in single ownership and shall not be sold off or sub-let separately Newport South Sainsbury's, Foxes Road Proposed roof mounted plant and associated works Newport Central / Newport West

9. P/01709/11 Location: Proposal: Ward: 10. P/01869/11 Location: Proposal: Ward: 39-40 Quay Street, LBC for non-illuminated hanging sign and 7 window vinyls Newport Central 39-40 Quay Street, Non-illuminated hanging sign and 7 window vinyls Newport Central



Committee Date : 1st March 2012

Planning Permission Granted

1. P/01599/11 Location: Proposal: 2. P/01763/11 Location: Proposal: 3. P/01793/11 Location: Proposal: 31 Forest Road Demolition of single storey rear extension; proposed two storey/single storey rear extension to enlarge living accommodation; formation of vehicular access and parking area Isle Of Wight Crematorium, Whippingham Station Lane, Whippingham Proposed alterations and single storey extensions to improve facilities; new ground keepers store and compound 22, South Street Change of use of first floor from financial & professional services (Class A2) to tattoo studio

4. P/01816/11 Location: Proposal: 97-99 St. James Street Change of use from A1 (retail) to A2 (financial and professional services)

Grant of Consent for the Display of Advertisements 5. P/01855/11 Location: Proposal: Unit 4B, Taylor Road Trading Estate, Taylor Road 2 internally illuminated fascia signs; non-illuminated double sided sign added onto the existing totem sign; 2 window vinyls

Grant of Lawful Development Certificate 6. P/01812/11 Location: Proposal: 2 Cooper Road Lawful Development Certificate for proposed demolition of conservatory and rear porch; single storey rear extension to provide dining area and bedroom




MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NEWPORT PARISH PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY, 2nd FEBRUARY 2012, AT THE RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, COMMENCED AT 6. 30PM Councillors Present : Shirley Smart (Chairman), Tony Coburn, Mary Craven, Steve Falla and Peter Whiteman. None. Chris Hougham

Public: Clerk:

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P/728 APOLOGIES Debbie Dixcey and Lois Prior. P/729 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr. Peter Whiteman declared a general personal interest on the basis that he is sometimes employed in the building industry. The assistant Clerk declared a personal interest in agenda item 7(7) as he has previously advised on the matter. P/730 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the last meeting held on 19th January 2012 were agreed and signed as a correct record. Members were updated on the following matters

Crossing Facility....St.Georges Approach to Coppins Bridge Public consultation on Isle of Wight Festival by Newport Parish Council Temporary sports hall at Christ the King College Mobile home on land at the junction of Blacklands Lane and Whiterails Road Meerkat Manor and no.58 Furrlongs

P/731 RECENTLY LODGED PLANNING APPEALS AND DECISIONS The Assistant Clerk advised that there were no new appeals or appeal decisions to report.



P/732 LICENSING APPLICATIONS Ref.038476 Proposed amendments to premises license, Newport Ale House, 24A Holyrood Street. Members were advised that this was an application for amendments to the license for the playing of live music on bank holiday weekends and the Committee decided to raise no objection and asked the Assistant Clerk to advise the Licensing Officer accordingly. P/733 PLANNING APPLICATIONS P/01923/11... 1 Mayfield Drive Members could see no sustainable objection to the demolition of the property or the principle of redeveloping the site for residential purposes. The view is that this is a transitional site between the low density development along the northern side of Staplers Road and the medium/high density of the more recent (1970s) development off Mayfield Drive. That said, while a terrace of four houses can actually be physically accommodated across the width of the site the view is that this will look cramped and, as such, represent overdevelopment of the site contrary to local planning policies and therefore likely to have an adverse effect on the amenities of the area. The obvious solution is to negotiate for a reduction to three units that should result in a much improved scheme in visual terms and in terms of room sizes, especially bedrooms. As it stands the application should be refused. NPC Recommendation: Refuse Permission P/01911/11... Carisbrooke C of E Primary School, Wellington Road The Parish Council will always support the loss of mobile classrooms and their replacement with purpose designed new buildings or extensions to existing buildings. If the application is approved Members wish to see a condition imposed that will see the removal of the mobile unit from the site within 0-3 months of the completion and occupation of the new classrooms. Members feel that the proposed additions are an appropriate form of development in a design/appearance that is in keeping with the existing building and are content to support the application subject to the imposition of conditions in terms of the use of matching materials and tree protection during the construction phase. NPC Recommendation: Conditional Approval P/01887/11 ...47 Gunville Road Members could see no sustainable objection to this application subject to the imposition of a condition requiring the use matching or appropriate materials. NPC Recommendation: Conditional Approval P/011920/11 Fairlee Service Station Members were happy to support this application subject to appropriate conditions including the colour of the profiled cladding and boundary treatment especially along the northern and western boundaries of the site. However, it did come to mind that the site for the proposed building encroaches into the parking area at the rear of the site and the question was asked as to how the applicant intends to control that particular situation with reduced space.


NPC Recommendation: Conditional Approval

P/00031/12 & P/00032/12... 144 High Street Members are obviously familiar with the site and the proposal to use the premises as a hot-food takeaway. When we considered the last applications we commented. Members wish to lodge the STRONGEST POSSIBLE OBJECTION to the application for the change of use to a late night takeaway on the grounds that in this area, indeed the town centre generally, there is a now a saturation and over proliferation of this type and similar users leading to serious crime and disorder issues and fears about public safety. However, Members recognise that this was not the prevailing view and although permission was refused the reasons solely related to issues relating to the proposed extraction system. The argument advanced at the time was that the opening hours could be regulated by condition and restricted to 0100hrs instead of 0300hrs as cited in the application. Members remain of the view that there is still an over proliferation of similar users at this end of the High Street but they are prepared to raise no objection subject to an imposition of a condition that restricts the opening hours to that of the other food outlet premises in the vicinity. NPC Recommendation. No objection subject to the imposition of a conditions restricting opening hours to 0100hrs
NB. There have been issues previously with similar schemes in the town in terms of means of escape in an emergency situation, usually in case of 100% site coverage. It is noted that there is a small courtyard to the rear of this building but it has not been included in the red line as part of the application. Members feel that this should be investigated.

P/00061/12... Quarr Business Centre, Whitcombe Road Members have no objection to this application. NPC Recommendation: Approval P/734 PLANNING NOTICES The Committee noted recent decisions that had been received. P/735 OTHER PLANNING RELATED MATTERS INCLUDING CONSULTATIONS Integrated Transport Capital Programme 2012/2013 As part of an overall consultation members considered six highway improvement schemes scheduled for this coming financial year (2012/13) or reserved but likely to come forward in the following year. Members decided to offer their support for five of six schemes but maintained their objection to proposals to route bus traffic from St.James Square into Pyle Street and then Town Lane. Members instructed the Assistant Clerk to respond on behalf of the Committee detailing objections to the scheme in the town centre and giving their own ranking priority to the schemes they wish to support, as follows. 1. Proposed new traffic management arrangements, Church Litten 2. Footway upgrade, Petticoat Lane 3. Footway widening in Carisbrooke High Street



Parish Council representations on planning applications and related submissions Members were advised on the latest difficulties in terms of interpreting and handling detailed comments submitted by the Committee on planning applications and related submissions. This ranged from failure to include those comments in anything like approaching the appropriate level detail in written justifications and reports, misinterpretation and, as a consequence, dealing with submissions under the delegated procedure without reference to the local Member. Members were advised that the Assistant Clerk is in the process of addressing the problem and that in the meantime our comments will be accompanied by a very clear recommendation of approve or refuse except where the Committee genuinely wishes to raise no comment. 6'6" Width Restriction - Castle Road, Carisbrooke Members were advised on the latest position in terms of the installation of illuminated signage as part of the new restriction P/736 MEMBERS QUESTION TIME PW asked if Members were aware of the installation of downward lighting and a power supply for the new hoardings on the slip road adjacent to Medina View. The Assistant Clerk said he would investigate and report back to Members. PW also asked whether Planning Services could advise the Parish Council on the latest position in respect of the Shoulder of Mutton site in light of new demolition work. The Assistant Clerk said hed make some enquiries and report back to the Committee. CLOSE OF MEETING The next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 16th February 2012 at 6.30pm. The meeting closed at 7.23pm.



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