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Fnxn: Bodek,Robert

Sent: Thu Feb 25 01:16:31 2010

To: Bellow, Jonathan M; Skripnikova, Galina; Wagner, Bruce E; Albertin, Martin L.
SUbject: RE: LWD memory data
Importance: Normal
This was the depth where we took the kick in near the base of the 18" casing section. This resistivity spike looked
the same when it was drilled. 4-l Canada.
From: Bellow, Jornllhan
Scat: W<nc.<;dny. Fcbntnry 24, ZOJO 7:05PM
'l'o: Dodcl<, Robctt; Skripnikovu, O!tlina; Wugna-, Drucc E; Albatin, MD.rtin
Subjrct: RE: LWD memory
All: I agree with the loss zone in the marls. There is however a lc'lrgc resistivity anomaly right at the 8959 depth. We
need to look at this and be sure this is not another loss signature. I realize that it seems to be 12 feet above the shoe
depth but we need to check or at least get comfortable that this spike is not another Joss zone. Thougl\ts???r?7
File: trip out log.ZIP >>
From: Rodck,"Rohcrt
Sent: Wodnccl<ty, February 24,2010 6:52PM
Tu: Skripnikova, Gal ina; Mon:l, Bri:m P; Haile, Mark f:.; Guide. Jolm; Brett W; Bomlur:urt, Charles H; Ritchie,
Bruce E; Bellow, Jonmhan M; Albertiu, M:utin David C
Subject: RR: LWD mcmnry duta
Thank: you, This is a good of the loss zone.
l'rom: &'kripaikon, Glllina
Seat: WednQ;day, rochruary 24, :uno 6:38PM
To: l:lodck, Robed; Briott P; Hrillc, E; Guide, John; Cocalcs, Brett W; Bondunmt, C1wlc9 H; Ritchie, Bryan; W3gncr,
I!; Bellow, Jon:rthan M; Albcrtin, Mnrtin 1.; Sims, Oavid c.:
Subject: R: memory data
Yes. I agree with Gord. There is forination broke doVI-n in 9050-9230' interval. Sec comparison with realtime data.
Resistivity reads mud in out borehole.
Gal ina
File: Macondo_MWD_OUT_02242010.ppt
From: Bodck, "Robert
Scnt: !'cbruary 24, 2010 4:43 .PM
'fo: MOJcl. Bri1111 P". Mruk F.; Cruidc, John; Cocale<, Brett W; tlondurrutl, Charte. II; llitchic:. Bry.m; Skripnikovn, Golinn;
Wagner, Hruoc E; 13cDow, .Jontb:m M; Albertin, Sims, David C
Subject: FW: LWDmwt<>ry..Wta
FYI ... Preliminary observations from Gord below. More lo follow.

WIT: ______ _
8 P-HZN-2179MDL00003391
From: BconcU, Gord (QO Inc.)
Sent: Fcbrunry 24, 2010 4:37 l'M
Tu: Robert
Subject; RE: !.WDmcmorydnta
Marlstonc broke down from 9050 to 9230'. Data is on the way to you. folks
From: Jlodck, Robat
Soot: Wednesday, Fcbrunry 24,2010 1:33PM
'fo: DcnnoU, Gord (QO Inc.)
llli: LWDmcmocydahl
Thanks, Gord.
From: &luiCU. Go1"C! (QO l11c.)
Sl>nt: Wodncsd:Iy,Fcbm:uy24, 20101:31 PM
'l'o: BOOck. Robert
RE: LWO memory tiRIH
Hey Bobby,
They are just at the coUurs rigl1t now. Once the tools arc laid down, Sperry will get the tools downloaded. They are
aware you guys want the Ascii data of the trip out first.
l"...,n: Bodek. Rob01t
Sent: Wednesday, f'Cbnlury 24,2010 12:32 PM
'fo: Dccpw:alcr Hori>.oa, Sp<:IT)' Sun; BcnncU.. Gonl (QO nc.)
Cc:, Julm; Mon:l, DriHo ]': lltUle, M"rk. ; Cuc.tles, lln:ll W; Skripnik.uva, Oulillll; W"!?l"'"'llru"" E
Su bjcct: L WD tllCtnoty dati
Rig brethren,
When you have the memory data downlinkcd from the L WD tool, could you please send the .las digits as soon as
possible before you build the image files to Galina Skripnikova and Bruce Wagner. We'd like to get a jump on
processing the logs and identifying the loss zone.
BP America Inc.
Geologict1f Opertrtwns Coortlinawr
Gulf of Mexico Exploration- Tiger Team
(o) 281.366.3862
(c) 713.213.7553

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