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K1g move vvorK LISt r-eoruaury "u1u
1 2 Ooy 4
Meoo Blue MUX cables 3
!Replace #50 solenoid coli on Yellow POD 2
I Romove J.Box on #2 tonsloner 1
I PRS PM's due In March 3
UPS 11 & 12 1<
hnstall In MCC 7 (total MCC for Thruster 2) 14
I grounds 6
Total 44
I MooQ Blue MUX
I Replace #50 "" li on "
!change PBOF cablo ()n Yellow Pod flow meter 2
t and repair Low Puroe air alarm and check Qreen IIQht under DCP panel 2
on #2 tonsloner
!Reset Process Stations 6
Rewire wlre'MRU and Gyro
Work with TOI 1 on Iron ZMS (as penm1t)
Reolace batteries In UPS 11 & 12 12
lnstalf-bSCkb03rds"ln MCC 7 (total MCC for Thruster 2) 10

I "'ooard grounds 6
'uoornde (NOV tech
FWD Replace hoses that are susoect fas operatJons perrrul) 10
AFT PRS -Prs Replace hoses that are suspect c;;;- permll) 22
movo 18
365 DavPMon Mud Pump# 1 24
365 Day PM on Mud Pump# 2 24
Tot;! 98
IRIQ Down 4
!Replace Tensloner #2 36
!Assist with DWHC 24
as noodod with roplacolnQ 2 RAMS 16
Assist as needed with TDS PM's 3
Assist as needed with PRS PM's 3
I Assist with PRS hose I 32
lchanae out drill line 24
Change out drill line roller >check) 3
Total 147
Arivol T ostlna 24
Transit 10
SeaT ex- 4 DOGPSuPQr.:>do9 4o EXHIBIT1113.d._
Total 74
- J
I 1. Wash down BOP with high pressure wand to remove ollck sludge. 3
12. Full function test from both oods to checl< all an. 'charqodl 8
13. While function testino. check all hoses for leaks 6
[4. Drv fire EDS 1 and 2. check data logger for proper functions 2
Is. Chanoe out WH Conn with DWHC 24
Is. Inspect stack bore for kov seating 1
[7. Grease all failsafe volvos. 16
[8. Chance out Uooer and Middle VSR'S with 18
19. AdJust Procharqe In 80 gal 6
1as many 112" hoses as possible on LMRP 6
1 1 .Install 6 518' test joint and make full pressure test. With all :Ch8raed 8
r12.1nstall manual riser tool and test all valves 8
I13.Perform full function test with both pods. (Post Service) 8
1 low pressure test on Wellhead Conn. 2
15.1nsbll new AX posket In 1
[inooct lot ond 5k onnulor $1rlpplnp olomont. Ch>nQo Wla1kld tOStltlq, thon ro-t ltom11 ond thon oroeood 12. 13. 14 or<S 15. 30
..... ORK TOBE

1 T.
t leak on Test Rams 2
l2. Chonpe DOd suooiY. allot filtern. and 4
[3. Drain and fill Ambient chambor on LMRP 1
4. Ensure all manual regulators are properly sot 2
5. Adjust precharqe In 60 gal. 3
6. Adjust precharqe in all ; on both pods 4
. Chanoe Pod Manifold Rooulator. 1
8. Pressure up both oods and check for leaks. 2
9. lnsoect Inside pods 1 tools. or leaks 1
10. Replace all 1 .5" control hoses for both annulars
I 1. Visually Inspect and replace outer poly oak seals In riser [This Is done by the Drilling Dept and con be I at their discretion
[2. At same time Inspect all thrust collars for loose parls or broken bolts 12 [This Is done by the Drilling Dept and can be I at their discretion
[3. VIsually Inspect and replace seals In ri ser adaptor 1 [This is done by the Drilling Dopt and can be I at thei r discretion
Total 25
[1. Change out Riser Tensloner #2 I 3sl
2. Chance out "Tens. Vent" and APV vent on I 41
Additional work
I 1. lnsoect and chance as noodod all seals on dlvorter. 2
!2. Chango out suction and discharge filters on HPU 3
I Install now 208' Mud boost drape hose( drill aow to preform task) 10
Total 5
Overall Total 656

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