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larish Clerk: Maxine Yule 559119

lnail: naxyule@gnail.con Website:

lull contact details or our councillors can be ound on the website
Newort Newort
Our meeting was held at Riverside Centre this month and
attended by 1 member of the public. There was a verbal
report from the Safer Neighbourhoods Team, PCs Hughes
and Sainsbury. They said the crime figures were down
in all categories and there is a project with young drivers
allowing them to meet in Howdens car park on the industrial
estate, after business hours. This is an initiative to stop the
boy racers and is subject to conditions, so will be closely
monitored. It was decided not to make a bid to the IW
Councils Economic Improvement Fund, after a number of
potential projects were floated. Our preferred project was
for external decoration and repairs to the Guildhall, using a
contractor that could teach apprentices the old methods of
construction and give them the chance to work on a Grade
2 listed building. Sadly, this was rejected by the IWC who
have no money in their own budget for refurbishment, only
for essential repairs. It was also proposed to seek permission
to erect new information signage in various locations within
the town centre. It was suggested that businesses could
pay to advertise on the signage, which could get rid of the
growing amount of A boards. However, this was rejected by
members as it was thought it would clutter the Town and not
address the issue of the illegal boards.
We did agree the 2012 /2013 precept, this will be minus 0.5%,
giving everybody a small reduction in their bill.
We have decided to donate 200 to Newport and
Carisbrooke Older Voices, this will help them to carry on their
good work.
Bird Hide at Dodnor Pond - a location has now finally been agreed
with IW Council and planning permission will be sought. Granite
Drinking Fountain on the Quay - the relocation is progressing,
however access is currently prohibited by a large yacht, so this
work will be completed once it has been returned to the water.
Peter Whiteman Chairman Newport Parish Council
The next Full Council meeting will be on 12th March at Gunville
Methodist Church, starting at 6.45pm. This will be preceded by
a presentation of the building design award by our Chairman
of Planning and Licensing, Shirley Smart. The Planning and
Licensing Committee meet at the Riverside Centre on 1st, 15th
and 29th March at 6.30pm.

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