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EdCo 101 Temperament Test (Source: http://hglick.hubpages.

com/hub/Free-Personality-Tests) Instruction: Listed below, you will see that there are 20 rows of 4 selections for "personality strengths" and "personality weaknesses". In each row you must select the one characteristic that describes YOU the best. Be as honest as you can. If you believe that none of the 4 selections describes you, pick the characteristic that comes closest to describing you. Don't leave out any item for any group of 4! Remember that no answer is better or worse than any other and no personality type is better or worse than any other personality type. This will simply define your personality tendencies. Most people's profile will contain a combination of the personality types. Have fun with the results! --------------S T R E N G T H S------------------Mark one word in each row that best describes you. 1) ___Animated 2) ___Playful 3) ___Sociable 4) ___Convincing 5) ___Refreshing 6) ___Spirited 7) ___Promoter 8) ___Optimistic 9) ___Spontaneous 10) ___Funny 11) ___Delightful 12) ___Cheerful 13) ___Inspiring 14) ___Demonstrative 15) ___Mixes Easily 16) ___Talker 17) ___Lively 18) ___Cute 19) ___Popular 20) ___Bouncy ___Adventurous ___Persuasive ___Strong willed ___Competitive ___Resourceful ___Self-reliant ___Positive ___Outspoken ___Sure ___Forceful ___Daring ___Confident ___Independent ___Decisive ___Mover ___Tenacious ___Leader ___Chief ___Productive ___Bold ___Analytical ___Persistent ___Self-sacrificing ___Considerate ___Respectful ___Sensitive ___Planner ___Scheduled ___Orderly ___Faithful ___Detailed ___Cultured ___Idealist ___Deep ___Musical ___Thoughtful ___Loyal ___Chart-maker ___Perfectionist ___Behaved ___Adaptable ___Peaceful ___Submissive ___Controlled ___Reserved ___Satisfied ___Patient ___Shy ___Obliging ___Friendly ___Diplomatic ___Consistent ___Inoffensive ___Dry Humor ___Mediator ___Tolerant ___Listener ___Contented ___Permissive ___Balanced

--------------W E A K N E S S E S ------------------Mark one word in each row that best describes you. 1) ___Brassy 2) ___Undisciplined 3) ___Repetitious 4) ___Forgetful 5) ___Interrupts 6) ___Unpredictable 7) ___Haphazard 8) ___Permissive 9) ___Angered Easily 10) ___Naive 11) ___Wants Credit 12) ___Talkative 13) ___Disorganized 14) ___Inconsistent 15) ___Messy 16) ___Show-Off 17) ___Loud 18) ___Scatterbrained 19) ___Restless 20) ___Changeable ___Bossy ___Unsympathetic ___Resistant ___Frank ___Impatient ___Unaffectionate ___Headstrong ___Proud ___Argumentative ___Nervy ___Workaholic ___Tactless ___Domineering ___Intolerant ___Manipulative ___Stubborn ___Lord Over OtherS ___Short-tempered ___Rash ___Crafty ___Bashful ___Unforgiving ___Resentful ___Fussy ___Insecure ___Unpopular ___Hard to Please ___Pessimistic ___Alienated ___Negative Attitude ___Withdrawn ___Too Sensitive ___Depressed ___Introvert ___Moody ___Skeptical ___Loner ___Suspicious ___Revengeful ___Critical ___Blank ___Unenthusiastic ___Reticent ___Fearful ___Indecisive ___Uninvolved ___Hesitant ___Plain ___Aimless ___Nonchalant ___Worrier ___Timid ___Doubtful ___Indifferent ___Mumbles ___Slow ___Lazy ___Sluggish ___Reluctant ___Compromising

OVERALL (Strengths
And Weaknesses)






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