Business Exposure Master Piece

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This is to certify that the project-work tilted INDUSTRIAL EXPOSURE (FIELD VISIT) AND GUEST LECTURES

Have been completed satisfactorily in partial fulfillment of B.B.A. (SEM IV) course of the University of Pune for the academic year 20102011 by the following student of Ness Wadia College of Commerce Pune.411001. MASTER______________________________________ Place: Pune. Date: Principal Project Guide Co-ordinator

Dr. M. M. Andar

Prof. Neeta Kamath


Prof. Pinky Agarwal

I would like to acknowledge and express my deep sincere gratitude to Mrs. Pinky Agarwal, our coordinator, for all the hard work she has put into arranging our highly educational industrial visits at very reputed industries and arranging our guest lectures from highly reputed individuals. I would also like to thank our business exposure teacher, Mrs. Neeta Kamath, for all the extra efforts and time she has put into clearing all our doubts, dictating material to us and going through our rough and soft copies to ensure that our assignments are nothing but perfect. I would also like to sincerely thank all the faculty members that have taken time out from their own personal time to come with us to the various industrial visits, help us with our queries and guide us in the right direction. And last but not the least, I would like to thank our wonderful college for creating an environment that encourages us to work harder and achieve our goals. Without which our intelligence would have caved in on itself. - Arjun Indulkar


5- 28 6 14 19 29- 104 30 65 80 89 105- 132 106 115 127 133 134




The word industry comes from the Latin word industria , with the senses activity ability and a trade or occupation our word [first recorded in 1475] originally meant skill advice and diligence as well as a trade.

An industry is any group of business that share a common method of generating profits, such as the movie industry, the automobile industry, the cattle industry etc. An industry is concerned about the production of goods by the utilization of available material resources. It signifies the activities that aim at production, processing, and fabrication of products. An industry is a general term to describe a group of businesses doing similar things. For instance, the mortgage industry elates to all the people creating originating and working with loans. The textile industry works with clothing. The petroleum industry works mainly with gas, although one

could say the fossil fuels industry includes the companies working with petroleum, natural gas and coal. Primary Sector Primary sector of industry is agriculture, mining, and raw materials extracting. This involves the extraction of resources directly from the earth; this includes farming, mining and logging. They dont process the products at all.




Secondary Sector Secondary sector of industry is manufacturing. This group is involved in the processing of products from primary industries. This includes all the factories- those that refine metals, produce furniture, or pack farm products such as meat.




Tertiary Sector Tertiary sector of industry is service production. This group is involved in the provision of services. They include teachers, managers, and other service providers.

MANAGERS Quaternary Sector


Quaternary sector is a knowledge industry focusing on technological research design and development such as computer programming and biochemistry. It is a comparatively new division. It is an extension of the 3rd sector hypothesis of industrial evolution. It principally concerns the intellectual services like Information generation,

information development.









It is that part of a business activity that produces goods and/or services through utilization of the available material resources. Goods or services produced by the industry are used either by the industry or by the final consumer for satisfying their wants or by producers for further production. These are called consumer goods and producers goods respectively. - Henry Ford. The word industry can be defined as:1) 2) 3) 4) Consistent effort exerted to produce or accomplish something. The activity of manufacturing goods for sale. All manufacturing enterprises collectively. A field of activity developed to a particular product or service. 10

Robert Kiyosaki


Extractive Industries These are concerned with supplying commodities, which are extracted from the earth. The products of these industries are generally used by manufacturing and constructive industries for making finished goods. E.g.:- mining, coal, natural gas, oil, iron ore, steel. Etc.



Genetic Industries


Refers to industries under which plants and animals are grown for the purpose of sale to consumers. E.g.: - botany, horticulture, tobacco, dairy, poultry farming, ivory, meat, etc.



Manufacturing Industry These industries convert raw materials into finished or semifinished goods, are called manufacturing industries. E.g. automobiles, electronics.




Construction Industry These are concerned with the construction of building dams, roads, bridges, etc. The raw materials that are used by these industries are the products of the manufacturing industries. Business provides not only goods but also services. Service industry does not produce any tangible goods. These are engaged in providing services to the public.







The industrial revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one in which industry and manufacturing is in control. During this time, there were many new advances, socioeconomic and cultural problems that aroused. On the technological front the biggest advancement was in steam power. New fuels such as coal and petroleum were incorporated into new steam engines. This revolutionized many industries including textiles and manufacturing. Also a new communication medium was invented called the telegraph. This made communication across the ocean much faster. The time of the industrial revolution saw dramatic change from tools and handmade items to products, which were mass-produced by machines. Workers became more productive and since more items were manufactured the prices dropped making exclusive and hard to make items available to the poor and not only the rich and elite. Life generally improved.


The industrial revolution also proved harmful. Pollution increased, working conditions were harmful and with the employment of women and young children, making them work long and hard hours.


Along with the great leap in technology, there was an overall downfall in the socio-economic and cultural condition of the people. Growth in cities was one of the major consequences of the industrial revolution. Many people were driven to the cities to look for work. With the new industrial age a new quantitative and materialistic view of the world took place. This caused the people to consume as much as they could. This still happens today living in small wages that requires small children to work in factories for long hours. The industrial revolution was not a good revolution for the planet. From the time of its start, the factories and industries have increased the level of carbon in the atmosphere by two folds. Also in our drive for consumerism, our planets natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. Pollution by nuclear waste, pesticides and other chemicals are also the result of the industrial revolution.



They can be classified as follows: 1) 2) Primary aims and objectives Secondary aims and objectives

Primary Aims and Objectives

To understand various problems faced by the industry today. To understand different forms of organisations in different sectors

of the industrial world. Be acquainted with the practical exposure in the industry. To study the functions of different forms of organisations To find out how different forms of organisations contribute to the

growth and development of the economy. To understand quantitative and qualitative changes that have taken

place in the industrial sectors of the economy. To understand the role played by industries in the growth of the

Indian economy. To understand reforms in the industrial sector.


Secondary Aims and Objectives

To understand various manufacturing methods like job batch, mass

flow and process production. To understand the roles and responsibilities of the supervisory,

executor and managerial level in the production functions. To study the interrelationship among the departments of production

and manufacturing, finance, marketing and human resource management. To study the personal structure in the organisation. Production planning and control and requirement of planning

department. To study the quality of production, causes of variation and quality

control. To study the advantages and disadvantages of product line layout,

plant layout and process layout.





Business organization refers to all necessary arrangements required to conduct a business. It refers to all those steps that to be taken for establishing relationships between men, materials and machinery to carry out business efficiently for profit maximization. The development and growth of forms of business organizations is closely interconnected with the stages of economic development of a country. The Industrial, Transport and Commercial Revolution brought about fundamental changes in the business, i.e., in industry as well as in commerce. The establishment of big factories and mills, production of goods on large scale by power driven machines for ever expanding markets led to the expansion of the units of business. Thus, industrialization of a country accelerated the evolution and development of business organization.




A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one owner. The owner may operate on his/ her own or may employ others. It is a business enterprise that is exclusively owned, managed and controlled by a single person with all authority, responsibility and risk. This is the most common type of business.



1] Formation & ClosureHardly any legal formalities are required to start a sole proprietary business. 2] Quick Decision MakingA sole proprietor enjoys considerable degree of freedom in making business decisions. 3] Direct IncentivesA sole proprietor directly reaps the benefits of his efforts, as he is the sole recipient of all the profits.

DISADVANTAGES OF SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP 1] Limited ResourcesResources of a sole proprietor are limited to his personal savings, borrowings and loans. 2] Limited Life of the BusinessDeath, insolvency or illness of a proprietor affects the business and can lead to its closure. 3] Unlimited LiabilityIt means if the business fails, the creditors can recover their dues not merely from the business assets, but also from the personal assets of the proprietor.



A partnership is a form of business in which two or more people operate for achieving a common goal, which in most cases is profit maximization. In most forms of partnership, each partner has personal liability of the debts incurred by the business. There are three typical classifications of partnership are general partnership, limited partnership and limited liability partnerships.

ADVANTAGES OF PARTNERSHIP 1] Ease of Formation & ClosureA partnership firm can be formed easily by forming an agreement between the prospective partners, where they agree to carry out the business together. 2] Larger CapitalIn a partnership the capital is contributed by a number of partners. This makes it possible to raise larger amount of funds as compared to proprietorship form of organization. 3] Sharing of RisksAll the partners share the risks involved in running a partnership firm.


DISADVANTAGES OF PARTNERSHIP 1] Unlimited LiabilityPartners are liable to repay debts even from their personal resources in case the business assets are not sufficient to meet the business liabilities or debts. 2] Possibility of ConflictsDifferences in opinion on some issues may lead to disputes between partners. 3] Lack of ContinuityPartnership comes to an end with the death, retirement, insolvency or lunacy of any partner. It may result in lack of consistency.


Joint Hindu family business is a specific form of business organizations found only in India. It refers to a form of organization where, the business is owned and carried on by the members of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF).


ADVANTAGES OF JOINT HINDU FAMILY 1] Effective ControlThe Karta has absolute decision-making power. This avoids conflicts among members as no one can interfere with his right to decide. 2] Continued Business ExistenceThe death of the Karta will not affect the business, as the next eldest member will then take up the position. 3] Limited Liability of MembersThe liability of all the co- partners except the Karta is limited to their share in the business, and consistently their risk is well defined and precise. DISADVANTAGES OF JOINT HINDU FAMILY 1] Limited ResourcesThe Joint Hindu Family business faces the problem of limited capital as it depends mainly on ancestral property. 2] Unlimited Liability of KartaThe Karta is bound by unlimited liability. His personal

property can be used to repay the debts. 3] Dominance of KartaThe Karta is the final authority in a Joint Hindu Family. If the members have different interests or different ideas of where the business should be, and if these interests or ideas are not acceptable by the Karta, it may lead to conflicts that could break the family apart.


A co- operative society is the voluntary association of persons who come together with the motive of welfare of the members. They are driven by the need to protect their economic interests in the face of possible exploitation at the hands of middlemen obsessed with the desire to earn greater profits.

ADVANTAGES OF CO- OPERATIVE SOCIETY 1] Equality in Voting StatusThe principle of one man one vote governs the co- operative society. Irrespective of the amount of capital contributed by a member.


2] Limited LiabilityThe liability of the members of a co- operative society is limited to the extent of their capital contribution. 3] Stable ExistenceDeath, bankruptcy or insanity of the members do not affect the continuity of a co- operative society. DISADVANTAGES OF CO- OPERATIVE SOCIETY 1] Limited ResourcesResources of a co- operative society consist of capital contributed by the members by their limited means. 2] Inefficiency in managementCo- operative societies are unable to attract and employ expert managers because of their inability to pay them high salaries. 3] Difference of OpinionInternal quarrels arising as a result of difference in opinion may lead to difficulties in decision-making.


A company is an association of persons formed for carrying out business activities and has a legal status independent of its members. The Companies Act, 1956, governs the company form or organization.


ADVANTAGES OF JOINT STOCK COMPANY 1] Limited LiabilityThe shareholders are liable to the extent of the amount unpaid on the shares held by them. 2] Transfer of InterestThe cease of transfer of ownership adds to the advantages of investing in a company as the share of public limited company, can be sold in the market and as much can be converted into cash in case the need arises. 3] Perpetual ExistenceExistence of a company is not affected by the death; retirement, Insolvency or insanity of its members as it has a separate legal entity forms its members. DISADVANTAGES OF JOINT STOCK COMPANY 1] Complexity of InformationThe formation of a company requires greater time, effort and

extensive knowledge of legal requirement and procedures involved. 2] Lack of SecrecyThe Companies Act, 1956, requires each public company to provide time-to-time information to the office of the registrar of companies. Such information is available to the public as well. 3] Delay in Decision- MakingCompanies are democratically managed through the Board of Directors, which is followed by the top management, middle management and lower management.





Our college coordinator Mrs. Pinky Agarwal organized an industrial visit to Katraj Dairy on the 5th of February 2011. It was a very well organized day trip to the dairy. Where we got a chance to study the various steps and procedures involved in the purification of milk and the


manufacturing of various milk products.


Katraj Dairy was incorporated in 1960 with an intension of providing an organized facility of milk collection for the village level farmers situated in Pune district. Katraj Dairy started with milk collection of about 0.30 lakh (30.000) liters per day in the first year of operation and today, has steadily grown to over 1.50 lakh (0.15 million) liters per day and has a financial turnover of over Rs.150 crores (US$ 33 million). Katraj Dairy has achieved ISO 9001:2000 & HACCP certification from DNV in Oct. 2006 & maintained. In Oct. 2009 Dairy has achieved ISO 9001:2008 & HACCP 2006 Dutch Standard from Dr. Norskey Veritus. Katraj Dairy with its eight chilling plants and 12 BMC spread almost all over the district has an installed milk handling capacity of over 5 lakh (0.50 million) liters per day. The main plant of Katraj is equipped with modern Pasteurizer, homogenizer, Cream separator, Ghee processing, automatic packing of milk and milk products and other quality testing devices and well equipped labs. Katraj Dairy has an installed processing capacity of 2 lakh (0.2 million) liters per day. Katraj dairy manufactures / Distributes milk and milk products like Pasteurized/ Homogenized-Cow milk, Toned milk, Double toned milk, Standardized Milk, Full cream milk, Cow & Buffalo Cream and Ghee, Shrikhand, Amrakhand, Malai Paneer, Dahi, Flavored Milk, Lassi,

Jeera Tak, Table Butter, Milk Powder, Softy Ice cream, pedha, Khoa and in the near future plans to introduce sterilized milk in 200ml bottle and hard ice-cream with different flavors in different pack sizes. All these products are available at Katraj owned parlors at various locations in Pune City and through appointed distributors and retailing circuits. Very soon, Katraj plans to introduce an online ordering system for its distributors/ retailers and consumers. Katraj products have been in use in thousands of homes in Pune since 1961. Katraj Milk, Katraj Ghee, Katraj Shrikhand, Katraj Amrakhand, Katraj Lassi, Katraj Jeera tak (buttermilk), Katraj cream have made Katraj a leading food brand in Western Maharashtra. Today Katraj is a symbol of high-quality milk products sold at reasonable prices, the genesis of a vast co-operative network triumph of indigenous technology, the marketing savvy of a farmers' organization.


The objectives of Katraj Dairy are, to build a valued chain of farmers to source milk at an organized level, manufacture products at a very high quality level and create a demand for their products in the competitive market without having any reasons to be pointed at. This organization has a unique advantage, its strategic location.

Based in Pune city, a place with historic, cultural importance and a major district in Maharashtra, India. The city is known as the city of students because of its large number of educational centers. Another major advantage is that Mumbai is just 180km. away. Thus using these key factors, they want to serve the state with their superior quality of milk. They want the state to crave for this superior quality of milk.


Prior to Katraj Diary, farmers use to sell their milk to middlemen. These middlemen were never trust worthy as the farmers milk was always adulterated with water, promises that were never fulfilled, the true price at which the milk was sold was never known and the farmers didnt get their money most of the time, if they ever got it at all. Although the farmers didnt like this system, they didnt have a choice, as there were no other alternatives. However, as Katraj Dairy came along, a new picture was painted. Katraj simplified this system to eliminate the problems of the farmers and create a win- win situation for both of them. Katraj strategically placed collection centers in the middle of the villages. Thus making it very convenient for the farmers to contribute their milk. Further more, the farmers are paid their money on the spot, based on quality and quantity of milk. This also creates a meeting point for all the farmers to discuss various new methods and techniques to increase their cattles milk producing capacity. It also gives the farmers a sense of pride, as they can be proud of the quality of milk being produced by their cattle.



The collection centers pay the farmers for their milk on the spot based on quality and quantity of milk. Because of which the farmers dont have to wait on their money. Katraj teaches and educated the farmers with new dairy technologies, thus keeping them up to date with a global market. Katraj also provides the farmers with vitamins for their cattle, to receive a better quality of milk. They also teach the farmers what type of fodder is to be fed to the cattle when. They also provide medical assistance for the cattle, to their limit. Katraj is also trying to promote organic/green milk. Organic milk is basically milk from cows that have been exclusively fed organic feed, have not been treated with synthetic hormones, are not given certain medications to treat sickness, and are held in pens with adequate space.


MILK Milk is an almost ideal food. It has high nutritive value. It supplies bodybuilding proteins, bone forming minerals and health giving vitamins and furnishes energy giving lactose and milk fat. Besides supplying some essential fatty acids, it contains the above nutrients in an


easily digestible and assailable form. All these properties make milk an important food for pregnant women, growing children, adolescents, adults, invalids, convalescents and patients alike.

Milk may be defined as a whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy Milch animals excluding that obtained within 15 days before or 5 days after calving or such periods as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrums free and containing the minimum prescribed percentage of milk fat and milk-solids-not-fats. Pasteurization: The term pasteurization refers to the process of heating each & every particle of milk to at-least 63 C for 30 minutes, or 72 C for 15 seconds in approved and properly operated equipment. After pasteurization the milk is gradually cooled to 5 C or below. Homogenization: Homogenization refers to the process of forcing the milk through a homogenizer with the object of sub dividing the fat globules.


CREAM When milk fat is concentrated into a fraction of the original milk, that portion is known as cream. Cream is a rich portion of milk fat. Cream is the product of cow or buffelo milk or a combination thereof, which contains not less than 25 % milk fat.

Various Types of Cream Table Cream Light Cream Coffee Cream Whipping Cream Heavy } Containing 30 - 40 % milk fat } Containing 20 - 25 % milk fat


Cream Plastic Cream Containing 65 - 85 % milk fat

Katraj Dairy has been manufacturing plastic cream with 65 - 75 % milk fat.

GHEE Ghee is the pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi (cooking) butter or from cream to which no coloring matter is added. Ghee is the clarified butter fat prepared chiefly from cow or buffalo milk. Ghee is used as a cooking or frying medium, in confectionary, for direct consumption with rice chappatis etc. Cow ghee is mainly used in indigenous pharmaceutical preparations (Ayurveda).


Packing Sizes:

500 gm. Poly pack. 500 ml standy pouch. 15-liter tin.

SHRIKHAND Shrikhand is a semi-soft sweetish - sour whole milk product prepared from lactic fermented curd. The curd (dahi) is partially strained through a cloth to remove the whey and thus produce a solid mass called chakka (the basic ingredient for shrikhand). This chakka is mixed with the required amount of sugar, cardamom, jaiphal etc. to yield shrikhand.


Packing Sizes: 100 ml plastic cups 250 ml plastic cups 500 ml plastic cups For Party or catering purpose available in loose bulk sale. Best for occasions like Gudhi Padwa, Raksha bandhan, Dasara, Diwali etc. Direct consume with Puri, Chapatti, for better test.

AMRAKHAND Amrakhand is a semi-soft sweetish - sour whole milk product

prepared from lactic fermented curd. The curd (dahi) is partially strained through a cloth to remove the whey and thus produce a solid mass called chakka (the basic ingredient for shrikhand). This chakka is mixed with the required amount of mango flavour, sugar, cardamom, jaiphal etc. to


yield Amrakhand.

Packing Sizes: 100 ml plastic cups 250 ml plastic cups 500 ml plastic cups For Party or catering purpose available in loose bulk sale. Best for occasions like Gudhi Padwa, Raksha bandhan, Dasara, Diwali etc.

Direct consume with Puri, Chapatti, for better test.

MALAI PANEER Paneer refers to the milk solids obtained by the acid coagulation of boiled whole milk & subsequent drainage of whey. The acids commonly used are citric in both natural & chemical forms. Traditionally paneer has been a variety of pressed channa, used

mainly in preparing cooked vegetable dishes like palak paneer, paneer butter masala etc.

Packing Sizes:

200 gm rotogravure laminated pouch. 500 gm rotogravure laminated pouch. 1000 gm rotogravure laminated pouch

DAHI Matka Dahi is a fermented milk beverage. Dahi originally was set using mud pots since ancestral days for the purpose of getting that unique flavour & taste gained due to the porous property of mud pots allowing filtered air flow. But now a days dahi prepared from milk

faormenting with lactic culture & packed in plastic cups 370 C.

Packing Sizes: 100 gm. matka. 200 gm. matka.

100 gm. plastic cup.

200 gm. plastic cup. 400 gm. plastic cup

FLAVOURED MILK Flavoured Milks are milks to which some flavours/ colours and suger been added.When the milk is used the product should contain a milk fat % at least equal to the minimum legal requirement for market


milk, but when fat level is lower(1.2%) , the term drink is used.

Packing Size: 200 ml Poly bag


Lassi is a fermented Milk beverage popular in all parts of India. The technology of lassi making is however confined to only households. Lassi has a great potential in the Indian Market.


Packing Size: 200 ml Poly pack

JEERA / PLAIN TAAK (BUTTERMILK) Tak is also called chhas or mattha, refers to desi buttermilk. It is a popular drink during the hot Indian summers, as it helps reduce body heat and lower the body temperature. Thus a relaxing drink enjoyed by everyone.


Packing Size: 200 ml Poly pack

TABLE BUTTER For years together, table butter is being cherished as a tasty food, popularly eaten with bread. It also forms a good topping on indegeous food like Pav-bhaji, Thalipith (Pan Cake). Katraj Table Butter is marketed by Katraj Dairy Manufactured By Dynamix Dairy Industries Ltd., Baramati, Maharashtra, India.


Packing Sizes: 100 gm.

500 gm.

SOFTY ICE- CREAM This product is marketed in a soft condition and is ready for

consumption shortly after it is drawn from the freezer. Katraj dairy has soft churner in their milk factory in the Pune city.


Among milk products ice cream is also rich source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals of vital importance in building good bones and teeth. It is a very desirable food item for growing children and person who need to put on weight. It is excellent source of Vitamin A, good source of Vitamin B & G, Niacin, and Vitamin E. The digestibility & palatability of ice cream is also very high.
Packing Size: 60 ml cone

PEDHA Pedha is preparred using khoa based material. Khoa is mixed with suger and then heated in a kadhai made of food-grade metal.After heating desired flavouring and nuts are added to the pedha mass.


Packing Sizes: 1 kg box

500 gm. box 250 gm. box

ICE CREAM Ice-Cream may be defined as frozen dairy product made by suitable blending & processing of cream & other milk products, together with sugar & flavor, with or without stabilizer or color & with the incorporation of air during the freezing process. According to PFA rules

Ice-Cream is the frozen product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination there of or from cream and or other milk products with or without addition of cane sugar, fruit, fruit juices, preserve fruits nuts, chocolate, edible flavors & permitted food colors.

Nutritive Value; Among milk products, Ice cream is also a rich source of calcium, phosphorus & other minerals of vital importance in building good bones & teeth. Being rich in Lactose, Ice-Cream flavor greater assimilation of calcium in the diet. The protein content of Ice Cream is also rates high, both in quantity & quality. Ice Cream provides valuable proteins in a very palatable form. In fact, Ice Cream is most palatable source of milk protein to the vegetarians. Ice Cream is an excellent source of food energy. It is a very desirable food item for growing children & persons who need to put on weights. Ice-Cream is a rich source of many essential vitamins, without which normal health & growth cannot be maintained. Thus it is an excellent source of vitamin -A, a good source of vitamin -B (Thiamine) & G (Riboflavin) & a fairly good source of Niacin, vitamin - E & in fruit Ice Cream of vitamin -C. The digestibility & palatability of Ice Cream is also vey high.


Packing Sizes: 50 ml plastic cups 100 ml plastic cups 500 ml Family pack 1000 ml Party pack 2000 ml Party pack 4000 ml Bulk pack

STERILIZED FLAVORED MILK Sterilized milk may be defined as milk, which has been heated

to temperature of 1210C for 15 minutes. The Milk fit for human consumption for at least 120 days at room temperature.



Packing Sizes: 200 ml Glass Bottles

KATRAJ AQUA (MINERAL WATER) Katraj Dairy with their well-known products now introducing mineral water with katraj brand i.e. Katraj Aqua. Water in its purest form is really a life giving liquid. Katraj Aqua (to live a healthy family life) gives the assurance that each drop of water that you consume is full of

energy & freshness. Our dairy is also an ISO- HACCP 9001-2008 certified Dairy and it stands testimony to the quality of product. We strictly follow the quality measures regarding hygiene and quality of products.

Packing Sizes:

500 ml Bottle - packed in 24 bottles in 1 box.

1 liter Bottle- packed in 12 bottles in 1 box.

Initially, the milk is collected in the collection centers in the villages. This where all the villagers come and sell their milk to the Katraj Dairy collection centers. After which, the milk is transported to the


Katraj plant, situated in Katraj, Pune. The milk is transported in special vehicles designed for the sole purpose of milk transportation.

[MILK TRANSPORTAION VEHICLE] Once the milk has reached the plant, it is first checked for its quality. After which it is primarily filtered and added to the holding tanks. After which the milk is transferred through pipelines to the boiler unit. This is where the milk is the milk is boiled to kill germs and make the milk last longer, known as pasteurization.


[BOILER ROOM] Pasteurization refers to the process of heating each & every particle of milk to at-least 63 C for 30 minutes, or 72 C for 15 seconds in approved and properly operated equipment. After pasteurization the milk is gradually cooled to 5 C or below.

[REFRIDGERATION DEPARTMENT] After this process the milk is stored in its specially designed storage containers. After which it is ready for further processing and packaging. The milk can be further be utilized in the production of rest of

the products like flavored milk, ice cream, butter, ghee etc.


Katraj Dairy is very strict when it comes to the quality of the milk and its products. It strictly maintains its standard as per ISO 9001:2000 regulations. The work of this department begins, as soon as the milk enters the gates of the factory. They initially check the quality of the milk when it is in the milk tanker or milk transportation vehicle. They do so to ensure that the milk is not spoiled and does not match the standards of Katraj Dairy. This process is carried out to ensure that; bad milk does not get added to the rest of the milk in the storage units.


This department uses the method of random sampling for selection of samples to test. It picks up random samples from all the batches of products produced. If even one product in the batch is not up to the mark, the entire batch of the product produced is discarded. This department uses a variety of testing methods for the various products that are produced at the plant. They usually check for pH, fat, acidity, water content, saturation levels, lactic acid, etc. A hew of the chemicals that they use for testing are given below Iodine Solution Sodium Bicarbonate Lactic Acid Diastix Silver Hydroxide

Katraj Dairy carries out a very simple form of packaging. It is

appealing to the consumers eyes even if they are from a metropolitan city or a local village in Maharashtra. All of their packaging has the local dilet, Marathi on them along with the universal language, English.

[MILK PACKAGING] The packaging is done in a very hygienic environment. All the workers that come in contact with the products have hair caps and gloves on their hands. They also have a special uniform that has to be worn. The packaging of all the milk except the flavored milk is done in polythene bags. The bags are manufactured in other parts of Maharashtra and are inserted into the packaging machines. The flavored milk is packaged 200 ml. glass bottles. Ice cream is packaged in plastic cups as well as cardboard boxes.

Katraj Dairy has a simple of chain distribution. They follow


two chains of distribution,

1. Manufacturer 2. Manufacturer


A list of distributors that are located in and around the city of Pune, are given on the next page-


NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR AND AREA OF DISTRIBUTION Gurukrupa Associates Deepali V. Bhadale) (Mrs. Sinhagad Road, Bibavewadi to Swargate Swargate to Shivajinagar, Ghorpadi, Mundhava, Hadapasar Market Yard, Kondhava Gaon,Undari, Satav Nagar Mahadeonagar, Urali devachi Vanwadi gaon, Salunke Vihar, Manish Park Pune Camp, Nana Peth, Bhavani Peth, Koregaon Park Yerwada, Kalyani nagar, Vadgaonsheri, Viman nagar, Vishrantwadi, Dhanori Renghill Corner, Bopodi, Khadaki, Dapodi, C.M.E., Sangavi, New sangai Gokhalenagar, Chaturshrungi Payatha, Paud Phata, Jaibhavani Nagar to Chandani Chowk Yerandavana, Karve Nagar, Varaje, Uttam nagar, Kotharud gaon Rakshak Nagar, Sathe Pimple, Kalewadi Phata, Wakad, Dange chowk, Tathawade, Ravet, Punawale

Kaniphnath Milk Agency (Shri. Balasaheb V. Gavhane) Shivam Milk Agency Sandeep U. Ghate) Balaji Milk Agency Sanjay R. Ambekar) Assa Associates Amarpalsing Badh) Om Sai Distributors Anil S. Londhe) (Shri.

(Shri. (Shri. (Shri.

Sidhdheshwar Milk Agency (Shri. Sagar K. Shelake) Shevantai Milk Suppliers (Shri. Ravindra D. Takke) Sayali Milk Suppliers (Saui. Vaishali K. Gopalghare) Shriraj Milk Agency (Shri. Rajendra J. Bhargude)

Yamuna Traders(Shri. Ramesh B. Kasarwadi, Pimpari, Kalewadi Phanse)


Dattakrupa Enterprises (Shri. Subodh N. Kale) Vyankatsh Milk Agency (Shri. Rohidas K. Lawande)

Vivek Vasahat, Shridhar Nagar, Sudarshan Nagar, Udyog Nagar, Bijali Nagar, Chinchwad Gaon Akurdi Gaon, Akurdi-Nigadi Pradhikaran, Dehuroad, Talegaon Dabhade, Kamshet, Lonawala

Rudra Enterprises (Sau. Chhaya C Sant Tukaram Nagar, Ajamera, Jagtap) Neharu Nagar, Balaji Nagar, Indrayani Nagar, Landewadi, Bhosari Gaon Kunal Milk Agency (Shri. Rahul D. Takke) Shri Saikrupa Distributors (Shri. Amod B. Pandhari) Radha Krishna Milk Agency (Shri. Sandip D. Chambhare) Pashan, Sutarwadi, Bavdhan, Boys Batalian, Aundh gaon Someshwarwadi, Sanewadi, Parihar chowk, Dattanagar, balewadi, Hinjwadi Morwadi, Ajamera, Mohan Nagar, Yamuna Nagar, rupi Nagar, Talawade, Phule Nagar, Chikhali road, Shahu nagar



A manufacturing unit like the one at the Katraj Dairy plant has many machines, electrical units, etc., that needs regular maintenance. Katraj Dairy has a fixed routine that covers all the maintenance-required units.


Machinery- All machinery requires maintenance. The maintenance is determined on the number of hours that it has been operated. Based on this the wear and tear of the various machine parts can be estimated. The parts that usually require the maximum maintenance are the rollers of the packaging units. The machines that come in contact with the milk are was washed with boiling hot


water, then with a chemical, then with boiling hot water again and then washed with cold water. This process takes place everyday with the small holding tanks.

Storage Tanks- There are two types of storage tanks when it comes to maintenance, the big and the small. The big storage tanks are washed on weekly bases while the smaller ones are washed on a daily basis. The process involves, washing with boiling hot water, then by a chemical, then with boiling hot water again and then washing with cold water.

Electrical Department- The electric department is in charge of all the electrical lies that run through the entire plant. They usually have a simple job of just changing the parts that whether down or fuse. A major problem they face is rodents eating their underground wires, however, they now run the cables through G.I. pipes. The other equipment that usually burn out are the M.C.B.s, wires that fuse, motor pumps, etc.



Refrigeration Unit- This unit is in charge of all the refrigeration of

all the products inside Katraj Dairy. It contains 6 compressors out of which only 2 operate at a time. Each pair of compressors operates not more than 6 hours at a time. When the demand for refrigeration increases, 4 compressors run at a time. Ammonia gas is used for refrigeration. If there is low pressure in the lines of the ammonia gas, Sulphur powder is added to the gas to help detect any leaks.

Pest Control- Rodents are a problem everywhere. To take care of

them crews of pest control are called every 1-month to spray pesticides to keep the plant rodent free and hygienic.



The boards of directors have the power of all the decisions that are to made, in regards to Katraj Dairy. The chairman of Katraj Dairy for the term between 2009- 2013 is Mr. Shri. Rambhau Sambha Tule.

Mr. Shri. Rambhau Sambha Tule. Chairman

It creams better and tastes a lot better than the others Anita Bhoslae Muska forms a lot more easily Ranjana Payguday The milk gives our tea a whole different flavor Deepa Mistri

From this report we can conclude that the set up is not a mediocre one, but in fact up to global standards. The plant is very hygienic and well maintained. The idea and implementation of the idea of unifying the farmers and helping them with their problems is nothing but noble. All the products that are produced are of immense quality and

standard, because of which their consumer demand is growing day by day. Thus analyzing this report, we can say that Katraj Dairy is definitely up to global standards and has the potential to be one of the leading giants in the dairy industry.




Our college coordinator Mrs. Pinky Agarwal organized an industrial visit to Utra Tech- Ready Mix Concrete and Cement Bricks on the 5th of February 2011. It was a very well organized day trip to the factory. Where we got a chance to study the various steps and procedures involved in the production of ready mix concrete (R.M.C) and cement bricks.







Ultra Tech Concrete comes from the house of the Aditya Birla Group. Their vast experience in cement production using state of the art technology has helped us in meeting requirements of discerning


customers by providing variety of cements to suit different needs. The group has forayed into forward integration into high quality concrete in production, delivery and placing. Ultra Tech has developed expertise to meet national and international standards in meeting customer expectations. Aditya Birla Group, of which Ultra Tech Cement is a part, has 10 integrated plants, 7 split grinding units and 5 bulk terminals, including one in Sri Lanka. Ultra Tech is Indias largest exporter of cement and clinker. Total cement capacity of the Aditya Birla Group is 36.25mnT pa. Their Ultra Tech Concrete plants are present in Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Nagpur, Ahmedabad, Surat, Gurgaon, Noida, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Cochin, Vizag, Ludhiana, Kolkata and many more are coming up.


WHAT IS READY MIX CONCRETE? Ready mix concrete is basically a homogenous mixture of cement, sand, aggregate of rock, flash and water. It is better concrete than regular concrete mixed on site as the proportions of the material are exact and have a better setting time. Thus giving it longer life and better sustainability.



WHAT SETS ULTRA TECH- READY MIX CONCRETE ABOVE THE OTHER? Concrete is most vital material in modern construction. It has versatile properties like easy mouldability, high compressive strength and long lasting durability. These properties of concrete have made it most popular construction material for all types of civil engineering works. The latest developments in concrete technology have made it possible to use it in intricate and architecturally complex structures, requiring high degree of performance and aesthetic appearance. In addition to normal concrete, other varieties in use are, high strength and high performance concrete, self-compacting, lightweight,

high density, fiber reinforced, polymer, colored concrete etc. The ingredients of good and bad concrete are the same. The difference lies in the technology used for production, transportation and placement. The making of concrete is an art as well as a science. Science because all the ingredients are proportioned as per the standard codes of practice to get the targeted strength & durability, and an art because in addition to accurate proportioning, quality of concrete depends on the way it is mixed, placed, compacted, finished, cured and protected. Ready mix Concrete (RMC) technology results in a perfect blend of the Art and Science. In all the developed as well as most of the developing nations, use of RMC for construction has made it possible to achieve speed and quality. The advent of commercial RMC in India is about a decade old, but in recent years it has become the preferred choice of architects, engineers and consumers. Ultra Tech Concrete is committed to provide customized high quality RMC for ensuring speedy construction. HOW CAN YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONCRETE AND WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONRETE? There are various types of concretes that are required for different purposes of construction. The different types of concrete depend various factors like Mixture Compacting time Water ratio

Chemicals Setting time You can tell the difference by of different types of concrete by

different testing methods like-

Sieve Analysis-

It is used for checking samples of the material to be utilized and whether it follows the 15 norms.

Tube testing-

It is used for testing the strength of the product.

You can also tell the difference by a simple on site method. To do so, you must hold the concrete in your bare hands and see if the concrete mixture is separating, if does then it is of a lower quality. If the mixture stays intact then it is considered to be a higher quality. Further more, based on the looks of the color, texture and visibility of the mixture, one can determine the quality of the mixture. However, this method requires years of on site experience with concrete.

HOW IS READY MIX CONCRETE MENUFACTURED? The raw materials (sand, aggregate, cement) through automatic the mixing machine become ready-mixed concrete. Ready Mixed Concrete is manufactured under computer-controlled

operations and transported and placed at site using sophisticated equipment and methods.



Well-designed Ultra Tech Concrete is pumped from the transit mixer to the location where it is being placed through concrete pumps with horizontal and vertical pipelines. The flexible hose pipe attached at the end of pipe line makes the pouring convenient at the point of placing, thus reducing shoveling / dragging and avoiding segregation.


In Ultra Tech Concrete, qualified and experienced Application Engineers are exclusively dedicated to each pumping operation who provide advice regarding placing, compacting, finishing and curing of concrete. Application engineers provide following services: Advice on correct alignment of shuttering and formwork before concreting operation starts Coordination for pumping operation and actual requirement of concrete Coordination with plant for requirement of number of Transit Mixers Checking the quality of concrete in terms of workability and feedback to plant for any rectification, if required Advice regarding maintaining correct thickness of slab, compaction, finishing, protection and curing Advice on precautionary measures during rainy season and for hot weather concreting Assistance in testing of concrete at site

TECHNOLOGY Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC) offers high-tech solutions to the needs of the public works and construction industries. It allows these industries to build ever-longer bridges, ever-higher buildings, tunnels, dams, etc. The basic process for making ready-mixed concrete has not changed for the past 60 years: dry raw materials are measured, loaded into a bin, mixed, placed into a truck, and water is added (sometimes the order of the last two steps is interchanged).









PRODUCTION OF READY MIX CONCRETE? The answer is yes; it does have certified standards that are followed by all Ultra Tech- Ready Mix Concrete plants. They all have to follow the ISO 9001:2000 standards of production.








CONVENTIONAL CONCRETE? There are two main reasons why ready mix concrete is better than conventional concrete made on siteSpeed- Time plays an important factor when it comes to the


construction industry. Conventionally, concrete will require a minimum of 10 minutes to be made and this will be made in a small quantity. Whereas ready mix concrete will be on the site all ready to be used. Thus no time is wasted in making the mixture on site.

Quality- Quality of construction also plays a very important role

in the field of construction. Conventionally, the mixture of concrete is estimated on the bases of Ghamela. However, this method cannot grantee a continuous and good quality of concrete. Whereas, ready mix concrete is computerized and can produce the exact quality of concrete required for different types of construction requirements.



IT MEASURED? Ready mix concrete is measured on the basis of meter cube. Before and after entering the manufacturing site, the concrete transportation vehicles are weighed. The gross average weight minus the current weight gives the net weight of the vehicle. Thus giving the weight of the concrete. After which the meter cube of concrete is measured.

[CONCRETE TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE BEING WEIGHED] The cost of concrete keeps on varying as per the demand. However, the rate of the ready mix concrete on the day we had visit the site was, Rs. 3500/- per meter cube.



Ultra Tech- Cement Bricks are manufactured in the same manufacturing plant as the Ultra Tech- Ready Mix Concrete plant. The mixture of the cement bricks is very different from the above ready mix concrete. The process of manufacturing these bricks is very different as well. Ultra Tech- Cement Bricks follow the ISO 9001:2000 standards of production and do not compromise on their quality.



The manufacturing process at this plant is a fully automated one. Hence the process is not very complicated. Cement bricks are made up of a homogenous mixture of cement, crushed sand, flash, cement and chemicals. To start of with the machine is filled with four different types of crushed sand and flash in its inlet containers.

[TO THE LEFT YOU SEE THE FOUR INLET CONTAINERS & TO THE RIGHT YOU SEE THE CONVEYOR BELT INPUT] After which, this material is transferred to the main conveyor belt through the primary conveyor belt. The quantity of the material is let out of the storage containers as per the commands or type of cement brick required to be manufactured. This then gets transferred to the main machine via the main conveyor belt. The main machine is hooked up with

special pipelines to the cement containers, chemical container and water tank. The machine then pulls in the required amount of chemicals, water,

[CEMENT STORAGE CONTAINER & MAIN CONVEYOR BELT AND MAIN MACHINE] cement, and other materials from the main conveyor belt. After which the materials are hydraulically compressed, after which it under goes vibration treatment and is hydraulically compressed again. Because of this process of vibration and hydraulic compression, the cement brick because three times stronger than a conventionally produced brick. Further more it is faster as it produces three cement bricks in one batch. Once this process is completed the bricks are stacked up in drying stands and put for drying in the sun. This process is called Curing. This process also requires the cement bricks to be cared for. Depending on the weather and heat the cement bricks are treated with chemicals. Further more, the bricks are kept wet perpetually as cement absorbs a lot of water and heat. Thus the more water it gets, the better it sets and the better it sets, the stronger it gets. Once the cement brick is completely cured, a finished product is born.



DIFFERENT TYPES OF CEMENT BRICKS AND WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES AND SIZES OF CEMENT BRICKS? There are various types of cement bricks that are required for different purposes of construction. The different types of concrete depend various factors like Quality of Mixture Hydraulic Pressure Water ratio Chemicals Curing time Quality of Cement You can tell the difference by of different types of cement bricks by different testing methods like-

Sieve Analysis-

It is used for checking samples of the material to be utilized and whether it follows the 15 norms.

Tube testing-

It is used for testing the strength of the product.

You can also tell the difference by a simple on site method. To do so, you must hold the cement brick 5 feet of the round and drop it. If the brick crumbles, then it is considered to be bad quality; if the brick just

breaks into a few pieces, then it is considered to be medium quality; if the brick just forms a crack or breaks into only two pieces, then the brick is considered to be good quality and if the brick remains completely intact, then it is considered to be of a superior quality. Further more, based on the looks of the color, texture and visibility of the mixture, one can determine the quality of the cement brick. However, this method requires years of on site experience. The different sizes that were produced at this Ultra Tech plant, are as follows 3.5 inches 5.5 inches 7.5 inches

WHY ARE CEMENT BRICKS BETTER THAN CONVENTIONAL BRICKS? There are two main reasons why cement bricks are better than conventional bricksSpeed- Time plays an important factor when it comes to the


construction industry. Conventionally, bricks are made out of clay and are baked on the out skirts of the cities or in villages. This process is a lot slower because the numbers of wet brick moulded are limited to the number of workers on the site. Further more, the time required to arrange these bricks and bake them is a very time consuming process.



Quality- Quality of construction also plays a very important role in

the field of construction. Conventionally, bricks are made out of clay. Hence the type of clay utilized in the production of these bricks is very critical. Further more, depending at what heat, how long the bricks have been baked and the position of the brocks in the arrangement of bricks plays an important factor in the manufacturing of bricks conventionally. Because of which there can never be a set standard and quality of production. Whereas, cement bricks are produced by automated machines and can produce the exact quality cement bricks required for different types of construction requirements.

Ultra Techs research in the field of Ready Mix Concrete and Cement Brick production is definitely seen in the quality of its finished material. Hence it is easy to understand why their customers choose only ultra tech. Thus we can conclude by saying, ready mix concrete and cement bricks are the construction materials of today and tomorrow. Leading the construction companies to come up with better quality structures in less time.





We organized an industrial visit to Deepak Nitrite Limited on the 3rd of March 2011. "We began with the goal of being self reliant. But destiny took us beyond boundaries. It is our duty to imagine limitless possibilities and then achieve it.'' D.C. Mehta, Managing Director Deepak Nitrite is a leading manufacturer of organic, inorganic, fine and specialty chemicals and a world leader in 2,4 and 2,6 Xylidine. Working with our partners, customers, we seek to find better ways to meet market demands, using innovative processes and methods. Our people, our technologies and our years of expertise unite to deliver superior products and services that improve life. Deepak Nitrite is the preferred business partner of chemical majors worldwide in Pharma, Rubber, Colorants and Imaging chemicals. Headquartered at Pune, we are a multi-division and multi-product company that has manufacturing facilities at Nandesari, in Gujarat and at Pune, Roha and Taloja in Maharashtra and Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, all of them complying with ISO 9001:2000 standards. We are poised to take on the opportunities offered by globalization, increasing shareholder value, improving opportunities for our employees, driving greater innovation and seeking sustainable solutions for the world. We are a signatory to the Responsible Care initiative and are committed to ethical business practices.


Their head office is in Baroda, with the corporate office in Pune. They have five manufacturing facilities at different locations in the Western part of India that have a logistic advantage being within six hours from a major port.

The company manufactures Inorganic, Organic and Fine & Specialty chemicals. There are two units in the state of Gujarat and three units in the state of Maharashtra. The Inorganic Chemicals are produced at one of the facilities in Gujarat while the Organic and Fine & Specialty


chemicals are produced at the other facilities. One of the facilities is devoted to the processes Hydrogenation and Reductive Alkylation. Each of the facilities has DCS controlled operations. The company's main strengths are Nitration, Chlorination and Hydrogenation. The manufacturing facilities produce a range of chemicals that cater to a spectrum of industries like Pharmaceuticals, Colorants, Agrochemicals, Cosmetics, Water Treatment & Corrosion Prevention, Rubber and Refineries. A regular review of the Safety measures and HAZOP study is undertaken to ensure that the plants and those working there are protected.



In a short span of 30 years DNL has steadily climbed the steps of excellence and is continuing in its efforts to reach the top and be the best. Mentioned on the next page are some of its milestones:

Beyond 2000

Diversification and Consolidation in related product Acquired Aryan Pesticides Ltd, areas DASDA

1996 1993 1991 1984 1982 1974 1972 1971 1970

business of Vasant Chemicals Ltd. Catalytic Hydrogenation plant commissioned Merit Certificate from CHEMTECH Foundation Nitro Aromatics plant commissioned DNL acquires Dyestuff and Intermediates Unit DNL Promotes Deepak Fertilizers & Petrochem. Ltd. P.C. Ray award Sodium Nitrite Plant commissioned DNL went Public DNL Promoted


We Interacted with Maulik Mehta who is part of the leadership team at Deepak Group and presently looks after the production facility for DASDA at Hyderabad and Raigad, which comes under the Deepak

Nitrite Limited.

Anything rather everything that you see around you which is white has DASDA in it announced Maulik Mehta as he progressed to showing us the facility at Raigad. Maulik Mehta is the son of Deepak Mehta who is the Chairman and Managing Director of Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals. The twenty something scion is part of the leadership team at Deepak Nitrite, a subsidy of Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals and looks after the Production facility for DASDA at Hyderabad and at Raigad. Maulik Mehta completed his schooling from Pune, his graduation at the University of Liverpool specializing in Business and did his masters in Organizational Psychology.

Deepak Nitrite manufactures DASDA that is used in the manufacture of Optical Brightening Agents (OBA). OBAs are consumed by the paper, textile and detergent industry. DASDA is a chemical which

is procured from Peranitra Nitra Tolene(PNT).There is a 3 stage process which is associated with it.

1st - Sulphonation 2nd - Oxidation 3rd Reduction

This process is a highly volatile process and requires a lot of constant monitoring. It also requires a lot of precision to produce the best quality DASDA in the world.


The Key elements to making DASDA are PNT, Devon, Soda Ash, Iron, and Caustic Acid. PNT, Devon and the nitrates are produced


in-house. The only element that is procured from outside is the Sulphuric Nitrite which is purchased from B.A.S.F in Germany.


Deepak Nitrites plant at Raigad has an annual production capacity of 1000 tones of DASDA per year. Its the only plant that is pollution neutral eg. Negligent waste. This is something, which makes the company hold their head high. The Waste, which is produced, is let out into the river as it is H20 (water). Mr. Mehta did mention that the plant at Raigad could recycle the water by heating it and converting it to water vapor. They are in process of building a plant, which can triple the production to over 4000 tones of DASDA.

The DASDA is sold to the suppliers all over the world. Deepak Nitrate as of 2011 is the best producer of DASDA in terms of quality. They are surpassed by China in terms of Pricing. Though the amount is Negligible the Chinese are able to manipulate the market as they have a very large production capacity. Though, the Chinese Producers take over 2 months to deliver DASDA due to logistical disadvantages, Deepak Nitrite can do it 2 days at any given time. Deepak Nitrite Sells DASDA to Europe, South America, Asia. Deepak Nitrite enjoys healthy relations with most suppliers. The market for DASDA is very open as most suppliers rely on more than one producer for their supply. They received a major jolt in 2006 with the acquisition of the largest producer of

DASDA in the world Vasant Chemicals. Vasant Chemicals enjoyed a 24% share of the market for DASDA. With all the highs being given, we noted Mr. Mehta shrug as he informed us though they are maintain extremely good relations with many suppliers they never get into a long term contract with any supplier, when we enquired how long he was talking we were astonished to learn he said 6 months. Deepak Nitrites gets into contracts only for orders given on the spot and no long-term commitment. But, on the other hand, they grantees to deliver anywhere in the world within 2 days. Thus beating China, their competitor who takes very long for deliveries.

At the end of an enriching experience that we received by visiting the facility of Deepak Nitrite in Raigad, We understood the way the white was produced, by the addition of a chemical element called DASDA. We understood how the market has evolved in different situations.




We organized an industrial visit to Baker Gauges Pvt. Ltd. on


the 3rd of March 2011. It was a very well organized day trip to the factory, where we got a chance to study the various steps and procedures involved in the production of precision gauges.


[MR. TAIZOON BAKER, DIRECTOR] We were given the privilege of being shown around and articulated about the various elements involved in a business such as Baker Pvt. Ltd. by one of their Directors itself, Mr. Taizoon Baker. He has done his schooling from St. Vincents High School, his undergraduate in business from the University of Pune and his masters from United Kingdom. He joint his family business shortly after that, and has been working for the past 5 years.



Baker gauges was established in 1962, HIP division of Baker Gauges India Private Limited in collaboration with Horst man Gauge and Metrology of England, started with the manufacture of plain and thread plug gauges for the very first time in India. This experience of over a decade in manufacturing gauges instilled the confidence to venture into another collaboration in 1972 with Thomas Mercer again of England. This was for the manufacture of Dial, Air and Electronic Gauges. Baker pioneered this process in India. Fired with a passion for precision today Baker leads in Indias catering to the needs of the Engineering metal working industries, not only in India but also now all over the world. This consistency in precise manufacturing has won us the Awards for Export excellence consistently for over 18 years.

Performance of both divisions has resulted in consistent exports, which today are to over 50 countries worldwide. Today both divisions are certified to ISO 9001 - 2008 Quality Management Systems


and have independent calibration laboratories with over 100 cubic meters of precisely controlled environment NABL (National Board for Certification of Calibration Laboratories) accredited complying to ISO 17025 standard. Our calibration equipment consisting of SIP, IBB Laser Twin check and Carl Zeiss horizontal metro scopes, IAC &Talyrond form testers, Talysurf surface analyzer etc are periodically calibrated by laser interferometer by NPL Delhi. Similarly our standards are traceable to International as well as National standards.


Their aim has been sophistication & honing our skills in this technology. Having a state of the art infrastructure that consists of latest special CNC and other special purpose machines, modern surface treatment plant, complete heat treatment facility and of course our greatest asset, experienced personnel a combination required for producing this niche product.

Gauge manufacturing is a passion first and then a business. A business, where there is confluence of technology and artisanship. These are the people who understand a micron because of their passion for precision. Having established in 1962, the company made foray into overseas market for the first time by dispatching its consignment to


Canada in 1978. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then. Till date, the company has won the coveted export excellence award of the Government of India for the past 18 consecutive years in the precision instruments category all types.



Dial Gauges are one of the most commonly used instruments in all types of metal working industry. At the BMI division of Baker Gauges India Private Limited, three main types of dial gauges - plunger type, lever type and back plunger type - are manufactured. BAKER dial gauges are a combination of excellent metrological attributes, superior raw materials and workmanship. To meet diverse requirements of customers, wide variety of dial gauges in different readings, different travels, different mounting styles and conforming to different National & International calibration standards are produced.





Under this category they have two types of instruments:

Vernier CallpersVernier Calipers are available in two types - one with fine

adjustment and one without fine adjustment Robust, Hardened and Ground stainless steel jaws and beam. Supplied in a sleek plastic box. With calibration certificate giving specified and actual values.

Dial CallpersDial Calipers with clear high contrast readable dial. Clear,

Easy to read graduated dial with Adjustable Bezel. Robust, Hardened and Ground stainless steel jaws and beam. Supplied in a sleek plastic box. With calibration certificate giving specified and actual values.




For years, they have seen successful uses of air gages. They have seen them being used to measure diameters, tapers, straightness and even little bitty holes. Air gauging has always proven to be an excellent choice for fast, easy-to-use and reliable, high performance dimensional gauging. Simple & easy to use with high proven reliability, it forms an important part of manufacturing. Over the years, air gauging has remained basically the same: steel plugs or rings with precision orifices that result in a pressure verses distance curve when in use. As the orifice is restricted, flow is reduced and pressure builds up in the system. This principle is used to monitor the distance between the air jet (orifice) face and the part surface.




Baker Gauges has been manufacturing and supplying air gauges now for the past three decades. After this long experience we can without any doubt state that today also Air gauging has high applicability and suitability - reliability wise, speed of gauging wise and most importantly in todays competitive world, cost wise. As tolerances have gotten tighter on the shop floor, air gauging is often the only way to make the check fast and easy for the operator. Baker Gauges offers a wide range of Air gauging for internal as well as external dimensions, relational parameters like face run outs, straightness, taper, multiple bore & shaft diameters.



Baker PFL. Air plug Gauges and setting rings. Air ring and setting rings. Air Callpers and setting Discs.



Today all the quality management systems are asking for feel of the pulse of the manufacturing process. Electronic gauges provide this with their ability to offer best of both the worlds i.e. They excel in meeting conventional requirements of gauging like precision, accuracy, flexibility and stability and at the same time, they offer facility to capture & dump data in a computer for further processing and analysis.


Twin Channel Electronic Comparators. Microprocessor based twin channel electronic comparators Electronic probes Add-on modules.


Gauging is essential to any production Today it forms an integral part of the manufacturing activity. When done inline to production, as a part of the process, time spent is not at all significant. The operator operates the gauge or the gauging machine just like his machine. This is a cell concept that also ensures quality of all parts produced and also immediate feedback to the operator in case correction is required. Now a days manufacturing technology is changing to increase the speed and efficiency of the process and to complement the Gauging technology also. Not all parameters essentially need gauging parameters, which are responsible for functional reliability, need to be checked and this is the job of their Technical Service Department does Application Engineering - to give the Customer an optimized gauging solution. Over the years, they have manufactured customized gauging


for a set of components so many times, that they have today become industry standard, like the connecting rod fixture to measure bend, twist and center distance, fixture to measure center distance between crank pin and journal of two wheeler crankshafts, match gauging to find out the interference or clearance between mating parts , taper gauging fixtures etc. This has been achieved through in depth Application Engineering exercises that they have carried out to understand the component and the manufacturing processes. This gave them the cutting edge needed to deliver total solutions to the satisfaction of the Customer. As a part of continuous technology development, the company also has developed expertise in computerized gauging with semi-auto and fully automatic machines. From, years of experience, they have identified some good gauging practices while handling customized gauging projects.

Special Gauging fixtures. Contact Gauging.



AIR ELECTRONIC GAUGING SYSTEMAir Electronic Converter Module and 2045 Electronic column

unit- Combined advantages of non-contact air sensing and high precision electronics. RS232 data output available for further processing like machine control through relay output or for SPC. Can be supplied with analogue, column or digital readout units. Has visual indication - Yellow, Green and Red lamps directly indicate 'oversize'- 'OK'- 'undersize' conditions. Audio indication for out of tolerance condition is possible. Availability of multiple magnifications (ranges). Air Electronic 2045 AE unit- Air Electronic Column Unit with Microprocessor. Built in Air to Electronic converter, allows it to be used as Air Electronic read out unit with enhanced capability. Slim design makes it very convenient for multi-gauging - can banked within a small space. Working on the differential principle and virtually maintenance free. Can be adapted for single parameter, match gauging or relational gauging applications in a multi-gauging environment.


Air Gauging

Automated Air Gauging



Used for setting any kind of internal or external measuring instruments like horizontal comparators, dial bore gauges etc. Made from oil hardening non-shrinking gauge steel, hardened and tempered to 60-62 HRC. Subzero treated at -80C for long-term dimensional stability. Actual dimensions duly etched. Calibrated at 20C under Standards Room Conditions against Nationally/Internationally traceable masters. Certificate of calibration is provided along with each master traceable to national length standards.



The process for manufacturing for each product is different. As the products produced are precision products, each micrometer counts. However, the process in general is a three-stage process.

High Precision CNC In this stage of production the components

required for the assembly are crafted from solid metal bars with the help of the computerized high precision CNC machines.

Assembly- In this process, the components manufactures from the

CNC machines are put together. This is a very delicate process where the slightest micrometer counts.

Calibration- In this process, all the assembled products are

calibrated to the highest precision. This is the process, which either makes or breaks the products.

Testing- In this process the assembled product is vigorously tested

to make sure that products are calibrated to the highest precision.

This highly prestigious company has customers from all over the India as well as globe. A few countries that are customers for this company are given below Japan Germany United States of America Korea China and so on.


Network of eight Branches and Dealers all over India to provide prompt and efficient service. All products are supplied with calibration certificates giving actual values traceable to National or International Standards at no extra cost.

Qualified and trained Sales Engineers placed all over India to give solutions for various gauging applications.
Customer Support Services - After Sales Service through one window is


the basis on which our Customer Support Services is set to operate The Customer Support Services (CSS) department provides the communication link to our Customer for information on Deliveries, Customer Complaints, Product Service needs and Customer's Calibration requirement. Service Technicians at all Branches for quick after sales service and maintenance of our products. Technical S ervices dept to give cost effective solutions to various types of gauging applications. Efficient sales and marketing dept to support branches, actual users and dealers all over India.



Today, after 48 years of experience in manufacturing various types of gauges and instruments in the field of Dimensional Metrology Baker gauges has come a long way in perfecting this precision technology. Today the group of companies produces a wide range-right from a simple gauge or an instrument to the higher end masters and gauging machines and by far stands at being the largest manufacturer of Gauges and measuring instruments in the country.






Mr. Vivek Sadhale conducted a guest lecture on Mergers & Acquisitions in our third semester. He is a company secretary and headLegal. He is responsible for corporate secretarial, legal, corporate governance issues at Persistent Systems, which is one of the leading outsourced software product development company with a turnover of about U.S. $125+ million and a staff of about 5000+.

Mr. Vivek Sadhale brings over 14 years of extensive experience with an expertise spread over numerous fields including

successful completion of I.P.O., top venture capitals and private equity funding, mergers and acquisitions, joint venture agreements, handling work with reputed Indian business men and multinational organizations. He is also well versed with the finance field and treasury function. One of his significant contributions was in establishing and implementing Employee stock option.


According to section 2(1A) of the Income Tax Act of 1961, mergers or amalgamations is defined as the merger of one or more companies with another company or the merger of 2 or more companies (called amalgamations) to form a new company (called amalgamated company) in such a way that all assets and liabilities of the amalgamating company or companies becomes assets and liabilities of the amalgamated company and shareholders holding not less than nine tenth in value of the shares in the amalgamating company the two following forms; 1] Mergers through AbsorptionAbsorption is a combination of two or more companies into an existing company. In this type, all the companies except one loose their identity in a merger through absorption. Example, absorption of Tata Fertilizers Ltd. By Tata Chemicals Ltd.

or companies,


shareholders of the amalgamated company. Mergers may take place in

2] Mergers through ConsolidationIn consolidation, combination of two or more companies into a new company takes place. In these companies are legally dissolved and a new entry is created. Example, consolidation of Hindustan Computers Ltd., Indian Software Companies Ltd. and Indian Reprographics in 1986 into a new entity called H.C.L. (Hindustan Computers Ltd.).

The various types of mergers are as follows; 1] Horizontal MergerIf two or more firms dealing in similar lines of activities combine together. 2] Vertical MergerIf two or more firms involved in different stages of production or distribution combine. 3] Conglomerate MergerCombination of two or more unrelated firms combine. Example, the Walt Disney Company and the American Broadcasting

The art of acquiring effective control, by one company over assets or management of another company without any combination of

companies is called acquisition. Thus acquisition of two or more companies may remain independent and separate legal entities. However there may be change in the control of the companies. Example, Google taking over You- tube.


According to Mr. Vivek Sadhale, there are various valid reasons for doing so Limit competition. Utilize underutilized market power. Overcome problems of slow growth and profitability in an industry. Achieve diversification Increasing income with proportionally less investment. Utilize underutilized resources like human, physical and managerial skills. Maintaining or accelerating a companys growth particularly when the internal growth is constrained due to paucity of resources. Circumvent government regulations.

Enhancing profitability through cost reductions. Diversifying the risk of the company. Reducing tax liability, because of the provisions of setting of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation of a perpendicular company against the profits of another. Creating companys goodwill. Other motives; a) Eliminating the financial constraints. b) Deploying surplus cash. c) Enhancing debt capacity. d) Lowering the financial costs.






To pave the way for acquiring a company to gain more market share and further create a more efficient operation out of the combined companies by closing high cost plants and eliminating surplus capacity industry wide. For example, the merger of Daimler Benz and Chrysler. To expand companies geographic coverage. To extend the companies business into new product categories. For example, Pepsi acquiring Quaker Oats. To gain quick access to new technology and avoid time consuming research and development. For example, Cisco systems purchasing 75 technological companies. Intel as well, made 300 acquisitions since 1997 to broaden its technology.



According to Mr. Vivek Sadhale, there are a number of strategies and planning techniques that are involved in carrying out mergers or acquisitions. Some of the major pointers are as follows PlanningThe acquisition firm should review its objectives of acquisitions in interest of its strengths, weaknesses and corporate goals. Search and ScreeningSearch focuses on how and where to look for suitable candidates for acquisitions. The screening process short-lists the candidates from the lot. Financial EvaluationFinancial evaluation of a merger is needed to determine the earnings and cash flows, areas of risk, the maximum price payable to the target company and the best way to finance the merger.


All mergers and acquisitions are not always successful. Most of the time they fail (90%) or create more problems for the companies. Combining the operations of two companies, especially large and complex ones, often entail formidable resistance from rank and form organization members, hard to resolve conflicts in management styles


and corporate cultures. Cost saving, expertize sharing, enhancing competitive capabilities, etc. may take longer to actually materialize, if they ever do. A few of the problems that usually arise are mentioned below Due to increased size, resources may not be utilized efficiently and may lead to mismanagement. Goodwill of each firm in the market may be lost due to the changed identity. Organizations may become unmanageable after the merger due to the individual problems of the merger companies. The process of merging is not so simple, it requires the approval of a majority of shareholders of the company.


In todays corporate world, the process of mergers and acquisition has gained substantial importance. This process is being used extensively for restructuring business organizations. After liberalization and economic reforms, a lot of challenges were faced in the Indian and international organizations. Increased competition in the global market has prompted the Indian companies to go for mergers and acquisitions as strategic choices. A few key factors are mentioned below Government policies, which are favorable. Economic stability. Additional liquidity in corporate sector.


Dynamic attitude and risk taking by the Indian entrepreneurs. A few notable mergers and acquisitions are given below Tata Steel acquired Corus Group plc. The acquisition deal amounted to $12,000 million. The acquisition of Daewoo Electronics Corp. by Videocon involved transaction of $729 million. Hindalco acquired Canada based Novelis. The deal involved transaction of $5,982 million. Ranbaxy Labs acquired Terapia SA. The deal amounted to $324 million. Suzlon Energy acquired Hansen Group through a deal of $565 million.

HPCL acquired Kenya Petroleum Refinery Ltd. The deal amounted to $500 million.

VSNL acquired Teleglobe through a deal of $239 million.

Mergers and acquisitions are a crucial part of the business world. However, before jumping into a merger or acquisition, companies have to analyze their decision from each and every perspective, as this venture may lead to a situation that may make or break the merger or acquisition. Companies have to invest a large part of their capital for this purpose. However, 90% of mergers and acquisition result into failure due to lack of information, too many assumptions, or wrong decisions by


management. Therefore, the appropriate information needs to be gathered before hand, each aspect needs to reviewed and analyzed, and everything should be carried out systematically and patiently to avoid unstudied commitments or uncalculated risks.




Mrs.Manisha Gutman conducted a seminar on social enterprises, an ethical business on the 13th of January 2011. She is the

co- founder of a profit making enterprise called Eco -exist. The organization was established in 2006. Eco- exist is a social enterprise whose mission is to promote environment sensitive products through socially sensitive means. They believe in living with co- existence and harmony of all living beings on our planet Earth. Every human being should love, care and protect nature. The frog, the companys mascot stands for the creature for balancing the ecosystem.


Social enterprises are social mission driven organizations, which apply market-based strategies to achieve a social purpose. The movement includes both non-profits that use business models to pursue their mission and for-profits whose primary purposes are social. Their aim to accomplish targets that are social and/or environmental as well as financial is often referred to as the triple bottom line. Investment in social enterprises is often now referred to as "blended value investment." Many commercial businesses would consider themselves to have social objectives, but social enterprises are distinctive because their social or environmental purpose remains central to their operation. Thus we can say, a regular enterprise is one that has an objective of achieving monetary gains while a social enterprise has an objective of social and environmental gain.

What is eCoexist? An NGO or a company?


Ecoexist is a social enterprise. This concept, which is fairly new to India, has been defined in several ways. Here is the one from Wikipedia that clearly applies to us. 'Social enterprises are social mission driven organizations which trade in goods or services for a social purpose. Their aim to accomplish targets that are social and environmental as well as financial is often referred to as having a triple bottom line. Social enterprises are profit-making businesses set up to tackle a social or environmental need. Many commercial businesses would consider themselves to have social objectives, but social enterprises are distinctive because their social or environmental purpose is central to what they do.Rather than maximizing shareholder value, their main aim is to generate profit to further their social and environmental goals. Therefore some commentators describe them as 'not-for-profit' as their profits are not (at least primarily) distributed to financial investors. Others dislike the term as it suggests they have an unbusiness like attitude. An ingenious solution to this quandary is to call them for 'more-than-profit' (a term used at the Social Enterprise Institute Conference, Heriot-Watt University, in 2003).'


Lolita Gupta Lolita is a educationist who after several years of primary school teaching, handles all the aspects of operations at eco- exist. Lolita believes that eco- exist brings her unexpected new opportunities to learn.


[ABIDA KHAN, LOLITA GUPTA & MANISHA GUTMAN] Abida KhanSeveral years of experience of working with an NGO called 'Saathi'. Working with them, she has learned a unique set of skills and acquired the endurance required to train women in new skills outside their comfort zone. Abida has also acquired a highly refined sense of aesthetics and design. She spends most of her time with women prisoners at the Yerwada Jail, teaching them patchwork. Natalie Leek-

Based in Cleveland, Ohio, Natalie Leek has been one of the first ones to believe in the mission of eco- exist. She can be contacted for

enquiries about their work and to see samples of their products in the United States of America. Bhushan Krishnan-

[ BHUSHAN KRISHNAN, MANISHA GUTMAN & LOLITA GUPTA] K C Bhushan, alumni of IIT and IIM, created and managed his own IT software company called Cashtech which employed 400 people, for several years before selling it to turn to more socially sensitive activities. Currently he is on the team of MUKTA, an NGO that addresses issues around AIDS, and continues to be on the advisory board of Cashtech. His training and experience, give him strong business skills, while holding deep social and environmental values. Bhushan, has been advising eCoexist on development of a business plan and unfoldment of its vision. His experience in running his own company provides us invaluable grounding in management and financial strategies. Mona Doctor-


[ NATALIE LEEK, MONA DOCTOR & MANISHA GUTMAN] Mona Doctor, has been an independent businesswoman for past two decades, owning and directing a large printing firm in Mumbai. She holds a Diploma in Natural Resource Management and has worked with the Friends of the Earth in the UK. She is a member of the Executive Council of the Trusteeship Foundation, an organisation that promotes the concept of Trusteeship amongst the business world and helps produce a news magazine called Gandhi Today. She comes from a family of freedom fighters and has had close contact with Gandhian philosophies and principles. Sunil Jalihal-

Sunil Jalihal, is an entrepreneur and green products, organic food enthusiast. IT professional by training, he worked for CMC, Wipro, and


Hewlett-Packard before co-founding a few technology start-ups in the telecom, mobile data services space. His earlier start-ups have been venture funded by JP Morgan Chase, Reuters Greenhouse Fund, and Intel Capital among others. He has a keen interest in art, HR and community concepts, green architecture and gourmet food. He is currently coauthoring a book Romancing The Chilly and running MobiMedia a new technology start-up in Pune. He believes in bringing together people with passion and energy to create sustainable products and concepts. There are many more team members and volunteers who have helped eco- exist to reach its position. Volunteers like Daisy Wadia, Alison Down, Sheefalika Misra, etc are few of the members helping make a difference.


The organization recommends four products:1] The Natural Holi Colors-


These natural holly colors are made with all natural products, which protect people from getting skin disorders. These colors are made of the flowers, which are used in various festivals like 'Ganesh Chaturti'. 2] Natural Clay-

'Ganesh Chaturti' is festivals, which is been celebrated, by most of the Indians and the Ganesh Idols are made of Plaster of Paris, which pollutes the rivers, as it is not soluble in water. Eco- exist introduced Ganesh Idols made of natural clay, which is eco friendly.


3] Recycled Paper-

The eco- exist reuses paper for making A4 size, recycled paper, tissue napkins and tissue rolls. 4] Cloth Bags-

As we all know that plastic bags are affecting the environment, therefore eco- exist has introduced cloth bags, which help in saving the environment.



Eco- exist works with a network of environmental and social organizations, corporates and government organizations to achieve its goals. They include:1] Environmental Groups Kalpavriuksh environment action group Toxics link Oikas, Pune Earthworms, Goa Centre for environment education, Pune 2] Social Development Groups Kriti, Delhi Sena Sahyog Akansha, Mumbai Rotary Club of Pune Central Disha 3] Corporate Groups Infosys Seimens Cybage Suzlon Thermax


4] Government Organizations Yerwada central jail, womens cell Maharashtra pollution control board They also have several stores that support them by stocking their products. The stores include The Bombay store, Mumbai, Pune & Banglore Spencers Hypermart, Mumbai & Pune Either Or, Pune Nilaya, Pune Big Bazar, Pune Temple Tree, Pune


1] The EnvironmentEco- exist would like to revive the awareness of the beauty and power of nature into everyday urban lives. They believe that when the human heart inspires the love for nature, it would naturally want to protect it. They help people to recognize the deep impact that their choices have on the environment.

2] Social JusticeEco- exist believes that harmony within oneself and with each other leads to a harmony with the environment. They strive towards this harmony by process of inclusion and sharing. All their work is joyful as

they believe in celebrating and enjoying life. 3] Craft and LivelihoodEco- exist believes in creating beauty by reviving crafts that originally used natural materials. They also promote technologies and new materials that are eco- sensitive. All the products provide a source of livelihood to socially unprivileged groups.

From the seminar we learnt that the motive of running a business should not be just profit and its maximization, but it should also have social responsibility. Businessmen should also direct a part of their profits for social welfare. The company should produce such goods which are eco friendly. Every human being should love, care and protect the environment, as our choices have a direct impact on the environment and our very existence depends on the environment. As a youth of India we should understand our responsibilities towards the environment and other human beings so that we can lead our country onto a path of green progress and green development.





A lecture, Role of Marketing for Growth of Industry was organized on the 18th of January 2011 by Mr. T. G. Param. He spoke about the various aspects of marketing and how each of them function in the real world.

Mr. T. G. Param is an engineer from I.I.T. Madras and has also received his PGDM from I.I.M Calcutta. He has about 30 years work experience in various countries like India, Canada and Brazil. He was the CEO of a plastic manufacturing company in Brazil and vice- president of a trading company in Toronto, Canada. He has also worked in India in the areas of marketing, research and advertising. He has spent the last 20 years working abroad. He was a visiting faculty for the I.I.Ms and currently is part of the faculty at Symbiosis, Pune.



According to Mr. T. G. Param, India, prior to liberalization had very few industries. As a result of which, consumers were left with very few or no choices even in basic products like automobiles, mopeds, telephones, cement, housing, television channels, etc. As people were left with a very minimal margin of choice, industries had the ball in their court and found it very easy to manipulate the market. They didnt have to carry out any marketing besides the word of mouth, because of which, very comfortable margin of profits were earned to benefit on.


According to Mr. T. G. Param, liberalization is responsible for what marketing is today in India. After liberalization there was an emergence of a number of companies [ Indian as well as MNCs] as a result there was an explosion of products and brands. There were a number of choices in front of consumers. As a result of this companies faced immense pressure of competition and the only way to survive in this competition was through marketing.


According to Mr. T. G. Param, marketing was not just limited to buying and selling of goods but it is a very broad term that includes sales, advertising, brand management, (consumer or behavior), research or logistics, packing, prices, new product development or its conceptualization. All these are also called the elements of marketing.



1] SALESIt is the most essential part of marketing after 1930, certain social and economic changes took place which resulted in a shift from agriculture to industry, transport and communication systems developed and mass production became the order of the day. This resulted in an increase in competition. In this century, it is no longer possible to sell everything that is manufactured. Hence the manufacturers were forced to increase their sales. For this he had to have an effective sales organization choose the right channel of distribution, sales promotion etc. 2] ADVERTISINGAdvertising media is a mean through which advertises communicate their message to prospects to influence them to purchase their products or services advertised. There are various media of advertising that can be used like The Press, which includes television and radio advertising cable and cinema advertisements. It is a communication medium for the producers. There is a huge career in advertising mostly in MNCS. Advertisement of a product is what molds the image of the product in the mind of most consumers. Hence, must be handled with care. 3] MARKET RESEARCHMarket Research is the systematic and exhausting search for and study of facts relevant to any problem in the field of marketing. Market research helps management to take decisions on the basis of research findings. Its not restricted to a particular type of problem, but rather, can help in finding a solution to any type of problem faced by the marketing

department. 4] BRAND MANAGEMENTBrand management is the most concrete job in marketing. It is also responsible for strategy planning, advertising, promotion, and profitability of a brand. Procter & Gamble in the United States of America started this concept and it is a very strong in fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs). 5] OTHER MARKETING ELEMENTSIn consumer behavior, the consumers tastes or preferences are been taken into consideration. The packaging design has to be thought out in a manner that will make the consumer want to purchase your product. The pricing is also a key factor to a product. Depending on the class of the product it can be classified into the high market or not. Thus also making it a very key factor.



The requirements for being a good marketing manager, one need to have an MBA qualification and should have good communication skills. One needs to have the ability to interact with people, a lot of energy, willingness and creative thinking. One should have the spark in their soul that makes them able to sell any product, anywhere, anytime. This ability is what separates the managers from the MANAGERS!


This is the biggest challenge for most of the producers and marketing managers, is how to convince the consumer that their product is right for them. How to make the consumer believe that without the purchase of that product life will end. It is very crucial that the producers maintain consistency in the quality and standards of their products and their name for attracting the consumers.



From this project, we have learned a lot about the business world, which has definitely broadened our horizons to set and achieve more challenging goals. The theory chapters have given us a detailed study about industry and its types. Because of which our vision towards a business is clearer and gets us sub consciously analyzing every business. Thus getting us to think like real businessmen. The industrial visits have given us an inside on the various elements that take place in a production-based industry. Thus teaching us all the procedures that take place before a good is finally transformed into a finished good. It also gives us an idea of what types of markets there are in the real world. Thus giving us different perspectives when we look at the industrial world. The guest lectures by the reputed speakers have painted beautiful pictures about the topics that they spoke about. They gave us the bright and dark side of all the various elements that are out there in the business world. Thus I can conclude by saying, my personal outlook towards the business world has definitely changed for the better and given me more confidence of what to expect when setting my feet into the real business world.



Philip Kotler


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