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5ub.<rtptl,n" $15 161u ue.

The Cyberpunk Technical Journal

Publi shed by OCL!Mllgnltude, P.O. BON 64, Brewster, NY '0509

i na I

i n f o
Corresponding li n e s
Host N.C. c ircu i t hoo k e d

A . IMPI. to ensure
the RS-
232 OOMl'IUn l e A f I o n s
I I n k s .

:5 -1:5 1<
2 3
The R..5-232 Data Tap lhem, or u. lng .ome non-.lenderd
Thomes Icelll :llJstem to hook:: 'JOur terminals up to !JOur
computer system. Weng and IBM use ton cable to
hook up thefr terminals, ..,hich is shUle he rder
10 lop then RS-232. Most R5-232Ie rmiI1ll1. ce n
be m,dified to ",ork "'lth fiber optic ceble ... hl ch
10 ...ecure e. could g'l . ( Alt h, ugh
remember thet ntlthino is ever tota11 \I secure.)
You could elso modify your term1nels so t hat
tve unused pins on your terminal's
co nnector ere connected tooether. One then uses
those t""o connected li nes IS I norma11 \! closed
.1arm sensor. When someone pulls out t he
connector to i nstall t he tiP. end ope n circui t
condition results and t he ala rm Qces off. Of
course. 1nspecti nQ con nections to see if enythino
...el rd Is en thern will d' elet to hel p keep R5- 232
(end ot her tep. off
Another si mpl e t hi ng lJOU cen do 'Wo uld be to
rewire your termineb' end ho,t system', OB-25
connectors so t hat t he tr ansmit end receive date
lines 1;10 are on pins other than 2 end 3. Whil e
with e little bit ' f ti m' end e br eak, ut bex,
someo ne could hec kout the connections , t hat ti me
factor ",ould edd too much of e risk for most
D 2
t 3
When this device to ho'ked up 10 en R5-232
lin, eetveen t ne DTE end DCE, tt 10'111 send ell dete
on thet 11 ne to II t hi rd ter m1nal .. serial pr1 nter .. or
RS-232 equi pp,d compuler. While tt does heve .
the di..dventeg, of hevl ng 10 be
connected III lhe It. J u. 1 l he Ihlng for
User 10. end pewor d. off of
time-shar1 nos lJstems 8t schools. It een be hooked
up 10 en XR- 2206 rSK mod uletor chi p, which cen
b' fed Into Ihe microphone input of e redia
transmitter.. v here the deta can then be received
up from II remote 10cltion.
When one uses this device. one must lena"" the
beud rate, end communi cati on, parameters (vord
length, .top bits, oflh, R5-232link
Ire elvesdroplno on. You should also be evere of
InlJ terminal emulation that is befng used. For
exemple, DEC VT- 5 2., VT-l 00. , e nd VT-220.
send special cbarscter sequences to clear the
screen, position t he cursor. end do ot her di,p1eU
functions. While VQ u 'w't11 receive the bllSic dete
be; ng se nt, .....1thout the ter mi n81 em
v111 receive M Ql!l r b8Qe" on t he
screen vnen those control
sequences are sent. The easiest 'Way
to determine t he terminal
emuletion I. te ch,ck
term;nel on Ihe R5- 23 211nk
ere eavesdropi ngon.
for those of you 'Who ere now
...orried e boul Ihe po of
someone eavudropi no on your
RS-232 link. . I .uggest elther

+U )

B oil
I Cl
..... =...... .,..
--- ---- -----
Ton Sequencer 1.0
Nick Heninger
IC1- 555TtmeriC
III - 10 Meg Ohm Potentiometer
R2 - 1KOhm Resi.lor
R3 Option.l Volume Control
, 0-1 000 Ohms
C1 - . 05 ufd C.p.cftor
C2 - 4.7 ufd Cop.cftor
Determination Formula:
oood ludio osc111ator c1 rcuil een be used es
I squeeler. The schematic 1n this article uses a
5S5 Ii mer IC a.lhe he.rl oflhe ctrcuit. The 5SS
t. tnexpenstve end avan.ble al R.dlo Shack.
Other IC. lhel can be u"d ore Ihe ICLB03B and
XR2207. mtQhl also "'anI 10 add
en audio empl1fier circuit to '-lour squealer for e
oreater pever output .
s tree Ihe .udio ouipul cheroctert.lic. of a
"stock" squealer are somewhat tev, I hiOh
efficfency,peeker is almost a must . Typicalofa
Qood peeker i. the Rodio ShICk 273- 091. II t.
cap.ble of hiQh output Io'1lh a mtni m.l amounl of
drive pever. Thipeaker 10'111 oulpul a 90db
sound levello'1th Ihe circull in Iht. arlicle .
Porto L101
Tone sequencer 15 I prcqrem thet, vith en
IBM compuler wllh .n Adllb -compatibl. ( te
SoundBlester or SoundBlester Pro) soundcard,
vtu euov you to create sequences oftones ( up to
nine et B ttmet). Tone Sequencer 'Was writt en 1n
Turbo Pascel 6.0, bcvever it should compil e
with modifications to onllJ the dri ver fil e i n
version 4.0 or greater .
Three source files exist.
7be Squealer
by Tbomls Icom
Itt squealer is I!I nickneme
for hendheld ludio tone
ejeneretor elso known to phDI,!
IS "Pink Box". A
squealer is usuelly able to
Clener.te In ludio tone
e nlJ"'here from 20 hz up 10
30 - 4 0 Khz. Sque.ler. are
very vereette devices hevt no menu epplicetlons
for the 1echnolo01ceT enthusiast or survivalist.
A squeeTer can be used as e tone siQnal1no untt
for quick I nd dirtlJ remote control operations. It
een used ttself for limited range IlIC
functi ON, simfll r to ..the clepper" remete :
contr ol device. A ODod sqeale r desion Yill be
cap.ble of oul puttinla .udio .ign.1 up 10 gOdb tn
loudness. That', about equal to person yellino .
He\' far een you yelt? That's I bit further then
the distllnc! one cen reliabl\1 ecttvate In RIC
device wit h1!I squeeler, Ambient nolse t nthe erell
"'ill reduce range hO'w'ever , and 1f the embient
nobe's frequenclJ is eteee to ueur devices, lJOU
mi gh1 get en eccidentel activation. for edded
range end rel1ebility, one cen use tt over I redia
or phone li nk.
Aha tn the RIC Ipplication reelm, I squealer
can be u,ed to reptece lost ultre,onic remote
control units used tn older TVs . It 11so
make, t he employment of ,ound Ictivated
eeceeaertea ,uch e, "The Clepper" easier .
One can use e sQueeler to test eudio equipment,
endfor loceti ng,pecific vires 1n a cable bundle.
A squealer can be used e, e
device. Whe n set to the high-end of e person"
heeri ng r enge (15 Khz . or so) 1t 'w't11 eeuee
heedec hee.. neusee, end j rrill!lbllity. It vtll aho
be impossi bl e to locetewhenhidden.
A squealer can elso be used to chese off
rode nts, bets, insects. end dogs. When set to
uttrase nte frequenc t.. (above 20 Khz.). tt 10'111
be totelly ennoying to thesecreetures.. ..,ho-.rill
not want to stey eround1t.
'tvc sQealers set et different ultresonic
frequencies \rim jem eny hidden microphone 1n
the area they ere operating. The surve111eoce
teehniet en will hear a lone; tbe of
which will be equel 10 Ihe differ. nee of the 1"'0
squeal ers' frequencies . When appllJlng Ihe
squeel er in Ihf. role, II would b. a good tdea 10
the output frequency of the 1' v 0 squealers,
and do so at different retes for eech unit. This
\11111 help prevent a surveille nce t echntcfen from
fillerfng oul I he noise.
t mtga n l)t'tstnts:
Horne Defense made Easy I
Don't try this at home,
kids .
IlIaling Your Own Claymore III ;nes
(For educltfonel purposes onl '-I, of eeurse...)
Cleymore mt nes ere ellS 'J t o meke , end devasteti ng1
effectlv. pieces of ""ponrv. All thell. requi r.d I..n open -
ended contli ner of some sort, some high explosi ve . I detonetor
end somet hi n9 to use IS shrepnel. You put the hiqh explo. i ve
t n the contlf ner, put the shrapnel on top, Ind when 'JO u're
reedy to deploy your ne.... toy, put the open end to'w' lIrds the
eree lJOu vent to mess up, and insert the detonltor. Anuthlnq
thoro 'o'1lhln SO. verd. of the open end ",111 be
ion 50 th,t doH.m CAn can it) I hurting when tt qoes off. Those of
FORWARD ' you ""ho don't have Iccess t o high
, I explosives end deto netors een substitute, loW'
..bov. for ind r,turns I exp losi v,e end e ig niter
' . for the h1gh explcsi ve and
detonetor . WARNING: I "'ould .tronql v .uqqe. t
not making the se if heve no expe rience i n the
relevent flelds needed for the sefe manufe cturing
of i mpr ovised 'Weaponry . It's too easy to get 'JOu r-
.elf hurt (end killed) ",m Ihis .Iuff, end t he.cene
doesn't need enU more deed follovers .
To f' i c I , l t

;:;:;:;: I : BB s ,
ball b ear I n s s ,
asso,.. ted scr AP
Me tal p ieces ,
This diag rem esaurne a t he us e of en electri c deto netor l
blasti ng cap or setHnooff the claymore. Ho..... ever , ether
of detonation could be used.
'thin (or outs;d.) . nothi'r m.cro} f or those of you ""ho are 1nte r est
ed in i mprovised ..",e eponry, 1st rong-
Iv,"qle.1 vou pick up the four vol ume. of The POD'
M.n. Jeme. Bond, end e . ub,crlptlon to U.S. Milltl .
stop : (chllnn.' ; ,nEOER);
func : (mllcnum :
END; (ibmr,col"'d)
mllcro- ARRAY[ 1..100 ) OF
Itor 119' RECORD
mllcr : ARRAY [1 ..100) OF
nome : ARRAV (1.1001 OF
ENO; (storag. rROrd)
dAt. FU Of
Itor.;. ;
YAR"'Os : stor.g, ;
dllbfi1t : d.t. ;
{Domo.cro \lOU to exeeute , micro Wl
PROCEDURE domicro (micnum : INTEGER);
BEGIN (domocr o)
ip :- 0;
REPEAT UNTil. (doihm ( [m.cnum) lipD) OR (ip - 100); END; {dom.acro)
{;nit.....n in;t;1I1iz: u lin m..e- es IS blink) The PMJB Volumes 1-4 ere S18 eech, end e s ub to U.S .
PROCEDURE init-An; Mlllti. I. $35 e Wrilelo:
VAR counU, count2 : INTEGER; Alla n ra rrnular1es
BEGIN (init.A11l P .O. Box 95
fORcount, ;a' TO 10000 Alpene. AR 72611
BEGIN (for)
micros .nllm. [count 1) :- ";
FOR count2 ;- 1 TO 100 DO
micros.micr [count 1J [count2] .ib m :- t.rm;
END; (for)
END; {init-A11l
{F"orw.rd 0.c1. ,.tion for th. DoM,ero funct
PROCEDURE domi cr o (mi enum : INTEGER) ;
{Dolt.m .x. eutn lin it.m ,v,nt (u.
tru.;f tM. mllcro is compl.t.)
fUNCTIONdoit.m (wh.t : ;t.m) : BOOLEAN;
SEGIN {doitlm)
F whlt .n.m pl."l THEN
nndnot. (wh. t .voie., whAt .tOM);
F whit .;t.m w.;t THEN
DELAV (owh. t .timt) ;
F wh.t .;t,m. stop THEN
,ndnot, (wh.t,chi nn. ]);
F whit .ttem func:; THEN

,IF wh..t .1hom:z ttrm THEN
dolt.m ;a TRUE
doit.m :a FALSE;
END; {dolt.m}
{.xists_fo. r.turns Dr not a uur-sp.cif'i.d .xist,}
FUNCTION . )dsts_fill (f;IfoMrnt : : BOOLEAN;
'JARmaybtf11. : FILE;
SEOIN {.xists _f11.)
ASSION (may b.til. , fil. nlrT'lf') ;
RESET (moyb. fi!t );
CLOSE (moybtf il.);
,xists_fil. :- (rDRESULT 0) ;
[NO; {.xistsJil.)
{load...rn.acros loads a "qu,nc. (lNIcr Cl ) fH.)
PROCEDURE load..JT'lacr os;
YAR nom. : STRING[B);
fullnam. : STRING112J;
BECIN (load...macr os)
('FH. nam. to load : ');
READLN (nam.);
fullnam. ;- nam. + .MAC';
If".xis1s_f;l. (fullnam.) THEN
ASSIGN (datlfil ., fullnam.) ;
RESET (datlfilto);
RE AD (d..tafi1., macros) ;
CLOSE (dollf il.);
'w'RlTELN ('Fn. not found.') ;
[NO; {load...rnacr os)
{sav ...rn..eres saves an n qul'ncfS curr.nt1\,! in m.morlj)
PROCEDURE uV' .JTlacr os;
'JAR nam. : STRING Ie];
fullnam. : STRING 112J;
BEGIN {sav.Jnacros)
WRITE ('F11. nam. to san: ');
READLN (n.m.);
fultnam, ;- nam. + .MAC' ;
ASSIGN (dah fil ., fu11n.m.) ;
RE'w'RITE (d. ta fiJ.);
vR11 (d.tafil., macros) ;
CLOSE (dollfil. );
v RITELN (Til. say.d.');
END; {sav ...macr os)

GTA301.'23 ftltvUY1m
..__ \Ott, _ ' ..... ""
"" " "" h" " " , . ,"', ,,_., ""'''1
, <00 00 .; u _ '00. r'" . ,. .. _.
Dooo , "'" -.- ;0'-_.
u.. . ..' , " ,.." . Do , ,." 0' . .......
' 11 " , , tI ' .
"." . " ......, , ..I ' ..' . ' ... . _.
..... _'<I ". ....-.-..,.
U" 10' , . fII_.f roIin.
1I.' 'i r'" ' Ill... . . " ... " ,.... Of .010" . '<0
U.. " . ... , ' "" .'1"'''.' ..""
",0' ._, "...
1I.. _"" I ..' " ,...
T... '"'' . "." ". , .... "._01 ",.
L'."...".,. _"'1,,,.." '. , 't . .....
{lisLlin. displays th. ttem on 1h. sp.cifi,d lint of th. spfooifi.d macro) PROCEDURE lis t..Jin. (macr. count.r :
BEGIN {listJin.}
CASE macros .mac,. [macr ] {counltr ] .;ttm OF
fune : 'w'RlTELN (e eunter : 3 , ' can macro numb.r "
mecr es .macr [macrl [counh r ] .mlenum);
tfrm : 'w'RITELN( count.r : 3 , ' TERMI NATE MACRO') ;
weit : WRITELN (counttr : 3 , ' D"l\,! "
mlcrOS.mlcr [m.acrl [count.r] .tim. , millis.conds');
stop : VRfTELN(count.r : 3 , ' End not. on vow.
[eount. r]
: 'w'RITEl N(count.r : 3 . ' Pt.'-I .
( ) (count . r ] .t on Hz tOM on voie. numb.r ",
(rMer ) [count.r] .0t'l . nn. 1);
END; (cu.)
END; {HsUin.}
(L'lst....n.arnt' tt'l. ".am. of sp.cifitd !Nero)
PROCEDURE li st...n. m. (nwnbpr : tNTEGER);
BEGIN (lisl...Nmo)
WRITE (numb"r : 2 . ' ' .. m.-cros.n.m" [numb.r] : 17);
END; {hslJlomt)
C""' Ol'FL" C;[
.... . : "' H 'H' . ..
("'" , ..
.;, ClAIU , TU llD1l1"005 01' IIt D,YIUIiAl.
C.... CJFl. Gl:
, .. , ""-" ''-'
II ' 'a., ' .. _ , .
" _ - ..., " _ , " . ' " .. , f
C I'OIl ' , ., .
0 , __ _ , " _ . '
..... .
, , _ _" .
.... . _ ,,_ ,..,. , to , ..
"'-0"1' 0"'_ ".
., " ,... -.",,,
c ' "'" 'Oit "' , , . ' .
.....v O.ll rcra .
.............. ,_.. >,,,. .,.t,,.., ..."
........ "." - ... , " _ ...,of.
.H1l (" ' ''' ....' ,
..... , ,.... .. - "1
.",,, /...' ,.. ..""
' '''11' ,., II _'I
""0. .. ,lIf "f"f'0"'
. tt ore'. '.,. .
" 'Of' " ,' ..,. _ _, .,
".". c. , ' 0' ." . __, ,
. .... "". ' -. c ,.., ...... .'....
......... .- ,.,.
nil: ce-.r., KllO If' '" ClOS[ te Til( r"l"IT
"..-r CA" (TofIIY\ InTI A"U 'II( ct.... ", ME

( Edit..Jn. cr o . llows on. 1:0 crut. or .etit ton. (m.cro) )

YAR innum. m. cr .. ip. lin,nwn : tNTEGER;
inch..r : CHAR;
mn.m. : STRING [20];
BtGIN {.dit..rn.aor o}
"RITE (' o t o ,elit : ');
WRITE ('LiM numb.,.. to shr1 . 1: .) ;
(LiJt....d.ab . llows . m.cro 1:0 b" sp"cifi"d .nd th. wh01, m.ero to b. disp"'IJ.d
with scrun p.using)
PROCEDURE li st....d. t.a;
VARvo;d : CHAR;
meer , count.r : INTEGER;
BEGIN{list-d.h )
WRITE ('list ...... hieh m.cro ? ' );
REAOLN (m.a er);
count.r :- 1 ;
WILE [ [count"r] .U"m (> ttrm) OR (count.r 1) DO
BEGIN (""hll.)
11st_lin. (m. er. count,r);
INC (count. r);
tF' (eeunter MOD 23 - 0) THEN
BEGIN (;f)
WR ITE ( ' Pr lLO ss '1'1'-1 k';a to continu. ) ;
void :0:: RE ADKEV;
IF voi d 00 THEN
void :- REAOKEV;
END; (;f)
END; {......hil.}
W'RITE ('Pr ,ss .InIJ k,,1,l to
void :- REAOKEV;
IF' void - 00 THEN
void :- RE AClKEV;
END; {lisl -d. I.)
REAl>LN (ip) ;
DEC (ip) ;
1"11" 0 THEN

VRm: ('MilCYO Hilmi' : ');
mKr OS,NrM :- rnNI'lV;
END; (tf)
YRITELN nol. (EN nol.?;
'oIRITELN (C).n 1N"'0?;
VRITElN ('(T).rmv-.ilt. micro');
tiC (ip);
1int num :- VH!R[Y;
'o'RITE( Ip, ' : ? ;
'lnch...- ;- UPCASE (RE:AOK[V) ;
F' incha" .. 0 THEN
tnch.r :c UPCASE (READKEY);
CASE inch. ... or
,.. : m.crOUNcr (fNlcr) hpj .i t .m :- ",,.m;
'C' : BEGIN(C.n>
\ltRIT ( 1'1i cr o to cilll : ");
READLN (mum);
{micd ltp] .1t. m :- func;
micros.micr] (jpl .m. cnum := 'innum;
END; (con)
'0 ' : BEGIN
'WRITE in milHnconds : ');
READLN ( innum);
miler-os.mi C" ( (tp) .tt.m :-;
mecr csmecr [ lip) .t im. :- mum;
[NO; { d. 1. W}
'E' : BEOIN {f'nd not.}
WRITE ( Voie. numb.,. to .nd : ') ;
mole,. os [mler] [ip) .tt.m ;- stop;
macros .macr [maer] [ipJ :- innLm;
tNO; (.nd not.)
'P' : BEOIN (shirt nott)
'WRITE( Voie. numb.,. to .);
maeres meer [mill er) (ip) .it.m ;s pt.IJ;
macros.macr [m.lcr) lip) .voic. YlI'lLm;
'e'RITE( 'Ton.. to plJIj Y\ Hl : ?;
[mJcr) (ip) .t orw :'"' murn;
ENO; <Shirt not.)
ENO; <cu t}
list-1in, erNIOr, ip) ;
Garbage Channels: Another
Approach At Finding Frequencies
Thomas Icom
You notlce'thls ;roup using handheld redi os.
and desire to loste n in on t hem. You heve no cl ue
as 10 lhelr I nd dcubl U.. eve n
li censed. You ean't afford one of those neato
frequenc\j counters. Ind whtle have en tdea IS
to 'w'hat band t he\l ' re on; I trlt!l UOMl frequenc\j
...rch might taka 100 long. Whila findi ng lheir
mighl em I dlfflcull to i mp" . i Dl .
proposition there is I VI", to increase \lour
chences of 'l successful "cl tch", The ,ntire
procedure takes onl\l1 0 seconds.
Th. fCC h set " id. certein frequencl.. for
tev-pever business communications betveen
handhelds. These ere celled "lo'w' pever ", or
"i Un. re nl " freque nci,. . fri'nd Th. GUlch
refers to t hem;;'98r tU!U)e channelSl- . as en",bod\l
",lI h $200 can pick up a p. ir of HT. en I h...
freQue ncies and set up shop, Alot of Qroups 'w'ho
need inexpe nsive communicetions cepabilit ", of
quell t y than CB often 00and pick: up a fe'W
oar beCle cha nnel units . even , vaUable et
R.dio Sheeklor $ 149 a pop,
So, there 15 e oood chance t hat t he group lJOu've
jus t encountered mioht be running on loarbaoe
cha nnel. If youe reedt he ertic1e on Peoe 10, IJOU
should be able to deter mine ""het bend thev' re
r unnino on. PluO1n t he freque nci es listed beloW'
( in Mhz.) t hat cer r espend te the right band. You
might get 1uc
VHf lOW: 30.84, 33.12, 33. 14, 35 .02, 35.04,
42.98,43.04 .
VHf HIGH: 15 1.505, 151.625, 15 4 , 5 7 ,
154,6, 158.4
UHf: 451.8, 457.525-457.6 (25 Khz. peei ng) ,
464.5, 464.55, 467.75-467.925 (25 Khz.
.peelng) .
800 Mhz.: 851.0125- 8 5 5. 98 75
The rnest common1u used oe rb8l}e channeb are
t be boldfeeed on.. in t he VHf Hi gh 8a nd. If
I re on UHf Ind !Jou tlave no luck ...,ith those
freq u. nci,., l hen"'l 461- 465 Mhz,
The 12.5 Khz. -. pli nt . r - ch. nnels are an
Issigned to "loW' pever" operations. M",
exper l. nce is t h. t of Ih. 1 r .ng., 464- 465 Mhz.
yi.1d. t he b..t result . Al .o, if have smell
cheeploo kino redlos 'w'ith 2 foot telescopinq metal
"'hi p. 49.83 -50 Mhz. 1 keep t he gerb.g.
channels prooramed into one of m\l scenner ',
me mor \j be nks. Thi s 'w' au if I r un t nto some
(Continued an Paille 10)
UNT II.. ( (fp 100) OR (m.C1"'os .rNer [m.or) [ip) .it. m t.rrn) OR (inch.r , 3) ) ; END; (.d;t...JTWicro)
_,_.'" ' . PI'O'IU.TuOO. Or _ DOC""UTI
111 11........ . . . ft U lIC1 0 conu
Uc; ,p, "'Ie. 00' ,
Do. " 'OOC:'U'Df 001' 1 ..... , O;O.'U_.O.
."CI CO.'U_.OlCOO_O'U ' II " o;onu."......." ,
'IID C'_C.... , U OOC: U 00 c . n ...... .
(' s tists . 11 ttl. of <111 t hl' m.cros)
PROCEDURE list.JI<lml's ;
VAR count : MEGER;
void: CHAR;
BEGIN {list...n. rMs}
FOR QOunt :- 1 TO 100 DO
BEGIN (for)
.. ooun' MOD(23 3) 0 THEN
BEGIN (ill
'WRITE( OP,.. . s , IInla1 kl'W 10 continu. );
void :c RADKEV;
F void. 00 THEN
void :s FttADKEY;
END; (Ill
IF" count HOD3 ao 1 THEN
list...noilmf' (count ) ;
END; (for)
VRITE ( 'Pr.s, IInw hW t o contiruJe");
void := READKEV;
IF' void = 00 THEN
void := RE ADKEV;
[NO; {Hst...n. l'TWs}
- .... ,..,.- ..'- ., _ .... 55'.
.,. _,,, /10. .. . . _.' .._ , .. _ ......
UIl_''' '' ,..,_ 0"' ,_eo', .
.. .. _ . 0. , em....
,...,...., , "
" tt _u.". ..' .11 I." " _._.
'ftO _ "'" ..
I , __ ..
" " GII'_O - _ _ .... _ .. ... .. . ,;
''' ---.'.. _ ''
m..ero fIlIo');
. (X).cut. IMcro");
(N) ......?;
(Menu disp1.y s th. menu ..nd ,.. .turns <I tru.....hen th. unr;s don.)
VAR rnaenum : iNTEGER;
ineh.", : CHAR;
BEGIN (m. nu)
'w'RITELN ( 'AelLib /SoundBl,.. Ton.");
WRJTELN ( "w'rltt.n bWNick for Cwb.rbk
WRITELN ('Options :');
WRITELN ( '(L)o..d m.ero fo.
VRITELN( '(E)dit m<lcro
WRITELN( 'l(1), t rNcro
WRITELN( '(O)ull ') ;
"'RITE ('Ent.r option : ');
inch." :- UPCASE (READKY) ;
Finch.,. 00 THEN '
ineh.r := UPCASE (READKEV);
CASE inch..,. OF
'L' : os:;
'S ' : UVI'.Jn<lcr os:;
'I ' : list...d. " ;
'E' : I'dit....m<lcro;
M CH.l.Uf"ct .1, "0 1$ lIMO10 'Of "'''"
, V!'jl "O'" lM[1 All c,uOj eu) 1Vl''In II
AJVD 5110Ultl 1001 1[ USEOoun'Of: ",,(..OU
U (AS.

(J 'lnG'" ""U J ,
. " DIf , ,,, _,,
' " ' U Dl..' ""IIOL'
AD.." " (01111 ' 0"
_" DG_,rrO /IT_UG" 'O.u,tr,
IIUL" , 0_' "_OJ " "1
C"'LU _Of .1. 0- n Ull
0'011::' "UP'O_O
I'I'._LI : ' . OITO.
" ".Ll '.fUI
' Or _ " "rll I OLD"_ " " Utf
I"' ''''' ,..."" .. .. - "'.,..
.' ." " ''' '1
_, _,oUII
.'_,n eu....' .......,."'.<> co""'....
.... , p 'PUo"" ....p......" p........
.., CI.OII ...... ... ' P "' ' '''1'' .
1 ...... ,.p'"""" , 0:0.' .' .. PC Il
,,"0," '''''.'lL' ,
...... <, ... . . . . .....' " ....01............. 1{1
OI " P . ,
... PC .p, _ ,. """" \1 .""",.. ........
00' 101 ."'010.
"N' : Ust...Mm.s;
'X' : BEG IN
WRITE te .x.cut. : ') ;
RE AOLN Cm.cnum);
dom. cr o (m.cnum) ;
ENO; (c.u)
F inch.r '0' THEN
rnfnu :- TRUE
M'MJ :- FALSE: ;
NO; 1....""1
END. ( m. in)
(initi.lizu .11 m.oros u bbnk)
<.x.cutu until merwu'-!s tt\.t us.r is dOM)


no. ",,..1 L..o.... -.._oil ...... _ . .......10 .....
_ ....... ..., . no. __, .., .
""",,... .........
... ... "n 0< " .. [
nlll>' u ... ... n o '".'.....
lIf'G' . ' l! ,
Wi.'" ..u,"" _ .I_.n
""'" ,......"'.
1:000 "
..... .
"IU, 0t0 .. . .
..... f . " I . ' ' C......."'.
UfCII ".'001
....., _,.'041' I _It , .
_ . ,.... __14 _ 1011 , _
Slzt ..... COII_"OOI "" roo
'l1li 0< or ....
,...1 ... or1U....
1OOlI'" I0Il' COIl
."COOlOl e"00I1

.1.... tI o r , ...... I .. C..... TI.,
COOI O' ''OOI or ' ''00. 1001101''_ Of" 00. 0 '
COOIC. ull O., ' . 0 .'C_I ...... _ '
(Phon ....di.l.r Nick H.f1inQ"r for m'Quin.)
(Phon....di.l.r will th.. unr's phon. throuqh th. sound bo.rd)
(it .1so doubl.s u both .a r.d .nd silv.r box)
PROGRAM phon ....d1.1.r (input. output) ;
USES er-t, drlvw;;
BEGIN (ch. d_inst. l1. d)
IF' NOT (.xists....c.rd) THEN
'w'RITELN ('No AdLtb c.rd found!') ;
HAlT ( I);
END; (it)
END; ( r d_lnst. ll. d)
PROCEDURE twetenes (ton.1, ton.2 iNTEGER) ;
BEGIN (twoton.s)
nndnot . (0, ion. 1);
s.ndno1f (r , tOM2);
END; (t..-oton'$)
BEGIN (. ndt wo)
.ndnot. (0) ;
.ndnot. (1) ;
END; ( ..ndtwo)
BEGIN {niclc. l)
twotonu (1700, 2200);
DELAV (66)
END; (nic:k.U
In[ "'" '''''110'''' . '00" " .... . ,,
.HI 'O." f " 000 ".'.n
".1 ""'$11'"""" "'ff.u n .000f .......
OOIf . '.utl 0'1 u u
u l( ."O. u " 010."'" ""'0011 ""On_'
UII ".u f Oll tO
....", ' . "$11" C "'.1I0 ... O.....' CIO ,.
ntf c.,u
un 00l uno_n .. CGC>r1
"'f 'u''''.''C.''CIO 11\. ,
SI ,." . t 001111" ..
' .lIf'[ , _1 ,
un 011_' ' .. ., ..u '0 ""'. .... 'II' "''''0
'0 -0 ... . O\.OC:H "_' 000
.l wfO ' 0" 1 -...
111: '000"_"
BEGIN {dim'}
ntchl ;
DElAY C33};
PJlOCEDlJIilE quv ttr;
BEGIN ( quart...)
FOR count :- 1 TO DO
BEOIN (for)
tW'oton' l ( 1700. 2200) ;
l>El.AY ( U);
DELAY (33);
END; ('O,.)
NO; (quirt.,.)
PROCEDURE numb.,. (num : CHAR);
BEGIN (numb. ,.)
(whit. box/silv.,. box tonn (k' \lp.ld)}
." : h r' olo nu (6lj7, 120 9) ;
i :
010.' : t'w' otontS (697 , 1633) ;
'6' : t...otOr'ltS (7 70 , 1477) ;
: j
'C. : twotonrs (852. '633) ;
'.' : twot oNS (941, 1209);
"'0' : t"", o1onfS (94 1 1336) ;
'.' : t'Wotonu (941. 1477) ;
'D' : t..... olonrs (941, 1633);
(rtd bene toMs)
'N' : nick.,;
'I ' : dimt ;
'0' : quvtor ;
END; (cast)
DElAY (100);
END; (nurnbor)
fUNCTION rudch..r : BOOLEAN;
VARoption : CHAR;
BEG IN (,.,
opt ion :- RE AOKEY;
numb,.,. (option);
Quiet guide 10 finding band Df a
portabte by lool<ing a111>e
These ere for the I", tuel
I ntenne, nol Incl uding the mount bel",een I he
porloble Ind the I ntenne, ",hi ch is ettter
e BNC connector er screW' tnconnector 'Which
cl n be I bigger dil mele r I I t he bl.e I nd 10 lhe
ove,,11length ,
If Ihe I nte nnl Is 10"'l.r then lbout 12 inches
I nd lbo ut 1/2 Inch dil meter , 11 Is problblU
VHf-LO bI nd , 30-50 MHz " "'le.
If the I nle nnl 15 I bout 6 Inche. long, I nd I bout
.. 114 Inch tn dll meler, 11 Is VHf -HI
bI nd, In Ihe 150- 165 MHz ""'le.
tf the antenna is either Zinches lonQ andIbout
1/4 I nch In dil meter, or lboul 6 Inches long llId
1/8 1nch i ndil meter , tlis In l he UHf
bi nd, In tne 450- 470 MHZ" nge .
If Ihe I nt. nnl Is Iboul 2 Inches long I nd Ibout
1/B inch t n dt emeter ( sometimes mounted at the
topof another antenna thet is about 5 inches long
Ind I boul 1/4 Inch In diameter>, Ihen tI Is
In lhe 800 MHz bend, or po.. even
I he nev 900 MHz bond, and Ihe range Is po..
In l he 840- 860 MHz ringe, If I he portable Is
usinQa repeater 'IJstem,
These ranQes shOUld be fairly accurate, 'w'1t h
some exceptions li ke if the radio is licensed by
the feder.' Qovernment in "'hi ch case the
rrecuerctes t end 10 be In differenl "nges thin
those frequencies set aside for busl ness/public

<Continued from Page 7.
people ", tlh Hh, l br ing thet benk up 10 do 0quick
check. I nmeny cases that's all I have to do toQet I keep Ihe ger bag. chonnel
actt ve 'w'hen I'm travelHnQ i n an erea I have no
frequencies for. The ""ide use of these frequenci es
:wer\l 'w' here ensures that I elw8Ys have somethi nQ
t o 11slen t o, 11 ets e t urns out 10 be
interesting, es I lot of security"
terces use the Qarbalje cha nnels .
n: meens trimmer capacitor. Use any
trimmer (variable) capacitor from 350
microfarads, Or Just experiment I Radio Shack:
has a few different kinds.
<Continued Page 1 1.
----- --------
;Simple TV Jammer Plans
ceonttnued from Po,. 10.
IC lnt.o ratedcircuit. Use, TTL 7404
or 74LS04 Hex inverter. Can O.t ,t any
respectable electronic shop. Radio Shack part
number 276-1802 for about 99 eents .
RI and R2are r"htoro. TTL require a
.upply voltaoe of 5 volt. (OC). stnee ve ar.
usino I standard 9 volt battenJ. v e need I
volteQe divider network. Choose 1<1 end 1<2 such
RI/R2-0.8. Ex,mpl. , if R2-1 000
(1 K- ehrn) then choose RI.800 ohm.
::; -, N.,C NF NF NF "tC NC
lq 13 12 11 10 9 8
7404 InvRrt.r
1 2 3
!:5 6 7

4"c I
VRITELN( 'Phon. Dia1fl" b", Niek Hdl1nc;.,. for C'Jjb.rt,.k rmguinf"); VRrrtlN;
VRrTELN C'b\l s : 0-9I..normll' phon. b\,lp.d');
VRrTELN CO A, B, C, D sfl ver box tonI'S');
VRITELNCO N, 1,0 (N);ckfl , dCl)m., (O)u.,.t,.,. r.d box btl.s'); VRITELN;
[ND; {mfnu}
F UPCASE (opt;"n) - 'X'THEN
rude"'." =- FALSE
rudch :- TRUE;
BEGIN (mllin)

UNT IL rudeh.,.. r AlSE;
END. (
{AdUb Driv.r b,-! Nick Haflingt'r for C'llb"rhk mAgum.}
UNIT drlnr; { AdLi b drivpr for Ton.}
Ye(Pin 14) -Yi( P) *R2I(RI +R2)
P meeRS the positive terminal of the 9 vert
and Nme,ns neo.tiv. tor mi n,l of the
9 volt b,ltery.
FUNCTtON . xi sts u rd : BOOLEAN; {is theor sound card?}
PROCEDURE init dlib; {Inits th. AdLib bOArd}
PROCEDURE . ndnot. (voie. : INTEGER); (Ends. not. dir.ctll.l)
PROCEDURE s.ndnot . (voleI' , fr.q : INTEGER); (Spnds. not.)
is the voice
of complicity.
TYPE t.nbitbin "" ARRAY [0 ..9] Of
0 ..1;
TVPE inbrn.Linst chr . ARRAY (1.., 1..2] OF'
{POWR r.turns th. 2 to t h. nth po"".r , n)-1)
VAR .ccum, count: INTEGER;
BEGIN {pow.,.}
Accum =- 1;
fOR count :- 1 TOn DO
ececm =- . ccum * 2 ;
POY.,. =- .ccum;
END; {pow.r)
{CvrBIN eeever-ts .. numb..,. t o . bn bit bin. r '-! numb.,.)
PROCEDURE cvtb'in (1/AR outnum : t .nbitbin;
cenneet Pi n 2 te Pin 3.
Connect Pin 4 to Pin S.
Connect Pin 5 to one side of t ri mmer cepecitor
Connect Pi n 6 to other side Df tri mmer
c,poclter (TC).
Connect Pin 7 to neoative side of 9 volt better",.
Conn.ct Pin 1 to Pin 6.' DO NOT CONNECTTO
PIN 1.7
NC rreans No Connections
Use e brelldboard for testi no end/or solder
the finished project on a smell pi ece af
<Continued Page
innum : MEGER) ;
YAR count : MEGER;
wor'knurn : INTEGER;
BEGIN (evtbin)
worknum :- innum;
fOR count :- 0 TO9 00
BEGIN (for)
outnum (cGUnt] :- wol"'knum MOD 2;
Ycrlaun :- worknum DIY2;
EN!) ; (fer)
END; (evtbinl
-_.... .._ -....
... ---.- - -,.. _,-_.. __.
e__ . '" _ _ . _ _ M ... _ t-
.,"_.. _ _ _,......._,
OCI" ".0 0011"1
VOI .. u co.... ..oe n ' ....'. .....
100., .... _I I et eU" \lu,
.... u'. _ 1" "VU " "
.._ 000'''_"''' 11
IIR ... .0 0\,1 "'Of . ., ... .....
.0000 ...t._
_ . .., ......,. n [ ,_,," . ... .. .u ,.n
0'1 _'".,.u
.II .....U
1;01._0'1 0'-...... , _.{ '" ' -"' . '
0 1 ...... oot[ '_0 " 01 0'
o e.
_ avooo 011 _-.; .....0-.... ...00 ....._
.." _o.....-e._.
coY" ""0'1('_' _ r.,.. r ,lI{
._,- ,- -.,
U __.,_ ...,-...."
T a:wef"' {'I\tOO..r ' ....._f...,
{r . s. ts tirntys)
(rn.b1" tirNrs)
('jil .t cur r.nt Urn. ,,)
(ru .t timt,. 1)
{stir t tim.,. 1}
{E)(ISTS-CAA:O ch.cles for th. pr elf <li n AdL;b or comp.tibl. cllrd}
VARcount, t1, t2, void : INTEGER;
FUNCTION . x;s ts..c. rd : BOOLEAN;
BEGIN {.xists..c<llrd}
stndr'ljI (4, ' 60);
stndr'ljI (4 , saO) ;
tl ;. porll$3BBI;
n ndr ., (2. IFf);
(4, $21);
fOR count :- 1 TO 123 00
t2 :- por t ($38S); {"' lIit for tim,r (80ms
i, ts ...cor d :. (( ( tl AND$EO) G) AND ((12 AND $EC) $CO ;
END; {.)(ists-ellr d}
{SENDREG s.nds , sp.eifi.d Vllu. d\r.el to tM Adl tb rtQlsb,,' spteifitd} PRoctI>UR:E s.ndr.; (por'tnQ. olltv.h,.
: 8YTE);
YAR b mp, count : BYTE;
BEGIN {n odr. ;}
port {$388] :- pod,...; ;
FOR count =- 1 TO6 00 :- port [$3B8];
por't {$389] :- outv.1u.;
FOR count =- 1 TO35 DO
t."", :- port (S3BB] ;
ENO; {nnd,..g}
0"'["'",," ."'1 t DorT. C'T
Sl'TS DIT ....... ...' 1
II ......-$.U"( r ( .'1JII[
CIRCUrT8f1 E,A. ICING AU.RM-Op. ",I ... ,_
...........v Nn .., . ",.Il l.. , t1lN!eQ...cI...-rt of At
po.......n.... O!>t'nl", of 11d1 OT fOCI ...,'
b, cIll int t o. " , oownd I ",
bl.. of t . . .. . l. l o. t o . ....' 11
lJ M'I/ U ;" I , A,prl 'tn. p uz.
( loit_votc. n t"lds th. ch.r.ct.,.isties for pun ton. dir.ctly to t tl. cllrd) PROCEDURE inlt_volc. ( voie.
BEGIN {inn_vaie.,
(S20 + vok. , $2 1);
($ 40 + vole. , $' e) ;
s.ndr.ljI ($60 + voie. , $F3) ;
stndr.. ($80 + volee, SOF);
($CO + veiee, $01);
($EC+ voic. , $00);
n ndr'liI ($23 + volc $01);
($43 + veiee , $00);
($63 + voie., $03);
($83 + voie., SOF);
u ndr '9 ($CO + vole SO1) ;
uondr' 9 ($3 + veiee , SOO);
END; (inii-voa)
(1N1T_AOllB is II quick .nd dirt", inlt for th. Adl fb e.yd)
PROCEOURE intt.... dlib;
VAR count : BYTE;
BEG'" (;nit..od1'b}
FOR c:ount =- 0 TOSF5 DO
nnd,.. ; (count , 0);
..ndr.; 0, 32) ;
FOR count =- 0 TOt DO
*'ttLvoSe. (count) ;
NI); {lnit-odhb}
{EtONOTE . nds I not, on tht voict cNIM.l
PROCEt>lJRE .ndnot. (voicf : INTEGER);
BEGIN (.ndnot .)
Andr.; ($tlO+ 0);
END; (. ndnot. )
\ 9 _ ,\10. ...
sst outr---" CNt"""

.......:1; S, mutt be cloud mom_.fl'y .tt.....
" co"'". ""'0_ circuli to 1U'" . 1.,.. off tlrcwlt
In"",d.. 2%.' po up del. , t h.t ro... ....a trit '
; . . ...; 01 . 1. "" '1II " ..t ",m.d on -W,
G, Juna. .,e: nm.. <:ooIo.boolo.." Ho... . td W.
1' 77., n' zJZ.
".. ........ .. '.

lo..... n
' .' T
Wl ' J')OW.FOll ALA,RM-eom"""nloll of
ro.... . .. OYV''' O M\flSR . " d I. td'! , u.I", boUt
f "'!.;':' RP ol !>!>s t .... do' , output ' ... . hl,h
"""' ""'Of op.""., doo. o' ... In
do O' by 0 ' 01 10. 1" ') ff>i: " " OtIee
til,.,.. I. t.' ; I1 ".-i. a4 V "'O' .... fMI
CASE b10ek OF
1 : fnum :- ROUND (fnq 10.095);
2 : f num :- ROUNO ( f r . q / 0.191) ;
:5 : f nurn :- ROUND (fr.q 10.381);
4 : fnurn :- ROUNl) ( f " Q1 0.763) ;
:5 : f num :- ROUND( fr.q 11.526);
6 : fnurn :- ROlJNl) (f"Q 13.052) ;
7 : 1nurn :- ROUND (1r.q /6.1(4);
B : fnurn :. ROUND (f"Q 1 12.207) ;
ENO; (cu,)
{undnot. SInd. I not. dlrl'CtllJ to tM .ound urd with th' sp,elf,d voxI1r.q} PROCEOURE s,ndnct. (vo je" 1r.q
: ",rEGER);
VAR count. fnum, block, outrun1, outnum2 :
conv,rt. d : ttnbttbtn;
BEGIN (Stndnott)
F 1r.q ( 97 THEN
b'loclc: =- 1
.. 1r.q (1 95 THEN
block =- 2
F ' r.q (389 THEN
block =- 3
.IF 1r. q ( 780 THEN
block ;a 4
IF' fr.q (1561 THEN
block :- 5
JF' 1r.q (3122 THEN
block :- ,
IF' fr.q (62404 THEN
block :-7
F frtq ( 12487 THEN
block :- 8 ;
cvtbin (conv.r1, d.1nurn) ;
outnwn\ :- (32 + (4 block) + (cGnvtrt.d [9) 2) + conv. r t,.d (BJ);
out num2 :- 0 ;
- - - ------
FOR oount =- 0 TO7 DO
outnllm2 :- outnum2 + (convt1"t.d [count) * pc! .... pr (count) ) ;
n ndr.q ($,0 + vo;c', outnurn2) ;
Stndr.q ($bO + vo'ic., outnum1) ;
NO; <Spn6n0b)
BEGIN l"",ln)
(Uni1 inUi.1izltion)
tnlt__dlitl ;
END. ("",,,)
(End U'l1t n i1iliution)
(lniUlliu OMd)
Wbere do IIIe srarrr:
Resistance Op's in tbe 90's
Part II. Intelligence Operations
b1J Tho me, Ie...
dupl icate ceriei npiecesof information, the use of
lurvel11ance equipment , and the blackmail of a
taroet's emplo!Jee 'Who hIS In exploftable
"' kn.... In oplnton, tho O.therlllll of black
Intotlioonoah, for the mest p.rt v ..te of time
and too for I oroup to onoao. In. Should
Gathering information abo ut the outside yorld your Qroup have I real n!ed for black
.. It rel.t to oroup I. ene of tho Intol1100nee, olther oood Job of col1oct1no "'hit.
most imporil nt espects of a group's eettvtuee. Qreu inte1tfqence should be adequate for IJOUto
verlJ group should hev! one or tve people in it eccuretelu Quess enu proprietery informet ion uou
",hose Job t. to oather .nd Intol1l00nco. If . need, Dr oroupt. I'll b.
Group 13 involved In disseminatinG ne'Ws to discussing here ,
the outsi de 'World, then IntelliGence c;lethering Once IJOU defined the intellic;lence sources you
s hould renk up IJfith the ljIro up's information 'Want to use , lJOu can then oather the informetlon
disseminatlon activities. IJOU vtll need for ljOod tntel1i c;l ence. This process
The mo.t Importont tMoo group .hould '0'111 be DCturrl"'l , "' tho flo", of
lena'w' about i ntell igence is thet Intell igence is informationw111 never stop.
epplied i nformation. All the information your The prime requirement for oroup's
O,oup can o. ther ven 't h.lp It unle.. \IOU lnt.l1100ne. o,lherino oper.tiv.,l. th.t are
the i nformati on In respect to ectlievir19 lJOur throUC)h. There vfll often be In Url;le to do
9roup'S ooa". So , the first requi rement of eny en-t he- spot analysts of the informetlon IS it's
Int. 11i9. nee oper.tion. is to deftne their bolno oothered. THIS SHOULO NOT BE DONE
90010 . nd t he requtre rnents of Inform.tlon UNDER ANV CIRCUMSTANCES I Wh.n oatherlno
need toeehieve their 0081s. information to be turned into intellioence, Just
Once that is done, then you need determine get ea much es possible, and gfve 11 to the
",hat sources you need to use in order to collect enalysts . It's their Job to figure it out. A
QOod i ntelli oence. Intelligence seurees fall into secondary require ment for intelli c;l ence oetherers
three categories; Whit e, Greu . and Bleck. ts to be on the lookout for ne... tnte111gence
Whlto Intollto.nee is publicly seure..... old 0'" 00 This .k1llis one th.t
tnformot1on that is . v. n.bl0 "'lth littl. to no 'o'ill 001 better 'o'1th time.
effort. Exa mples of 'White intelligence sources Once you have gathered \lour information, then
ere nevapepers and TV nevs broadcasts. t t is the Job of the analyst to turn tt i nto
GrelJ i ntelligence is informati on that ts also tntellfuence. Intell igence anl!!lllJsts ere a ra re
pUblicllJ evetteble, but requi res research effort breed, es the Job requires not onlu top expertise
to acqui re. Exa mples are non- commercial redia tn their respective field, but also In uncanny
communIcations (le. public knack of figuring out complex patterns, and
communications you hear on e scenner}, certatn puttfno tooether menu different see mi nolv
trade publicetians "'hich have limited unrelated pieces of information into e coherent
di.trl butlonnd soci.l onoln"rlno select people picture "'hlch t.ll. ho'" tho Int.l110.nee .ffects
"'ho have expe rtise in the field ere oetherinQ the group's c;loa1s . Many of these types of people
tnt.l lfooneeon. "'111 little but If fl nd ene, hold
Black intelli gence Is i nformation 'Which Is not onto him, es they are e rare and val uable breed.
pUbllc11J available, endthus een onty be generall", It should be noted that the military's AAT., or
ettai ned bV melll ns . Exa mples ere the Analytical Aptitude Test; 'Whi ch is used to
breaking end entering of e hnjlet's property to determine a person's IlI nalyticel capacity. is sllIid
EJ. No1e: This .rlicl rl;i nalli
message taken off of Cr 11 Dg S\lstems..
I B6S In Bo.I.n.
(617- 462-6356) Si nce lhe lut her sho""d
lome ODod idees per misston vu acquired to
reprint tt her . Wllh t hai. ",, 'd lite to thonk l ho
luther f.r 111""'1lQ US 10 reprtnt tt. Ide.. lhat I mll'elf hev. concluded .re
ttlat the technolOQ\I of survi val should of necn stt\l
renoe from stone aoe to hiQtl tech. Here's v net I
mean.lny rlne becomes I paper..,eioht eree t he
. mmuntt ion is vant.. I mvself prefer the be... . No lt ce..t n;
soundless t he projectiles een be me nuflctured by
hondnd Ihei .re exlremel .ffoetive in lhe
hallCls of an expert . Abackpeclc. properl youtfitted
is eaeenttel , t here sho uld be enough dried
r.od r.r mtni mum of 14 doll' . All . qu,p monl
s hould be simple the hi; hesl ond reltl b1e.
A modified prcqremrneble scenner is import ant
also 'When marttll tev ts decllred they eren't
to vent people ..,andering around .
Wolerpr f m. ps (detoned I.p te) . f tho
escape route are essentil l. Doesn"1 hurt to do a
little cempirnJ also to check everythihlll out
couple ti mes. yeer . Do n't count on Ible to
use the roads either , ""eird people
etc. Stick: to r emote locations and use a dirt/street
b1ee. Practice ,*,Uh !Jour equi pment , an
emergency is no time to be reading ttle manuets
for anything, or to be practicing your shooting
skills . Forl,;let ebc ut expensive cumbersome j unk,
t here will be more than enouQh to\Is to be had at
enytime thereafter . simply take whet you .need.
Prepare to be as 'w' ell outfitted as the mihtar y,
buy the seme equipment. I prefer BriQllde
Quartermaster. Co mputers \ii1l be ...orthless
""tt hout li nes. If survive I he tnlUol
disaster youcan co me bac kend l,;Iet ell of that junk
ttlat you 'Want anY\ol8Y et anyti me. so I pocket PC
Is all Ihot's nooded ."hen I hore be lho
occesion to use 8 peyphone. Theyflt 1n I backpack
no sweat . I use mtne camp10CJ all t he ti me. Oont
s soler recher oer. Where do you reehe roe
it ."h. n the utili ti es are ; . n. ? An t his sluff t.
cheep . nd ....111 'Wor k..... 9uerenteed. Oon't forget
""hel Ihei t. ugh! I/OU in lhe keep tt
, 1mple. I don't intend to ello\ol t he hmatic political
behavtor of a collection ofoxymorons me, you
s ho uldn'l either.
10 ha..... 90ll!: fl n ure rot .
due t. I ; stze 11 mtt.
pers.n ...m be Issl;ned t. tilt .f both
;.tha rl n; snd.nsl \Ilt n; I nt.lli; ..... If this is tilt
case t hen it ts vt rv i mportent that the ;roup's
lnt ,ill;. ... spect.lIsl hav , p11t ..
...hen tt comes I. the dlff.r.nt I.. kf ;olh.rlllQ
Ind In.l\1Zi 1lQ Inl.l11;.nc.. Frem personal
experience I Cln sa", there \i111 be I strong urge to
do. qutck .n.ll1' tf i nf.rmeli.n .. It to belllQ
;.thar.d. If \/O u d. t his. \/Ou .... n't b. half IS
luccI..ful os If \/Ou Jusl conect.d the
Inf.r meti.n .nd lhen looked It ..... r l.ter. Keep
the s.porlte.
Once lhe Inf.rmelt.n has boon .nalllled Ind
turned int.i nl. lli ;once. lhen tt sh. uld be
.ent to the gr oup', commendstiff for action. Even-".
the picture is Inc.mplete, it sh.uld stm be
turned over t o t he pol1cumllkers; 'Who 'hould teke
into aeceunt that the t nfor metion is i ncomplete.
Whal's t mportant her. t, th.1 the ; r.upslooder's
be cOMtantlv tnformed IS to upcomino end
current developments. This .... v. t heu een make
informed decisions 1n regards to group activities
This ts .ls. the pot nl It ts dectded
...helher .r nel tne I nlellt ;o"'" to dlssemlnaled te
the outside 'World, tf lJOur oroup.ts"involved tn
1nformation/ f\e'w' s dissemination. Wor ki ng on the
basis of incompl ete t ntelHQence cl n often result
in I bogus ,tor ". Ho'w'ever , 'w' lit1nQ untO you heve
complete picture vill often res ult in the story
1.sln; tlo t ime v.lue.
Once I decisi on hes bee n made to reteese ttle
intel1ioence to t he public as news.. ttlen steps
must occestonal1 y be made to sanitize ttle
1ntel1ioence in orde r to disguise t he source. This
is often needed to preserve t he i ntegrity of I n
1ntel1it;lence source so \IOU can continue to use tt .
Ho....ever. sanitzi nt;l I stor y too much cen often
mok. II 1... Its So thus ;o.d
balance must be found.
I hope r.und Ihis orltcl. lnf.rmetive,
Ind thol It .,comptl.h.d II's .bjectiv. in ; Ivin;
everyone basfc primer on intell1Qence
op.roli. n, . Inlen.p. skms Ire best ecquired
Q(ltng.ut . nd d. 11lQ It. '0 ;et I. ttl questi.n.
c.n be refer red I. me viI V.M.6. ..
10268- 0700- 751- 2600. 8.x 4266; viI
Uncenr.d 665 .. 914-761-6677 r
..-rtling me II I h. megui ...
Vour 'o'1 r.l... CATVr. c. ptf on . teti,n '0'111 ne.d
tho follo'o'1 09 :
o f rlllQ' reeeptten TV ent.nnll
o 10-20 db 9.t n TV rec.ption omplif1. r.
one 'o'1th on .mplif,er modul e th.t
mounts near the antenne and a remote PG't' er
suppl IJ. The t'w'o piece models are better beause
the . Ignel b. for. It g.ts noi fro m
goillQ throUllh the eeax,
- TV eenvsrter box
o descr.mbl.r for \lOur .... nt
to rec. tv. "pre mfum' chennel. (optl,nel)
o Good RG6 (or b. tt.r) co.x 'o'1 th
connectors and i5- 300 Ohm t ransfor mer if lJDu r
TV don't hev 75 Ohm.nt.nne fnput
... TV Intenna mast and other materiels for
mountino the Intenn. on !JOur roof
Wireless Reception of Coble 7V
Thomes tcom
The difference betveen table TV . nd regular TV
ea n be seen t n ceble TV's "officiel name.
Ant.nne (CATV).
B ...fth CATV, t he cobl. fnstell.
TV antenna. end satellite dish ,t ;Oed
recelvin; 10catton some"'here (they ee11 this
plec.o "h. ed- end' ) , end then ,,-transmits the
TV ,fonals over cable to custome rs ' homes end
business!:! . CATV systems use frequencies
betvee n 106- 400 Mhz. to nd extre
chennels throUll h t he ''I't.m. The mid-bend
(chennel. 14- 22) to betveen 106- 174 Mhz.,
. uper-b.nd (23-36) t. bet..... n 200-290 end,.
( 3 7- 53) t. b. t"n 290-400 Mh.
(The ra 09" er. epproxfmot .) To ke.p the
CATV .ignel. from tnterferfllQ 'o'1 th tM "9uler
services on t hose frequencies . t he eable company
must keep leakage from t heir ,u,tem do.., n to In
Ibsolute mi nimum. This is easier said then done.
ond no metter ho... ho rd CATV
sUl1leak tosome extent. ho...ever minimal 1t me",
The f. put eh.... n in fl 9ure 1.
If 'Jour CATV descrembler 13 abo I converter.
then put ft v he re t he CABLE CONY. 90". If 11 is
one of those t ypes thet descnmbles channel 3
from a separat e convert er t hen hook it up IS
With equipment I vanable from your local shovn 1n Ftoure 2.
Redio Shack .10ng 'Ji t tllJOur TV. you cln pick up Once you have your system put t oget her 'lOU
low-level CATV siona' leekege end get free CATV hive to find. leak to recei ve off of. The elbl!
service 'Wit hout havi nq to pay en 1nstal11tion fee companies find leaks by dr iving do"," t he roed
Dr monthly servi ce charges. This 13 all perfectly 'Wi t h I fleld st renot h meter . You cen do this bU
Teo.l because you ( cur renttlJ) have the r iOht to 'WIlki ng under t he cable li nd stoppi ng ...... her e UOU
receive radi o signats that come onto !JOur domeln, see a peak on t he meter. You cen Qet e f;eld
end f n all reelfty the eeble TVcompany shouldn't . trenqth meter for under $50 et Redia Sheck. .
be letti ngthese signels leek out of their systemto Howeller. unless lJtlU use e tuned field str ength
begin 'w'ith. Whe n 8ttempting this you should be meter you \in) elso regist er eMlJ strono RF
evare thet If your eeble TV compeny Is source. If' you beve a portebl e TVsuch es e So ny
competent. you miQht not find an .rea 1n your Wetchman. you cen tune to I channel that you
neighborhood" outside pl ant t hat has enough normlll", won't receive and 'Wa1k: around until you
1eakege to get a good signel. Also. the 'Way the get reception.
90ver nment has been , ctil'lQ let,lll. one neller On a side note. many 01 those po rt able TVs that
kno",s ...he n t hey mi ght decide people who use an anal ogtuni ng di al (es opposed to a channel
experiment 'w'1 t h tev-jevet RF stgnal reception selector kno b) oftenere able to receive mid-band
ere I threet to socil ty. 11s uch. thin9don occur. eeb1e chennels 'Wit hout a converter box. (The
make the necessar y preparltions before one of Sonu Watchmln Model FD-' OAcan.) To chec k: if
those UH-60 Blackhewks full of men v Uh your portable TV can do this. examine the TV',
MP5SD3. lend. on 1.... n to brfll9 tnto VHf (Ch. 2- f 3) tunfng seteeter. Th. mid-b.nd
"protective Flo"re I TV'. hove 1 bend for VHf
.Aci7. seI. ctl on. To 9. t mid- b. nd 'o'1th these
AMP) TV'., tune b.t" n ehonne l. 6

' t end 7. Vo u ...111 .lso be ebl. to pick up

MP SUPPLY C var ious t upes of yoice commo fr om
6B-174 Mhz, e1though the ..

and sensltivi t u on portable TV', suck for picking

f CABLE: H I r::;:;-:-, up nerro'w' -bend FM voice. Yo u mi9ht fere better
---, CONV . DESCRAMB . 9ttti ng i n some of the stronger FM broedc8lst
. . t8t1on. on 66-1 OBthoU9h.
Hook- up""hen uSIng add-onifeser embl er. When lookin9 around for I good CATV leek.
Fioure 3

I dec bere t wI r- e
....ApplW I n s u l a t Mi\ter lC\ l.
Leave tip clean
Cov.rt CATV Ie.k oeneralor .
Ipply the lnsulilor mol. rill to lhe .trei9ht pin, for Ih. pol nted end. L.I tbe Insuletor dry.
The insulation onthe pin1s the important part , as
11 i. ne.d.d io prevent \IOU from .ccld.ntly
.horlfn9 out 'JOur nel9hbors cebl.line. Thle v ilI
look .0m.lhill9lik. fi9ure 3.
When t"'et', do ne take 815emb' Uand crazy91 ue
over to 'JOur nei9hbor Ih.1 he. eeble TV. find.
nice run of COli X and push the pin in. Make sure
the tip has good contact ",Uhthe center eeneueter
of the coax. Then unroll the mel;Jnet wire and
crazy 91 ue it to the coax t n I v aU that 1t 'Won't be
Wt'lat you just did VIS edd an entenna to your
neighbors cable. Vou ....111 now be Ible to enjoy
the use of your vireless cable TV setup. The main
problem v ith this setup b that the resulti"9
ieak" ",m most assuredl U be noticed by the cable
co. ""'tic ...111 come over and inspect everything.
Your best bet is to in,tall this device during the
earl y event no and rerncve it the next morni no
before the repair erevs hft the road. Thi, ",au. it
is leu to be detected, unle" 'JOur cable
co:, repair erevs 'Work at nioht.
cConUnued From Pave 1 , .
perfboard. Don't fort;let to get ,omethino to hook:
the to Ih. baerd .
Hook: up the and turn on the TV to
channel 3. SLOWLVturn the TCend ....tch t he TV.
You should seethe picture t;l0 crazy. If not , check:
all your connections. If everythi nt;l1s OK and ,Ull
nothing happens, check your battery, it may heve
given up the ghost. Get a nev bettery. Try ch.nn.l . All I could 9.t on ch.nnel 1 t
were a bunch of squi90l \1 lines. But the most
importent thing to remember is to experimentl
check under j unction boxes where the maln Hne
1. t. pp. d10 r un drop. to subsertbera. They
onen deorede from bei ng exposed to tne elements.
Al socheck around the homes of neighbors vhe you
f l ml9hl heve edd.d .xlre CATV extenetens 10 L-_-==-=:.;,:'-::-:-:';;';-;,;;..;:=:-;"===::;:::- --'
their hou ....lrln9 plent. If ihey hev. en
antenna on thei r roof, then chances are they took
the 'o'1 ri n9 plent Ih.i ..... hook.d up to lheir
entenna, and hooked it up to the cable system. The
eable comp.ny 9On.relly us l)<lod
(expensive) materials 'When tnstell i ng cable tn
someone's heuse. Most people when extendtng
their system QO to a department store or Radia
Sheck, end buy tbe ebeep1 (te... qu.lity) .Iuff
ihey cen find . Thl. often l.ed. 10 CATV l.eke9 .
Usu. ll y, ih. CATV comp.ny doe.n'1 notIce the .
leakage from a home unless it is reany se.... ere. as .
their detection equipment consists of a field
strenoth meter and a 1/4 wave sntenne. And
etnee t heir readings are taken while ooino 40
MPHcevn I reed, the sional from i nside I house
set beck XXX feet from the road Is usually not
strong enouoh for them t o take notice. You on the
other ha nd, Ire u3ing In antenna that has 100
times more Qain than theirs. and are amplifying
the 3tonal yo ur antenna picks up e.... en more.
Once you've found a leak. aim your antenna It
it. You should then be recei ving .free cable TV.
The reception melJ not be perfect. but ",hat do \IOU
expect for nothino? To Qet better reception, try
one or mo re of the fo11o",ing:
1. Position antenna closer to the source of
the le.k
2. U e hl9h.r 90ln (bi9ger)anl.nnl
3. Use a more powerful amplifier
If your leek stm isn' t adequate or you haven't
found one It all. then use the fo11o",inO technique.
Be careful with this one, 8S it .....ill royelly piss
off the eeble ce., fCC, fBI, fAA, NSA, PUC, end
your locel chamber of commerce tf you're cable
co. heppens to a member. Not to mention that if
you 9.1 C'Uiht, you could b. ch.r9.d ...lIh
vandali sm. t heft of services end possi bl ysedition.
Vou 'll nd the follo...i 09 :
tr.i 9M pin
B- 10 fool l.n9th of meqnet ...1re (l.n9th not
erttt eel)
- ilqui d bleck tap.", N.",.kin (liquid bend'9') ,
or s1 mil ar sprey- oni nsulatcr mete rial
- solde ri noi ronand solder
- crazy01 ue
To start, aelde r one end of the lengthof mIg net
.... tre to the bluni .nd of the .trai9ht pin . Then

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