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11646tl. 8rn Ho$tor Pkvy.N, P.O. Bor( 1212 tlouteon, lX 17251-L2L2 Tel 713.939.2211 ?ax ?r3.939,2620


21" June 2007

Product Advisory:# l2ll4 of Shear Capabilities Cameron Rams EB 702DUpdateRegarding Shearing

The purpose of this Product Advisory is to notify Cameron equipment users that Engineering Bulletin EB 702 D 'Shoaring Capabilities of Camsron Shcar Rasrs" has bccn updatcd to providc thc most up to dato shcaring ,informationlbsl@i+ ofddlling tubnlEs. Drill pip spcifications allow-forJa4e pocntial varianccsin mechgnicaland dimensional proporties. Conscqucdly, there is a largc variance in thc shear forcc requiromentfor a given drill pipe specificdion. Variancesin thc material streng$" ductility, and thickness have ttis issuea significant irnpacton the rcquired shearforce. This bullctin has becnupdatedto addrss ppf SI35 gade prpe has ben reordd Example; tle reqaired shering pressarefor 5" 19.5 and as high as 35a0 PSI usingthe sane BOP atd opaator corfigration. to be as lan, as 2250 PSI

in motbodsrscd in the As can be scen,thprc is a sigoificarn variancc of 57o/o this exaruple. Sincc therc are Dumcroun industry to calculde the required shcar pressure,it is very impotant for the BOP equipmcntuser to undcrshd if the pcdictcd value. When thc basis of the shcar shear pressurevalue supplied is a nininln, rvcrrSc, or nrrinrm ptGssure value is rmderstoo4a frct bascddecisionon thc requirad BOP shearingequipmcntcan be madc. Cameron has performed exEnsive tcsting over the years to vdidate and investigate if a tubular is shcarablewith a givcn BOP opcrator configuration In response the latge varianccsOut bave bcen cxpericnccd with rcquired shear to prressurs, C,amcron has pcrformd a completc rwicw of Cameron shoartcst data. EB 702 D has bccn updarcdto incorporate a shcarprcssurpredicting formula th"t generatcsa shcar pressurcvalue. This valuc is dcrived from the rtcordcd shcar force that Cameronhas experienccdin a test envirurment for a given drilling tubul$ sizc nuluu and material designation. Plcrisc rcview Se moifcurrcnt vers,ionofEE_7O confi-gnrationfor your driling operations.Selectingan unsuitableBOP shcaringconfiguration could result in substantialinjury to pcrsonsor

Contact CameronEnginccring if you have Writtcn: Corkhilt qucstionsregardingthc shearingcapacityfor a specific application.

David McWhorter Vice Prcsidentof Engincering& Qualiry, CameronDrilling Systems

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ProductAdvisory #12114

Exhibit No' Worldwide Court lnc.

cAM CrV 0012630


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