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HewTechnology Application

Digital BOP Testing

lssued January 2008 30,

tnhturtrdfr ostf & Cmfigcr*'nry Sdicc |F3trS PArflerRrr,hc. rqdt r&[C*re$rrv6d. ilxs docwrfff coddns rsaM sxct srtp/W*d8Pl*tw*A iafurn*ixt ldhctrraf,'n irc" fl rdraborpr4 flair

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court ReDorters,[nc.


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4232

rflyfiasrl8, dc'ciosed u tM fu sny p.eoff wdrat fr6

$g[de@TBBlir'6 fw lasfl Tecfrubgy

Table Content$ of
l. ll. Introdurtion Subsea Practice Cunent BOPTestifig A g. lll. Interpetation Ctert Recorders wrth BOPTests Pressure dudrrySubsea Behavior 3 3

4 7

DrgrtdBOPTestirgard lts Potential Benents A. B. DbitalB0PTestingAlgorithm DbiblAlgorithmPerfrymarueStudy

13 1g 1g 22 24 25 29 29 3S 30 30 3*

Disltal8OP Testing $'oftArare A. B. C. D. Details Ssfivrare Safegmrds againstEnor lmplementation Status lrstaflation OigitalBAPTesllrq Softrare Onbaard af

1| It V.

Proposed Ado$tonaf OigitdBOPTestirq A B. C. D. E. F. G. Rutes Cdihrdionof Sensors Softnrare0rrarshipandResponsit*ffu Installatiofl Maintenance and EndU*ers Trainirg Slering withOfrer Operators

Appendices 1. 2" 3" 4" Anatomiz* Comnercial Reletre $0fi$6re BPGulfof Mexico Fxphraion BOPTesting Procedure BP Deepnnter 8OP lestirg Frocedure Transocran De*pnterHorizon 8OP TestDiagrams 32 43 44 45

tlp Bqtordim & Fro*tullll l*.

Pqe ?of {5


BP-HZN-217 9MDL0257 4233

-2 BP- HZN 17I MDL0257 4232


oigfrafEOFTeclt Apdredionffl hles,Tschfsh(B


As a leadlrg deepurseroperatorin Sre G.rlf of Mexicc, BP has faced and found scluttansts nffirruls techrx$ogic# clnllerges posedby the deepnmter enylrqrnentOrn such challerqe is that of increasirg$ tinr+conwming, cosS subeeaSc\ilorlt preventer (BOP)tests. A 2003Bp $tudyshotredthe hQh-preseure periodsof zubseaSOPtests,wfrkh s.txrt-in musthoH tlle req{red press{re$for 5 minutes, take an houror morefor pressures can to stabilize acceg*ly- Thiq comt*redwith Str stacksand drill sbingerequiring or 1? pre$sute moreseparate tr lests, contributee prolonged delaysof *ittirg aclivitydurng eachperiodc{lypically every14days}se*of BOPequipment tests. The 2003 sttfify linked$e cause of lengtfryBOF tesr {mes to operations grreater at uater deShsu,tletefieilrd effsts are particufarly an{&nt rlvhen syntheticbasedrillirg fluidsare used. lle studi proposed that ccmg*a aidd analysisof shut-inpresstlre behavisrcouldgnedfysped lhe interpretation subea BOPtests- BP launched d a prqecl called.DigitalBOPTes$rE"in 2084to develop reliabte, ff' tirne-saving srr*-rqvilrs kvl*Plr computv ' a
iuola rnarrooforlnterpretirg s**a Bopte$ts. I

I I I I I | I I I | I I

f f-

BF subsequently develryed and *unrugl*y evaluatedDigitial BOP Testingsoftumre, concludirqSe ssftwareis accurate, relia$e arxJcapabh of reducing subseaBOPtmt tines S about75%. The drirect vatueof this tinresevingsis es*imdedat $3-4 million annuaff per foating dn&irgryration. Addd berefib inc{udereducedexposureof personnel pressurized to lines,redred rirrear tear m BOPequiprnent quicker and and resumption drlllirq operations cf whilenretocean condillons favorable. ae gP advisedMittSin July2ffi of a proposed to approach irndernentation Dgitaf BOP ol Testingin deepivater of idexicodrillirg opera{ions. presentd to Mt{S in March Gu:f BF 2007thedrafi of a NaatTechnology Aplaatiwr fur DlgitafSOPTeelirE. MMSresponse wasfaw*abb and ledta focu$on thede{ails implernenktion of SP has enhanced DrgitalBOPTestirq softrrareto i"v$ler ard implementation, {ts and furtherdelailedrts proposed approach inphmentation. Ttcse are elaboratect flns to lrt rr*ty revised l'lewTechnolcgyAppficalion DigitalBOPTe$ing for




cuRRExrsuBsEAEop rrsnfigFRAcrcE
A lnerprctaSon wifh ChartR:csrdrr,:r CunentsubseaBQPtestirg praclice{in U"S.and generally worftiride} is to visrr shut-in prsures on circularchartrecorders wait unlil a 5..minute test pericd and of reasonably stade press{,res obtdred tsee flg. 1}. The reaonably stable is presstresmusthe grealertlnn or eqtalto the required pressure to allor test so, fu ternpeeature-related ure declines,tesilsare hitided well in srcess of pres pres$rres.A 5-min$eperiodof reasulab$siat*epressuesis required required as proof af nonJeahrEtesls since,absefit additional analysis.tte periodsof avertly declintng sfittt-inSre$$fiee cat"dd indrcative haks iRlile slstems. be of

lr. lFF$lsdim e Frqdslicn




Be-HZN-217oMDLo zsr4z34
BP_ Z N_2179MDL02574232 H



a -

to the range-zttc -3 psirYnin, makirq thi* fle as-practiced of circdar chart limit resolutim. Giventhe sut{ectivenatureof visuatchart interpretation, tests are -3 stappedat greateror lesserpr*ttJre declinerates. We cansider scrnelimes psi/minas representative a hgh stardard of currmt lesting practiceand of desgnak the presxrre at which fiis occurs as A ar the "pre$sureat stiabilizaiisn.. B. Prrssuc BehaviorD$ring $ubscaBOPTrsE lrdividual subseagOP lests can requireup*ards of an hour for gessures ta stabilize *ceptabS. In the ermpleof Fig. 3, I Hpe rarn tests averaged $3.5 mfru$es each. 4 anoularpreventer tests arreraged 16.9 minutessrh and the tdal shtit-intirnewas 8.25hcurs. Thefrkal comhred shutin time wouHbe 1.0 hourgirren U"S.Mirnrds lvbnagement tte $erviceth{|l{S}requirenTent each trat pre$ure tor 5 minutes,In this e:tamp{ of lhe 1?testsmusthdd lhe requircd an excess t-25 hourswm experdedwaitir fcr presswes st*,iliee. of to .At curent sprexl raies, the value af that tinm appromim $250Kand in the course ayear*ceeds $4 rnitlion floating of driltingrig^ oer

ffi:;l;*H#$T""',fl;:;#":'",il,9:3'Lill* the pressure tsace beginsto aryar steaq oncepressure declineratesdimiaish

bS Fo{s$iffi

g Fbo*riiiql


F6ge ,{ of 45


BP- HZN-2I 79MDL0257 4232



Dfil|BAPT6ra'g bf ltsl Tecfhobqv


r*$0 ,tro rtil rte i06 ?tfit reF l?@ && orfi os es o{fi frm {e$ qfi *$ 09,6 !0s lftr r?s ttG] l&*t is.F,Eril:tam {rs .gF ff .G,F sts Olw,grm{*s *s. s$0 6;s tsfi rls

fb. 2 - A tfl$cd Jcrie* of subsffi BOp MF spilruiI|0 dout l{ ilsuru of sla0ssd tir*e. 3ome kighfesrsre $st3 last ao hoilr or hr'er,

Pressure *cfirns of nonJeaking testsare dtrihded tCI cooliftgof tle ffuidsin the gressurized system {seeFQ.3): . Surfme-tetrperak*e flui6 are pumped fromthe eefilefiirE unit intothe kill andfor chake linds) to apply elevated pres$.,reto the subsea $OP cornponents berq tested. TtE6eflurds arerryanner theirsunoundirgs. than Fluidsalrea$yin the hll an#or chokelirc{s} conpressas additional fluids areprmped-in. Theseffuidsara displad deeperto coolersurroundings. Fluds tn the killandlor chokelin{s} undergp intemd eneryry wfrn an rise they are cailnpressed. This heat of cornpres$ion causesa sligfrtelevation of fluidternperatures tlvor*Shq;t syslem. the Oumg stut-in pertods pressurized the frdds in the till anffor ch*e finets) coolas lhev loseheatto ttpir sunwndings, Shut-i* test pressuresdecline as the te*tirq fluids cml. The rde of when ths temperature difiwences{*T} Ffessufedectinei* frutest in{tially betv{een f[rids and sunourdirgs are greatestard *ows as dT becanres hss.

bg Asbrsf,ion * Prq&tftrr lr$.

PcgB 5 of {5


BP-HZN-2 TeMD 2574236 1 L0

BP-HZ N-2179MDLO257 4232

Oigst EoF T6itint t#f,cdhn fs Fics,Tecfnohqv

Purrpkrl .F.rl drr til trr. Fe, lrdu.:

epff.*r!,&*? *l ?6


& $r ru|btl n rr. rlr.rl.afrrrdrrHBo.lE Frauf bil*tfi;q*,{.f ifif07c&

*{nrr f&




U &t fS

Brrryr*rr Sodrrd t$f



B.lq$++ B*ta 853+

0S4{ .}96* 06S4 !f"t.


St:]| sr{

FiE,4 , $ytttittic t{so tulft er* ac3ocffiorl rit& Holfi{r$s* frsisurs declinor.





BOF Testingoffer$a rnears to $ubstantially Digi,tal redwe the shut-intlme neededto interyret conecUy subsea BOPteste. Thelerm'digitial.retersto: r r r r Testdataar tectrdd bry corpder. a A cwrqxrter analyzes pressure the decti*e, forecasts $te tesl is positiv*or negative. A eonuruter if A con{xrtergfifierates sunfirarybst reFtrt. a

Givenregulatory appwal and a cornp*er-aided $orecastirE rmtbodthat canbe applied safuly,a,curatelyard reli&ly, theenvisioned ber$ts sf DigilalBOPTesting include: . r r r r r . Correctly inte$retisrg test* ffioreefficisrtU. Appliedrepeated$,sflnE ca. SS hours of crtticalpa$| rlg time per tesl irderval {$picallyanery14@s}" S*irE ca. $$-4n*llionddlars annudlyperfioatirgdriflirrg operation. Interpreting testsin a cssistent, oQective rnanner. Reducirq personnd et$o6urs to hi$h Feg{rredurirq subea BOP and surface rnanifddtesting. Reduci'rg wearard tearon BOFcsnponer** andprnp$ngeqtripnrent. Makitlgnse efficient of metocean us condition* wfrilefavoraHe drilling" for
FqBTrf dS

bf WiopeFrqdrclilriln$.


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4232

Iu Digital FOF Tmfing$[orfdrm BP deudo'ped DigitatBOPTestlngAgori$rn b ena$e real tirne intergetatienof a subea blcwwt pre\Enter tests. Tte dguithrn t*kes greatcarc tc 6lain accurate pressurefor*asts. An appropride mathematicdfumtbn with good predictive is capab*fity fit tc tl oberred pressure data,lhe precsure bendis extrapolated and a stnngent is applied cileclrfor cmfi&nc* in the pressure tes* to {orecast. Figrrc fi depicts E-$epdEntaf the algorithm. A corp#r Eretr,s PwnpRane, Rnntr \ro*xneard Ftrry He*nre rtati rlufig snneeaBOPtests. Tl startda slr|t-lnEEIFniodh ffi6ctedTre fiIt{r prcs$reftffiie trg|r,b ilatY'zeft s*reralmh'ks" bf

the cocF0rerfisa rrxtsl b$e Fre$$fe fem" Tbern0[Flnrc# fie ms stp Frs$redecf|e|or pf*tad stablr pmsffe. necocg#rlxlhdes f fte pErftbd staHepres$sehffietrbemrr|e re$*ed *stpres$re-


ft i"J

Fie. 5. Tbf Otigital BOPTott$nf algorihm concFrisri rix {tefi.

Purnprate, vdurne pumped and purnppressure data are received ca. 1-secsrd in interyals.TfFt rnea$urrnfits typicallymadeat eementing are unitsby cementirq servicesprwiders- The end of purnpngand @innirq cf shut-intest periodsare perlods function thefionn detected.Dt*rlng shut-ln a of P { r )= l + - i - =



Lr regressed the entire tirne trtd pfssurdata set whenerser b fresh data arc received.Thevatusof A b, c ard m that providethe bestlit of tte function fre to daliaarecoffp{Jted.

Pegp I of 45


BP-HZN-27eMDL0 1 257423e
-2 BP-HZN 179MOL0257 4232

DigfidFoFTer{rr Andhdu! for A|wrTec}rdoqF

Gtvenihat Eq. I aqresses $tllt-in test pressweas a functionof time, the Feszure declinerda is ttn lst deriva{lve Eq. 1 d }f{r)= -bmt*:



and for a particular vdue of tln derivative suchas .P'r, the tirneat utrich that lmlue isstatedby Eq.3. occurs


. i-p;(r*r" ):l;i *:-';-*:**;



An itaative technique enplcyedto s,ofve 3 for the iine at whicha certain is Eq. value of floccurs- Eq 1 is thenssedto predictthe msmlatedpre$$rre. Withineachcornpuatian cyclethe tinte at stal*lizdion r, {whenfFr = -3 pilmin) is predicted with Eq. 3 usirg tfie cunentbstft of fn Eq, 1 fi"mction the ffessure then at stabilizatio*P, is prednied with Eq. f, This is conrpaed with previousP, torecasEard a teetfor f,ofiveryierue a stabb solution applied."StaHesol$fion" to is rneails lhe foreca$ does nat charqr apprecia$y ffi more data are ad&d wtnreupanvte areconfi&nt the sotutioir coriectty repiesents pressure the trrend and canbe usedto intelpreitheBOPtest.

ftr chosen"te$tfor cffrvrgne a sla$e soluthn* requiresa minimum S0 to of consecutilre predictbm to be witrin 3 pst of one another.There are marry & possi$ t'etts wist atte*danttade$s of solutionlime {elapoedshut-intirne to obtaintbe lntsta$e sok{ion}and pressure lorecasting accuracy,We invesligated a range of these and found ttn corntindion of 80 ssnples and 3 psi tc be an appropriate criterion inthe sutgect Oigitaf BOPTesting Algonhrn. t1&en a stable solutionis st{ained, the predlcted value of P, is cornpared tre to te$t reguired pressure thanqr equalto Fr"n ft test is declsed P,"r. lf F, is greater successful can {positive}and, glen tonfi&nce in tte interpretration, be eilded in or&r lc poced to tle next te$. fi "q i$ Iess than .Prrr,*re test is declared unsucces$ul{negative} ard, givwr confidence the interpretalion, then be in can "pumped or repeated. up. OigitalBOPTeslingintelpre*ations haw beenand will{or sometrne cantinue be tCI compared with chartrecorderresultswlrerettc chart nelhod is presumed correct andtfe digltalrrnthodmay or may n{[ cslcur. lt is therefore necessary calibrate to the digiialrnethod Sleshartmethod hcilitatecompa*sons.Thedigitalafgorithm to to b ihereforefocusedon predictirqtre pressuref, at wtricha test done by chart rnethod likelyi,obe endedand interyreted, the shutjn prss$ne at rdrich Sle is i.e., pressure#clire rateis -3 psi/min
& bgludon e fts*fttion,$c. Fngn9of {5

BP-HZN-2 79MDL0257 I 4232

Digfi*SApTssting fdicabon tur ht# Technobqr

B. OigiEf Algorirhm P*rfotrnane $&dy we quantfed the & prediclisnaccgracy the DigitalBoP TestingAlgorithm a of in stu$ gtwp of 98 higihpres'sure subseaBOFtest$osained frsm 17 fortnightly tesf suitesaf! conducted the samefloatingdrillingrig in U.S. Gutf of Mexicc This on groupis s(y$ficantin that dl testswere hdd shut-i,n prmzuredeclirn ratescf -3 lo psilminor tessthusena*ing directcwpafson of P,r".r"u* ard &.*e*, Thereis a postrverelatpn between {elapsedshutJntirneat wfrichthe pre$s{ne r, declinerateis predicbdto be -3 psi/min) DigitalEOPTesling ani Algori$nn solution tinus {see Flg- 6} The arrer4e scfutiontirre in the g&test stu@grouprr*re07:37 witha maxinrum 829 ard a minirum of 01:14^ of

g 15tn ! t0:oo: o,* g


E {nj&}

fi!, f - tb*$


1,m0 l,m


3,0fl] 3,ffi


EOPTGttFng ffilutiori tines vrfy to prspodlsn b &s yilrre of r..

Tlrc poteulial timesavings Drgital v{a for BOPTestlng a giventest sdesare a lirsar funclionCIf tolal Efut-in lime requiredts complet seriesby chart recsrder the the method.Digttat BOPTesting consistendy ean reduce required shut-intimeof the the chartrecorder nnthod by ca. 68%or gneater {seeFig. 7}.

bF Edore$on & Pnoductim hrc.

F50r t$ d*5


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4241
-2 BP-HZN 179MDL0257 4232

P. {S,$ lhoriAm


F t,6,{o

E *{10


j t'

$ ?0o

200 400 6:S 1O{n 1200 8m ToullShutjn Time CtuaRgcor&rlkthod, vir tsrrnm . : .. : , , . .: , . . Fig. - Dr0ial X BOPTeSing redscc reqrirsd can fis r|tuttsffis !y 68$e, Flgrm I shcilre cwnulatiwdisfibutionof P"predictbnerrorsin the studygrqup" the Theenor rarEeis -0.53% $.$'196 a nreansf tl.!1% and standard to with deviation of 4.24o,6. Hence,if a chartrecor&r test starb at 8,85{}pstand &e acfualP" vdue is 8.020psi"we conclude t OigitalBOPTesfirgfarecast be withinttre rarge that will psi S,010 to 8.048psi withthe npst likelyvdue beirg 8,029psi. em


-_lEImlil 'T
P" Flleion Erron P. {611,$ tlgorit}m

, trys *4


-1ooe6 r$16


osos rrpe6rEffi

th. S- Ths md.l P:iorttrfring sHur$ ritl ! stmderc i3 dvi*tbil 0.a|$. of ttgutt S shs;rs tfe data of fig. 3 in histogramfonnat with a "bell curve" superimposed. This indicaEs an approximalely normal dlstriilltion of enor




p.s il of4g



BP-HZN-2179MDL0 2574242
-2't BP HZN 7I MDL0257 4232

b 5, t ! f
s f0FffCdtqlhf


Fl& 9 - Tha {Xll6t 8OP fefifrq Absrhfim pduduGes approxftirltsty nafin8l dbirlbu$on ot il Pr Sorscs${ing eno|3.

Assumiagttn rules of nonnal *stihrtions a@ to thes data" statistically signifcant corclusions be drarn tsom enorsanalysis: can an r V Tlu nean P, gediction enor of a subset{the studygroup of 98 higfrsukia BOPtsb held shut-into'pressuredeclineratsoi-3 Fressure psi/minor les) af *E btal populalion subseaSOF testsd whichfte {alt studygrwp is represedative) wihin the rangeCI-l'lgo 0.0S% fails 95% r af thetime{or l9tinesoutof 20}. Tle enor term tdls withinthe range-0,6?%to 0.75%99.5%of lhe time with 9506 confidenceThe upFerbowudsror wifl be fess *tan 0.69% 199 times out of 200 of {gg.S% tetirne}.

' .

Thepractlcal res{dt this erors anary$is that: of is . Tte $!$taf 8OP Testing Afgonfimis sfsffn to be highlyaccurate, par on wi& sr betlerthan measurernent accuracies the pressure of transducers and chart recor&rs tpcdly in sse an cernentngunits wfreresubsea 8OF tsis are interprefed. Knaujedgeof fie SiEtal BOP Testing.eror hfid enablesus in tfie perfwma "rralidation DbiE| BOPTes[rE softmreto autornaticsl$ checlf on alt pressure fss*ts.

!c Aq*(eigl & FH,*t*xr t{."

Psss tl ol dF


-2 BP HZN 17gMD L0257 4232



Digkd SOF Testirq is irn$emented sofuare wi$r intent of supporting cunent in the worHlowof suhsea8OP testirg. The scfiunare thereloredesigned be seen ard is to u$edat cenentingunitsby cernentng operator$. unit qegryning Nove*ber 2006ard conlinuing throqh July ffi07, BFTAversiotr Digitd 8OP Testitq soflware was run onbmrd Oeepttrsfer Pcrizanat everyappcrtunrty cwrcunently to BOPquiprent bdirq irderpreted chartrecor&r nrefrod Tte irnqes shorn in via Figures f0 ftraqgh t7 ffid in Figure* {3, 2C andfrl rrrere gnnerated EE_IA version ry OighdBOPTestingsoftware.Theseare sufficiendy similarto ttre imagesgenenated by cunentcommercial versionOtgrtal 8OP Testirg sofiivare prorrk*e to usefulexan$es so are ircludedin tffs docunent. Examples frsrn curent commercial versionDigita{ BOF Testing software presen&d m latsinthisdocwnent {Appendix pp 32-42). 1, Figuns 10 ard {t depictthe dlsplaysseen dwirry inl$atbn cf high ffessure subsea $OP lesis. A pumpin graphobtained durirg prrssurization showsthe linearrelationsf press{re vs. volure, corrryuted this exampfe be 1,792psi.lbbl. Once pumping in to ends. a graph of shut-in pressiJre tirne appearsand is updatedwith eash n*rrv w. whileDigitalSOPTestirgsofiunare Hessurerneasurenent Ayelh*v'lighf is di$played analyresihe dataand seeksa stablepreseur forecast.

s e

0l13{s6 ?d'{.{ttt fr*O*ru.or.||lrifl ''|trm atnctred tiiFAir** lr|r

Fig. t0 - DSital ffiP Te*ling sotf*urp dispfayr a prs$uru v* wfirmc Imph duri$g presssrirrtiofi.

Fh. t{ - Ift hitirl eh$tjn fs3iuru &st Sct! rr dlspilaycd ubfh bsins in*yred. tg E&diort & Productbn Inr.
Page !3 cf


BP-HZN-2 T9MD 2574244 1 L0

BP-HZN-279M 1 D102574232

Dg[|dBOF,TBclrB fppfieationfoittcw :ecfrxobd

A pressur*forecastis displryedwhentfe 1"'siable solutionis obtaired {see Ftg. 1t) and the les,tis interpreted eitherFosrtireor negative. The test is positivein $is m examdso the '|ffi" is green- The 'lighf wouldbe red in the eventof a ngative test inte$retalioill. Perdirg, irSentis for a test tc erd soon (at tre tte of testirg personrel,a$ is presftrythe case)upanreceig of discrelion tte rcspcnsible a conciusiveinterpetation. TIE test in this exanSe tlas shrlt-in lor 5'l rninuies lirrp beczuse ulas irderpreted ctert recorder it by additional nethcd. This enables to us seehowwdlthe Sserved dataorcrlaythe press.lre brec*L

Fig, 12 * A gucsuru foncart asdi3$ryBd {fld tbe test {tat! rrs ||tt+rp|lEdo{lcs r sta le so**tion ir obtr|os6.

Figura {t shurs Dbitat BOPTesting sofinareobtaireda st#e sdution 15.9rninpoat shd-in andfrp,*inr.r vms9,629psi. TIE lest continrcdto a pnessure declire rateaf -3 rfias9.S81pi" The-32 psrdifference psllmintom urhich *a.r P, between Pre*rc*r and P* ."o""rE a foresastir enor cf "0-3396. D$itd BOP TestirE scftsare confftty interpreted tesl as positirebutdid sa S,|minutes the *tead of the chartrecsder res*tt.

Fig. 13 - ff {B tel| rxralfit sft$-ftr follrring t|ta iritial p{?rstlrs breccrt, addith*al prs$lu.rc drta irs disptaydrn{ s !e* lhs rccBrrcy sf SrG for[c**t Ths Eq. I yn||ls* ol fis pr*t|Ire forrcrsl rrs A=8,986"5 [*2.SIE+5 c-?.?46E*2m.{16?3.

Figuru f{ ihru 17 shaur simihr rsufts fromFn subea8OF testcondueted eubsquent totheexampleof F$t. t0Sru t3.
S Eryloraiiur& M,nfon ll*. Prgc 14{rf45


BP-HZN-21TeMDL0257 4245
BP-HZ N-2179MOLO257 4232

f t'


DidHBopTe3t*r ,qp$iclixtfsifs|,TeclnobEy




Y{ir016 r*8. t**dtutrerrd,cr* dry*Fd ty lP Arricr- tr

Ftg. td - The $H$f in grapn 3htrrr tlrs li*6r rdatbn of FrcrsurB v3. vdunsr o|apuis{f in liis eraDBl ts be t,8'l$ psttDl,

Fi6 15, Tft intid *hrun pe*i$rs t6st dat are {tispltyGdsttib annlrreC,in tftis ccss for lI.A man.
a.kt* kk

Fig. tS - A prg3$$reforGcst i$ tli$pb{t once r r6ila lolution ie obtalnBdafil tfis to3t d{t! dre (poritirrE|t| this [firFkl. anferpretsd

B Fphr*br*

Ftoil$li(| Inc.

P4s !5 cf 45


BP-HZN-21TeMDL0257 4246
-2 BP-HZN 179MDt0257 4232


Ftg. 17 * Pr r$!3 prulkted sn& Sg.Itt ascsracl 48 adfiuls3 rhtd of Ut* chart rcofllr rs3nlt a|rd Bi0ital 8(p TerffnF conactt iotcrprcbd fl trt ar posffye. Tls Eq, I vcfue* af lhs pmtiure cEe804E+2 $F0.635. torca$tare A{,802.3 b=}.689E+5

Thetest was teld shutin for 65 mirrutes a pressure ts dectlne rateof -3 pifrnin. Dqital post shut-inanclP, was SOP Testingsoltwareobbined a $tahtesolution17.2minutes pred[cfed 9,571psi. 'P, *6s r4srecorded S,808W. Fr t,*,a was 31 pi tess as as than P, **a represenlirga -8.32%furmmting error. Digikl BOF Testirg ctrrtrtly fie interpreted test as positiw but dd so 48 minutesin adyanceof fte chartrmsder result. perfornxs Digitd tOP Tesiirq soft,wtre similady wtnn appliedlo f$gh pressure surface nnnifold tests. &rrfffe nwrifaH testing is not neffssarily a "critical patff rig time rrell csst. Howevef, nnnifo{d whereDigitalBOPTesting reduce experditure can surface testnq is requiredalongwith subseaBOPtestirg $o thefe is safetybenefitts reducd person*el expo$ureto preszurizedfines, wurk benefit to completingtasks rnore reliabllity efficien0y. benefitto obiertivelyir*erpreling that eachtest dns il is pneferabb sl;beeaSOP and $urhre manifoil tests are cordurted and documenled the sarne in mannefFigura {S stdes tesutts frorn a series of t0 swke manifoldte,stsheld shut-in to pressurE quantification .P,prediction declineratesof -3 psltrninor less thus enabting of accuracies and potenfal time savingsoffiinaHe throughuse of OryitalBOP Testirq softsare. The averagesoluliontinp nns 6.9 minuEs with a rne6nenor of -0-08% a reduclion the lotal shutjn tir*e reguired tte chart of rf,04% yielding BotentialS0% by gurface recorder nethod of inlerpneting manifold tels.

bp Selordim I Rqdrcth lr4

Psgc t6 d45


1 BP-HZN-2 TeMD 2574247 L0

-2 BP HZN I 7I MDL0257 4232

.!F g.I H

0*Jmt6aPre3|fi fppficalionfor*leilTsclttroborr

fio. tg - O$ilil OFTe$n$ ioftxrlrs porfom$tf$ {rlte$frp!ffcdto biohprsa*urB *$ftse flnnifold tests. Dbital SOP Testnrg schrare generates a sumrnary report for each sries of subsea BOP and surtme rnanibld tesls {see Fig. fg}. This report is intended to be plaeed on frle swne as circular chart records are kept onboard the rig.
gi*&ti.s t?!lt {.rli** fi{#,riiB'bl Y+}t!
'ilC :'l

..-s ,id,Es{ r.iBfdf s .$*rhlkijq.

U* S0hrtiilt & Ftrqd,nl*nlrp.


BP-HZN-2I 79MDL02574232

b lnghdixl OigffiEAPTeding for* Teelvrho*


i "lf''i{*iF


r,ar ii4;.ir FU' s.!'':i


"f:i*r 'l;j

.!:ll'1r/-... l*l *r t f.r.rl h

'ii iffi *'l,i--fl",t tFF*' .J"1 I



ri a$









l0* tHia

ri$8 ri fir *r*

1,}10 1&r5 tlJ* 1*iri t$* nrh*rt f l iri.ti


|l* *aai|ri*|r


xt fuirtr"l;wlr


Iig! t9, Eryrylll &uartb Swrry

Rrportgucntd fu ltigftrl EOf Txdng leftmrl.



& PnodEtimInc.

Ploo 18d*5


BP-HZN-2 79MD 257424e 1 L0

BP- HZN-217I MOL0257 4232

e Agreen "lighf is assigrred a testwhen: to


A" Sofrmr*Ortnfl* Follou.irare fwfier &tails of hs{ oigttal BoP Trsting is implemmtedin saftrare:

L 3. 3.
r A red


P,er* *4 tP'-ru lP': CI.135.

Peprcdictions satisfythe {60,}} crituion asd

is as,sigrred a let wfen: to

t. 3,.

.P,predi*ions*uis$ the{60,3}criraim C*d 4<Prq&, (P"-rJ i4>0.t?5.

Th oigrtd Algorithm ssrndimesoilains stabb solulions durirE analysis of highpres.*trsubeea BOPtestsin less than5 minutes sfurt-in of time. $Jfret&ls happens, the interpretatlon positive, atd is Dbihl SOPTesiing scfrr,vare &es not displaya green"lighf until at least 5 min. of shut-in tiflE havedap6d. This is in accordance lhe MMSrequirernent wilh ol -eachteetmustlmldthe required prsssure 5 rnirurtes". for

Thegreen"l(Xhfrequirement {Pr- 4} i ,P" 0.125 is explained fotburs: of r as J1 is tfte pressuna *sociated with prediction the tine t" $rhen of t'r= -3 psilmin- P. is defned as lhe p{essure predicCIon lhe associated with of timetel4henP'3= -t p#min. Ttn pressueforecast exarnirpdal tirnes is t' endt is to discemif ttle mo&hd pre6$Jre decline trerd exrapolates to a reHiv$ hbh pressure{irdicative d nc leak} or a relativelytow {possiily zero} presxre which uouH be irdicative af a leak. Tt}e conditionaf vdm of t),125 was enpirica$y determined froma studycf !45 t*gh preestrresubseaBOP tests ta discem ihe rwqe af normal vs" (&- fJ i f"anontalous valuesof thequantity The {f" - ft} J P, s 0"125 requirernent dresses irnprcbable. pocsibte, instances tests wilh very small leaks initiatedat sufficbntlyhigh pessures to of satisfr fte .P,: "P,n' reqrirerurt" This me of the DigftalBOP Testirq pressure farec*l is npant to pruddean appropriate safquard, in addition trose atready to descdbed, assureDbikaf8OPTesting to rneets sceeds fie capability the asor of pmticed cfarl recorder retfncl to conecfy interpret subsea BOPtests. g. Salbguard*Against Erlor This sectiondrscussmhow Orgrtal 8OP TeslirU sofiaare rwponds to pressure tests potentidSindicative lealcs. pevious$ statd,the softurare of As inteprets testsas regative{red"l$ht'} br eitrer of t*p neasons: eisrer{i} Pr4Poq tii} {f, tr Tr),'f, > S"125.This createsthreepossiHecomtinatisns Ccnditb*s (i) and {ii} of thatwrllrausea red.ligftr:
bg Fr$lordion & Prdrctin Inc, FoetS d*5


1 BP-HZN-2 TeMD 2574250 L0

BP-HZN-2 179MDL02574232

l. 2" 3.

,,,,,, ,, ,._,-,,, ,,,.-, . ,.. ,. ,.,,,,,'_tg#.*,ssyHiEl*fE *

(ilfrue {ii}Fa}se {i}True {ii}Tnn ti) False(iilTrue.

DBfia,B'op Teitirlg

E*ch is discussed next: ti) True{ii} False This indicates presg"rre slabilization is pedicted to be less ttran the al P, pressure &cline trend extrapolatests a requ{redhrf the m*hd relafvely high pressure{indfcativeof no ledr}. TtF recornnended soMion is a pmpup to a suffician$yhigft pressure such that the prdicted vatm for.P"Fasses tst tfn Figrrr IS depictssuch an exam$e. DigttalBOPTestirE assigneda .red light" because v'raspredicted be 8,170psi w" a requireddigitalvalue of at least F, ta 8,2ffi psi" The tesl was held *hut-in to a gersure declire rate of -4.1 psi/min. Thisis nearthe limitsof chartrecor&r resolution. nreanirgthe pensacerypeared grealerthanthe required neadycCInstafit at hasl 5 minutes a pressure for at chart per vafue of Pno = &,2ffi psi, hence the test couH be deernedpositirae chad recorder fTrdhod althongh Dbital BOPTesiirg inl,erpret*tion negative" Sre was
Id llo" t , Eulnr ll& 16


I I I I |

-::-:;:H =ill

Ig15 1Se0 l$?5 1930 1536 1$10 1${5 1950 19;55 ltiir*c*-f0$Erdf

I | I I I I I

frg, lg, IliS|rI EOPT*rdry bttrprytGd&is *:rt s r4rtlrl ltotrr F: ils fsdirerl to b. h*r ttrr nfdrtil. Ir pnctt*" tlt mMoa mdrl bc to sprr1rup" tlr prasmt npol t" bdkrdla of "rd Qlf :urlttlcacsnfrarhlHgit t30FT.i&g&rr&iinrr*rttrlrqdrt{

(P,-P#f, : 0"02$< Thevaluesof P"and.f' ttere 8,f 70 p$iand 7,936psi rneaning is 0.125findbatireof rn bak). Thereccmmeffled soliltionin this instance far lfre cernerrtirlg operatqr unit to.prmput' the pressure abor.rt to 8,500p6tlhen wait for OigttalBW Testiry to analy:e the neurpre$$Jra outcome *cline wifi ttle lilce{y beinga green'li,gfrf. Tf total dapsedtime wculd be lessthan tfe 47.2 min"of sh{rt-intime dep{ctedin lta example,thus saving time and ryoducing an unambigucns result
tO F:dqstim ff Ro*rqtirn lnq. Plse * f *5


BP HZN217I MDL0257 4232


# -2. {i}True {il}True

This indicdesthe pressure stabtieatknf, e predicted be less than at to requireddus the nsddd pressurt decline trerd extr:apolates an ta anorndously {po$sibry btv zero}pressure of {irdircative a leak). A p.rmp, up is unlikelyto remedylhis so, unless a le* can be locateit and renedied,repe*t* are lilely ta be negative #so.

Flgun*2,l del*ctssuchan example. Thisconns ftom a slurlyin u&icha very srnall cornsjtationally simdatedleak rrymsupertmposed a real data st of a nonon leaking BOPtest. The simulated cat*sed fnal pre$,sur lod< the declinerateto be 7.2 psiJrnin 4.2 psilrninin the non{e*irq case}ard the predkkd vafueof & {vs. was8.54drer (w 9.414Fi). The{fg,fJ,.'fi vafuecorrespsdingto tt 1't stable sclutionin the rrcn-leakirry case vtra 2-9p,* fsr ttn bakirg case Was16.4s6. and Thissuppotslfte seteciion 12.5% the {,Pr-fjpip,cutoffivdue Ccrdition{ir}. of as in


"_ s-w
* *'"**

F.*CIS {ry 0E:#l

fry,ff..{,!.h:C* of r gbrhH

t0ffi lc.h"

?000 Sm rm: tt




{i} False{iDTrue This indicates pressureat statrilization is predicted be greater the Pn to than required the moddd pres$,redeclinetrendextrapolates an but to anomdously (possitrly kmr zerc) prmsure{irdicativeof a leak).Unlessa ledt can be locatedard renedied,repeattests are likelyto be negative afso.

Thiscouldoccurif the leaking in Flnure ll waspum@-r$ fu at leastg0Sps test causingfie predlctd due df, to be grederthan required.Howevr?r, the of tP;-fs!''P' woufdfikely rernain> 12,5%tfnrs correctlycar.ninga red "lighf interpretation, Veryfew irdarees d cmtrmed leakshavebeenobserved durirg &velopnrnt of DE tal BOPTesting,In the malris of instances teakshavebeenimrndiatety ffre
EpEdsrilrsr & P$odusl*r! krg.
Pagc 21 d45


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4252
-2 BP HZN 179MDL0257 4232

BOPTeslirE ,ApdicdioD l.lrf* Tecffigy fur

Sviq.s whereuponthe Wrnp operatorsqutclq reimsed the presxrre within secards of inrtialshutin" Dbrtal BQP Testingssftflare b not neededin such tass, nor doesit ofr{ain slftHepressure a forecast withinsucha shorttirnepefiod "lighf remains henceths YELLOW Vlledtem$ed to ccate smali,stedy surface leaksdwinghigtrpessuretesbngon Seepwalertlo*lizurW stbht$ cpeninga rnede vdrc instal$ed xpressty this for purpose obaerved: and 1, Tte smdleststeadyleakscausedpressures fall withinminutes belour to to ihe required pesswes DigitalBQPTestirEsoftr'vare rpt obtai* a test did sta$e pressure forec*t hencethe *ligrht'rernained YELLOW until obvisus that prcssures becqrne hlv u*eranpm the"lighf turnedRED. had too Srnaller"leaks" becamesmdler with tirne possrHydue to a lndeflcy plryging of the tiny vatw orifi*es. Dgital BOPTestirEsoftrare did tor.ctrd not obtain a stab& pressrJre fwecst dw to the unsiea$ p{es$ne infiuenceof the leaks heilce the 'lighf, remaired YLLOW. Pressures eventually to be*w the requiredtest pressures fell feading10ail abvious negatfve interpre{ation test obtainable eitherchartor digitalrnetf}sds. S


We conchded*tat Digital BOP Teslirg sofuirare eifier remainsYELLCIIV tre in presnce the mmt lilcdyleaksar will conectfy af iru*cateRFtr as *nresponse the to stea{ -3-0ps#min smaff, lealc depctedin Figurc 2*. We havenot seenard dc nct yy{rere leaking prssure expectto seean instance resporise rnisinterpeteda was C. lm$rmrntalion $ffrs The Digital tOP Testirg Atgnntfimwas evaluatedinitidly through retrospective ana$sisof hundre6 of dgitally recor&d suhe BOPtestsconducl,ed U.S.Gulf in durirE&e pertoO ?0O,t of Mexico July trough $egernber2S05"Oncethe agorithm was incoeorded in BETAversion$ofirrnre then,comrrncirgOctober200$,Oigital 3OPTestirgsofuvare {r$ in realtimeat everytestingopporhrntty, wils fmotely tam lald at nrst fotls'ned$ tive onboardoperation. Our kncnivhrlge conclusio*s ard greater aboutDigiH BOPTestirq are suppoded a largedata samplespanning by lhan 3 yearsof subseaBOPtestresults. Field bials have mconrgishedthe nc*-trivial chalblge to acquiresuffcienlly high qualitydata tcnnls interface existingsig*d processing and to intastruciureonboard flmtirq drillfug operations A dedhatedDigitalBOFTelirq romputeqrnonilorard BETAversim s,cftrarerrere in installed the cementing unitsr kansocr*aw freepwater tfuhon in Nwernher2006 {sre Figtttu 22}. This urusaccunpxtied b/ fainirq of cenrenting persannel. unit Sincethen, CIrgilal 8OP Testirq sofhrarehas been run corturenfly to the chart recorder methodof test intergetation{wfrichrerna{rsthe deci+ling factor}wfunever BOPtes*ing occurs.

bp EphrEti6r e Fro*stiofl |ff.



BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 42s3
BP-HZN-2179MDLO257 4232


$g$dBOPTes{irE for |,tgi' Tecfrutuqr


Figwe ?S depicts res*ts obtaineddudrq inaugurd rse cf Digitd BOF Testnrg sofrffareby cementilqunil personnel onbeardMpuvater tiarizon

{s, r.4B 6*

u$ iis

1a$ tril

F{. :!.-Rccrht obtrikd lurUg_hilErnl_urc tp crrrtthg otorr{ fnascrrl D*pmrr Eoriror ia N,orclbcr l00G

ult prrscld

lf Ughrl mP Tariry rofitrn

The BETAvefsionsoft,trare Ofpwafert#ital t uas rc$aced bry.rornnwcial on vaf'er rlease'soft\,yare Jub 2007. The comnercial rcleasesoftrare is considered in r
bg Eglcdrm I kodrclirn lm. f,rge23 d45


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4254
-21 BP HZN 79MDL0257 4232

.F f* LJ F __ pqg[d60PTesti| Ap$tcdurfurldqrTecfaohgv

fully verifiedard readyfor inaugurda@icationas tfuepnmarysl&sea Bop test interpetation rfiethsd. grMd S, lnsblldiolr of Ol*itd SOPT*gting Sofrru*re TheDtEtalBOPTe*tirg soft/vse instaflatrail kansoceanDeep+rat*rHonaon on is schemdically depictd in Ftgun 24. cernentirEpumppreisure,rateand volurne rneasurernent3 sent via intranet connectionto the Digilal BoF Testiing are canputerlocatedrnry the cenentirg unit. The ctrr!#rter is *tached to a loucf, screenmonitorlocatedon the cernentirqunitu*rereDtgitalBOFTetirE software images displayed. are

cortpuFrrunnfigo{gntr B0PTlrftq rsltmr!

Tsuah raracr mqrf,oran 6am|ntftturltt

Fig !t" $cfunrf!


D*itrl t0f

Trrri.t rftr*t


ol Trrlloclrn


Fach installalioncocfgwdion nay vary sorre*frat from rig t6 rq hJt w{th the ctltrlrilonrequirernent the Oigrtal that BOP TesfingcoffFuterprogram furatomize qf receives valkJnnasr^renents g.rrrp pressur, rate and volunn via an E$ternet source.Thegeneral insbllatisn$heme fry anyng is depicted Figrc 26. in


Fago14 d*5


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL0 4255 257

BP-HZN-21 D102574232 79M

DflJtrdBOPTEgIiDg Ap$fis8ii$ fs ilsf ?ecrnohgy


T il

MT t

f8.!S. Gttcnbrd Digiht30P Ttstbg

SatSare iniiialfycapfured electronically tfe or*oard crrlentirgor data loggng by semce csnFany ard internalriedfor storage. A service csnparry process{a p'rogram actingas a server) makesthedataavail$le o6 an Ethernet csnnection a at parlicutartP addressand Porl Anatomizeappearsas a clie*t to tre serv*e cofnpany"s sef\rerTime, preszure, florry rate ryd curnulative vdrsre data are mde avaifable fle by $eruerapprotrruately every second. Anatornaereactsby storirg the data in fast rnemory in the cme of a htgh-pressure analyzing datain the test,creating and test all a folecastand dis$aylrg the resdls of the analysis Periodicalty fast rremory the versionof thedatais stored a localharddriveard will serveas lorg-tennstorageto There is rye &la fth per test seris. Refereraeto thse test-series fihs-is maintained a datake. Thisallmrseasyreference higfrlevelman4ernerrt. in and v. FROTSEOADOFITOI{of IXITAL BoF rEgTtt{6

BP proposed MtutS ap,proach introclucing tc m to DigitalBOPTestirq in deepwataGulf of_iilexico tfillirg operaliwts{July2006,La,fayette}" MMSresponse *as favorable ard BP t,tas dvised to subrnitan appftation to use new or unusaf technoloqv the to TechnicalAsses$rnent Operation and $uppcrt|IAOS) Sectaan, &leans" A ffat of lrleu this l'IewTechnology Applicalion preserfred MMSin htarch200?{Nor Orleans}, was to
bp E$s*ln & Frcdrtixr lrx Psg25 rf 45


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4256
-2 BP HZN 17gMD L0257 4232


D{#dEOFTsting ApCheor! fof hlqfl Technohqy

MMSrespornevraaonceryain favoraHe ald acompanhd ry hehful suggestions that are incarporated thisdocunent. in Thetirnesime March2ffi7 nrasusedtc: il) concfude ttlorolqgh EETAtestirq of Digrtal SOP Testingsofttnrare Oeeprafw llanzon; t2) zu{nr, irnlall and thoror.lghly on tesl refease cornrnerciaf Digital8OP Testirg sofivrare De=-pwater m tlarizon {3} proveand performance tfn cornrnerciai dxunnnl mliaHe.accurate of release DigitalBOPTestnrg gofiruare.We are corddentthat BP's OigitalBOPTestirq methodis qrafifiedand fuW ready br use in Gt# of Mexico,s are now makirE this requestior approvalto co{runefl implernenlatioa. ce BP propeses, beginning 2008,io use DigitafBOFTcstirg on Transocean 1Q &epwater llorizst x the pnmarybmis ior interprdinghigh pressure subseaBOPeguipment and surfacemanifddtesl$. Conttrgentupon demcnsbatirgeuccessful implementation to MMS,BP umiH tften seekapprovdsto introduce Dbital BOPTeslingan aditional FP operated deepwater drillingrq*BP believes Digital8OF Testingis compatibfe all requirener*sof 30 CFR 25A.447 wih thro*.rgh CFR250"45t,hencedees ftot req*irea charEpof rule. Pendirgapprwal 30 of Srisapplication" praposes use hg A$l$ication P+rmitta Orill{APB)to gain BP to for aulhoriz*ion d Dqttl BOP TeSlng use on *pecifr wells. This wifl enableMMS to re{aintontrd and knowledge the*afls wfere rytd BOPTestirqwilfbe applid" of A" RubE Six poposed ruks fierusingDigitallnterpretation $ubeeaBlovvout of Preventer Tests, afficabh dso to hlgfr-pressure tesiirg of surhce pressurcsilrd equiprnent, are statedas fdhrrs"
In floaling dflling- operations. the 1d higf+-pre*srre test of any BOP equipment fe$tng seguence' shafi be interpreted by chart recorder rnelhod. Digital BOP Testing sofrrrae {nry be run csrcunenl to de*rwrs&r'Efe validatiut?. lA tasfulgsegs.enss c$rlil$tes {ai a *efles of high-pressurc eubs*aFOP test$only,or {b} a serhe of high-pes*urs sudace manifotdtesb only, or {c} highjrsssure tste commenced moreltun 4 hu"rs sincelhe previous fulldurationhigh.pre*sure te*t. ? OefiIonsfrale vdidallottrneansthe test la*b sufeientfy longto {a} oblainbotha chert recorder interpretation a scftrvare intefpretstioa greenl$ht ur red l$hg and (b} and {i.e., the l*'light Dtgttal Testirq pre$surs foreugt is provents be witldnacceptrblebounde of fie dctualpreesure result lf durirg a testing sequence Digital BOP Testirg softnare dfionstrates vafidalionutfien it nry be used tc interprd s&sequst tests in ffiat tesfing sequen*3. t tn flrat $s*iagsaqrxrcs mean$ tTeequipmertbeirEtestedchanges if frornsubsurfuce 8OP lo gurfacemenifoHcr vice versa. then by definitionthe nExthigfi-pressure tast begins n*w t*stingssqrrnce rnustbe interpreted a and according RuleNo.1 to
bp Eqdoraim & Prodrt*n Inc.
Pagc 2 ofa5



BP-HZN-217eMDL0 42s7 257

BP-HZN-219MDL0257 7 4232


pressure lf duringany tst Sn DEgitd BOP Testingln-t-rEht forecastls invalid, r|en per methsdard the next {ai t}mcunenttest shouldbe inlerpreted chartrecorder tesl mustbe interpreted charl recorder method with the optionof onceagain S runnlng O(Ital BOPTesting ssft^rare concurrentty demmstrate to validation {per Flutre or 2), 'pumped-upo erded*then or repeatedn the wiFr tb) the cunenttesl can eitherbe opticn of o*ce again runnirq Digitaf SOP Testing soflwareconcunenth to validation Rule?}. dernmslrale {per During testsfor *fiich it is permis*ible useDbital SOPTestingsoftivare the to as pnrnaryir*erprdationrnefiod, it w*ll be pennissible end tests and int*rpret to themas POSITM rirfnn,ard onlyytlhen, sofhr*are $e liEhf. di$plays gtreen a Rul* f It, durirq te$ for whichit is permissih,le use Dbitat BOPTestingsofirvare to as intelpretatiur tfe prirnary nethod,a red "Q;ht'is dis$ayed,it will be permissible to either {a} rernainshut-in $nn if lhe iaterpetationchangesb PSSITIVEit }vrl}be permissible irfierpretthetect POSITIVE end it ( or la a$ and 4), declinevia Digital {b} "rurnp up- the pressureand interpretthe nEwpressure 3OPTestirgsofirirare, or {c} mpeat the test by releasing tfen rapplying pressure to the same canryrents and interpretthe rers presEirre declinevia DiEitatBOF Testirq sofrvrare, of intergetation madevia chartrecuder,and is {d} remainshut-inut{il a definitive declarethe chart recor&r result as definitiveinespectiveof the Digital BOP Testirgsdhrare result Ruh 6 AJltestrsdts shalfbe docryrented filed for inspection traditional and via charts in cornbinatisn BigitatBffi Testirgsoftry egeneratedreports. wifr Sdvrr+generated reportsshall docurnent valid or irwalidstatusof Dlgital tE pressureforecasts, BOPTestirE '|"*Sgfrt srd indicalethe Digtal BOP Testirg soflware ir*erpretdion eachtest. cf Tle sarnepersonrrel responsiHe approvitrg for charl recordertest recordsare responsiHe approvirqDgital 8OP Testing br recordsffEplryalbn&Mrtimlrc.
Psge37 d45



BP-HZN-217eMDL0257 4258
BP- HZN-2 17gMDL02574232


DgtdEOPTEdiftg br l{c{, Tsctaobgy

f&. :$. Digid ICf f#hg *qnarc lryic

Figurc 26 {Sofe} }sa flourclprt depictirgfte logicof Rules1 tlrough 5. Eachpos$*b!* ruith slep is n$mbered, $e conespordirgcaptions follor,rs: as StartAnatsmize leaveit ruilrlifrlltfroqghout tmtiqg operations. and tre 1. Perform pressure a test2, Intergettestby CfmrtRecorder lrlethod. 3. lf AratomizeForecast irrudidgoio Step f " 4 Fedcrnra p*essure test" 5. lf Analsrnize Forecst is validge to Step7. S. lnlerprelusingAratomizeard goto SteF4. 7. lf it lookslikea grnpup ard reevaluation approtriatego to Step4. is S. Interpret bVChartRecor,der test thengo to Stq 1, Memod

5s' 4F'ltr :r!u r**:i i$!t :{*..8'r9*{,:S il:l*8ff''''.iwi; #;#',t*t$: tii. :ii{*s, Flo. ?7 - A tsf1D! ol hlgh-prar$rm fubidt 80p e3rs. Tcet8I ftrough 7 rnd g $roEgn ft conrtiiuts r teslifig *quffic$. bpExdrdon e Ppilrctin Inc.
Png d45 B


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL0 425e 257

-2 BP-HZN 179MDL0257 4232


Di$alEoFTe3tirlg Apgicgi)n tur ilqfl Tff frobgy

In the exarnpleof Ftgwa ?7 tt* s$*ea BOP test labeted2 wouldbe interpre*ed bV chart recorder methodaccordirgts Rule 1 because is tha ls high+ressure of a it test ns,Yseq$ence.lf the DigiH BOPTeslingsoftrare wereto be validated duringtest 2, then sl&seffe,nt tests 3 thru7 a*d I tfsu 14 ceid potentially interpreted DQital be vra BOP Teslingsoft*nare becarse (a) the type of equipnrent beirE tested remained the same{in lhis casezubseaBOP$} and {b) the dry$ed time between adjacent testswm in all caseslessthan 4 fpurs. lf at anytimefurirq tests3 thru 7 or I ttru 14the Digital BOPsoftrae wereto pro&ne an invdidstatus,thenRule3 rwuH app[. B. Callbrdsrof Srnror A questionarose in tfte March 2007 meetirq with MMS regardinghow can we be msuredthatdectroniepressure sens(xsusedin Digitat BQPTestiilgareconert. ilifieren{ snsorsseadgessure signds to DigitalBOPTestirEsoftrare as $pposed to the circularchart recorders usd on cernentirqunits for interpretirgsubeeaBOP ilrt p{es$re measurements surfacemanifcld tests. This fiiean$it is pffisibb fiat separate of the samepressure soufcemaynotagree. The pressuresersor connecled the chart recorderis tte one alreadyrelied upon lo duringchari racorder interpretation pressure of test$,so terHsto be preumed correctprov*leris responsi$e assurirg cwrectness this sen$or Tln cenentlngservicee for af proof of calibration"This remainstnre when OigilalBOPTestingis and docurnx*ting usedconcurrentlyThe pessure sefisorccnnsted to Dgital BOPTestirqsoftyaremaycoruefiam several possiHesource$- Usirg Beepwaferl-larizon an extrn$e, ttrere are two pressure re kansducers instalfedat the cementing unii. frre befa*gr to the cementirEunit and fieeds datacolle$iansystefi1so Hdlihlrton is responsible L Theo$rer,mounted its for to adiaceflt fi cefl!ntirgunittrawducer,betorgsto $e $peny Sun tnsitedatalogging svstern, Speny$un (ffallihrtonlis respcnsible il. We haveconnctd filterd so for the and pracmsed txl$rt of botftsecsor$ DigitalBOPTesting to sdlrare andfoundbo$rto be satisfatry, A $trd possiblitylrrould to installa p{e*sJresnsor be dedicated suictly to OigitalBOPTesting. We have not dore frraton &epwafer tlorizonbecause has it not been tlecesstry.but it urouldbe an optionon any r$ if neededto assurereliable pressurc measuremenls_ Regardless lhe scurc of etecfmic pres$Ire fireasureflrerlts of used in Sigital &OF gcviders responsiHe zuply properly Testing, lrcldstfn respective BP tio calibiated and functioning sensorswith documentation correctcalibralion. To facilitatecornparison of of chad vs. digitalmm*rements, and theirinterpdations,BP will requirethe pressure tneitsurenw*s recordd on chartsard by DigitalBOP Tes{ingsoflure to be within reasonable agreeffent" wift the greaterof 50 ps.ior 196. difference treingthe suggested tabranceC. Saftml'rot*rcr:hlpandRwpon*lbillty It is inportantto trderstard Wro sv*nsand controlsthe D{gitd BOF Tesfirq sofiv*are, ard hcnrywill be frardfd. it
EpE){tqralim & Proflrtim lnc, Pgr:9d 15


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL0 4260 257

BP-HZN-2 179MD102574232


BP developed,,grn!,ard is respCInsible maintaining, for venfyirg and dmunsntingthe performance ib DigitalBOPTest*rEsofflyare. BP is seekingITIMS of ta approval we the specificBPotrned scfr*rare in described this docunentperthe specificrules.teffis proposed arxd conditions here{n. BP is nat seelcing MM$ aproval of alt funts of diqftal B0Ptesting ardroftrare, BF does nol intendto r$strih$ethe sourcerode of ils DigitalSOP Testirg sofh#are. Thisis to geveni unintended unaulhsizedrevision$ lhe ss{lrcecodeor dlstribution or to cf unverified sofrsrare versiwrs. T?c god is io *sure that fre Digital BOP Testirry afgarithrn actually tse is ste sarnea$orithmpresentied andapprcved MMS. in to blr SP may occasional$efect to rnake rninorsoflxnare revisionslhat constituteuseful improlements" gF win, in *uch instances, revisionsare perfarrned ssure sofhuare prograrnrrs. conec$ B wellqualified BP doe$rnt anticipate mddngrnalorranisions the SigitalSOF Testinga$orithmbut to would,in ssch instances, infom and seek approval iom MMSto implennntsoftirare considered signifcantty different thanihal alredy approved. FP rrltnds disfifute, cr licenseuse of, only executabhverston$,of Digital8OP to its Testingsoft*are. Executable versiorswill not be readibaltemblenor wrllunauthorized alteration replication dlouredundertermsagreedbefuyeen andlicensed or be users. BP lnstallatior and fttrrlnliflance D. It is hetpfulto understand willinsta{land mairfiain wfp Digitd BOFTestingsofuqare on deepraterdnlfing r$s. tsP demmstrated on &epltafs llwizm abilrty b srrccess&rlty contract qulified sertrices makirqthe necessary for comsfierequiprnent instalhionsard providing onsite trainingin dd[tion lo efhctive remotesuppryt. This Wpoach wiHh repllcated as DigitalBOPTes{ingis inFoduced additional to BP-operafed Ceepwater in Gulf of rigs Mexico. ultimatefi/, stde trrarteilent fx tmg-tem serrrice a srpport of DigitalBOP Testing be esiablishe{t oneof eneral poten*alqualiFed will iltth serviceproviders. E. End Uscrr The$*stion hasarisenif Dtgbl BOPTestirgcharqesthe personrrclcunentfy required presu"retesting. Theansrircr no. to conduct is Digaial BOPTestirqdoesnot requireadditional crdifferentpersonnelduring testirg. For exarnSe,Hallibsrton cementirgwit ogatus on Oeepunafer lffizwt ae redlly trairnC profrient useof Oigital a*d havedernonshaled 8OPTesting softurare. $igttal BOPTestirg sofir*areis tailoredto suppsrtlhe csnentworldor d zubseaBOP ard surface rnanifold testing.Tte saftruare thereforc is designed be vio,r;ed used lo and ai cernentirE unitsby cernnlirE uniloperatnrs.Additi$ally, it is #igned io be readily understood alf responsi$efor inspectirqand ryravirq 8OP test recsr& irreludirg S *ubss specidists, rrellsiieleaders MMSInspectars. and F. Tninlng
Pgf 36 ol45

bp E&atior| * Prodetim tft.


BP-HZN-21TeMDL0257 4261
BP-HZN-279M 1 D102574232

qfidBCFT6a lmlicalixr hf SasrTcchnolo([l

It is recognizsdftat MM$ lruspectors be key participantsin the succesfi.rl wilt im$*mentationsf DigitalBOF Testlng" Therehas been an ofien+xffessed concenr fram Mh{Sabouthor will MMSInspectors learnwtut they needta knsw aboutOigital BOP Testing the ansrreris that 8P will willinglyprodde the nght trainingto MM$ Distnctand Reglonshff at muimlU convenient trmesarld locatians,ard will prw*de paintsof contact qumtionsthat mayariseafienrvryd. hasbeenourexperience for It that thosedready farni$ar wilh subee SOPtetirq quickfyleam to appreciate Drgttal SOP Testing urderstand and horrr wnrk$. it 8P w{f prepateand provi# trainingmaterials errylain principles practices to the and of Digilal BOF Testirg to dl who are respamiblefor the conductof subseaBOP ard surfacenlaniM testing. Addtiofitlallytlpse are includedand easityaccessd the in helpse*tbn of the DigitalBOFTestirqsoftumre. Anotherimportant aspert of trainiru is to educate&e dl & gas irdustry abourDigital ESP TestirE, P has ffid will conlinueto explainDigital BOP Testingto indusfiy publicatiu-r technical papers articles. through af ard G. Shuingruit'r0$cr0prranrs The gr.estionhas arisen whef;her is seekirq sole approvalto use Digital BOP BF Technologry if lhe technology be slsred wifrrotlnr operators. or wilf gP belb\lw it is in fie muLralinhrests cf MMS,offshoreoFffatfis ard supportirg seryicesto ptornotea uniformpracticed DigitafBOPTestingin Grdfof [4exicc. BP therefore intends in a tinef manrnr,rnakeD{gitdBOPTestirgavailable irdustryto, to It is our expectation that lre stptrH frst prove ts MMS Sre abitig to successfully implenrent Digilal BOP Testirg on nndtipleBPoperateddrillug rigs. BP wift, in the pfocessEf doirU this. stailish a prac{ical srvice arc}figeil}ent which OigitalBOP by Testing madeavailable conpetently is suppcrted rb cperations.lf MhlSbecornes and in willingto pennitotter operators use Dgrtd BOF Teling, ard BF is confi#rt cf its to sn/icepovider{s},then BF wilf licenseits serviceprovider{s} WovideDigitalBOF to Tes{ing cffler cpemto*. to tAlewtshtc assuresuccessful introduclion OigltdfOP TestirEin &df af F{exico, cf and are bestaHe kr fu fhat on BP-aperated so first priorityis to implenenlDigifalB# ngs, Teslingon muttipeBP-operated drillingrigs. lt is lhroqghthis rneans that it wi$become possiHeto siere DtStd 8OF Testirg witt otheroperators a rnannerthat cffers the in bestchances swcess. fu

bF Epbrdim & PFod,rctm

Pago31 d45


BP-HZN-2179MDL0257 4262
BP- HZN-2 17gMDL02574232

F f&m80FTes{itlg Apdh8honh tF,, Technohgy

APPENDIX ANATOMZECOH*ERCTAL t. REIEASf $OFlItrARE Scrucn-Shot Exrmolcs relexe Di{trtaf Cornmercial BOPTestirgsoftffire knownas Aufomize Version3.3wm on Oer;pwter Uortaan.4 Sedember20S7. Results evat$ated Transocean frorn 11 af (iniiiafdatafronrthe 1il te$lwese 12subsea BOPtesb weredacumenied rnrssed whilea neivdataconnectistwx beirg verified).Screen-shok gesentedin Figures thru are 41 41',t. pip* declines fabeled thru4 and7ltnu 10regeseat 2 h{h-pressure Figwe A{. Theprestur prevenler thos*labetad and11,12 rarntests: 5.6 repres*rt ennufar tests"At bottom louchthe Type enclcsure rns.rnted a ltlEMA i* screen sofrffare dle$ay, 2 above cen*nting circular lhe unit is cha*reccrder. shown

3? Figure A2. $trare the softrare d{sptay whenbuiHing ps$$Jrfiora highgressure up test, t{e batreen pressure ihe volumepumpad-in. Sriscasethe value sse *le nearlylinearrelation and ln is 3715psifbH.Tfris,#as piperamtcetwi*ronlythekifflrnepressurrzeda Ftguru A3. Showsa simibr disptayh'r a ppe tam test wtth both lhe c*oke and kill lines prassurized. Tfis pressure-volume relalion is 1876 pslXbbl wftich rc alrnosthalf lhat of the prcviousex*rnple"This rnelces sensebscausa addingfte chokeline rrolurne afmostdoubis tlre pressurized syslernvolurns, alrnosttrice the fluidvolumew*s r-qulred10pump-up c*. 11 *nd to ksi initiellst$ure"
bp Enltr5li{ll & Rodrlixlrs. trge 3i cf 45


BP-HZN-2 TeMD 2574263 L0 1

BP-HZ N-2 179MDL02574232


Thesepumpin graphsprovidelhe first apporlunity *ny iest to detecta leak in the systsm. in Leahs ?end makethe normally tro tinearpressur*+cfume trdndbecome non-linear,

Figt'ttu 44, DigitalBOPecftrare dctcted end'of pumpngxrd beginning a shutifl test the of automaticelly *witchad from theFig.A3 graphto fris displayof pr**surevs"lime The Sue pointsars the artualpressure datarecordd trus far durirg lhe tesl Thpurplecuweis lhe
bp tElordlonS Plod.Fliflt k!c..

PlgE 3t of as


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL0 2574264

BP-HZN-2 179MDL02574232

DEttdEOPTecAE fndicdixr for l{cyrTerhnohEH

csrrenl prssure fcrecest generaled from digital anafyeis of fiat dala. The horizor{ef fine et 9500 psi represen$ lhe largat test prssura. The 't[hf ir ydlow which ind*ates the compr.dsris still seeking a ssffisiedly shbb sdulion, There is addilional rnformatron, such as *re pressure decfne rate rs rurrerdly 25-9psifmin.

Fig;s4. Figure r{f,. A stabl* p*sure forscastwas obtaind't9.0 m*nlrtes aftershut-in. Thostabifi:ed pressure predicied be 9S59 whichis greaterthanthe targeltestpressure. is psi, to hencea green '$$rf displayed.ThetestrouH interpreted positive endedal tttis pornt. is be reliabfy as End

bCAqJrdion & Fnr*nlim Inc.

Fcge34 d45


BP-HZN-217eMDL0257 4265
BP- HZN-217I MDL0257 4232

Digfid BF TBstirlg lpdeegdr hr llq| Tschnohsy

Figun 48, The Fg. A5 tesl washeldstlut-infor a totalof 57 rnrnuiss a prseure lo dacBne rate of 3 4 psi/min" Thremakessenss silte the pressurafacs on circulerchartsstart$to appoar steady anceprsssure decfine raiesdimhbh to lha range-4 to'3 ps#min.Digitral BOF ?esting couldhar,esavedF8minubslfrusreducing shut-inlime \ 78%.

r*;Af. prevefitsr-Thepressure-valurne Flgure A7. Subsea Test# invEFed annufar relatiorrship an is prsventers for diff+rent. repeatable, annr.rlar bul thb css* 2741psilbbl-

ir:i i


ffi W $i
{{i is*


ffi ffiE#*


Fto* 35d{5
br Eshra{tflr* Mrrt{xr kp.


BP-HZN-217eMDL0257 4266
-21 BP HZN 79MDL0257 4232

t4rltt BOPT6ling Ap$f,cdix! for t{8, Tecfnobgy

Figurt Ag. This $ the initial sfrut-inprsssuredrsplayfor Sulsea Test f. Annularpfe$sure lst$t*nd to stabilbamorerapid$ lhm ppe ram testB. The 1* fightoccuned5.4 minutEs after shut-in" The predictedstabb pressr.rre 5783 psi, indkated by the diarnond-shaped is syrnbol. Thisis grealerthanthe largetpressura 500Speiso lhe -l[hf is graenindhalinga pcsitivetest of

Figur* 49. Thb ie $ubsaTest16when$e Fressure declineretewasexacdy3.0psilmin^l{e see very close agreement the betrrveen t* fuht predi.ction actualvalue ol the stabilized and


bp eqJoraiion& F[odrclion|ru, Faoc36 d{5


BP-HZN-2 7eMDL02574267 1
BP-HZN-21I MDL0257 7 4232



Figutc At0, Since annularprevsnt{test$ slabilizernorequickly*ran prpe mm tsts, the potential Drgilal8OP Taslingtime savingsare prapwtbndefuless yet stilt repre$snt ca. 75% a rBducton shut-in of time.

Figtrc All* Esliruahdpobntiaflimes savingrfor he t2 subseaBOPtesb o* 29 Sep 200? was ca. * hours,r+odhca" $300K- We see lhat a 75%re&ction of shut-intime is a genemlly reliable for expeetatio'n Orgitaf 8OP Testing.

Fit.A.tL bpA@rdion* Pro*rlionlm.

FAe 37 of 45


BP-HZ N-2179MDLO257 4232

oE9lhlEoPTBS&rg ApdieElh.'l f{Gr,TcchrFbgy fof

Figur* A{2, A F{rillmary similar fig. 41t butficn lastscondsctd Jan2007 Hereagain ts 29 lim*. Thesearenol'hand-picked' ws s* potential at least75t6redmtion shtrt-in for rxufb of buttypicalof all $iplal 8OP*eld teslingdo*e o*rSoepvaierllonzon.


Figure Af&, We are oftenasfqed thp Sigila!BOPTe*tingsofirvare hur{ responds leaks.but 1,o in experience baks ara rare. Howewr,lherels a goodexample a bakingtesl in the eyent of labeled Event24 ig the succesrtul 22. !e-test.

tcaqF R:qsFprylets

FsCe38 of {5


BP-HZN-2 7eMDL0257426e 1
-21 BP HZN 79MDL0257 4232

D!fial FCP T6rling fpfficdion b ilc* Tccnnohgy

Figurt Af4. Ths 1{ l$ht was ohlained25 minutesater shut-in. The stahilizadpressur forecastwas psi the 7373psi.wdl bekow gStK) tarpt pressurs, lhe llghf was rcd. We seethe $o test continuad minutes 15 afierthe I' tbht, meaning Dfuital 8OP Testirgcouldhayesaved15 hereplm mor* i* fis r-ts t rninutes


FigureA{$. Thisis{here-leslofltrebakingtetinFig.At4" Thelslightoccuned22minutes ater shut-in,and was green. Tltis if,re* sftot was tahenexactty24.7 minutesaffer shutjn. same as in F$. 414- shcr*iry consrderably pressuredecrease less within that tme flus * suggesfing non-leaking result.

b E#d,ort & ftod.rttm lm.
FliCe g d45


BP-HZN-2 I 79MDL02574232

-w..tu"#ffi,Hffi Figur* Alfi. Ths r-tsEt rryas sirut-rn 58 mlnutes. Theslabdned hsld ior fu*ecasl*as psi, 10,453 well abovehe targetpreseurs.The DigitalBSF interyehlion was conctandcould havesaved3Sminut$"


Validitv MMS statedin the March200? metirg tftat tre 1''r BOP test in a sriesshouldb interpreted chartrecorder that DigitalSOPsoftware be verifledbeforeusirg it so can S to interpretsrSeeqtnnt te$s. The details were left for BP to work out, and are incorporated thisdmurrnnt *ntheproposed in Rulesar,dftn*erexplainedhere. CheckirEa DigitafBOPforecast see if I is conectbebe proceeding re$ cn the ts to BOPsofiwareto interpretsrbsequent Oigatal tests is a simde andworthudrile concept We establishecl basisandnrcfiod tor perfonning a suchchecksanddeterrninirE whatis valid w- invalid. Also, we felt it was imporlant autamate validation tfe to checkin the softsareso that it canbe dorn in consistent, conectfashionwihorrtffiking end usersto shtxildr the responsibilrty m*irg such detenninatians. Tte resuttantvalldation d checknntftoclis iflusffated next. Figuru At7. Thts is in typeof graph avail*ble lhe Digitaf but BOPsofirvare b notp'ronrinently because users nolrquiredto draw fsatured end are from it help tormlusionE iL Ht*vevar, does
to illustrate vafidatbn tfi checkmethod. The blue curyerepresenls reel pressur*detErecqrded to lhe presentduringa sfrut-intest up period Whenlhe 1* lrgilrl prsssurefuacaet represented the accuni,tfiae is pn associatEd by black csrYe" Sso asscciatedwi*r the ls tight fiorecE*t are ilppef and hwer error bcunds by reprsenled the red curve$- Th* enor boundsrsfrec{our knorvle$e o{ the Oigitd BOP Abortthm farecasfingaecurtry, as prevbusly discu$sd{$action lll-B "Digrtal AtgcrtFrrn Ferfarrnance Stdy' pp lS-12)

FFSqrloralion ftc*rt*n t


Poce40 d45


BP-HZN-2 TeMD 2574271 1 L0

BP-HZN-2 179MDL02574232


D.gfidFOPTeiffT Apdigaiiotr l{ruflTeeftnoh{y tuf

The valilation consistsof chockingthroughout test, from lhe {r fight ornrsrd. il ihe real lhe prGssufe data {blue}fall withinthe acceptable errorbounds{red}. Thn is dsfie cornputaficnalfy by thaDigital8OP rcftruare.

lf for the duration of &e test atl raal presssra data lay witfrin the *eeptable enor bounds. Srenthe 1* ligt* foracasl b csnsidered vaiid. m*aning it was su$iciently accurate !o make E coneil inlerprehtfurn. lf ct any tims the real presewe data lay beyond acceptahlr* snor bounda, then the 15 Eght forecast is consdered invatid, meanirq itwas nol sufficiwr{y represer{ative of the actual resultThe valklalion check is ahrays conrputedduring all lest$. Flsraver, the notbn is lhat &e fr$t tsst of a testlng seguenee shoukl bo cond*ted cuffciently bng {i.e., intsrpfed by chart recorder} to obtarn a cornplete validafion check. whersas subsequenttests may h ended alnrost irnrfiediatelv after the 1* lqitt End users ah*ays have the opliur b hoid,a pariicularsubsequenltest shut-in beyond the 1* light if wishing tc confirm validity of the 13 light pressure forecast. We think through experience end users will gain confidence lhel, cnee ,ralirJal,ed ls fime, trigit*l BOP fie sotwafe y.ill be relieile in all *t$sequsit tesb.

Weexpectvery hrinstarrcesin whicha OigdtalBff pressure forecast beconesinrratid" Afier all, the dgoriftm psforrns a sfingent check on iiaUlity of lhe solutiol before tlispldng a greenor red 'lighf. Honever,it is dwap pcssiHethat ssrething iJ*{suat may affect tre gessure responseafler Sle 1'' light occurs,tfurs makingthe initial pressilretrendandforecast bngerrepsentdive of tre curenl pressure no behavior. light invalkl- 'lnvalid' an warning cha*y is llnqro 1te. ff a 1-.$ presure forem*tbecunes displaye{ to *p 'ftOhf This next parlicul*r wasunueual thatfre pressure . test quckiysabilizei in

to a decfinsrate of zero, then lhe pressweras+ sfightfy{wEthink drc to fluid ln thi teet tines upperenorboundthusprornpbng an'lnyelid'messaga. This $ating sligh$| andexcesdsdlhe 'lbhi' foes not nleanlhe Oig{talBOPs{ah{apre*ure forecastwas wrong.nor was the g{sn inconect- ThEtest was intetpreled *hart racorder predbtedUyDigitd ebf per as sotvrare. l{orvever. dlns showthat rf tfie pressure this trenddwing a shutin tesl perioddeviates muchat all beyondths 1* lht Dbttaf BOPgrssursforecst, fia so*waredeleclsend rpods -lrwalid" lhis as.a safeguard result,clearrufesaseprrysei ltcr 1geirctensr. ln the eventof an p. example, lognc Fi9..26, ?B)la en*blesmoolhhy tle of proceeding continuing apptyDigital and to BOPTesting soffirareto bestpossbfbenafit.
bp Erobrfion& ftodrlbn lm. Fags4l d45


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL0 4272 257

-2 BP HZN 17I MDL02 4232 57

[s *
DqndEoPT6ting Ap$ficdiilr for llqr Tecfinobgy

bp Epbr*lon& Pro*.Etm lrE.

Fage,tg of45


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL0 4273 257

-2 BP-HZN 179MDL0257 4232


Dlttd6OPTe3liog ApDficdixrfw ilE r ?schrrohqry

!. APPEI{OIX 8P Gulf oil llaxlco Hxdorafrsn 6OP Tc#ng Frccrdun

ffiq ',*cJ
Ca{S(mFTe6thg fr!{cdr/Fer.doc

bp Oclordim c Ffo*t$sllrs.

P6gc43 d*5


-21 BP-HZN 7gMD t02574232


0E laaFOFTerlir lpdisdion hr tlsn Tetl|nohgtr

APPEI.|OIX FP DccpflyafrrEOF Tasdnghocrdurr $.

ffit4 ;;J
BPile+lralcr8op TccfiE frscc*"r+&

bF E$salim e ftodFlin


P{g.14 d45


BP- HZN-217gMDL02574232


DiglklBOFTe3tir AFdiedidr tur nbp TeeifDbgy

APPEHOIXi[.TraneocranOrtgtyamr Horieo*r 3OP TrEt Dilgrarn*

'+*rl lftrinrr SgPIcd tXtpremrb


bF Frdrdim

e Prodrtim lftc.

Pagp.lS of{$


BP-HZN-2179MD10257 4232

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