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From: Alberty, Mark W 2 S e n t :M o nJ u l 1 3 1 6 : 1 1 : 5 3 0 0 9 To: Morel, Brian P Cc: Hafle, Mark E Subject RE: Stresscage Macondo lmportance: Normal

Brian, I ran the worst ansescenarioand hereis what I found: 2.9 PPg Worst casepor pressure= ppg Overburden: 13.38 ratio of 0.33) with a Poisson's Worstcasesandfracturegradient= 8.14ppg ( calculated = 9.30E5 psi Young'smodulus Depletioncorrected Hole size= 20" Deviation:0 deg MaximumECD=lL.2ppg In this casetlre fracture width will be2471 microns. up We can only StressCage to roughly 800 microns. We really cannotplan to put 2500 micron size particles through the bit and LWD without ptugging both. So if this worst casewere to occur,we could not expectto prevent losses while drilling. using StressCage The real problJm here is the low Young's modulus.I calculatedYoung's modulusfrom both offset logs (MC 296 #l) and frorrour global correlations.I cannot make a caseto substantiallyraise Young's modulusto get us out of this problem fracture width. formulation and hopethat we do not seethe worst case So I would proposethat we go with a mar StressCage scenario.If we drill without losses,then great.However,we will needa contingenry plan if we do seea casethat is greaterthan 800 microns. Our contingencyprobably needsto be to driil with fibers through the zoneand then make We i *or" p".rrrur,"nt repair withEz Squiezeoncethe full depletedzonehasbeenexposed. can also plan to drill to You might want to sectionTD with f,bers should we faii to achiwe our desiredtarget strengthwith EZ Squeeze. considera water basemud in this interval due to the perceivedhigh risk of significant losses. formulation: Loadedto bear StressCage 12 ppb BaraCa-6600 500 S ppb SafeCarb (Yes,the M productl) 6 ppb BaraCarb150 5 ppb SafeCart 50 (aszumingthere is no barite) 4 ppb SteelSeal outcome.I am around Houstonfor the next few weeksand can come discuss t know this is probablyan unexpected if you like. Regards, 'Mark Alberty Modeling Results:

StressCageFormulation Report Well lfacondo (MC 252 #1) Date: 711312009 Preparedby: Mark Albert"v


00068163 BP-HZN-MBl

TVD Depth Target Strenglh Fracture Hole ProductConcentration Comment PPB Feet psi PPG Mcrors Size saadat 10789(12.2 ECD) Depleted 6838 12.2 2471 20.00 10?89 sandat 10789(12.3ECD) DePleted 20.00 10789 6894 12.3 sandat 10789(12.4ECD) DePleted 20.00 10789 6950 r2.4


Morel, Brian P

Sent: Monday,June08,2009 1:51PM To: Cc: Albrty,MarkW Hafle, Mark E StresscageMacondo


Mark, formulation for the Macondowell. Attachedis the wellbore schematicand Can you pleaseput togethera stresscage v'ith is the 16" hole section,there is potential that the pressured ppFG diagram. The main interval we are concerned we would needto stressgethem in order to reach interval sandsshownare depleted(production) and therefore TD. Let me know what elseyou need,and I will try to get my handson it' help strengtheningsands Our only other goal woutd be to push casingpoints as diep as possible,thereforeany would be useful in achiwing this goal. Thank You, Brian Morel 5-042309.xIs (Compressed) << File: MC252-Macondo-REV03-t3 >> (Compressed) 051609-Rev5-DEFINE.xls


00068164 BP-HZN-MBl

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