Trex 04526

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From: LeBleu, John B 2 S e n t :S u n M a r 1 4 0 3 : 5 1 : 3 0 0 1 0 To: Alberty,Mark W; Hafle, Mark E Cc: Chester,Doug K Subject: RE: Macondomud loss incidentinvestigation.

lmportance: Normal mudwt to I 1.3,gas400 units,raised 2ll7 -Dillto 12,350' l.l ppgraiseto I1.2 mudcut to 10.9Gas29'70 ill units,raised rnwtto 11.4 121bbls lost from 6 bpm to 0.03 slowed 2/18- pumpedl84bbl 84 ppbLCM pill, tmk 23E6bbls to getto losszone,Staticlosses 6 losses bpm and bpm.Pulledinto casingand rampedup to 70 spm. Washed rotatedinto OH inducedlosses. - 3619total pumped Znd S+ppb pill 3:198 bbls lost 420 Form-a-squeeze losses bph, pumped100ppb mixedLCM. pumpedI 13 mixedLCM 1370 bbls 2/19- pumped lost- 4989bbls totnl 2/20- pumpcd190bbls of badlymixcd Form-a-sct 699 lost - 5688bbls total reduced from 300bblsAr to 20 bblsihr 710 lost lossed 2/21- pumped100bbls srvellLCM & 200 bbls EZ squeeze - 6398total 2/22- pumped 200 Form-a-squeeze 200bbls Form-a-set,lost 169- 6567bbls total & losses. 237 bbls - 680{ total lost 70 into 2/23- sqtrcezed bblsForm-a-set formation,stopped 2/24 -POOH & TIH no losses 6804total total 2/25- washed 10,984'cutting mrvtto I 1.2ppg.No losses 680,1 to 2/26- washcd I 1,683'CBU no losses 680{ total to losing 1783bbls Ran 16" losing931bbls andcemented

John LeBleu DrillingFluidsEngineer BP GOM - DrillingExcellence BP:281-366-4015 Cell:713-503-2257

From: Alberty,Mark W March 13.20107:58AM Sent Saturday, Mark E To: l,eBleu.Iohn B: HaJle,


29 B P - H Z N -17 9 M D 1 0 0 0 0 17 2

Subject RE: Macondomud lossincidentinvestigatron. technoloryto assistdrilling. We Also"I havebeenlooking at the factsaswell aspart of the ERA effort to develop ideasfor nelv t havehad to becomemorefamiliar with are using this as a caseeiample to generate thc facts.Hcnrc thc nccdfor cumulativciosscs. Mark

From: LeBleu,Iohn B March 13,20107:54AM Scnfi Saturday, To: Alberty, Mark W; Hafle, Mark E mud lossincidentinvestigation. Subjecf RE: Macondo Tharks Mark, What areyour opinionsof that in and I think Mark and I cantvork someissues makesomeprogress your absence. you think of the TOR? plan forward and what do Thank you very much. John

John LeBleu Engineer Fluids Drilling Excellence BP GOM- Drilling B P : 2 81 -3 6 6 -4 0 1 5 Gell:713-503-2257
Mark W From: Alberfy", March 13,20107:48AM Sent:Saturday. To: lrBleu, JohnB; Hafle,Mark E mud lossincidentinvestigation. Subject RE: Macondo I will be glad to assist.possiblynot as humbly as John.but I will try to be. A few datesto keepin mind for me: that I have to I will be in Londonthis nerl week.I havcreservations returnon Friday,March lgtlt but it is possible wcck. to staya sccond from April 2nd, returningto the officeon Monday,April l2th. I will be on vacation Regards,


9 79 1 B P - H Z N - 2 1 M D 0 0 0 0 21I


From: LeBleu.JohnB March 12,20109:42PM Scnt:Friday, To: Halle, Mark E; Alberty,Mark W tnudlossincidenlinvestigalion. Subject RE: Macondo this With the attachment time. Thanks

John LeBIeu Fluids Engineer Drilling Excellence BP GOM- Drilling B P : 2 81 -3 6 6 -4 0 1 5 Cell:713-503-2257
From: LeBleu JohnB March 12,20104:38PM Sent:Friday, To: Halle, Mark E; Alberty,Mark W Subject Macondomud lossincidentinvestigation. Gentlemen, mud lossincidentinvestigation.I humblyaskfor your TOR for the Macondo Attached my suggested is participation the investigation team. on team. as Please reviewthe TOR and let me know if you can participate part of the investigation Thanks. John

John LeBleu Drilling Fluids Engineer Excellence BP GOM- Drilling BP:281-366-4015 Cell:713-503-2257



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