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From: Mc[.ean,Philip Sent: Wednesday.

September 20lO2:43PM 29, To: Saucier, Michael Subject: RE: ENSCO8501BOPdigitalBOPtest

Mike, This does appear to be true. lf thete are wave motion that causes the rig to move- lt will not allow the operator to ever get the Bench Mark test. Phil

From: Saucbr.Mkhael Sent: Wednesday, September 29,2010 L:22PM To: Trocguet, David;Trosclair, Troy; Patton, Frank Philip;Conner, Gc: McLean, George Labiche, M.; Lance Subject RE:ENSCO 8501 BOP digital BOP te$

5o bosicolly the seoconditions described digitolinstruments showingfoiled with os o the were test wherethe conwntionol chortsshowed good o test?
/tr\ichaelJ. Soucier Regional Supervisor Field Operctions 6ulf of iiexico Region U.5. Deportmentof the Inlerior Bureouof OcesnEnergyltAomgement, Reguhtion Enforcernent ond (504)736-2503

From: Trocquef David Sent: Tuesday, September28, 2010 4:54 PM To: Trosclair,TroV; Patton, Frank Cc: Saucbr, Michael; McLean,Philip; Conner,GeorgeM.; Labiche,Lance Subject: FW: ENSCO 8501 BOPdigital BOPtest Troy, As rvc tliscusscd.the lailed digital BOP test bclow occurcd thc last timc.that thc Ensco 8501 testedBOP's. Wc were jusl notitied that the next test will be tornonow (the rig has since moved to a new well - an offset and sinrilal well to Macondo). I have sentJoel Moole and Bob Neal to witnessthe test. Frank. Please contactNoble Encrgy (Tirn Sargenl)and set up a rncctirrg discuss failed digital BOP testot 9/l/10. tbe to David f Trocquel
New Orleans District Manater US Dept of the Interior Burrau of Oceanfnergy Management Regulationand Enforcemcnt Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Field Operalions

From: M@re, Joel K. Sent: Tuesday, September28, 2010 12:48 PM

Highly Confidential

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.


To: Mclean, Philip;Trocquet,David Subject ENSCO 8501 BOPdigital BOPtest I lust thoughtI'd passalongthis inlormation regarding digitalBOPtestthatwe attempted witness September the to on 1s. We weretherelo witnessthe test of the proposed digitaltesting the BOPbut we tooka little for moretimethan I intended becauseI hadto extrapolate inputthe rawdatafromthe rig rnovement an excel and into sprsadsheet. The rawdalawas scrambled gettingaccurate and headings particularly was challengirg.Regardless, here'sthe information. On September Juslinand I anivedonboard ENSCO 1d the 8501anduponarrival noticed seaswerea littlehigh we the but in our opinionnot excessively highas to prohibit so operations. Apgoximately 1640hrs commenced BOPtest we ttre withtypicalchartsrunningin the loreground digitaltestfromIPTrunning th-e and in lmmediately the first backgroundon testwo couldnot establish benchmark the digitaltest. Several a on attempts weremde to estrablishbenchmark for a and a coupleof minutes digitalran finebut the benchmark the wereredlined (failed) attempls beforethe allotted timecould elapse. Afterseveraltutileattempts decision a was madeto continue testwithths typical the chartssrhilethe IPTrep. troubleshot issueat hand. At somepointit wasdetermind thatthe seaswereimpacting digitaltest results. the the I tookthe libertyto askfor the rig dataregarding pitching heaving the rig so that it couldbe mapped the and ol overand corpared to the test chartthat IPTprovided.Thatfile is named "Ensco lt 8501BOPTESTVesselmovement.xls". is only a smallsnapshot timebut hopefully will be an indication howmuchpitching heaving of it of caused digital and the benchmark fail. I wasgoingto sendyou a copyof the rawdatafromthe rig movement ttrefile is too largeto e-mail to but but I will sendyou a copyof the IPT report. lf you needthe rawdatia fromthe rig let me knowand l'll provide for you it sinceI haveit on a thumb drive. I did suggest the IPT rep.thattheymayneedto consider to writing algorithm heir programming dampen in an the to effectsof highsea statesor to put a timedelayof somesortintothe programming will helpdifferentiate state that sea pitching and heaving fromactualpressure changes. pleasefeelfreeto ask lf you haveany questions Sincerely, Joel

Highly Confidential


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