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Working with Energy

fuiru&Gonsultingb L. C. L.

10104S. tJrbanaAve.

orz4:tgZ Tuisa

Exhibit No.



centralization 9-718"'production of caslngin l2-ll4" Hole

Thc,Request Are. yolt putting together anything on centralizer recommendations? 90ploof our proouctroD is @srng 9-7lg'casingin 12.25', hole. could you put together a couple slides of previous testing you,ve done and recrlmmeildations.Attaehedai what I tike, slip-on wford bow spriig ceirtializers. Thanks Trent My Response Trent,I like your approach.Efere rnycommenls. are Prcvious Casing Drift As you know, sometimes proper centralizationof the producion casing or liner is negatively impactedby the.drift _of the previous casirrg forcing rhe opirator to use centralizersthat do not provide adequatestandoff for thf-pay roier, purii.olarly if the holehasbeenunder-reanred is inilined, As per your note,the previbus+urinjr* and tn. well configurationsyou mentioned 13-5/9"-witir ,a drift'diameter ,of 12,25; is which mansyou shouldbe ableto us.e. qapab-le p,roviding centralizers of good standofffor the pay zonesih the t2-ll4' openhole. Centralizer Computer programs Every cementingserviggprovider has this sinrulationcapabitily. However, not all of -i them can simulatethe drag and torqueforces wben running .usng;ith .;;ffi; like weatherford'scenlraPropfogrambicauseit simulatesiandofrand t"rqrJ""J ai"J and for its graphicsdisplay. Simulationsof standoff need to be made with the besi estimateof,the hole caliper size,and the inclinationprofile of the hole. The irnportant standoff,calculations fhe onesat the sagpoint, in betweensentralizers, are I like E0zo standoffbelow,across and abovethe pay zones(300 _ 500 ft aboveandbelow ttre pay-; You rnayend up with a lot of centralizels, that is -hat yo,, n"ed. but Contraryto *irat somethink, centralizers properlyinstalledand run in goodioles help get the oasingto bottom- They reducedifferentialstickingby keepingth-e pipe awayfrom the holewall.


Beirute30(bxf) 00332

Selectingthe Centralizer Type Wheneverpossible,bow spring type centralizers shouldbe used. Weatherfordrnakes good centralizers. In the testing I did years ago for the "Crazy'' now Thunder Horse project, Weatherfordcentralizerswere the best of the onestested(as you requested, am I attaching PP presentation a with someofthe conclusions from the "Cruzy" Horsestudy.) In general, bow spring tlpe centralizersprovide the best standoff over rigid and solid centralizers.One limiting factor is that the zum of the runningforcesof the bow spring centralizersshould not impact the ability of the casing or liner getting to bottom. Centralizerprogramslike Weatherford'sCentraProcan calculatethe total drag caused by the running forces. Thesecalculations shouldalwaysbe donejust in case,but for your deep,heavycasingjobs, I am not too concerned aboutthis iszue. Like you, I like the slip-on type centralizers over the latch-ontype. The reasc,n that is from the testingI did for the "Crazy" HorseprojecgI found out thal slip-on stop collars when loaded,often presence larger holdingforcesthan latch-oncollars. This is because the hingeson the latch-oncollars tend to expand(yield) a bit under load, reducingthe grip of the stopcollar on the pipe. Regardingdouble bow (Tandem)centralizers, they generate lower running forcesthan bow centralizers, can still exhibit good restoring and forces. Therefore, lhey arethe fallback centralizersto use when the running forces generated the bow centralizers by according the calculations to may preventthe casingor liner from makingit to bottorn,or if the normalforces(calculated the centralizer prograrn) by caused the hole inclination by and doglegswould flatten the bows to the point the predictedstandoffgenerated the by bow springcentralizers would be low. If the bow springtype centralizers according to the simulations will producegood standoff, they shouldbe usedover the tandem type. Rigid centralizers like Weatherford's SpiraGlidershouldbe usedwhen for somereason bow or tandem centralizers cannot be used (for examplethe caseof extremenormal forcesgenerated doglegs).The samecan be said for sotidscentralizers, I do not by but like the flow restrictionsolid centralizers presentdue to the largeamountof metalthey are made from. If they get stuch they do not give, and tlere is good potentialfor i 'centralizernest" to be formedevenwith high stopcollarholdingforces. Integral type centralizers, bow typg may need to be used only if you have tight the restrictions abovethe openhole, for example caused a contingency by liner insidethe i35/8" casing. As you know thesecentralizers very expensive may not providethe are and level of restoringforcesof normalbow type centralizers. Construction of the Centralizers I havedonea ton ofcentralizertestingexposing them to heavypulling and impactloadsWelded centralizershave always held better than the lap-on lnon-wilded) centralizers. ThusI alwaysrecommend weldedcentralizers.


Beirute 30(bX6)00333

Stqp CollAr Issues Proper selbstionand installationoFthe stop'collarsis one of the rflost critical issuesin selectinga centralizefprogram. Most:stopcollarsnow daysuso set screws. Horl much holding force a given collar can generate depends several. on things. Number of set andtheir locationqn the collar for example.Onevery i*pqttaot issueis thq grade screws of pipe the collar will be installedon. To hold, set screl\rs have to bite onto the pipe. Thus for examplefor a Chromegrade casing holding forcesare srpected to be lessthan for a softer irade ca3ing. Sincewhat we want is as mucb holding foice as possible,stop collar holding forcesmust be measure the gradeof casingto be usedin tlie hole. If' on not askedby the operatortobe measured the gradeofcasing at hand,the manufacturer on will 4verageholdir-rg forqq for the collar which may or may not be for the oorrectgradeofcasing. Reportedholding: forces for stop oollarsare basedon average measurements- example; the graphbelOw. F'or seo

7'JlOl SlopConarAipiiiqg Forces

1m sDos mq) 7m@ g 60m 50m ro CD 400q) E .|i ilm a 6 20000 1m 0

If the collarsarenot installedaccording the manufacturer to specificadons, holdingforces can be tlrasticallyreduced.The torqueapptiedto the set scre\rys needs be asspecifred, to and the screwsneedto be tiihtened in a star pattern. To increase holdihg foroesof the collargrtestshave indicatedthat epoxyplacedin belweenthe collar and the casingwill increase holding forces,but sandblasting the ID of the collarsand the spot on the the of casingwherethe collar will be installed:is needed. Cbntralizer Installation and pipe lVtovement In your applidations the GOM liners are being iotated more frequerrtlynow days in (thank God!) Thereforc, inslallation of ths centralizersneeds to be suctr that rire will be staticwhile the liner rotatesinsidethe centralizer The centralizer oentralizer drawing you sent me with the collar insidethe centralizers designedfot rotationand is looks goodto me. I alsolike the way the set screws installed,staggered the collar. are on



RobertM.Beirute, Ph.D. BeiruieConsulting, L.L.C.


Beirute30(bX6) 00335

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