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Welcome bock. Mike!

As you con reosonobly deducl. we hove officiolly short chonged. Yoy, no more slobilily! We've hod severol issueswith this well since we onived. We hove lost o lot of mud ond currently hove lhe well shul in for moniloring. Fosl Cojun looks pretfy looded ond should be here oround 0600 with 20 or so tifts. We ore owoiling the orrivol of the Domon B. Bonkston (who lurned oround twice for more mud) 1o orrive on locolion - EfA ,]030. I believe they wonl 1o loke mud, bose oil, boriie, cemenl, woter, fuel...well, prelly much evefihingl

CONIROILERS:Cunently on B Conlroller. DP LOGGER: Nothing to Reporl. '12h, GPS: GPS 2 went oul complelely on the 291h the 05rh. ond monitors ond oll. Slon wos oble to get it bock up ond running, bul wilh no explonolion os 10 why it lripped everylhing offline. Yoncy hod to resel lhe seriol lines on il on the 07h lo gei it bock up in ihe Bockup Sysiem. Ihe Screen wos cleoned by Billyon the l2m ond Nole swilched il to Mulifix 5. The ETsslill think the compuler is obout 1o go oul; il is running VERY hoi. The ontenno for GPS 3 onived on the 02"a olong wilh the 9200 G2 Receiver for GPS l. GPS I hos o problem, ETs bel-eve, wiihlhe-D[GfT SefrdPoil-ond o MullifF 5 Error orn 'g-o-fherlhings.- John ufldo1etflheSofilbre

Regisler with the 9204G2 Receiver& GPS2 Sofiworeon the 06rh.As per Mike.there will be two new Muliifix on Compulers order. Theyore going 1obe orderedone o1o 1ime, breok up the cost ($7.500.00 10 eo.) Bothlo be inslolle_d o tech duringon upcoming_ by ri,g-move. There on emoilin Outlook is with oll the conespondence

'occidenlolly' Gll-EQl: We losl Gyro 3 for o lillle while on the 06m,when UPSl1 wos swilched off. XIE: Yoncy ond Dre chonged out the botlery in Ip 4282 (New Bollery No. 0902) on the lronsit 10 Mocondo. Yoncy olso set oll the tronsponden 1o the conecl/originol chonnels-nol the defoult chonnels. Everylhing hos been entered into ihe Tp Boilery Log. Also, in order lo get lhe SSBL Ping counl you musl set il 1o low power. I went ond odded o folder on the compuler Wth oll lhe TP Frequencies ond odded on updoled one for Mocondo. The Porl HiPAPlocked up on lhe 09h ond hod 1o be reset locolly in lhe blue ponel. The Stbd HipAp is slill roised ond lhe volve closed from the lronsil. We figured there wos no need 1o lower it if it didn't even hove o compuler in il. The monilor for the APOS bock in ECRwos hooked up on lhe l0n. There is cunently one keyboord ond one mouse for the APOS.GPS |, ond GPS 3 bock in ECR. Ping counts were compleled on the l4rh of Februory. Ql: Nothing 10 Reporl.

OTHER: The Simrod Techs did not come oul during our moinlenonce period io work on our wishlistof stuff 1o troubleshoot/fix. We did o couple posilion dropouls during DP Field Anivol Tdols- GPS I is bock os our Ref. Origin. DP Feld Anivol Triols were completed on the 06th.ond lhe Losl Done ond F.A.T. hove been updated, List prinled, ond flled.

The Afi ADCP wos roised for lronsil 10 Mocondo, then lowered on the 01s. I did notice when I wos $Q!: updsjin+ou{+o:iliot+ondl4 rDepth, lhof only RTADeg ond3 ollowecl+err,rtoeon$gureJhern RIADGp Zjs complelely blonk ond we do nol hove the ffP possword. 11 does. however, updole with no issues. A new floppy wos storted on the 07rh. I losl zipped lhe ADCP on the l gh.

I of 3

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.



C H A R T S P U B S : C h o r l 1 ] 3 2 3 c o m e i n o n t h e 0 9 1 " Choris ond Pubs ore correcled ond up io dole for NTM & week 0B/52. DOPPIER:Slillno Doppler... no,?. ECDIS: No.thing1o Report.

AntennoCheckson the llh of Februory. $DS,S: Gene completedthe monthlyGMDSS

HISTORY STATION:Rebooted on lhe 05rh,bul there is slillo Tlme SeriesDolobose Error. RADARS: We received on emoil with o NAR Quick Shore Report on the Discoverer Cleorleoder. Lost week. ofter high winds, il wos discovered their Fwd S-Bond Rodor Sconner wos gone. Apporenily, il wos not bolted down correclly. We checked oll of our Rodors, ond they ore securely fostened.

uAlS: IloibingloBepqd.

Slrllgellilrglhc 4 /S&Exsee4 Ljmjj l\lulsqnqeabrm-

Lower RAM IiSihl5, Torw@ffihoi-been

Yoncy prinled out o new phone lisl ond updoled the EmergencyConlocl Binderon ihe 03rd. The OTHER: sconner now works on lhe new bridge color prinler ond the old printeris now sel up bock by lhe Riser PM compuler. ldid o lB0-Doy on the Weother Fox-we.lurnedthe poweroff due to conslonlprinling.Both replocedond isworking; iso prettysleelblue color(r). ii

BAt[ASt: A fuse blew on Bollosl Pump # l ond the ETshod to chonge it oul on the 07n. Mike retimed the Pori 'l3h-'l4ih Fwd Quodront Tonk ond Slripping Volves lhe ond the volves in the Slbd Fwd Quodronl on the l Trh'18th. ,l9) The Slbd Aft Seochesl {XV 3201 slopped giving indicolion on-brcollosi The volve funclions properly ond the 13',. o l e o k y l e n d o n e r o n t h e l 4 m o n d b o c k d o w n t o 2 3 . 0M o n t h e I 5 i h .

hffifiilffi$r ffiffiffihfrffiffiry muilk$vffi up$

hoi on ihe moin poge.-Yoyobolbsted up io22O M for

BUIK: Borite Doy Tonk I oir volve (XV 255035)chonged ou1 on ihe 29th. Borile Doy Tonk 2 oir vslve {255085}hos been chonged 1o o monuol volve ond does not hove on ocluolor hooked up to il. Volves XV-2l416l ond XV255036 on the Borite System hove olso been chonged oul. Chief Mole fixed Mud Surge Tonk I oir volve (XV25503B)on the 0l ". Cemenl Bulk Tonk 4 ond Z ond Cemenl Doy lonk I were cleoned ond inspected this hilch. Bollosl Drillwos compleled by C Crew on the 05h of Februory. The Slbd Bodle Hose hos o leok, ond we do nol hove ony spores onbocrd. I mode o new Bulk TronsferBinder ond threw out 2006-2008old lronsfer sheels. As per Coploin, we only hove to keep lhe lost yeors worfh of lronsfer sheels. The Dischorge volve (XV 214156]| lo Bo{ileDoyTonk I iswoshed outolittle- hielMojeisqwo--Jenickmo+ore.usin+itoslheexeuseoslorrh+ they keep complelely pocking off the Borile system. When the Bonkslon shows up iodoy, we need 1o loke the Cement into Bulk3, os per Vince wilh Holliburton. flRE & GAS: Monuol Coll Box (XS-172844) hod il's eloss mysleriouslybroKs:nolrd lripp,ed the ESDon the 29th,bul -hos since been fixed. The F&G System wos los'l resel by Tommy DonieG onlhe tFn, which cleored ol,rrrns onseverol deteclors. We hod bolh CGD Deleclors go off in the Shoker House on the I /h when we hod high gos. GENERATORS: Lood Slorl does not work on MDG 3, so we ore trying io keep it in o higher slondby order thon the oiher ovoiloble generolors. MDG I is slill in Moinlenonce ond blocked owoiting the turbo. MDG 2 just compleled 500 hr ond 1000 hr services. Engineers hove been lroubleshooling Oil Misl Delectors mosl of the week. SVC: The m,ynterious Eorlh Foull lhe Eleclricions hod been lrying to .lrock down, cleored on the 03'dwhen they rebooted the PCUs. THRUSTERS: Thruster3 is rondomly getling the MOT COOLER LEAK DETAlorm, bul it is jusl o bod sensor ond usuolly cleon on ils own. Thrusler6 hod MOT Beoring Temp sensor issuesos well, bul the sensor ITE360131]wos reploced on the l3h. Jusi o reminder: Suclion Volve (XV 350002) lo Thruster4 SW Cooling Pump is ocluolly pumped open, even though il's indicolion flucluoles ond rondomly olorms. '|0, f ll,12,ondl3). UPS14 ! $ : T h e u s u o lU P S w e r e r e b o o l e d d u r i n g D P F . A . T . p r i o r t o l h e s t o r t oM o c o n d o ( 9 . ond l5 were nol tested. OTHER:All PCUshove been rebooted lwice (Februory03'd & 05h) - No luck in cleoring the Nel B Enors.

C Fighter

Domon B. Bonkslon

fosl Colun

Fosl Spirit





ffifi$ffiffiffiffiffirffiH $
c c
o o " " a " * poycnecK. Don hos officiolly lefl Jhe DWH - Going 1o the Cojun os o DPO I revomped the Coploin's Morning Report. New Engineer onboord, os of the lS'h. His nome is Gonzolo Dominguez, bul goes by the nicknome "Bulch" Psul Johnson & Jomes-Kenl outio the+igrlhe 161!=lili GRS hod officiolly twopped over to GMS - USERNAME: DPOperotor.DWH PASSWORD Compuler Possword ll hos the some secret queslions / onswers os the Rig Evoc site. The Poss,.rord spreodsheel on lhe Desklop hos been updoted, os well. Lols of gos this hilch! We hove been moking o lot of onnouncemenls ond shulling down hotwork/oulside smoking. MMS surprisevisil on the l7'h. Apparently, lhe Noutilus lold them they hod lo go lhrough o 45 min. H2S briefing, so they decided lo leove ond visitus insleod. New Slotion Bills come in...l guess they ore stillnol right?! Well thol should-bvaim Hove o good hilch & see you in 3 weeksl Kolie Willioms Cell 843.367.5338

Rumor:Shipyord Spring I ? 201 Kodiok #2 Well Bonus: 0before loxes. lt should hove posted 1o your occounls lodoy wilh your




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