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From: To: Cc: Bcc: Subject Attachments:

g JAHNR Thomas Van Lue,Jason;Ronchetto, Coronado,Richard;Gaude,EdwardC. RE: Testing AMF Sub Sea .[

AM 11:50 5l27nA1A

I have boen asked lhe qucstion frr.m DM3 and Sevanabout whcn to changcout tlrc r*hargeable batttries. this was wcll before the April 20 incident. I just want to make sure w don't start saying somethingbefore we have made the best decision on what to do with the rechargeablebatteries. I hate to say this but the Aprit 20 incident hlped speedup our discussiors out. with Saft. I realize this is a touchy topic but we are trying to do the our best and it does seemto be dragg-tng f{ay Jabn Mgr. Engrg.II Drilling Controls

Cameron 6650 Bingle Rd HoustonTX 77092 Office713-423-8860 Fax 713-:123-8850 Moin 713-354-1900 RaY..lahsge't-o'com

---Original Mcssegc--* From: Van Lue, Jason Sent:Tlrursday,May27, 2010 t I :41 AM To: Jab& Ray; Ronchetto, Thomas Cc: Corrrnedo,Riohard; Gaude,Edward C. Subject:Re: TestingAM!' Sub Sea.[ Ray, What does anything belorv have to do with testing of tlre AMF. Also keep in mind that the number I topic in the indrstry about testing, thcy are right now is AMF testing due to the Horizon incident. So no one has to say anyhing to the cu-stomer all coming to us. Hc didn't ask about changing battcrics, hc askcd about tcsting thc AMF sub sca-

Jason ------OriSinalMessage-----From: Jahq Ray To: ThomasRorohetto Cc: JasonVan Lue Cc: Richard Coronado Cc: Gaudg EdwardC. Smt: May 27, 2O1O 1: 15 AM I Subjcct:RE: TcstingAMF Sub Sca.[

5( 5Z
Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

cAM CrV 03n&9 cAM-Clv_o322M9

Wheredid this come from? I didn't sayaqthing aboutlettinga customer knowarythingaboutanypossible testing.Weare still in discussions Saftandnothinghasbeen with decided whatto tell ourcustomers. need keepthiswholesubject of We to to ourselves Engineering decided thebestsolutionto thequestion until has on ofwhento change thebatteries. out

Ray-Iahn Mgr. Engrg.II Drilins Conlrols

Camcron 6650BingleRd Houstou 77092 TX Ofitp 713-423-88ff) Fax 713-423-8850 tv{ain713-354-1900 Ray.Jahn@c-a-mconr@

From:Ronchetto, Thornas Sent: Thursday,May 21,2010 10:56 AM To: JahqRay Coronado, Richard Co:VanT,ue, Jason SubjectFW:Testing AMF SubSea.I


See Strno's request below



cAM_CrV_0322470 CAM_Ctv_o322469

Cameron 6650BingleRoad Tl{77092 Hou6ton, Tel 113-423-8946 Ccll281-900-2273 com thomas.ronolretto@c-a-m.

raser@Stern.coml tmaitto:tain.f Thursday, 27,201 l0: 15 AM iloday 0 Sent: To: VanLue. Jason;; Cedric.Seriel'; Cc:Rob.Andersrrn@Stena.oom; Ronchetto, Thomas AMF SubSca.[ Subjcct: Tcsting

Jason providesome Controls Team fi'ornCIW HOIIST'On Canyouplease Input/ Guidance

the on # Whatis CIW inputinto testing AMI' SubSea a Well.

ofnot regaining Controlaftersucha testdoneSubSea. Whatarethechurces

doingthistest? of Any knowledge peo,ple


Iain Fraser

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Stena Drilling Ltd, Ullevi House, Greenbank Crescent, Tullos,Aberdeen, East AB12 3BG. + Tel + 44 1224401180,f'a1 44 1224897A89


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