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From: To: Cc: Bcc: subjecL

Jahn,Ray [o=ccc/ou=ccc-cLy-BACK END/GN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JAHNR] Erwin, Carter;Gaude, EdwardC.

1113t2006 pM 2:32

RE: PNA 332: NewDeadmanBatteryLife Expectancy JB-CER-00224

Aftachments: image001

The rcsults rverenot published to the oustomr as not to let themkno."vour safetymargin. The results showtxlrhat the batteric so shtxrld last 7? actuationsor two yearsof nomal operation. What Cameronpublishesto thc customersis 33 actuations or 1 year of nomal operation, The test run on the previousbatteriesis the sametestrun on the new battenes. Ifyouguvswanttotellthemthat,thatissolelyuptoyou. Thesafd.vmarginistoprotectCameronfromanyliabrlity. 'I'hey uoed to tell us what they are doing, what ounent is being drarvnfrom the batteries,how rhe test is being conducted,etc. -I'heyneed give to us the cletails and let us determineif what they re doing is right Actual test were run at Bingle anclthe batterie*. lasod more than 6 or 7 cyclesl I rvitnessed myselfon lhe Ilorizon SEM this Ray Jahn Ph.#713 939 2'.t68 Fax-#7 L3 939 2169

Frorn: .Erll-in, Carlcr Sent:Friday, January 2006 l:59 PM 13, To. Gaude, EdwardC. Cc: Jalur,Ray Subject:RFI:PNA 332: New DeadmanBatteryLife Expeotancy JB-CER-00274

Ray. What were the restlts- Im not going to give the data to the custorner you statethe resunswere similar or beuer.Similar or betterto what? but Carter Erwin Service Manager Offrce:713-939-2014 CeIl: 281-799-7564

Itom: Gaude,h,&vard C. Sent:Friday, January 2006 11:26AM 13, I'o: Er-w,irl.Carter Subject:I'l\r: PNA 332: New Deadrnan BatteryLife F.xpectarLcy JB-CER-00274

Calter, SeeRay'srepl,v.Dont knou,'if this w'ill suffrceor not. Ed Gaude Engineering Manager Dnlling Conhols Carneron

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court


713-939-2556 Offtce. gaudeec@camerondiv. com

From: Jalrq Ray Friday, January 13,2006ll:19 AM Sent: 'I'o: Gaude, Edward C, Lifb Expectancy JB-CFllt-(Kr214 RE: PNA 332: New DeadmanBattery Subject:

Gaudeln the pustvrc hnve not suppliedtest date to customers. All I can tell them is tbst Saft performed the silne test we ran Lnour lab and the results were similar or betber. Ray Jahn Ph.#7139392768 Fax#713 939 2169

bdwald C. From:Gaude. Sent: Friday, January 13,200611:11AM T'o:Erwin. Carter Cc: Jahn, Ray C ( Subject:RE: PNA 3321New DeadmanBattery L,ifeExpectancyJB-CER-002?4

Ray, '' and I believeyou have respondedto a similat questionbeforeconcerning the anticimted life expectancy the way we tes'ted - new batteries provide this idormation to Carter. Couldyouplease Ed Gaude tngineering Manager Dnlling Cmtrols Cuneron (lfrice.713-939-2556 gaudeec@camerondiv. com

From: Erw-in,Carter 2:53 PM Sent:Thursday,January 12, 2C{Jl6 '[o: Oaude, Edward C. FW: PNA 332: New Dee&ran Battery LrfeE4ectancv JB-CER-00274 Subject:

Ed, Canyou provide tho rozultslbr the testing, CarterErwin ServiceManager Qff\cg713-939-2014 Cell:281-799-7564



l Fi'om:Jody Ballard. tmailto:JBallar&@pride 'l'hutsday, January12,20062:45 PM Sent: Ca:ter To: Errrr"in. Cc: Danny Fugate;TonyHogg Robert1'aylor.D:ricek Berurie b,xpctancyJU-CL'.R-00274 Batteryl,,rte Subject:PNA 332: New l)eadman

Carter, bartoriesinto the Pride North Americaspods. One of the pods he had to functict Darmy andjust completedthe gstallation of the new Deaclman tx the Deadmansystem6 or 7 timeswhile troubleshooting.T'he hvo b atter (pln 2232362-0 1) thatpower the SEM at the stalt of the Deadman lvere depletedduring the course offunctioning 6 or 7 ttmes. sequence ha<l Accordiug to Darury,Carueron perfonrred test ofthe old style balteriesto detennine their life expectalcy, hastestingbeen perfonne<lon the fonvard us a copy of ttretest tstlts. nervtype batterl'- If so plea-se

JodyBallard Subsea Superintendent Departuent PrideSubsea'I'eolurical Offics 713-917-218-5 Cell:281-382-8622


cAM CtV 0083916

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