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l)age I

],I ]X ISNIJX S' CODI] OII IIF))I'IIAI, I{IJCi I I]I,A'IIONS Cop_vriglrt) 20I I . by Matthcu' (c IJender Conrpanr,.menrber & a (iroup.All rights olthe l,exisNesis rcsencd. *"* l'lllq sBc'floN Ill c[JliltliN'1'IIROU(it] ll:[i stipt]tMLluR 22.20lt *:r{, +** ISSllli OF TIIIi IrlrDllRALl{tr(ilq'fFR *** 'l'l'fl-l:l -.10 MINtItAl. RllSOtlttcliS CIIAPI'l'il{ ll--lltlRLiAII ()F OCIiAN }:iNl:)i.(iY MnNAGIiMiiNl', RIiGtll-Al ION. AND EMTORCUMI]NT, l)EI'ARI'MI'N'| OII 1'IIF]]N'II]RIOR SI.IIJCI lAl)l ljR Il -- OttljrSI lollU I)AI{'I 250 -- OII, NND GNS ANI) SUI,PIII]ROPLITA-IIONS TI-II' OIJ'TER IN CONI]NENI AJ, SIITI,I' S{BPAR] D.- OII, AND GAS DITII,T,ING OI'LRAI]ONS jN'rS cAStN(; AND CIjMI_iN'UNG ItEQIJII{EM}

Gn to the CFR Archive Dircctorv 30 ('F|t 2-t0.121 r\ 25t)42 I Wltatarc thc casing andceutcnting reqnircments tlpe of oasing by string'? hc tabl{iiu this secti<xr idcntitlesspeoifiodesign,setting.anii oenrcnting rcquirelrentsfirr casilg strilgs ancllir.rers. ptt4)oscs |or llrcr oI'subpartD. thc oasingstringsir.rurderoi nomralinstallationareas f<rllc'xvs: drive or structural, con'ilre <lrrctor. surlaccintenncdiatc. prrxJuction and casings DistrictManager rnayapprove prcscribe lincludingliners). or othcrc:asirrg ccnrcnting ancl requirements u'hereappropriate. ( or 1.aI)r'ir,c 1 Shuclural Casing rorluircurents Sctb_v driving,jotting. or drilling kr thc minimunrdepthas approvcd or prescribed the b1' DistrictManagcr Design casing andsclect scttingdepths based on rclelant cnginocring and -l'hcse gcokrgicl?rctors. lirctors includcthe presetlce abscnoe or ol' hvdrocarbons. potcltial hazards. rvatcr and depths Sctcasingin'rmcdiatel_v betbredrilling irrto lirnuationsknoun tcr contain or gas.It oil \'()uencountcr or gas oil or uncxpccted lirnnation Cementing requireruents If'you drilleda portion <lfthishole,vou lltust useenoughcementto llll tlrc annularspace back to tlre mucllinc. llsc enough cenrent llll to tl.rc calculatcd annular spaccback to thc rnudline. Verif\'amular lill bv obsen,ing cenrent retums If vou camot obsen'e ccnlentreturns,use adcliti<lrial cerncnt tcr cnsure llll-bircLto thc rnr-rdlinc. Ijor drilling on an artificial islaudor r.vhon usinga gloryhole,vou 'I

(tr) Corrductor

Exhibit No' . Worldwide Co-urr

Page2 .l{)c]rlt 25t).421

Casirrg tr,pe

(c) Stnlircc

Casing rctluirentcnts prcssure bclirre thc planued casing point. t ou must set casmg intntcdiatelv l)esign oasingand selcct scttiug dcptl'rsbascclon reler.anlcnginecriug and -l'hcse geokrgic lactors. llrctors inclutlo thc prescnceor abscnccol' h-v drocartrons. pr>lenial t hazards.and water dcpths

Cementing requirements nrustdiscuss ccment lhc fill ler,clu'ith the DistrictManager. flsc cnor4rh ccnrent llll to thc calculatcd amrular space at lcast200 to l'cctinsidc theconductor casing. Whongcologic conditions suchasrtear-surlace liacturcs andIaulting e\rst,r'ounrustLrsc cnougltccr.nent lill thc to oalculated annular space to tltr mudlinc. Iise cnough ccmcntto covcrandisolate all h-v drocarbon-bcaring zqrcs andisolate abnonnal pressure rntcn'alslionr nonrtal pressurc iuten'als in thc r.lell. As a minjlrtutn,yt'rumust ccntcntthe aunularspace 500 l'eet abor,e casing thc shoeand 500 l'eetabove cachz<xtc be isolated. to tjsc enough ccntcnt to cover0r isolate all hydrocarbon-bearing zones abovcthc shoc. you As a nrinirnunr. must ceurcn[ amrular the space at least500 l-ect abovc {hcoasing slroc and5()0 l'cctabovethc ultpcmrosl hydrocarbon-bearing zonc. Samcasccmeltting retluirentonts specilic lirr casng t_v1tes. iior exaurplc, lincr uscdas a intenrrcdiato casing urust be cerncntcd accordiugto theceurenting rcquircurcnts lbr intenncdiate casing.

(d) lrttcnncdiate

l)esign oastrg and selecl sctting dcptlr bascd on anticipatcd or cncountcretlgeologio characteristir;s or n'ellbore cotditions

(c) l)nlduction

l)esigncasing andsclect settirrg depthbased on mticipated or cttcotullercd goologic characlcristir;s or n'cllbore conditions


Il'_vou a lineras usc oonductor surlhcc or casrng, ntustsetthe !ou ttry o1'the liner at least 200 t'eetabovctlre prevl<rus casing/l ir.rcr shoo lf t'ou u^se lincr asul-r a intcnucdiatc stringbclou a surlircc strirrg or procluctiol-rsingbelou, ca an intcnucdiatestringrlrustsctthetop ol thcIinerat lcastl0() lbct abovethc prcvious casingshoe.

Page3 l0 c|R 251).421

HISTORY: 168 81D, !t126, I,'R trcb.2r).2{){)3J ATTTHORITY: AII]'[lOI{ll'Y NO't'Li Apt)t.tCAI]I.|l IaNIIRIiI)AIi t.: TO a -r1/ j.,\1('. t75l---tI (i.s.('.970I.13 It.S.C.t331. NOTLS: N()'l IiS nPILlCAIltJrl't-()IN'fititi't'l't't.t,i: (]lt()liSltI:lrIjIt|jNCJjS:I]urcauofl,ant1Managetttctrt.,|)cpartrllctrttrl.t1re[titoritlr,regulatitrnsrl,irespec1 luuds. Clrll. cl-raptcr subchaptcr 43 ll. C. l;cdcrallrltergr'[logulaton'Conturissirln. l)epartmcnt ol'Irncrgv:llt CI;Rchaptcr I. l'rllcign'['radcStalistics, I]urcauol'thcCcnsus,l)epartrncntol'Colnutercc: l5CIIRpart30. I"orc51 1." regulations 5.'t.r rolatingto tnincraldcr,clopmcnts miningin nationai sts:36 CIIR part251. and ibre (jcucral Scn icosAdnlinistratiou rcgulations stockpiling strategic crilicalnatcrials:4l CfR subtitle subfilr of ald Ccltaptcr C. ( icologit:al liun cr,: .l(lCIFI{chaptcr IL Irrtcrslatc Conrnrcrce Clornnrission: Cl|R c}nuterX. 49 I Jttlcauol'Irrtlian Alljrirs. I)epartrncnl thc Intcnor.rniningregulations: Cf R chapter subclra'ter ol' 25 I, I. lll)l l ( )l{ln L No l-lj: othcr regulations issued thel)cparhnent thc lnteriorappoiri1 title 25,chapters antlII: title bv of I - 1 6t : l r a p l c r I . t i t l | . c h a p t c r I I 4 . t i t l c 4 - 3 . a n d t i t l c 5 ( ' ) , c h a p t c r s I a n i l I V . 4e

N()t Iis AI)l)l.lCnBl.l:iI'() IiNI'lRIi l)Alt.l': ohanges ll)l il ll.llil lliR.'SN() l'l i: Notnenclaturc all'ccting l)art250appcar 7I t'tt 16398, at 16-igg,16J00, Aug. 14. 2{X)(r. I I Pl Jlil ,l Sl llll{'S Nol'}i: For t:ctlcralltegistcrcitations conceming l)aft250 Availubilitv9f a1 Inilial l{egulatorr, Iilerib i l i t vA n a l r , " i s .c c :7 - il 4 l u O 7 t 7 . I ) c o .3 . 2 0 1 0 s 2 I 6Ol rnrrtls

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