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Technology Bulletin
p.o. Drawer j431,Duncan, oktahoma 73536_0403 usA

No. cMA-e.-ool
Date 03-12_96



SUBJECT: SA-541Delayed HydratingSuspending Aid

Approved R.C.

Table1-3A641 PhysicalProperties aid Function suspending andfree- Part Number ruafar ennfrnl anont Golor Form
:ream to pale mlor

516.01068 1.40
47 tr,ft3


SpecificGravW Bulk Density

SA-541 is aid controlagent hasminimal that @artNo.516.01068) a suspending andfree-water effecton surface mixing viscosity.It canbe usedwhenothersuspending aids,suchasFWCA or FDP-C533 cause slurrymixing problems. Whencement slurriescontaining SA-541areheated to greater temperatures than 150"F,the materialyieldsto suspend downhole solids. SA-541counteracts thermalthinningof cement slunieswhile allowingthemto be easilymixed.SA541 is mildly retarding canbe usedat temperatures low as 150"F.The amountof SA-541 and as usedin a cement slurrydepends several on factors, someof which arelistedbelow: . . . . water-to-cementratio additionlevel of dispersirgadditives suchasretarders presence KCI of amountof weightingmaterialcontained heavy',veight in slurries

Normally,the additionlevel of SA-541will not exceed 0.5%by weightof cement (BWOC). SA-541will not work in saturated slunies. salt

NOTICE:Thisdocument confidential, proprietary is property Halliburton of Energy is supplied for use by Halliburton EnergyServices employees only and shallnot be copied,published disclosed or in wholeor in partwithout priorwrittenconsent Halliburton the of Energy Services.


Exhibit No. Worldwide Court I

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Business Confidential


No. CMA-96-001 Date 03-12-96

Technology Bulletin


Table 2-Effect of Temperature on 5A641 Hydration (Premium Cement, 35%SSA-2rusilica, 0.5%Halado.4l3 additive, 0.5%SCR-100rM retarder, 4.3 gal/sk water, 12.3 lb/gal)

sA-541 (%BWOC) 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Temperaturc fF)
Ambient" 190 Ambientu

Yield Point Fann Data (600-300-200-100) (rb/l00 f)

zfi-124-8240 12.-y-36-16 28./-'t44-100-ffi 270-13&i9244 212-102-72-38 170-80-50-25 2M-136-9244 344-194-1 36-80 480-300-226-140

4 6

110 140

0.1 160 8 0.1 190 44 0.2 190 1n uFann readings takenimmediately mixing. after bstirred t hour atmospheric for on consistometer Fannreadings before weretaken. Table 3-Thickening Timesof SlurriesContaining SA-541 (Pemium Cement 4.3gal/drwabr 16.4lb/gal)

0.0 0.5



Thickening Time (hr:min) 2:23

125 125


Premium Cement, 35%SSA.2r[ d Ii ca, 0.5%SCR-1 retarder, 00rM Halaf-413 additirre, gal/dr water, 17.3lb/gal 0.S/o 4.3 0.0 0.1 2N 4:25 3:50


Table tl-{JGA Datafor Slurries ContainingSA-541 (Premium Cemenf 43 gal/d<wabr,16.4lb/gal 15eF) at

sA.541 (%Bwoc)
0.0 0.5

Ini6alSet (hr:min) 2:30 9:01

500 pd (hr:min) 4:12 12:55

2&hr strcngth (pri) 3,080 1,680

PremiumCement,35%SSAArn dlica, 0.5%Halad@4't3 additive, 0.5%SCR-100rf retader, 43 gal/d< water, 17.3lb/gal at 20(PF 0.0 0.1
11 : 1 6

4,710 4,200

13:00 Page 2 of 4

Business Confidential



Technology Bulletin

No. CMA-96-001 Dare 03-12-96

Table S-Suspension Propertiesof SA$41 in FleavyweightSlurries (Pemium Cement, gS% SS*2il dlica, Z2 |b/d<Hi0ense@No. 4 wei ght additirre, 0.6Yo Halaf413 additive,1.?/o retader , 0.6o/oHR@-25 SCR-100il additive, gal/d< 4.'16 water, 18.5lb/gal)

sA"541 (%BWOC)
0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

Temperaturc fF) Ambient" 1q) Ambientu 190


Fann Data (600.300-2m-1oo) 526-27G180-90 1C2&-52-24 558-30G190-92 500-28G192-100 600+40G2@-130

Veld Point

(rb/100 #)
14 42 60

takenimmediately mixing. after "Fannreadings bHeated 3fr)"Fin stining to fluicl-lms thencooled 150'Fbefore cell, to Fannreadings vvere taken. Table 64ftct on of Tempenature l-lydrationof SA.541 (PremiumGemen! 35%SSA-2rir dlica, 1%HRP-15 additive, 4.3galld< water,17.3lb/gal)

sA,541 (%BWOC)
0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5

Temperature fF) Ambierrt" 't40


Fann Data (6m{0G200-100)


Veld Point (tb/100ff)

'40 180

8&3G2G10 1U&-ffi-zf} 312-17U118{/. 348-23&188-128 230-11G706 4gt-32*2ffi-176 600+So}} 00+ -542

28 128 1t2

14 180

takenimmediately mixing. after "Fannreadings

Table 7-High-Temperature Suspension Properties of SA-541 ( P r e m i u m C e m e n ! 3 5 % S S A - 1 r uf l o u r , 1 . 0 %H a l a d o - 4 1 3 d d i t i v e , 1 . 0 o /S C R - I 0 0 r t r e t a r d e r , a o gal/sk water, 17.3 lb/gal) 0.5% HR@-25 additive, 4.3

sA-541 (%BWOC) 0.0 0.1 0.1

Temperature ('F)
190 190 3004

Fann Data (600-300-200-1 00) 186-86-56-28

Yield Point (rb/l00 ft2) 46

562-304-204-104 570-296-1 90-92


uHeated 300"F in stining fluid loss cell, then cooled to 150'F to beforeFann readingswere taken.

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Business Confidential

HAL 0045049

No. CMA-96-001 Date 03-12-96

Technology Bulletin


Table 8-SA41 in KCI ContainingGement (PrcmiumCemen! 35%SSA-2rM dlica, 0.8%Hataf413 additine, 0.2Plo SCR-100il retarder,6.2gal/d< water, 16.1lb/gal)

sA-541 KCI Temperaturc Fann Data Veld Point (%BWOC) (%BWot^,) (6m-300-200-100) (tb/ff) fF) 0.0 0 7s3&2+12 Ambienta 0 0.0 0 190 200-10t7744 16 o 0.1 3 1S 1m46-30-16

o.2 o.2



6*32-2G12 130-654e25

takenimmediately mixing. after "Fannreadings bSlurry 1mLof freerraterandno settling, had

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HAL 0045050

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