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From: Sims,DavidC 2009 Sent WedJan28 19:18:17 To: Mplicco,TerryP Cc: Hafle,MarkE Subject RE: Macordo prospectinfo lmportance:Normal and Terry,thanks yom quickresponse blp with this. WeIl say lirused on finishingtheAPBwork sourccan for desigt. FYI, ifnt endup criteria, wr finalizethecasing we the orderbursldisksandnowthatwe have complaion 'hat (driUingis due casing to capitalpressure dritling this well rhisyear,it s donbtfirl wewudd rul anyproduction is exploration complaion SPU $). $, David David Sims Team Leader Drilling Engineering GOMDeep*ater Exploration Appraisal and Work- 281-366-0360 Mobile- ?13-304-56@ Home- 281-5?8{653 Fax- 281-36,6-3835 Mailto:simsdc@BP,com

Frern: Snh To: Cq tubjsf:

Miglicm,Tary? Wcdndal tawzry2S,-m+Yn

Sims, DavidC Hrflo, Mart q G8i,Iluawm; Maguirg Patri& G (MGE)


David, Below is a link to a Techical File Note wrinen by I{u Gai oncrrning completionoptionsfor the MacondoProjecYou had requested that we uke a look at proposedcasingdesignsand polential corpletion oprionsfor this prospect should we mort on to the weUon short notice. In Summary,the casing designsthat were discussed ultilizing a 9 ?/8" produaion string from TD to swface will work for us. Wc will likely usea 4 12" SCSSVand completionstring. Thc designshouldnot causeany major reslrictions. APB fuwesigations are still ongoing with Rich Miller, Mark IIaIle and Pat Maguire. This efforr seems be to pointing torvads burst disks asbeing reptable. As long as we do not get into VIT for APB rvc shouldbe able to completethis well without a problemLrt us know if y'ourequirc any firther suppoftfiom Major ProjectsCompletions.

Terry Miglicco Completion Tesm Leaden - Maj or Proj ects

Frem: Senlr To: Gai. Huawm Wc&udoy, Juuory 28, 2OO96:53 AM Miglio,TrryP


5e 64
Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

951 BP-HZN-21 79MD1001 34

ClB Maguirt,Patickc(MGE) SubJcetr RE:Mmdoprocp*'tltro >> << File: Macmdo Prwpect D&C Overvierv for lvlarctlO9 Spud Option.ZP

Terry, on.. This is theunfinishd draftTFNourtamhaswoil(ed . Thanks Hu

Fronr: Smt: To: Cc CaiHuam Tu6day, J.n'!ty MiglieqTnyP Meguirn Par{icl0 (MGE) info 77,2W9 12t06 YM


l'E: Macondopcpecr

Terrl', Wc met the morning with Rich Miller and Mart Hallethe SDE for rhe Macondowell reportingtoDavid Sins. Pat and I discussed and here is our srmmary of the cunent stah$ and way forward as suggested Ma*: by' . Mark got somenewPPdatayesterday and comeup a casingdesig! this morning basedonlhelsabela offst well - new casing seats.Mark wiI sendthis to Stwe Morey for saesscheckia parallel to Rich for building WellCat model for APB nitigation assesment.Timeline will be connolled bv Mark with Rich. Note: WellCat is latown to be unstablewith modifications hencethe agreement re-build rrw model... to . Matt indicatedthattbeprcductionwellheadisnotinhand and isonthe critical path; anothertightspotisthe MMS pennit which needsto be submitted30 to 45daysbeforespud and coversinforoation including anchor locations armng other data which areyet to be deemined. I\ta* also needsto re*onfirm the OCTG in stock; ' Ricbconfirmedthat he isconfidentthatburst discwill be aprimarymitigation butthe secondarytype is fuzzy and needsadditional work - for keepersthis is required. The brst discs harre6 to l0 we*s lcad time. ' Completiorscanlivewith E.5'ID throughoutalthough larger ID fortheupper4500ft likethe Isabela a uell will provide flexibility. The fieoretical PI is in the l0 to 30 range. We will keep the communicationchannelopenwith Ma* and Rich, and Mark will detenninethe feasibiliry of Mar09 spudwith inprt from our leam. Plcasclct mc kaow if tlis is an acccptablcpath and if you nccd any matcrial. Wc could providc thc draft TFN for Mark to cwplete with if he so chooses. Justa thougbt. You areprobably at lunch - pleasegrab me for rnore detail if oeeded. Rcgards Hu
Frcm: HaIlc,MakE 77, ?009 1:la ltNl

Sera: Tu6day, Jmay To: Cc:

Maguire, Pakick G (MGE) GoiHuw RE:Maunlopruaelinfo


Thank PaL I want to givc Rich rhc priliminary BOD for him to rvork on thc complctccasingdcsignforMacondo. Pae Driscoll gavee lhe headsup on this meeling Seeyou at 10 What Frac dala specifcally areyou lmking for? Mark


BP-HZN-21 7eMDL001 35 951

trror[ Tc Cc

Magpir,Prlrickc(McE Hatrc,Md(E Gai,lluarrgt RE:Mmdopoepectido You are roore tlnn welcome to join us in room 1038 at l0 Atr4t, but t have to warn you that the WellCat

Smtr Tueday,Jmry n,2009 797 AM

SubJcct Marlq Absolulelyl

to runs are not complelear4 thereforg ne arc not quit reaaly provide you with anything &fittitive at this time. My neeting this morning with Bjch is primarily to discusssomeWellCat file anomaliesin it'$ curtnt Stat, The outsanding fuformation requiredfor the model is th frac data. I am ciln*tly waiting on the Isabella team for thescparamcters. In short we are getting there,but there are still a few is$es to addrass. Regards, Pat Patrick Magulre Major Projects - GOM Completions Team BP America Inc. 2@ WestlakePark Blvd Houstotr,Texas 7?079 USA W,4-Room l0l,{-C ernail: BPOffice: 281-366,{53t 281413{335 Cell:


Ilallc,Mu*.E 6:32 AM

Sent: Tuasdry, Jmuary n,2fft9 Tor Cc; Ge|Hum Maguirc,larrickG(MGE)


RE: Macondo foepeGl irtro

Paq I urderstand you may be meeting with Rich Miller this moming at 10... would you mind if I come along? Just let me know where and confirm time Regards, Mark tlalle
DrillingEneiw BPDputsGoM 28t-356-a237 (o) 281{8?-8216(nr)

Frum: Ser*: To: Cc:

GrL Huawq Morday, Jarnr_v 26, 2M9 2:32 PM Hr0o, Ma* E Magubc, Palricl C (MG[) R8: Mmndo prospcl irfo


Hi Mark.


BP-HZN-21 79MD1001 36 951

with and for in thc Thanks chccking Patbasbeen cranking numbers WellCalfor APBprediction mitigation.Weare to bopefirlty tonorrowwhcnhe is schcdulcd bc in Houston. with Ndr Mller of tlr results aimingo disorss #l Webased werythingol theffiet wdl MC562 Osabela). l0 as spcilied 9" X 8.5' ID) or Ttre bollorn is thatCompletions cope ei0rcr 3/4' X9 718'(orbeller line could wilh just the9 7l8n(or 8.5"ID) all theway- limitedb thesizeof thcDHSV.A largcrcasing allowsflexibility of a possible l/2" valve,brt a 4 l/2' rrouldfit eitheroptions. is ty Henoe decision likely to bedrivenemirely Oe the 5 APBftat Patis prcssing andPatwmld ga backto ym if arythingclscis requird. on, you please usknow. Tlnnls again Marl. let tlre If lhereis anything like lo loofral.before 'final" results, Regards Hu
From: Ilefle,MatE Sail: Mo&y, Janrr-w262m9 2{}3 PM To: Ccr HU, Iust chcking ir to see horv the desigr was progressing for the Macondo APB mitigation. Cri llustst MaeuirG,Paric&G(MGB) RE:MastdoFclst itro


Pleaselet me know ifyou requirc any data from me. Regards, MarkHafle
Drilling rminq BP Elecpwt6GoM 2813664237 (ol 28ta{t-t216(n)

Fm: Sort: To: Ccr

Gai,Huowa Moday, Jannr-v 19. 2009 9:06 AM .Alhstin, Martin l^ $afle, Mdt E; vi$oq

Gnlhm (Pbky}, Megirc, Patrick c (MGE)



I\tarty, tvlary thanks for rhis. Would you pleaseindicate the expected atrdbonom of &e reservoir? top aclively building 0te WellCat model for 0rc casingdesign/ APB assessrnenl. Becauselhe WellCat so0ware can be cumbersomc run and apparentlycan be unreliable if the model if modified afler a run. Pat wanl to be sure to to get the PP and depth valuesas closeto the fitral as possibleto avoid rebuilding the model. Would you be able to lct us know ASAP whco your updatcwill bc availablc?Thanks. Regards Hu
Frvur: Sed: To: Cs Albctirl MalirL

Friday,Jauary 16,2009 5:06PM Gai.Huawo llaflc,MokEViMrCraham@nky) RE:MmdoFoqEtirtro




BP-HZN-21 951 7gMD1001 37

pore is I Attached a copyofthe currentMacondo pressure forecast. stilt opect some revisions theforecast I calibrate velocity-pressure to as the transform itis hardto sayhow muchtheforecast mightstill change, thecurrent but forecast is reasonable. is at Thespreadsheeta bit overwhelming first - easiest access thepressure to forecast onthe 'ML Listingi'sheet Call if youhaveanyquestions! ... is Marty >> << File:MC252_Epidote_REV02_AI 0709.x1s 5_0
MartinL. Albertin Ceoph5nical Aifuisor BPDepuater Exploration 2El-366-7153

Frorn: Sah To3

Gni, Iluswen Frirtay,Jmary 16,2009 ll05 AM

Vinsory Oraham(PinkyL Albqtfu\ Manh L Ittacoodo prosp..t irtro


Pinlt', Thank you foryour time pulling the info so quickly for us. Nfarty said hc would email me the sprc::adslrcet h@ully this PM (we oould import to casinglstress analysispackages) I sure I get Marty's enrail riglrt or nol... wc very much like to bave the PP curvesASAP to start cranking numbersbecause n:r"+e get blessingftom EPT to *e which lakes time, I summarizethe kq bits below for you to vet so ttrat we can move aheadaccefling the uncertainty range: lvfacondoprospectis about 2omiles awayftom Isabella.4-wry' closure.No salt. The temperatureis around 220F at 13500ftbelow mudline - and the water depth is -5000fi. Resen'oir pressures migbt be mmewhat Ngher than thoseat Isabell4 but Manlrs chart will haveall the details... The oil porm is likely to bein 350 to 450mD range Net Pay l00ft (+/- 50ft) API gravity: 33, CloR 1300 scflstb, No H2S, (from Piene's enrail to mc), Midmal CO2. (I followcd up with Pierrc forbubble point and wax/asphallene codcnts etc. expectingadditional ilfo fmm him if arry). I gucssfrom economicspoint of view, it may bc advantagmusto know the volumes(OOIP etc.) if $e havc to makc in compromises tubing sizing.. . are you far enoughdorvnthe road wilh thoseyet? If not, any stimatesfrom seismic volumesand porosity and Sw etc would be good enougbat this stage. Please revertasap.,.ThanksagainPinky. Regards Hu


BP-HZN-21 79MD1001 38 951

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