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From:Lacy,Kevin Sent:Tue Jul 14 12:50:36 2009 To: Thierens, HarryH; Frazelle, AndrewE; Litile,lan Subject RE: EarlyHeadsUp on the

Marianas Situation lmportance: Normal Andylet meknowrT'hen cantakea call - eitherI l:30 or afterlunch.I will meet ;'ou with Ianat 9 for regular N{ythoughts are
Get the CBL run so r4e know what ue are facing Start getting the rig BOPs repaired ( I w'ant to nuke sure rve keep TO on the hook for all ofour delays and positon ourselves a potential claim ) for Assess timelines/ assess the risks / decideon askingfor extensionof Aug 15 understand the operations and financial implications ofmoving early or stacking now

Irom: Scnt To:

Thiscro" llarry [l Tuesday,July 14,2009 7:13 ArV Frazell,Andrew E; Iacy, Kevin; Linle, Ian ItE: Edy Heads Up on the lvtrimc Situation


Andy We should at least run a CBL before coming offthe well. That will heip to plan ahead on remediation. I spokewith Geir yesterdayand he was pretty sure that rve could get reid,v it Macondo. The SIMOps for Macondo .wassigned by me yesterday H
From: Frzelle, Andrew E

Seni: Tucsday,Jul,v 14, 2009 6:51 AM To: Thierens.Harry.H; hcy, Kevin; Little, Ian Daly I leads Up ur the Mcimro HiSh Situalior

Subject; Im;rer'tuce:

The chancesofcompleting the Nakika H-2 well before the August 15 drop dead date is highly unlikely at the present time. We encounteredtrvo major obstaclesin the past 24 hours. The first being the Lower Inner Chokvalve deveioped leak. We alreadyhad an iszue a with the Upper Inner Choke Valveand basicallyno longer havefrilI utilization of the Chokeline. We can keep the vahes openby'pumping throughthem, howeverthe leak is suchthat thcre is a risk thar rhey will waslr orit and fail in tire ctosedpositiion. Wc will haveto prulland repair the stackprior to continuing with the completiol op"rut,nr-r.. The secondissueis that there tvasno hard cementin th; shoetrack. lut i.t p.oioUt5, meansthere is not much chance that we will haYeadequate cementzonal isolation. The chances were not good to sLrt with and this further diminishesthe chances a bond. of Thereare nurnerous issuesthat we will be chasingthis morning: . Readinessto move to Macando . Availabilityof AnclrorHandlingSupport Vessels ' Boats for handling the riser - we have to lay dorm riser on boats due to pulling the stack and haling all ofour completions equipment onboard. ' Geir shouldhave the 6 polyesterlines installcd at lvtacondo the tirne rve arc ready, by so this shouldnot be

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an lssue. Mannieis currenllyheaded New Orleans to and we will discuss variousoptionson the way lo Houmaand the forward a recommendation later this morning. This best option may be to temporarily abandon this one and movc to Macando to do the open water lvork. More 1ocome as this is an ea.rlyheadsup - which may be difficult to readfronr the nrorning reports, Andy

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