Confidential B P-Hzn-2 1 TSMD 100346653

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Aunual Individuat PerformanceAssessment

Name: JohnGuide
Job titlq Wclls Team leaderIleenwater Horizon Ievel: F Ncw ioinen N I Liue Menager: Ian LiCIe

SPUlFuuction: GoM/ D&C

Period rcviewed: Jan - Ilcc 2009

Employec numben

Safety;Recordable Injuries:2 or less Performance; Puma4: 53 DD/10K, Tiber:63 DD/I0K All Well Objectives delivered a costlessthan AFE. at Six rig sitevisits
2 reoorda-ble injuriesduringthefirst %of theyear. Putna2l / l0I( Tiber on rnct io te frrsi quaniia.Horhinfir AFE."Had 4 rig visitsthrough Jrme improved Safety dramatically theyearprogressed, DAFWC,HIPO's, or itrtc;i Oi n6 year.- tucotUfrlJi in tr,e as no No second half. Thirdpartyparticipation theSMSimproved in form S%to lE%,
Tiber set numerousfudustry and Bp drilling rccordsand finished 32day's / lOK Finished the year with 7 rig visits

Improve the rig site SafetyCultwe with the overall objectiveof an incidentfree woiking-environment: o Ensure PartyContractor 3rd engagement Transocean's into SafetyManagement System, demonstrated by; StartCard,participation increased ZlYoof rig population(currently 5%'1. to at i00% of 3" PartyJSEA'sreviewed gapsfilled with Transocean and r DevelopSafetyImprovement Planwith Transocean r Performan audit on eachof my trips to the rig
Third partt'startcardparticipatioq to 16% still requires tot or anentidii.Fiififig pdns-ini,hce to irnprovs up but a DwelopingSafety Improvement with TOI andBp. I haveperformed minimum SOCpu rig visit plan a oi1

Safery-improved dramatically theyearprogressed, DAFWC,HIPO'S,or INC's for theyear. No recordable's the as no in to Implunented Safety Imprwement plan"backto rhe F 94 qf. Thirqry.ry p4fipation in the SMSimproved lEo/o. basics"stopzurd rhink. Thhk plans all tasks.I performed for morethanI soc pertip

Developtheframeworkrequired achieve next levelof F;rformance to the culturc r Ensure Operations teamis involvedandinputsperformance challenge duringthe well planning process. r Strenglhen cultureof Continuous the Improvementin well performance the rig in on collaboration with Transocean. Outcome: All Well Objectives bedelivered to atZ"d ranking better. or Quartile Overall5oZ reduction DD/ lOK whennormalisetl scope, in for
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U,xhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

BP-HZN-2TsMD 1 100346653

weather) excluding 2008( 34.5%total' 17.6% 5% reduction overallNPT versus in

perfornrance. meet, Puma well objective Puma Tiberarein line for l" quartile and Bp in and 3 Tiberfinished 2 dtys| 10K, bothPuma Tiberfinistred the l" quafiile.Tibersetnumerous andindusry rccords

within rig operations: Champion oostef;ficiencies o Work with SPUCostProjectManager deliverwell services rentaltool cost savings and to in r Create cultureof everydollarcounts team- tuget ljYo reduction nonwithin the Operations a 2008, versus rig rateandlogisticscosts
Daily havc b1 bccnrcduccd - $40,000/month' culturc.Rcntals tlrc Horizon tcamhascmbraccd "cvcrydollarmattcrs" now decisions include met componsnt. the operational

Culture in place for "every dollar matters". Participatedin the Horizon contractextension. Higttlights: increasedcrew complimen! and pipc inventory at no extra cost reducing peoplc and matcrial costs

feedback with: discussions Conductregular(at least2 times per year)PDP andperformance o Challenger Engineers r SeniorOperations and Engineer, o Well Sitekaders planning execution a well program. of and the Support overalleffort to simplify theactivity setaround r Defineandcloseout two targetareas simplification. for

All lixdback compleled. Simplification targets included proceduresand dccision procEss.

All feodback completed process. procedures decision and targets included Simplification

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46654 79MD1003 BP-HZN-21

Drawon theattributes theLeadersbip of Frameworlc, of Conduct C-ode and behaviour.

Mid-year performance conversation

Deliverresults everystepis important delivery. for Drivc thcdccision prroccss bc straight to forward. people makesure Energize Everyone feelsttreyare partdthe team

Valueexpertise Tiberwasdelivered through excellent an cngincerd planthatuas followcdby thc rig bascd team. All empowered delfu,er to people make Energiz.e surcEveryone feelstheyarepan of thc rcaru

Mid-year performanoeconversation Act Dccisiycly I nccdto sctclcarlyboundarics from groups outside team lhe

Year end assessment Act Dccisivcly I improvcd thisbchaviour I still in but havework to do.

I have enjo-ved fust half of2009, I feel the teamhas the delivered on its goals and that I have been a part io the delivery.

2009wasanexcellant for tlreE & A engirreering / .vear Deepwater Horizonteam. I harestrivcdto makcit onctcam andall rn all t beliet'e havebeensuccessfirl. I Operational performance been quartile.A positives&ty cutture has top hasbeenstarted.It is now imporhntto sustain I am it. fortunatc partof thc tcam. to I enjoy corning rvork. to

yoaarenotumitdblthesi*oftheboxes. ThlsfomupandcautomaticautwhsnusdinMlcrosofiword"


BP-HZN-21 79MD100346655

performance and ratingoncecalibrated finalised. the Record individual (for and Framework FLLs andabove) otherapplicable I-eadostrip of with At a mioimurn, compliance theCode Conduct, to is GroupSundards required be ratedr ME or above.

Datee: set. Objec,tives E-signature (lndividual)

:.. Mid-year conversation

Year-end assessmert

.. E.Signature (Line manager)

and please a copy your mmputer, attheendd theyear lo you save completed form lhe Oncc have mpying at Contre, Glasgow hrsuppo( youonlheemail, to SoMoe emalthisform themyHR should Line UK- Vour Mrrager (the of on as fom This willfrenberecorded complete PeoplSdt HRsystem raord) be yurr wfrere formshqJd drctd the to US- Contacl HRManager confirm pmctice your specfic to to Line and MOW Refer your Manago / or HRmanager confirm country

Aopendir A - Develonment

within the BP LeadershipModel that I canimproveupon. Developa pictureof what Define two aspects lookslike with my line manager. that improvement

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1 BP-HZN-2 79MD1003466s6

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