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Erev Shabbat
Mincha/Maariv 4:35 pm Candle Lighting 4:30 pm

DAT Minyan Newsletter

Parshat Vayechi January 6, 2012 12 Tevet 5772
Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by the Shul Welcome Welcome to everyone davening with us today Mazel Tov Mazel Tov to Asaf and Inbal Shraiber on the birth of a baby boy this week

Shabbat Day
Early Shacharit Shacharit Mincha Maariv Havdallah 7:30 am 9:00 am 4:25 pm 5:30 pm 5:33 pm

DAT Minyan News and Events

SHAWL (Shabbat Afternoon Womens Learning): SHAWL will meet this week at 4:00 pm. Our speaker is Essies Fleischmann. Her topic: "The Brachot of Yaakov and the Impact on Our Lives as Jews. Annual Membership Meeting: The annual membership meeting will take place Saturday Night, January 28th, at 7:00 pm. We will follow the format from last year. Entertainment/ programming will be provided for children.
We will begin with a showing of the film Home Game. Home Game is a captivating film that encapsulates the surreal story of normal teenagers trying to continue an annual basketball tournament during a very abnormal summer in Israel -- the summer of 2005 during the disengagement from Gaza. This powerful film emphasizes the journey of these teenagers and their determination to win against all odds, both on and off the court. "Home Game" tells part of the untold human story to a piece of Jewish history that was overshadowed by politics.

Shabbat Learning
(All learning is at DAT unless otherwise noted.) 8:30 am: Rabbi Klein 3:25 pm: Rabbi Levys Class 45 min. before Mincha: Daf Yomi Family Yehoshua (Slamowitz) Grade 4-5 Boys Mishna Grade 8-10 Boys Gemara (Rabinovitch) 45 min. before Mincha: Grade 57 Boys Mishna After Mincha: Grade 5-6 Girls Mishnayot

mussaf minyan and program for 7th - 12th graders from 10:45 - 11:30 on Shabbat. Contact Rabbi Sunshine with any questions. Jewish Philosophy Revealed: Effort vs. Faith- What is the role of faith in my life? At what point do my efforts display a lack of faith that Hashem will provide for my needs? How do I become a person that is driven by faith? Tuesday, January 11th @ 7:30 pm. By Rabbi Klein. Shalom Zachar - The community is invited to a Shalom Zachar, Friday night at 8:00 pm, at the home of Asaf and Inbal Shraiber, 312 S Magnolia Street. Rabbi Levis class will meet at 3:25 pm on Shabbat. The topic is Ayin hara the evil eye, how it works and how to defend against it.

TEEN Mussaf Minyan There will be a teen

Community News:

Weekly Davening
Shacharit Sunday Mon, Thur Tue, Weds. Fri Mincha/Maariv Sun-Thurs Daf Yomi Sunday: M & Th: Tu,Weds Friday 8:00 am 6:35/7:30 am 6:45/7:30 am

4:40 pm

7:00 am 5:45 am 6:00 am 5:45 am

Yeshivat Shaarei DAT - You are invited to join the growing community of supporters dedicated to the success of Yeshivat Shaarei DAT High School at an Open House program on Sunday morning, January 8th at 9:30 am (173 S Poplar St). Learn about the high schools outstanding Torah and general studies academics implemented in an innovative educational program. Meet the faculty and hear from students. The high schools future depends upon our communitys active support. Please join the program, enjoy a light breakfast buffet, and make a contribution to support a crucial and exciting cornerstone of our community. Please RSVP, or Adrienne Narrowwe.

Hillel Academy DinnerThis year, Hillel is celebrating its 60th year! The dinner is January 22nd,5:30 PM, at BMH/BJ. The journal ad deadline is January 13th. Contact: 303-3331511 or for more information. Denver Academy of Torah's Open School Day is Wed. Jan 18, 2012 from 9:00AM to 11:00AM. Open School Day is a great time for prospective parents to visit our classrooms and learn more about a DAT education. Now is the time to inquire as the new student application and tuition assistance deadline is February 3, 2012. If you are interested in applying for the 2012.2013 school year or to RSVP to Open School Day please

Happy birthday to Birthday Club members Reese and Jake Eisen. Thank you to Jolie and Brent Eisen for sponsoring Youth snacks in honor of Reese and Jakes birthdays. Please help make our tefilot meaningful by refraining from talking during davening. DAT Minyan: A dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages dedicated to meaningful prayer, personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education and Religious Zionism. Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 E Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80224 (303) 281-8999

From the Rabbis Shtender:

Rabbi Asher Klein
Eight year old girl crying that she is scared to go to schoolChareidim spitting on children Protests against the medias anti chareidi bias Chilonim entering the heart of Beit Shemesh to protest the actions and policies of chareidim in Israel Calls for the resignation of the mayor of Beit ShemeshThe issuance of statements by National Jewish Organizations decrying behaviors and actions. This is truly a time that the unity of our nation is being challenged in a way that is hard to recall in recent history. Sadly, no easy solutions are in sight as the media continues to produce innumerable stories related to Chareidi/ chiloni tension in Israel. Yet, throughout this mess, the parsha seems to offer insight that may hopefully help us through this difficult time that the Jewish people are currently navigating. Throughout the past several weeks, the storyline of the parsha has essentially been waxing and waning between the strength and influence of the brothers being imposed upon Yosef followed by the strength and influence of Yosef being thrust upon the brothers. Finally, the storyline ends somewhat happily as the brothers live in harmony alongside Yosef in Egypt until his passing. The resentment that must have festered in each of their hearts seems to have become a thing of the past. The famous quote time heals all wounds perhaps played an important role. Yet, I believe that another factor was probably more profound.

Weekly Halacha
Question: Are there any halachos that I need to have in mind when preparing a vegetable salad on Shabbos?

Answer: There are several issues that often come up and one should be
careful about. Firstly, the prohibition of separating on Shabbos (borer) becomes relevant when cutting certain vegetables that have desirable and nondesirable parts. For instance, if one notices that a leaf of lettuce has a rotten segment, they should be careful to remove a good portion of the leaf as an extension of the rotten portion. By doing this, the bad has not really been separated from the good. The same would hold true when cutting a pepper and removing the seeds. One should cut a portion of the edible segment off with the section that is being expelled in order to avoid problems of separating on Shabbos. Peeling vegetables or fruit should be performed with a knife and not a peeler on Shabbos. One should be careful to perform acts of separating soon before the food will be eaten. One should also be careful when cutting the vegetables on Shabbos that they are not cut into very small pieces. This is an extension of the prohibition of grinding objects on Shabbos.

Lastly, salting vegetables can be problematic on Shabbos as well. The halacha is that one may not sprinkle or spread salt onto vegetables that are typically pickled (i.e. pickles, tomatoes, peppers). Rabbi Shlomo Zalman AuerUpon realizing that they were to settle and encamp for significant time in bach suggests that the prohibition only applies to the vegetable in the state Egypt, the brothers and Yosef may have realized that a significant shift was in which it usually is pickled. This would suggest that cucumbers may not underway. The formation of a Jewish nation as opposed to a Jewish family be pickled either whole or cut as they are pickled in either fashion, but tohad begun. The common goal and integral role of each individual in this matoes would be permissible if they are cut as they are only pickled while sacred undertaking of establishing a Jewish community did not allow for whole. Two important leniencies though are that sprinkling salt is permitthe ill feelings that were pervasive in the past. They had to set aside the ted on the vegetables if the vegetable will be eaten immediately after the differences if they were to pursue the glorified and difficult goals that salting or if oil or vinegar is adding right afterwards to the salad. This does needed to be achieved. Essentially, they needed each other and therefore not apply on Yom Tov, as salting is permitted in any event. had no choice but to accept and embrace each other. In times of blessing and bounty, the value of each Jew is harder to realize. We perform at our best when our backs are against the wall. The communiPondering the Parsha ties of Beit Shemesh and Ramat Beit Shemesh are growing by leaps and bounds, and thus, it is harder to appreciate the value of each Jew. As indi1. "When I was coming from Padan, Rachel died on me... I buried vidual philosophies across the spectrum of religiousity find that existence her there on the way to Efrat..." Why did Yaakov say all this to does not hinge in any way on others who do not share common beliefs, Yosef? 48:7 closed mindedness tends to prevail. Maintaining tolerance and appreciation of others when you dont necessarily need them is not a small task. I was 2. Initially, why was Yaakov unable to bless Efraim and Menashe? raised in a community that was blessed with an abundance of choices of yeshivahs, shuls, mikvahs, and kosher eateries. If you chose, you did not 48:8 have to deal with people that were not exactly like you. Although this may sound idyllic, the environment can very quickly become one in which people do not look very far beyond their personal desires and agendas. We are blessed to live in a community in which diversity and sensitivity are valued and encouraged. May we merit learning from the world around us and having acceptance and unity as a distinguishing characteristic of our community for many years to come. Refuah Shleima
Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shleima. Names will be kept on the list until next Rosh Chodesh.
Chava bat Tzivyeh Miriam Tova Chaya Bat Chanah Avraham Shalom Ben Henna Shira Miriam Bat Temima Chanah Elisheva Rivka Bat Sarah Noa Shami Bat Chaya Bracha Feige Bat Sarah Channa Rochel bat Henna Bila bat Alta Leah Ida bat Isabella Mikhael ben Yochaved Shoshana Miriam Bat Chanah Boruch Getzel HaCohen ben Ester Channa Bas Gittle Nechama Batya bat Tziporah Batya Nechama bat Yehudit Eliyahu Chayim Hakohen ben Sarah Rivka Danielle Chaya Bat Aviva Tim ben Mary Malka Chana bat Sima Alta Harav Yosef ben Zlata Henna Sara bas Fayga Malya

DAT Minyan: A dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages dedicated to meaningful prayer, personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education and Religious Zionism. Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 E Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80224 (303) 281-8999



Yaakov thought Yosef harbored resentment since Yaakov had not buried Yosef's mother, Rachel, in the Ma'arat HaMachpela.

The Shechina departed from him.

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