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From: Robinson,SteveW (Alaska) Sent: Thu Aug 05 14',29.

25 20'10 To: Brock,Tony;Corser,Kent;Wall,Dave;Hosein, Rodney Cc: Cowie,Jim; Pere,AllenL Subject: RE: Recommendation lmportance:Normal Bullet4 is not spelled adequately DWOP. Thecontefrin Section of DWOPis about out in 4 well plaruring general. in Bullet,t takes requirement the into deeper, individual steps couldhavehighconsequence erecuted if not that '' The correctly'. ar.iation industrl,-referssuchsteps *triggersteps" I've learned to as from Mr. Wetherbee. These as lriggcrslcps" nccda highcr lcvel proccdurcs, ofrisk urrdcrslarrding thoughtfrrl and rniligation robusl via cnsrrring iron-clad conformance applicable with ETP's.

From: Brock. Tony Sent: Wcdncsday.August 04, 20lO 7'.23PM To: Corser,Kentl Robinson,SteveW (Alaska)l Wall, Dave; Hosein.Rodney Cc: Corvie.Jim; Pere,Allen L Subjcct RE: Recommendation

guys,let me haveanother Thanks lookat this,the bottom isn'taboutpolicy line or standards abouteffective its implementation MOCand Riskmanagement, of that'swhat we needto assess. Goodwork all the same,plentyto workoff. T
Fron: $cn(: To: Cq Cim.Kml Wcdnssdav.August 0,1.2010 6:29 P-\:l Rohinson, Steve \U (Alaska): Wa1l.Daw; Rrock. Tory; Hreirr, Rodney Cou'ic, Jim; Pcrc, Allcn I.lAllcn.Percr@bp.crrnr) RE:Reconxrend3lion


We need to work this tluough DWOP 3.4 Risk Management as ruuch of this is spelled out. If rve are trying to get clearer fine but bullet 4 is already required. BtB (element 5 risk managernent) also requiredunder 4.1 in DWOP That also requiresrisk rnanagemenl is during al'l stages... ... and rnitigations. So rve have this pritten out in several areas. Is the real issue rle are not follo$ing our o\l'n guidelines? Why? is the root causc

KentCorser Drilling Engineering Manager NAG BPAmericalnc 510Westlake ParkBlvdRoom- 2.332A Holrston Texas77079 Office- 281-366-2142 Cell- 281-433-0093 Home- 281-578-3224
From: Robinsoo, Sleve W (..\luskr)


Ix f

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.




Sent: \{ednesday, August 04. 2010 6:17 PV To; C'c Wal[ Dave: Brock Tor5r Howin. Rodnel, Couie, Jim; Coreer,Kent RE;Raurrunatdalion


Guys.Jim and I had a go at dre 4th 5o11.,. . . behl'en DWOP and OMS to ersure that all elements of the group standard are Conduct a gap assessment adcquatcly addrcsscd. Map the guidancein DWOP to the existing group and drilling practices(GDPS,GRPs,ETPs. drilling practices) and activities. This and identiry any gaps where clear standardshave not been identitred for critical processes gap ztssessment shouldinclude the identification of any missing or unclqrr specrficit' in the eisting drilling practices.
(criticol processesdnd actiyities are defned as those \thrch result in hiSh consequehcee\ents (tncorrectly aecuted)

prograrnme Io ensure that all drilling assessment Develop a detailed implernentation, training and competenc-v group artd drilling opcrationsacrossthc scgrncntarc firlly in cornpliana rvith DWOP and thc associalcd practices. during the rvcll planning define phase.This Include in DWOP, a requiremcnt to conducta risk assessment should include the identification of all critical actirities (critical actirities as defined above) assessment during the construction of the well. For all identified critical activities, risks should be assessed, procedures establishedto mitigate those risks and conform to the applicable ETP's. For critical activities that are not addressedby ETP's, a mitigation plan must be establishedto addressthe risk identified. The dsks associatedn_iththe identilied critical actirities should be reviewed and approved at the define/erecule stage gats Frnm: Wall, Dar,e August 04, 2010 4:49 PM Scnt: Wednesday. To: Brock Tony: Hoseir; Rodney Cc: Robinson,SteveW (Alaska); Cou"ie,Jim; Corser,Kent Subject: Reconunendation Tony, Rodnev, I think this covers the key elementsof shat is required to get DWOP and associatedcapability in good slrape. Da'i'e

. .

bchvccn DWOP and OMS to cnsurc that all clcmcnts of thc group standard arc Conduct a gap asscssrncnt adequately addressed. Map the guidancein DWOP to the existing group ard drilling practices(GDPs. GRPs.ETPs, drilling practices) and identi$ any gaps rvhere clear standards have not been idenfrfied for critical prosses and activities. This gap assesslnent shouldinclude the identihcation ofany missing or unclear specificity in the existing drilling practices.
(criticalprocesses dnd activities are dejined as those tthich result in high consequenceetEnls ifincorrectly aecute.l.1

progranxne ensure all drillfurg to that assessment irnplementiation. training andcompetencJ Developa detailed goup anddrilling rrith arc opcrations across scgmcnt fully in compliancc D\\IOPandthc associatcd thc practrces. dcfinepltasc This . duringthc*cll planning to a Includcin DWOP.a rcquircmcnt conduct risk asscssmcnt that \ asscssmcntrouldincludcthc idcntificationof a1lthc critical groupand drilling practiccs mustbc applicd rvell risks ndtigate associated oftltis specific programrne. the to successfully

David Wall


VP HSE & IM EPT - HSE, Operations & Engineering



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