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From: Corser.Kent Sent:Sun Aug22.

19:04:03 2010 Wall, Dave To: Robinson, SteveW (Alaska); Subject:RE: Action- Appendix initialflow on lmportance:Normal WhatI wasalsotrying to and I do not understand it wouldcomein asa gasunderthat pressure temperature? why pressure is what densiry- usedfor that? understand if q'e matchthe I 3. I ppg sandto the 140(tpsi surface is

KentCorser Manager NAG Drilling Engineering BPAmerica lnc 510Westlake ParkBlvdRoom-2.332A Houston Texas77079 Office- 281-366-2142 Cell- 281-433-0093 Home- 281-578-3224
Robinmr, SterreW (.'\laska)


Sent: Sunday.August22,2010 l:59 PM To: Coner. Kmt Wa[ Dave RF,: .{cLion- Appcndir ou hriLialflorv


Kent. I assumed initial kick zone was one of the gasbearing sandsabovethe main pay. The I 3. I ppg sandnas logged the be as gas ald fterelore rvouldenter the systemas a gas. The issuer,vould drat the gas would go into solution into thc OBlvI. I supposc. So thc dcnsity to usc hcrc is not clcar. Nclcrthclcss. lhc influx volumc is bascdon rvitncss ifvou wish and useone ofthe higher-endbleed that are not certain. We cau changethe densit5'nurnber statelnents volumes from the s'itness stalements(up to 38 bbls, as I recall). Steve

From: Corser, Kent August22.2010 l:33 PM Sent: Sunday, To: Wall, Dave; Robinson.SteveW (Alaska) Subjccf Action - Appendix on initial flow below. I do nol Dave - I r.vas reviewing the appendix on initial flow r.viththe u,rilers. We cameacrosslhe paragraphs understand how we can assumeinflux is gas. A1l ofthe bubble point calculations indicate gas rvould not break out until ^6-500' tlerelbre it should be a oil gradient rvhen it comesin. Can you explain the numbers'/ test Witnessaccountsindicatedthat in preparationfor the negative-pressure on DeepwaterHonzon. approximately I 5 bbls of seawater \4rebled fronr tlre drill pipe, rvhich u'as substantiallyabovethe compressibilityof the sl stem. to Thereforethe additional fluid was assurned be inllux lluid. (Including sealater compressibilitl',approxirnately3.5 filc bbls shoutd havebccn blcd to rcmoveprcssurefrom thc'wcll-see corresponding notc). According to witncss accounts,there were an additional 3 bbls to 4 bbts bled frorn the kill line rvhich gives an estimated total influ-i volume of l9 bbls. The influx fluid uas assumed be gls with an estirnated to densityof 2 ppg. the built to 1.400psi. The diagram oppositeshorvs expected After the volurne wasbled, the drill pipe pressure position offluids (assuming the influ:i entered at the shoe). The top of i-nflux was calculated using the 19 bbls total bleed r,olume and assumedthe gas moved through a

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Reporters,Inc.



micro-annulDs into the rvellbore.Under this assumptioq the fuIl 19 bbls of gas occupiedthe 7 in. casingfrom the top of the float collar to 17,-s58 The top of the 14.l ppg mud lvas calculatedar 7.2N ft. using the 15 bbl volume bled ft. from thc drill pipc. Thc rcmaindcr of thc column u'as 8.6 ppg sca$,atcr

KentCorser Drilling Engineering Manager NAG BPAmerica lnc 510Westlake ParkBlvdRoom-2.332A Houston Texas77079 Office- 281-366-2142 Cell- 281-433-0093 Home- 281-578-3224


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