Trex 07293

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From:Goodrnan, Wendy Sent WedMay19 18:41:542010 To: Bly,MarkR; Hosein, Rodney; Brock, Tony;Robinson, stevew (Alaska); cowie,Jim;corser,Kent; Wetherbee,

JamesD.;Wall,Dave;Defranco, Samuel McNeillie, J; Graham pagram, A; Bronwyn Lucari, F; James Lucas, L; Matt;Nash, Mike (legal); A; Jim(James); o'Bden, Emmerson, C Tony Cc: Goodman, Wendy; MC252_Email_Retention Subject Transocean Horizon Incident Master Project InformationS-19-,l0.xls Key lmportance: Normal

Transoceau Horizon Incidenl InvestigaLionAction [.og (L]pdatedMay 19th, 2010)

Key Activities - Current Day (Mav 19, 2010) Kev 23 Activity OConlirm ODetermi SPA Date we havc ne valuc of Ilaised last set of brining Duc Datc Tcst for broadcr Slatus Upper teams CommenL Annular& logether know to share outcomeof current Lesting. staLe of Project OPass informatio and n alongto understan 'l'ony d reievant Emmersoninforma:iorr Kcnt 19-Vay OEstablis In ha Progress process to ensure leamsare updaled on with if we have current Weatherlo facts& rd-7" findings float Tony collars in 19-May stock In aroundllP Progress world?? ODiscuss ed broa.der teams meeting the

I a'13_
Exhibit No. -Worldwide Court ters, Inc.



106 MBI 107 t08 109 GoM 110 ill 112 Daily Hearing OCont.inuONeed Facts& Olook Lo OCheck Decision Preparatio e to work followup Findings- secure resource rights & n: with GoM with ROPTeamresource availahility provides on Kaluzato fiom Hose fbr who providing confirm Olracilitat due to Technical overall access to volumes e West Document guidance rcsourccs (50bbl) discussion Enginccrination on daily & data communica with list of g being Review & operations requcst tcd by Individuaisretaincd Administra. (BPs (DEnsure Lee. by TO; tive system,/ Jim necessary Additional lVeatherbealso Support TransOcea Coverage conllrlnallo e looking Lo OCheck n sysLem) is available rvillcomeidentified secureBP KBR n ODetermi duringthe from hv 5-20. resolrrces resources ne Process absence TransOcea Interest of Q ensunng for Key n Steve may be to individualsCAI) managing Personnel Kent secure )g capabilitie updates/c Mikc D 18-May individualsNational s Wcndy hangcs & 18-May 19-May as SfrdEs Oil, 19-\4ay how 18-May In communica fHow do Subsea 21-\{av ln Progress we Solutions In ted. Olv{aximissummarizecan also be Progress e clarity facts& an option OChallen Conrpare (possible) evidence Graham ger or what's on fluid identified McNeillie similar noted in volumes by GoM l9-lvlay type role lv{anuals inlout o1' Response 21-lv1ay to support (DWOP& riser Team In readins TO) vs (Lambcrt); ORcvicrv Progrcss manual"s how impacton Daily Logs OPursuingetc As process modelling. & identi$, due to rvellas works in key West support reality

individuals to confirm specifics, schedule

Engineerin g being retained bv TO

group Discussion s/lntervie ws with personneL


Data manageme Re-struct rrt ure Note (Document to File to

necessary O(stact
Observati ons, Yellow-Po d Sratus, Modilicatio ns, Maintenan

understan d how procedure sor written orders Owitt research were Consultant documente flrms as d& rvell applied OConfirm the work Jim C is leading covers

ation Admin)Technical Project Mgr.



e Tesl local TransOcea Determine contact nto what'sRPsthat. can ensureil. cstablishc pror.idc mects d infbrmation'l'eams Process/P Jim Cowie needs. rotocalfor Mikc OEach Negative Danaker teamto 'I'cst 15-May assigna (Procedure 2l-May SPAto In ). work with OCurrenLl Progress Bronwyn y working OIn to confirm to Progrcss ORevicw understan Working TO Ops d GoM to idenrif,, lVlanuals establishe contact conflrm d Oldcntifii informatio procedurc.local n includcd - Dave Determine contact what's our that can Wall provide Design leading standard informatio Jim Cowie n ODetermi ne what, John Wright resources 13-May are needed 20-May to support In Documcnt Progress ation (DDetermi lvlanageme ne if ntthere'sa Engineerin BP Way establishe Technical d for resource (i.e. Negative test"'wha review of t is the drawings, Standard etc.) -KBR OConlact (C^D ) Golv{ Well IM IJron Authority DaveW to confirm l3-May if there'sa ln Standard Progress for Oonce Negative reconciliati Test & ii on is rt J complete followcd scnd rigorously supplemen tary rcquestto

include [.egal, recommen (other?? ) dationsin thc Prelimlnar y repoft actoringin risk fo invcstigati on being incomplere Stmcture ofrepon to be provided to lvlark for review 5-13. Jim O'Brien l3-lvlay 27-lvlay In Progress ORequest to havea first pass by closc of Business Friday 5-2t. (DTeam Leadsto provide updateby Wednesda v 5-19

obtained willbe used '1'ony lJrock l2-May In Progress Schedule Conversati on with N,IBR/TBl G\,lN 15 05 to conclude



causes of & between blow-ou:s communica the in GoM.- ted to Investigali Kcnt lnvestigati on 'l'cam& on team in the GoM OCompar a timely SPU c curcnt manncr Lcadcrship Risk Tony matrix Brock against Jim findingsto LuCari ensure all 14-N,{ay potential In issuesa.rc addressed and understan d ifr:sk were missed. Dave ODeepwa ter Developm ent & Exploratio n Wells, Offshorc, OnshoreDetermine if pattern changeas we progresse dto deeper waters. What's changed in lhe layer's


specol what desiredior analyzcs is Complete Submittcd to MMS

Currently awaiting MMS approval to proceed with Analysis

protection . - Dave to draft high scope of request. Kent Corser DaveWall Cheryl Grounds 13-May In Progress




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