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File Note Intbfrnation regardingkick takenon Deepw?

terHorizon on March 8tlt 20t0 During the BP lnvestigationinto the blow out ands:bsequentloss oflife and sinking of the DeepwaterHorizon the lnvestigationTeam were madeawareof a kick that occurred 8th on the samerig on IVIarch 2010. The eventsof March 8th were reviewedto determine if therewere any similaritiesbetweenthe two events. Thc Trunsocean llell Conpol Hundbooh (Manual Nutnber HQS-ON-HB-01, ksuc Number 03, RevisionNwnber 01, RevisionDute ilIarch 31st,2009) statesthe folknfing: The OIM must complcte a ltl'ell Confi'ol Evertt Rcprt (WCER) and send it to lhc Rig Monager PerJbrnnncefor reviev aJier any type oJ'v,el|control operation. The report must include on accoilnl of'any equipment-relatedprOblemsthat may hove ocarrred kick detection the vell contt'ol oparation. Rigsequippedv'ith a compr.ttsrised ,\ystem,shouldhove o p'intouL of the tecorded datafrom the vell kick attoched n the ieport. A copy oJ'tlte reporr nwst belontorded to the lTell Operations Group and regionol lrai ning.cenlre. Event Report numberOER-DWH-10-023containslimhed The Transocean Operations informatiorris still "open" and statesthe following: in section. Driller observedincrease flow Evenr - While drilling 14 314' x 16 112,'hole and drop in ECD. Well was flow checkedand shut in. Reasonfor event - Drilled into abnormalpressure. Actions Taken to Corect Problem- Attemptedto obtain shut in drill pipe pressure, packedoff. unableto determinedue to bottom hole assembly of Changesmadeto PreventRe-Occurrence Event - Still underreview. Total Online Downtime ibr Incident - 202 hours. Hole size- 16.5 Casingsize- 16.00 Well depthTVD - 13304 Well DepthMD - 1i305

CasingshoedepthTVDfivID - I1585 Pressure 120Psi Shutin Casing Pit GainInflux bbl: - 12.00 LeakOffTest - 12.50 MAASP - I2,5

Shutin DrillPipe Pressure0 psi to Time allowedfor pressure stabilise 30.00 Mud Type - Rlreliant Org lvludWeight - l l.9

Exhibit No. Worldwidc Court Inc.



ECD at BHA- 12.34 BOP Size- 18.75 ExpectedKick Zone Max pressureat surtbcewhile circulating inllux Riser Size- 19.5 Fluids Choke Line FluidsKill Line -

Kick Tolcrance_ 0 RatingType oflnflux - Gas well Kill Method - other Barire Stock- 54g Choke Line Density _ FluidsKill Line Density-

The quality ofthis report is seenos poor and it lvould appearthat no in depth investigationwas madeto detenninewhy an influx of rhis nugnitude was taken and whv the response close in the flowing well appears havetakeiin the^region 33 to to of minutes. practiceSectionI5.2.t2 states: The BP Drilling and Wells Operations A well control incident report shall be completedand documentedwithin the Tr@ction reporting systernfollowing any well control incident. To date no report can be ficundwhich refersto the incident on March gth. A presentationpreparedby the BP Macondo well onshoreengineeringteamslated the

"t'1*tH;,,,urg I e ppc sMw 12.41 w/l EcD/ 12.3 ESD


o Started taking influx while drilling at 936pm/ shutin at I0:09 pm (30 mins) o Pickedup offbottom 1Oft . Shut lower annular r 35 - 40 bblsgas influx o SICP = 380 / Atternptedto DP float *ith 500 psi - no communication . Pipe stuck - fircd jars (5' movement)and took overpull again r Shutdorvnand meazured pressures o Expected influx from l0'sand at 11.250

The Driller on tour wlren the kick was taken was Dewev Revelte. JasonAndersonthe Toolpusherwlm was involved in tlre Macondo blow out was on the rig at the time but it is not known if he was on tour. The Transocean Drillers Report completedby for lv{archgth statesthe following: l2:00 - l5:00 continuedrillingfrom t2575' ro 12g52'. pump 80 bbt highvis pill @ 12950' Raisenud weight frorn I1.8 ppg to I t.9 ppg. conrroldril dueioEcb ti.,+ g I28o7. Drilling parameters as fiollow's: are woB:3/4K. pu'rp #3 and#4 @ s6 spM.


psi. pressure:34l0 Tor: l0/l lK psi pump @75 SPM:830 (400GPM),Pump #2 boost systent Monitorwell on active PU:528K. S/O509K. RPM:135, Rot:s14K, Tor:3/4K, O/B for gains losses. and B/U remaining from I to I 5:00- l6:30Circulate 12,852' lowerECD(12.4 ). Purnp @ system well Ivlonitor on active vispill @ 12.852. first highvispill. Pump100bblshigh gains losses. and for Mud weightI1.9ppg. Drilling to l6:30 - 22:00 Continue drill from 12,852' 13,305'. to (950GPM)' parameters asfollows:WOB 3/4K,Purnp#3 and#4 @88 SPMeach are PAI:538K' Rot:522K, OB-Tor:4/SK, RPM:135, Tor:10/12K, 3500 Pumppressure: psi. for S/O:517K.Monitor well on activesystem gainsandlosses. for up gain 22:00 0G00Observe of l0 - l2 bbls.Picked offbottom. Checked florv bbl well flowing.Shutwell in on lowerannul@ 22:05hourswith estirnated:35 gain. drill to attempt openfloat in dritl pipeto establish pipe and Monitorpressure recorddata, 480' 500psi. Casing Drilt pipepresstrre prssure bringpump#4 to 2 SPM. by and to continue monitorpressure record psi. established, pressure:380 No communication data. 8th for by Reportcompleted EadLee andMuray Sepulvado N{arch TheBP's Openwells is very similarbut with thefollowingexceplions: from 12.4PPGto and gain 22:00- 00:00Observed in flow returns pits.PWD dropped 12.32 PPG. Picked offbottons andcheckfor flow. Well florving. Shutwell in on up and gain lower annular ?2:A5hrswith anestimated of 35 bbls' Monitorpreszure @, by drill float in drilt pipeto eslablish pipepressure bringing to recorddataattempt open (380 (480 pump#4 up at 2 SPM. Drill pipepressure - 500psi)casingpressure psi). No communication. 5' (packed attempt work pipeandfiredjars. Pipetravelled belbre to oll) Established drill between pipeandannulus unable communicale to overpullagain.Still taking to continue monitorPressures. on inlbrmation whatrealtime datawasplottedat the plot pressure provides Theattached time.

by reportproduced and Conctusion The quality ofthe investigation subsequent is Transocean poor and doesnot establishwhy it took the time that it did to shut in the volume of infltrx. well with the resultirtg can Conclusion No recordof a BP investigation be found in BP's Tr@ction System.


Conclusion TheDriller who wason tour duringtheMacondo rvellblow out wasalsoon tour duringtheMarch8th kick. Conclusion TheTool pusher who wason tour duringtheN{acondo Slowout was well on theDeeprvater Horizon duringthetvlarch kick. lt is not knownif hewason rourat 8th thetime.


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