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Dr Lszl Bartosiewicz PhD, DSc

Reader in Archaeology School of History, Classics and Archaeology

Research Themes and Publications

Reconstruction of mammals

Water-buffalo in a nature reserve, Western Hungary (Photo: rpd Gereffy) The size and shape of ancient animals, especially livestock, is characteristic both of ancient environments and culture. Estimating animal stature or meat output from archaeological bone finds is a complex task. Rare finds of measurable, complete skeletons and familiarity with the anatomy and physiology of the live animal are of special importance in this work.

Relevant publications: (co-author Gl, E.) 2010. Pferde in den Steppen nrdlich des Schwarzen Meeres von den frhen Bronzezeit bis ins Mittelalter. Pferde und Nomadentum. In J. LeskovarM. Ch. Zingerle eds.: Goldene Horizont 4000 Jahre Nomaden der Ukraine. Linz, Obersterreichische Landesmuseen: 206-212. 2009. A comparison between Roman Period and Langobard Dogs from Western Hungary. In Sz. Br ed.: Ex officina Studia in honorem Dnes Gabler. Gyr, Mursella Rgszeti Egyeslet: 29-41. 2009. Skin and Bones: Taphonomy of a Medieval Tannery in Hungary. Journal of Taphonomy 7/23: 95-111. 2008. Bone Structure and Function in Draft Cattle. In G. Grupe, George McGlynn and J. Peters eds.: Limping together through the ages. Joint afflictions and

bone infections. Documenta Archaeobiologiae 6, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.: 153-164. 2006. Skull formation in long horned cattle: the Hungarian Grey. In U. TecchiatiB. Sala eds.: Archozoologische Studien zu Ehren von Alfredo Riedel. Bolzano, Ripartizione beni culturali: 303-312. 2006. Are autochthonous animal breeds living monuments? In E. JeremZs. MesterR. Benczes eds: Archaeological and cultural heritage preservation within the light of new technologies. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 33-47. 2006. Phenotype and age in protohistoric horses: a comparison between Avar and Early Hungarian crania. In D. Ruscillo ed.: Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 204-215. 2006. Body conformation in unimproved horses: an analysis of ethnohistoric data from the Eastern Carpathians. In M. Mashkour ed.: Equids in time and space. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 148-160. 2002. Dogs from the Ig pile dwellings in the National Museum of Slovenia. Arheoloki Vestnik 53: 77-89. 2000. Metric variability in Roman period dogs in Pannonia provincia and the Barbaricum, Hungary. In S. J. Crockford ed.: Dogs through time: an archaeological perspective. BAR International Series 889, Oxford: 181-192. 1999. Aurochs (Bos primigenius BOJANUS, 1827) in the Holocene of Hungary. In G.-C. Weniger ed.: Archologie und Biologie des Auerochsen. Neanderthal Museum, Wissenschafliche Schriften 1: 103-117. 1997. Osteomorphological studies on the great sturgeon (Huso huso Brandt). Archaeofauna 6: 9-16 (Co-author: Istvn Takcs). 1997. The Hungarian Grey cattle: a traditional European breed. Animal Genetic Resources Information 21, FAO - Roma: 49-60. 1993. The anatomical position and metric traits of phalanges in cattle. Revue de Palobiologie 12/2: 21-43. 1993. Late Medieval lynx skeleton from Hungary. In A. Clason, S. PayneH.-P. Uerpmann eds.: Skeletons in her cupboard. Oxbow Monograph 34, Oxford: 518. 1987. Metacarpal measurements and carcass weight of moose in Central Sweden. J. Wildl. Manage. 51/2, Bethesda M.D.: 356-357. 1985. Interrelationships in the formation of cattle long bones. Zooogischer Anzeiger 215, Jena: 252-262. 1984. Sexual dimorphism of long bone growth in cattle. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 32/3-4: 135-146.

Prehistoric animal exploitation in Europe

Catching great sturgeon was of key importance in early prehistoric subsistence along the Danube e. g. in the Iron Gates Gorge. The last modern specimen in Hungary was caught near Paks (Photo: Istvn Takcs).

Traditional sheep cheese made in the hills around Sic/Szk Romania (Photo: Anna Bartosiewicz)

Exploiting the natural fauna (by hunting, fowling, fishing and gathering) and its relation to the beginnings of domestication have been of focal interest in archaeozoological research. During the Neolithic, the introduction of sheep and goat to Europe and the development of secondary products such as milk and wool were of fundamental cultural importance in building up surplus. Methodological advances in AMS radiocarbon dating and related dietary isotope studies, as well as the recognition of the role taphonomy plays in the formation of animal bone assemblages have opened new vistas in understanding previously unknown aspects of prehistory.

Relevant publications: 2007. Mammalian bone. In A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Krs culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Bks I. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21: 287325. 2007. Fish remains. In A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Krs culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Bks I. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21: 377394. 2007. Making a living: further technicalities. In A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Krs culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Bks II. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21: 733742. (co-author Gl, E.) 2007. Sample size and taxonomic richness in mammalian and avian bone assemblages from archaeological sites. Archeometriai Mhely 2007/1: 3744.

(co authors Edwards, C. J.Bollongino, R.Scheu, A.Chamberlain, A.Tresset, A. Vigne, J-D.Baird, J. F. Larson, G.Ho, S. Y. W.Heuping, T. W.Shapiro, B.Freeman, A. R.Thomas, M. G.Conqueugniot, E.Dhle, H.-J.Gldner, H.Hartz, S.Helmer, D.Herzig, B.Hongo, H.Mashkour, M.zdogan, M. Pucher, E.Roth, G.Schade-Lindig, S.Schmlke, U.Schulting, R. J. Stephan, E.Uerpmann, H.-P.Vrs, I.Voytek, B.Bradley, D. G.Burger, J.) 2007. Mitochondrial DNA shows a Near Eastern Neolithic origin of domestic cattle and no indication of domestication of European aurochs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0020. (co authors Boronean, V.Bonsall, C.Stallibrass, S.) 2006. Size ranges of prehistoric cattle and pig at Schela Cladovei (Iron Gates region, Romania). Analele Banatului, Serie nou XIV: 12-23. 20062007. Alfld Linear Pottery culture animal remains from the settlement of Debrecen Nyulas ("ToyotaSzalon"), Eastern Hungary. srgszeti Levelek 89: 5761. 2005/2006. Scavenger scattering at two contemporary open air sites in Hungary. Munibe (Antropologia-Arkeologia) 57/1: 495-503. 2005. Plain talk: animals, environment and culture in the Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin and adjacent areas. In D. Bailey and A. Whittle eds.: (un)settling the Neolithic. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 51-63. (co author Bonsall, C.) 2004. Prehistoric Fishing along the Danube. Antaeus 27: 253272. (co authors Pike-Tay, A.Gl, E.Whittle, A.) 2004. Body-part representation and seasonality: sheep/goat, bird and fish remains from early Neolithic Ecsegfalva 23, SE Hungary. Journal of Taphonomy 2/4: 221-246. (co authors Boroneant, V.Bonsall, C.Stallibrass, S.) 2001. New data on the prehistoric fauna of the Iron Gates: a case study fromSchela Cladovei, Romania. In R. KertszJ. Makkay eds.: From the Mesolithic to the Neolithic. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 15-22. (co authors Bonsall, C.Boronean, V.Stallibrass, S.) 1995. Schela Cladovei: a preliminary review of the prehistoric fauna. Mesolithic Miscellany 16/2, Edinburgh: 2-19.

Cultural patterns of meat consumption

Selling lungs, hearts, livers and brains along with other special cuts in a 14th c. butcher shop

Sheep lungs, hearts and livers removed together in a traditional way at a Jerusalem butchers shop (Photo: L. B.)

The overwhelming majority of animal remains from archaeological sites are bones, left over as food refuse. The food itself, however, is gone. The body parts these bones represent are not simply of nutritive value, but also carry symbolic meaning that varies from culture to culture. In addition, many parts of the animal body that evoke strong associations do not even contain osseous components. Studying the value of various cuts is therefore based on both anatomical information as to the proportions between bone and meat, and ethnographic/historical analogy as to the meaning of body parts.

Relevant publications (co-authors Tth, A. J.Darczi-Szab, L.Kovcs, Zs. E.Gl, E.) 2010. In the Light of the Crescent Moon: Reconstructing Environment and Diet from an Ottoman-Period Deposit in Sixteenth to Seventeenth Century Hungary. In A. M. VanDerwarker and T. M. Peres eds: Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany. A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases. New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, Springer: 245286. (co-author Bonsall, C.) 2008. Complementary taphonomies: Medieval sturgeons from Hungary. In P. Barez, S. Grouard et B. Clavel eds.: Archologie du Poisson. 30 ans darcho-ichtyologie au CNRS. Hommage aux travaux de Jean Desse

et Nathalie Desse-Berset. XXVIIIe rencontres internationales darchologie et dhistoire dAntibes. ditions APDCA, Antibes: 35-45. 2004. Ottoman Period Animal Exploitation in Hungary. In Gerelyes I.Kovcs Gy. eds. Archeology of the Ottoman Period in Hungary. Opuscula Hungarica III. Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum, Budapest: 365-376 (Co-author: Erika Gl). 2003. Eat not this fish a matter of scaling. In A. F. Guzmn, O. J. PolacoF. J. Aguilar eds.: Presencia de la arqueoictiologa en Mxico. ConacultaINAH, Mxico D. F.: 19-26. 2003. Urban Landscapes and Animals. In J. LaszlovszkyP. Szab eds.: People and Nature in Historical Perspective. Central European University Department of Medieval Studies and Archaeolingua, Budapest: 107-120. 1998. Mobile pastoralism and meat consumption: an archaeozoological perspective. In Laszlovszky J. ed.: Tender meat under the saddle. Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Krems: 157-178. 1997. This little piggy went to market... An archaeozoological study of modern meat values. Journal of European Archaeology 5.1: 170-182. 1988. Biometrics at an Early Medieval butchering site in Hungary. In E. A. SlaterJ. O. Tate eds.: Science and Archaeology. British Archaeological Reports, British Series 196, Oxford: 361-367.

Pathological deformations on excavated animal bones

Fused vertebrae of an Avar Period (AD 8th c.) horse (Photo: Klmn Knya)

The location of block vertebrae shown in the photograph (indicated by shading)

Studying animal disease in archaeology has become a growing field in archaeozoology. Given the usually great number of animal bones in archaeological deposits, pathological symptoms are identified relatively rarely in archaeozoological assemblages. Conclusions therefore can be most reliably drawn on the basis of several sites. Of these, arthritic deformations and traces of healed trauma can be attributed to old age and the way animals were used and treated. Bones from animals that were not primarily kept for meat (such as horses or dogs) sometimes display extreme pathological deformations resulting from their longevity and possibly human care.

Relevant publications: 2009. llatbetegsgek rgszeti kutatsa. Anatmiai s paleopatolgiai vizsglatok hzillatok csontozatn [The archaeological research of animal disease.

Anatomical and paleopathological studies on the skeletons of domestic animals]. Termszet Vilga 140/11: 524-525. 2008. Taphonomy and palaeopathology in archaeozoology. Geobios 41/1: 6977. 2008. Description, diagnosis and the use of published data in animal palaeopathology: a case study using fractures. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika T. 41 (63): 1224. 2008. Environmental stress in early domestic sheep. In Z. MiklkovR. Thomas eds.: Current Research in Animal Palaeopathology: Proceedings of the Second Animal Palaeopathology Working Group Conference. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series S1844 2008: 313. (co-author Gl, E.) 2008. Symptoms of aggression on animal bones from archaeological sites. Animal welfare, etolgia s tartstechnolgia 4/1: 325; 2006. Mettre le chariot devant le boeuf. Anomalies ostologiques lies lutilisation des boeuf pour la traction. In P. PtrequinR.-M. ArbogastA.-M.- Pterquin S. Van WilligenM. Bailly eds. : Premiers chariots, premiers araires. La diffusion de la traction animale en Europe pendant les IVe et IIIe millnaires avant notre re. CNRS Editions, CRA Monographies 29 : 259-267. 2002. "Bamboo spine" in a Migration Period horse from Hungary. Journal of Archaeological Science 29.8: 819-830 (Co-author:.Gbor Bartosiewicz). 2002. Pathological lesions on prehistoric animal remains from Southwest Asia. In H. BuitenhuisM. MashkourA. M. ChoykeA. H. Al-Shiyab eds.: Archaeozoology of the Near East V. ARC Publicaties 62, Groningen: 320-336. 2002. Palaeopathology: similarities and differences between animals and humans. Anthropolgiai Kzlemnyek 43: 29-37. 2000. Baculum fracture in Carnivores: Osteological, behavioural and cultural implications. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 10, London: 447-450. 1997. Magnetic resonance imaging in the study of spavin in recent and subfossil cattle. Anthropozoologica 25-26: 57-60 (Co-authors: Roger Demeure, Isabelle Mottet, Wim Van Neer and An Lentacker).

Cultural attitudes toward animals

Reviving medieval falconry. Displaying a small eagle in Visegrd, Hungary (Photo: Viktria Czoczek)

St. Francis depicted with animals in Aguadulce, Panam (Photo: Ana Fabiola Guzmn)

In addition to their utilitarian roles, animals have been an integral part of culture as companions, attributes of luxury and symbols of power or faith. Animal remains from archaeological sites sometimes reveal these usually intangible aspects of past human-animal relationships. The analysis of written, iconographic and ethnographic evidence are indispensable in these interdisciplinary studies. Relevant publications: 2009. Lions share of attention: Archaeozoology and the historical record. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungariae 59: 759-773. 2009. Gondolatok a lovas nomd hagyomnyrl (Thoughts about the equestrian nomadic tradition). In Bartosiewicz L.Gl E.Kovts I. eds: Csontvzak a szekrnybl. Vlogatott tanulmnyok a Magyar Archaeozoolgusok Visegrdi Tallkozinak anyagbl 20022009 (Skeletons from the cupboard Selected Studies from the Visegrd Meetings of Hungarian Archaeozoologists 2002 2009). Budapest, Martin Opitz Kiad: 7382. (co-author Bonsall, C. iu, V.) 2008. Sturgeon fishing along the Middle and Lower Danube. In C. BonsallV. BoroneanI. Radovanovi eds.: The Iron Gates in Prehistory. New perspectives. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1893: 39-54. (co-author Csiky G. Gyarmati J.) 2008. Emberiessgi szempontok s a hagyomnyos llatvgs kt pldja (Humane considerations and two examples of traditional slaughtering). Animal welfare, etolgia s

tartstechnolgia 4/3: 130-149. (co-author Gyngyssy, M.) 2006. The Khans mule. In S. L. OlsenS. GrantA. M. ChoykeL. Bartosiewicz eds.: Horses and Humans: The Evolution of HumanEquine Relationships. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1560: 289-299. 2005. Crane: food, pet and symbol. In G. Grupe and J. Peters eds.: Feathers, grit and symbolism. Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds. Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.: 259269. 2003. Data on the culture history of Crows (Corvidae) in the Hungarian Middle Ages. In Gy. Kovcs ed.: Quasi liber et pictura. Tanulmnyok Kubinyi Andrs hetvenedik szletsnapjra (Studies in honour of Andrs Kubinyi on his seventieth birthday). ELTE Rgszettudomnyi Intzet, Budapest: 37-41. 2003. There is something rotten in the state Bad smells in Antiquity. Journal of European Archaeology 6/2: 171-191. 2001. A leopard (Panthera pardus L. 1758) find from the late Middle Ages in Hungary. In H. BuitenhuisW. Prummel eds.: Animals and Man in the Past. ARC-Publicatie 41, Groningen, the Netherlands: 151-160. 2000. Cattle offering from the temple of Montuhotep, Sankhkara (Thebes, Egypt). In M. MashkourA. M. ChoykeH. Buitenhuis eds.: Archaeozoology of the Near East IVB. ARC Publication 32, Groningen: 164-176. 1999. Animal bones from the Cochabamba Valley, Bolivia. In J. GyarmatiA. Varga eds.: The Chacaras of War. An Inka site estate in the Cochabamba Valley, Bolivia. Budapest, Museum of Ethnography: 101-109. 1998. Attitudes to pets in the ethnolinguistic record. In P. Anreiter, L. Bartosiewicz, E. JeremW. Meid eds.: Man and the Animal World. Studies in memoriam Sndor Bknyi. Budapest, Archaeolingua Kiad: 65-78. 1996. Camels in Antiquity: The Hungarian connection. Antiquity 70/268, Cambridge: 447-453.

All publications
Books, Monographs: Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Rgenvolt hzillatok [Domestic animals in the past]. LHarmattan, Budapest, pp.240. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. Az llatok hziastsa (The domestication of animals). Budapest: Magyar Mezgazdasgi Mzeum, pp. 46. Bartosiewicz, L.Van Neer, W.Lentacker, A. 1997. Draught cattle: their osteological identification and history. Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Annalen, Zoologische Wetenschappen Vol. 281. pp. 147. id=110 Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. Animals in the urban landscape in the wake of the Middle Ages.Tempus Reparatum, Oxford, pp. 180.

Edited books: Bartosiewicz, L. ed. 2010. Sndor BknyiErika Gl: Archaeozoology at Pantanello and five other sites. The Chora of Metaponto 2. Institute of Classical Archaeology, Austin, The University of Texas Press. Bartosiewicz, L. ed. 2008. Sndor Bknyi: Das Przewalski-Pferd. Archaeolingua, Budapest.

Olsen, S. L. S. GrantA. M. ChoykeL. Bartosiewicz eds. 2006. Horses and Humans: The Evolution of Human-Equine Relationships. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1560, Oxford: 375. mans Bartosiewicz, L. ed. 2006. Bknyi S.: A Przewalski-l [The Przewalski horse]. Archaeolingua, Budapest. pp. 146. Choyke, A. M.L. Bartosiewicz eds.2001. Crafting BoneSkeletal Technologies through Time and Space. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 937, Oxford. Buitenhuis, H.Bartosiewicz L.A. M. Choyke eds. 1998. Archaeozoology of the Near East III. ARC Publication 18, Groningen: 221-232. Klt, L.Bartosiewicz, L. eds. 1998. Archaeometrical Research in Hungary II. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest Book chapters: Bartosiewicz, L.Mrai, D. Csippn, P. 2011. Dig up-Dig in: Practice and Theory in Hungarian Archaeology. In L. R. Lozny ed.: Comparative Archaeologies: A Sociological View of the Science of the Past. New York, Springer: 273337. Bartosiewicz, L. 2011. Bartosiewicz, L. 2011. Faunal Remains (Part 2, section 17). In R. Leighton: The Archaeology of Houses at Morgantina, Sicily. Excavations of later prehistoric contexts on the Cittadella (19892004). With contributions by L. Bartosiewicz, M. Ciaraldi, J. E. Dixon, P. Fragnoli, E. Gl, C. Heron, S. Levi, C. Pickard, S. Ramsay, G. Ritchie and S. Thompson. London, Accordia Research Institute, University of London (in press). Bartosiewicz, L. 2010. Chapter VI. HerdIng In PerIod VI A. Development and chAnges from PerIod VII. In M. Frangipane ed.: Economic Centralisation in Formative States. The Archaeological Reconstruction of the Economic System in 4th Millennium Arslantepe. Roma, Studi di Preistoria Orientale (SPO) volume 3: 119148. Bartosiewicz, L.Gl, E. 2010. Living on the edge: Scythian and Celtic meat consumption in Iron Age Hungary. 2010. In D. CampanaA. ChoykeP. CrabtreeS. deFranceJ. Lev-Tov eds: Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity and Animal Transformations. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 115127. Bartosiewicz, L.Gyetvai, A. Kchelmann, H.-Ch. 2010. Beast in the feast. In G.-K. Kunst ed.: Bestial mirrors. Using animals in reconstructing identities in medieval Europe. ViaVIAS 2010/3: 85-99. Bartosiewicz, L.Gl, E. 2010. Archaeozoological finds from Ngrd County, Northern Hungary. In Sz. GubaK. Tank eds: Rgrl kell kezdennk Studia Archaeologica in honorem Pauli Patay. Rgszeti tanulmnyok Ngrd megybl Patay Pl tiszteletre. Kubinyi Ferenc Mzeum, Szcsny: 337 352. Bartosiewicz, L. 2010. Sndor Bknyi and archaeozoology. In L. Bartosiewicz ed.: Archaeozoology at Pantanello and five other sites. The Chora of Metaponto 2. Institute of Classical Archaeology, Austin, The University of Texas Press: xviiixxii.

Bartosiewicz, L. 2010. llatmaradvnyok Bajreg-Kovcs-hegy ks kzpkori udarhznak satsbl [Animal remains from the excavations of the late medieval manor house at Bajreg-Kovcs-hegy, Hungary]. In S. Petnyi ed.: A baji nemesi udvarhz gazdasgi tevkenysgrl, klns tekintettel a tmrkodsra. Adatok a kzpkori magyar bripar trtnethez [On the economic activities of the manorial house of Baj with special regard to tanning. Data to the history of leather-making in medieval Hungary]. Tata, Kumy Domokos Mzeum: 305359. Bartosiewicz, L.Gl, E. 2010. Pferde in den Steppen nrdlich des Schwarzen Meeres von den frhen Bronzezeit bis ins Mittelalter. Pferde und Nomadentum. In J. LeskovarM. Ch. Zingerle eds.: Goldene Horizont 4000 Jahre Nomaden der Ukraine. Linz, Obersterreichische Landesmuseen: 206 212. Bartosiewicz, L.Zapata, L.Bonsall, C. 2010. A Tale of Two Shell Middens: The Natural versus the Cultural in Obanian Deposits at Carding Mill Bay, Oban, Western Scotland. In A. M. VanDerwarker and T. M. Peres eds: Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany. A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases. New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, Springer: 205226. Tth, A. J.Darczi-Szab, L.Kovcs, Zs. E.Gl, E.Bartosiewicz, L. 2010. In the Light of the Crescent Moon: Reconstructing Environment and Diet from an Ottoman-Period Deposit in Sixteenth to Seventeenth Century Hungary. In A. M. VanDerwarker and T. M. Peres eds: Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany. A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases. New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, Springer: 245286. Kovcs, Zs.Gl, E.Bartosiewicz, L. 2010. Early Neolithic animal bones from IbrnyNagyerd, Hungary. In J. K. Kozlowski P. Raczky eds: Neolithisation of the Carpathian Basin. Krakw: 236-252. Raczky, P.Smegi, P.Bartosiewicz, L.Gl, E.Kaczanowska, M. Kozowski, J. K.Anders, A. 2010. Ecological barrier versus mental marginal zone? Problems of the northernmost Krs culture settlements in the Great Hungarian Plain. In D. GronenbornJ. Petrasch eds.: Die Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe. RmischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz: 147173. Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. A comparison between Roman Period and Langobard Dogs from Western Hungary. In Sz. Br ed.: Ex officina Studia in honorem Dnes Gabler. Gyr, Mursella Rgszeti Egyeslet: 2941. Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. ltalnos ttekints [General review]. In Galambos I. ed.: Veszprm megye monogrfija I. [The monography of Veszprm county 1]. Veszprm Megyei nkormnyzat, Veszprm: 137142. Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. skori rgszeti llattani leletek Veszprm megybl [Prehistoric archaeozoological finds from Veszprm county]. In Galambos I. ed.: Veszprm megye monogrfija I. [The monography of Veszprm county 1]. Veszprm Megyei nkormnyzat, Veszprm: 154171. Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. Gondolatok a lovas nomd hagyomnyrl (Thoughts about the equestrian nomadic tradition). In Bartosiewicz L.Gl E.Kovts I. eds: Csontvzak a szekrnybl. Vlogatott tanulmnyok a Magyar Archaeozoolgusok Visegrdi Tallkozinak anyagbl 20022009 (Skeletons from the cupboard Selected Studies from the Visegrd Meetings of Hungarian Archaeozoologists 20022009). Budapest, Martin Opitz Kiad: 73 82.

Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M.Gl, E. 2009. Odnosi med ljudmi in zivalmi v prazgodovini. In P. TurkJ. IstenicT. KnificT. Nabregoj eds.: Ljubljanica kulturna dediscina reke. Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana: 5657. Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M.Gl, E. 2009. Relationships between people and animals in Prehistory. In P. TurkJ. IstenicT. KnificT. Nabregoj eds.: The Ljubljanica a river and its past. Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana: 5960. Bartosiewicz, L.Bzsa, A. 2009. Valami bzlik Dniban [There is something rotten...]. In Raczky, P.Anders A. Szab M. eds.: Rgszeti dimenzik. Tanulmnyok az ELTE BTK Rgszettudomnyi Intzetnek tudomnyos mhelybl. Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiad. Bibliotheca Archaeologica: 4960. Farkas N.Bartosiewicz L. 2009. llati ervel mkdtetett malmok (Animal powered mills) In Bartosiewicz L.Gl E.Kovts I. eds: Csontvzak a szekrnybl. Vlogatott tanulmnyok a Magyar Archaeozoolgusok Visegrdi Tallkozinak anyagbl 20022009 (Skeletons from the cupboard Selected Studies from the Visegrd Meetings of Hungarian Archaeozoologists 2002 2009), Budapest, Martin Opitz Kiad: 273286. Choyke, A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. Telltale tools from a tell: Bone and antler manufacturing at Bronze Age JszdzsaKpolnahalom, Hungary. Tisicum XX: 357376. Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. Bone Structure and Function in Draft Cattle. In G. Grupe, George McGlynn and J. Peters eds.: Limping together through the ages. Joint afflictions and bone infections. Documenta Archaeobiologiae 6, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.: 153164. Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. Environmental stress in early domestic sheep. In Z. MiklkovR. Thomas eds.: Current Research in Animal Palaeopathology: Proceedings of the Second Animal Palaeopathology Working Group Conference. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series S1844 2008: 313. Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. Szarvasagancsok [Deer antler]. In Ilon G. ed.: Rgszeti nyomozsok Magyarorszgon [Archaeological investigations in Hungary]. Martin Opitz Kiad, Budapest: 3139. Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. A kzpkor rgszeti llattani kutatsa Magyarorszgon [Medieval archaeozoology in Hungary]. In Kubinyi A.Laszlovszky J.Szab P. eds.: Gazdasg s gazdlkods a kzpkori Magyarorszgon: gazdasgtrtnet, anyagi kultra, rgszet [Economy in Medieval Hungary: economic history, material culture, archaeology]. Martin Opitz Kiad, Budapest: 8390. Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. A kzpkori halszat s a viza [Medieval fishing and the great sturgeon]. In Kubinyi A.Laszlovszky J.Szab P. eds.: Gazdasg s gazdlkods a kzpkori Magyarorszgon: gazdasgtrtnet, anyagi kultra, rgszet [Economy in Medieval Hungary: economic history, material culture, archaeology]. Martin Opitz Kiad, Budapest: 103108. Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. Eines Buches Nachleben. In Bknyi S.: Das PrzewalskiPferd. Innsbrucker Beitrge zur Kultur-wissenschaft, Innsbruck: 135144. Bartosiewicz, L.Bonsall, C. 2008. Complementary taphonomies: Medieval sturgeons from Hungary. In P. Barez, S. Grouard et B. Clavel eds.: Archologie du Poisson. 30 ans darcho-ichtyologie au CNRS. Hommage aux travaux de Jean Desse et Nathalie Desse-Berset. XXVIIIe rencontres internationales darchologie et dhistoire dAntibes. ditions APDCA, Antibes: 3545.

Bartosiewicz, L.Bonsall, C.iu, V. 2008. Sturgeon fishing along the Middle and Lower Danube. In C. BonsallV. BoroneanI. Radovanovi eds.: The Iron Gates in Prehistory. New perspectives. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1893: 3954. Bartosiewicz, L. 2007. Mammalian bone. In A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Krs culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Bks I. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21: 287325. Bartosiewicz, L. 2007. Fish remains. In A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Krs culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Bks I. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21: 377394. Bartosiewicz, L. 2007. Making a living: further technicalities. In A. Whittle ed.: The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: investigations of the Krs culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Bks II. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21.: 733742. Bartosiewicz, L. 2007. 12. Les ossements Animaux. In M. SzabZ. Czajlik eds.: Lhabitat de lpoque de La Tne SajpetriHossz-dl. Etvs Lornd University, Budapest: 285306. Bartosiewicz, L. 2007. Animal bones from excavations at Mrzlo Polje and Ivanna Gorica (Roman road). In D. Svoljak ed.: Mrzlo Polje pri Ivanni Gorici. Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije, Narodna in univerzitetne knjinica, Ljubljana: 181185. Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Egy knyv utlete [The afterlife of a book]. In Bknyi S.: A Przewalski-l [The Przewalski horse]. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 133140. Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Are autochthonous animal breeds living monuments? In E. JeremZs. MesterR. Benczes eds: Archaeological and cultural heritage preservation within the light of new technologies. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 33-47. Bartosiewicz, L.Gyngyssy, M. 2006. The Khans mule. In S. L. OlsenS. GrantA. M. ChoykeL. Bartosiewicz eds.: Horses and Humans: The Evolution of Human-Equine Relationships. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1560: 289-299. Bartosiewicz, L. Bknyi, S. 2006. Animal remains from Late Neolithic causeway camps in Western France. In C. Burnez ed.: Font-Rase Barbezieux et FontBelle Segonzac (Charente). Deux sites du Nolithique rcent saintongeais Matignons / Peu-Richard. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1562: 326-335. Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Skull formation in long horned cattle: the Hungarian Grey. In U. TecchiatiB. Sala eds.: Archozoologische Studien zu Ehren von Alfredo Riedel. Bolzano, Ripartizione beni culturali: 303-312. Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Mettre le chariot devant le boeuf. Anomalies ostologiques lies lutilisation des boeuf pour la traction. In P. PtrequinR.-M. Arbogast A.-M.- PterquinS. Van WilligenM. Bailly eds. : Premiers chariots, premiers araires. La diffusion de la traction animale en Europe pendant les IVe et IIIe millnaires avant notre re. CNRS Editions, CRA Monographies 29 : 259-267. Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Phenotype and age in protohistoric horses: a comparison between Avar and Early Hungarian crania. In D. Ruscillo ed.: Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 204215.

Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Body conformation in unimproved horses: an analysis of ethnohistoric data from the Eastern Carpathians. In M. Mashkour ed.: Equids in time and space. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 148-160. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005/2006. Scavenger scattering at two contemporary open air sites in Hungary. Munibe (Antropologia-Arkeologia) 57/1: 495-503. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Worked elk (Alces alces L. 1758) antler from Central Europe. In H. Luik, A. M. Choyke, C. E. Batey and L. Lougas eds.: From hooves to horns, from mollusc to mammoth. Tallin, Muinasaja Teadus 15: 339-350. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Plain talk: animals, environment and culture in the Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin and adjacent areas. In D. Bailey and A. Whittle eds.: (un)settling the Neolithic. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 51-63. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Lallevamento. In M. Frangipane ed.: Alle Origini del Potere. Arslantepe, la Collina Dei Leoni. Roma, Electa: 98. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Die Tiere der trkenzeitliche Burg von Bajcsavr. In B. Berner, D. Kramer and O. Pickl eds.: Auf Sand gebaut. Weitschawar/Bajcsa/Vr. Eine steirische Festung in Ungarn.Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, Band XLVIII: 107-119. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Crane: food, pet and symbol. In G. Grupe and J. Peters eds.: Feathers, grit and symbolism. Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds. Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.: 259-269. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Chapter 7.4 Animal Remains. In B. Genito and L. Madaras eds.: Archaeological remains of a steppe people in the Hungarian Great Plain (The Avarian Cemetery at csd Bds Halom MRT 59 - Central Hungary). Universita degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Series Maior X, Napoli: 125-150. Choyke, A. M. Lyublyanovics, K. Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. The various voices of medieval animal bones. In G. Jaritz A. M. Choyke eds.: Animal Diversities. Krems, Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Sonderband XVI: 23-49. Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. To discard or not? Problems with the conservation of archaeozoological materials as exemplified by the situation in Hungary. G. GruppeJ. Peters eds.: Conservation policy and current research. Documenta Archaeobiologiae 2, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.: 43-48. Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. A Tihany-vron feltrt szarvascsontvz elzetes vizsglata (The preliminary study of a red deer [Cervus elaphus] skeleton from Tihanyvr, Hungary). skoros Kutatk II. sszejvetelnek konferenciaktete, Debrecen: 201-208. Bartosiewicz, L.Gl, E. 2004. Ottoman Period Animal Exploitation in Hungary. In Gerelyes I.Kovcs Gy. eds. Archeology of the Ottoman Period in Hungary. Opuscula Hungarica III. Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum, Budapest: 365-376. Choyke, A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. Osseous projectile points from the Swiss Neolithic: taphonomy, typology and function. In M. Roksandic ed.: Violent interactions in the Mesolithic. Evidence and meaning. British Archaeological Records, International Series 1237: 75-88. Kitchener, A.Bonsall, C.Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. Missing mammals from mesolithic middens: a comparison of the fossil and archaeological records from Scotland. In A. Saville ed.: Mesolithic Scotland and its Neighbours. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh: 73-82. Bartosiewicz, L. 2003. Urban Landscapes and Animals. In J. LaszlovszkyP. Szab eds.: People and Nature in Historical Perspective. Central European

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Bartosiewicz, L. 2001. A leopard (Panthera pardus L. 1758) find from the late Middle Ages in Hungary. In H. BuitenhuisW. Prummel eds.: Animals and Man in the Past. ARC-Publicatie 41, Groningen, the Netherlands: 151-160. Bartosiewicz, L.Boroneant, V.Bonsall, C.Stallibrass, S. 2001. New data on the prehistoric fauna of the Iron Gates: a case study fromSchela Cladovei, Romania. In R. KertszJ. Makkay eds.: From the Mesolithic to the Neolithic. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 15-22. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. Metric variability in Roman period dogs in Pannonia provincia and the Barbaricum, Hungary. In S. J. Crockford ed.: Dogs through time: an archaeological perspective. BAR International Series 889, Oxford: 181-192. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. Craniometric investigations on Hungarian Grey and other long horned cattle. In A magyar szrke marha eredete (The origins of the Hungarian Grey cattle). Budapest: Magyar Szrke Szarvasmarht Tenysztk Egyeslete: 79-90. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. Cattle offering from the temple of Montuhotep, Sankhkara (Thebes, Egypt). In M. MashkourA. M. ChoykeH. Buitenhuis eds.: Archaeozoology of the Near East IVB. ARC Publication 32, Groningen: 164176. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. llattarts s krnyezet a trk-kori Krpt-medencben (Animal keeping and environment during the Turkish Period in the Carpathian Basin). In Fleky Gy. ed.: A tj vltozsai a Krpt-medencben a trtnelmi esemnyek hatsra (Changes in the landscape in the Carpathian Basin under the influence of historical events). BudapestGdll: Kulturlis rksg Igazgatsga Szent Istvn Egyetem: 62-70. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. A texasi longhorn marha (The Texas Longhorn). In A magyar szrke marha eredete (The origins of the Hungarian Grey cattle). Budapest: Magyar Szrke Szarvasmarht Tenysztk Egyeslete: 71-78. Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. A magyar szrke marha trtnetnek ttekintse (Hungarian Grey history). In A magyar szrke marha eredete (The origins of the Hungarian Grey cattle). Budapest: Magyar Szrke Szarvasmarht Tenysztk Egyeslete: 6-13. Bartosiewicz, L.Takcs, I. 2000. Tierknochenfunde aus den frhbronzezeitlichen Grberfeldern von BattonyaVrs Oktber Tsz. homokbnyja. In J. J. Szab ed.: Frh- und mittelbronzezeitliche Grberfelder von Battonya. Inventaria Praehistorica Hvngariae, Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum, Budapest: 103112. Bknyi, S.Bartosiewicz, L. 2000. A review of animal remains from Shahr-i Sokhta (Eastern Iran). In M. MashkourA. M. ChoykeH. Buitenhuis eds.: Archaeozoology of the Near East IVB. ARC Publication 32, Groningen: 116152. Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. Turkish Period bone finds and cattle trade in south-western Hungary. In C. BeckerH. ManhartJ. PetersJ. Schibler eds.: Historia animalum ex ossibus. Beitrge zur Paloanatomie, Archologie, gyptologie, Ethnologie und Geschichte der Tiermedizin. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden/Westf.: 47-56. Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. The role of sheep versus goat in meat consumption at archaeological sites. In Bartosiewicz L.H. Greenfield eds.: Transhumant pastoralism in Southern Europe. Budapest, Archaeolingua Kiad: 47-60. Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. The emergence of holocene faunas in the Carpathian Basin: A review. In N. Benecke ed.: The Holocene History of the European Vertebrate

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Bonsall, C.Cook, G. T.Lennon, R.- Harkness, D.Scott, M.Bartosiewicz, L. McSweeney, K. 2000. Stable isotopes, radiocarbon and the MesolithicNeolithic transition in the Iron Gates. Documenta Praehistorica XXVII: 119132. Choyke A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 1999-2000. Bronze Age animal exploitation in the Central Great Hungarian Plain. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51: 43-70. Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. Recent developments in archaeozoological research in Slovenia. Arheoloki vestnik 50: 285-295. Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. Animal husbandry and medieval settlement in Hungary: A review. Beitrge zur Mittelalterarchologie in sterreich 15: 139-155. Bartosiewicz, L. 1998. Medieval animal bones from the castle of VraljaVrf (Western Hungary). A Wosinsky Mr Mzeum vknyve XX, Szekszrd: 157172. Bartosiewicz, L. 1998. Archaeometriai szimpozium Budapesten (Archaeometry symposium in Budapest). Mzeumi Hrlevl XIX/7-8: 184-185. Bartosiewicz, L. 1998. A Balatonboglr-szlskislaki s Gadcs-Mez utcai kelta srokbl szrmaz llatcsontok elemzse (The analysis of animal bones from the Celtic graves at Balatonboglr-Szlskislak and Gadcs-Mez Street). Somogy Megyei Mzeumok Kzlemnyei XIII: 78. Hertelendi, E.Svingor, .Raczky, P.Horvth, F.Fut, I.Bartosiewicz, L. 1998. Duration of tell settlements at four prehistoric sites in Hungary. Radiocarbon 40: 659-667. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997-1998. Animal exploitation in Turkish Period Hungary. OTIVM 5-6: 36-49. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. This little piggy went to market... An archaeozoological study of modern meat values. Journal of European Archaeology 5.1: 170-182. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. The Hungarian Grey cattle: a traditional European breed. Animal Genetic Resources Information 21, FAO - Roma: 49-60. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. skori vizahalszat a Duna vaskapui szakaszn (Prehistoric sturgeon fishing in the Danube). Halszatfejleszts 20, Szarvas: 92-103. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. MrianosztraToronyalja llatcsontleleteinek elemzse (The analysis of animal remains from MrianosztraToronyalja). Vci Knyvek 8: 159-182. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. A Szkesfehrvr Bestiary: Animal bones from the excavations of the medieval city wall. Alba Regia XXVI, Szkesfehrvr: 133167. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. A horn worth blowing?A stray find of aurochs from Hungary. Antiquity 71/274: 1007-1010. Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. A honfoglal magyarok hsfogyasztsa (Meat consumption by conquering Hungarians). magyar Kultra X, Separatum: 135-142. Bartosiewicz, L.Demeure, R.Mottet, I.Van Neer, W.Lentacker, A. 1997. Magnetic resonance imaging in the study of spavin in recent and subfossil cattle. Anthropozoologica 25-26: 57-60. Bartosiewicz, L.Takcs, I. 1997. Osteomorphological studies on the great sturgeon (Huso huso Brandt). Archaeofauna 6, Madrid: 9-16. Bartosiewicz, L.Takcs, I. 1997. Osteomorphological studies on the great sturgeon (Huso huso Brandt). Archaeofauna 6: 9-16.

Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M. 1997. Osteological analysis of bone tools: a preliminary case study from the Swiss Neolithic. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49: 227-259. Bonsall, C.Lennon, R.- McSweeney, K.Stewart, C.Harkness, D.Boronean, V. Bartosiewicz, L.Payton, R.Chapman, J. 1997. Mesolithic and early Neolithic in the Iron Gates: a palaeodietary perspective. Journal of European Archaeology 5.1: 50-92. Bartosiewicz, L. 1996. Kzp- s trk kori llatmaradvnyok Segesdrl (Medieval and Turkish Period animal bones from Segesd, Southwestern Hungary). Somogyi Mzeumok Kzlemnyei XII: 183-222. Bartosiewicz, L. 1996. Hungarian Grey Cattle: in search of origins. Hungarian Agricultural Research 5/3: 4-9. Bartosiewicz, L. 1996. Early medieval faunal remains from Pontes (Iron Gates Gorge, Eastern Serbia). Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48: 281-315. Bartosiewicz, L. 1996. Camels in Antiquity: The Hungarian connection. Antiquity 70/268, Cambridge: 447-453. Bartosiewicz, L. 1996. Bronze age animal keeping in Northwestern Transdanubia, Hungary (Bronzkori llattarts az szaknyugat-Dunntlon). Acta Musei Papensis, Ppai Mzeumi rtest 6: 31-42. Takcs, I.Somhegyi, T.Bartosiewicz, L. 1996. Avar-kori lovakrl Vrs- Papkert B temet leletei alapjn (A study of Avar Period horses on the basis of bones from the cemetery of Vrs- Papkert). Somogy Megyei Mzeumok Kzlemnyei 11: 178-182. Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. Cattle trade across the Danube at Vc, Hungary. Anthropozoologica 21, Paris: 189-196. Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. Animal remains from the Avar Period cemetery of BudakalszDunapart. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae XLVII/1-4: 241-256. Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. llatcsontok Balatonkiliti VII-VIII. szzadi avar temetjbl (Animal bones from the 7th-8th century cemetery at Balatonkiliti, Hungary). Somogy Megyei Mzeumok Kzlemnyei 11: 173-177. Bartosiewicz, L.Bonsall, C.Boronean, V.Stallibrass, S. 1995. Schela Cladovei: a preliminary review of the prehistoric fauna. Mesolithic Miscellany 16/2, Edinburgh: 2-19. Takcs, I.Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. Budakalsz s Vrs avar-kori lovastemetkezseinek llattani sszehasonltsa (Zoologischer Vergleich der Awarenzeitlichen Reiterbestattungen von Budakalsz und Vrs). Altum Castrum IV: 92-97. Hertelendi, E.Kalicz, N.Raczky, P.Horvth, F.Veres, M.Svingor, .Fut, I. Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. Re-evaluation of the Neolithic in Eastern Hungary based on calibrated radiocarbon dates. In G. T. Cook, D. D. Harkness, B. F. MillerE. M. Scott eds.: Proceedings of the 15th International 14C Conference, Radiocarbon 37/2: 239-244. Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. Megjegyzs a rackajuh kzpkori elfordulshoz Vcott (Notes on the medieval occurrence of Racka sheep in Vc). Vci Knyvek 7, Vc: 213- 214. Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. Late Neolithic dog exploitation: chronology and function. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 46: 59-71.

Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. rpd-kori llatcsontok a vci vr terletrl (rpd Period animal remains from the Vc castle). Vci Knyvek 7, Vc: 205-212. Szkelyhidy, I.Takcs, I.Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. Ecological and diachronic variability in large-sized catfish (Silurus glanis L. 1758) and pike (Esox lucius L. 1758) in Hungary. Offa 51: 352-356. Mzes, M.Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. Fish bone preservation and fat content. Offa 51: 361-364. Bartosiewicz, L. 1993. The anatomical position and metric traits of phalanges in cattle. Revue de Palobiologie 12/2: 21-43. Bartosiewicz, L.Van Neer, W.Lentacker, A. 1993. Metapodial asymmetry in cattle. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3/2, London: 69-76. Bartosiewicz, L. 1992. Tbbvltozs mdszerek avar kori llatkoponys temetkezsek vizsglatban (Multivariate statistical methods in the analysis of Avar Period burials containing animal skulls). Jsa Andrs Mzeum vknyve XXX-XXXII, Nyregyhza: 263-276. Bartosiewicz, L. 1992. Addendum. Zooarchaeology in Szkesfehrvr: The Gza Square and Csk Istvn Street sites. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 44: 397-413. Bartosiewicz, L. 1991. Kzpkori llatmaradvnyok Vc belvrosbl (Animal remains from medieval Vc in Hungary). Vci Knyvek 5, Vc: 129-152. Bartosiewicz, L. 1991. Faunal material from two Hallstatt Period settlements in Slovenia. Arheoloski Vestnik 42, Ljubljana: 199-205. Bartosiewicz, L. 1991. Avarkori lovak vgtagarnyai (Extremity proportions of Avar Period horses). Mra Ferenc Mzeum vknyve, Szeged: 301-310. Bartosiewicz, L. 1991 A mencshelyi telep llatcsontanyaga (The animal bone assemblage from Mencshely). A tapolcai Vrosi Mzeum Kzlemnyei 2: 4849. Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M. 1991. Animal remains from the 1970-1972 excavations of Iatrus (Krivina), Bulgaria. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 43: 181-209. Bartosiewicz, L. 1990-1991. Animal bones as indicators of continuity at Roman provincial sites. Antaeus 19-20, Budapest: 103-342. Bartosiewicz, L. 1990. jkkori s rzkori szarvasmarhk termetnek s ivarnak becslse tbbvltozs mdszerekkel (Estimating stature and sex in Neolithic and Copper Age cattle using multivariate methods). Agrrtrtneti Szemle 1-4, Budapest: 1-21. Bartosiewicz, L. 1990. Species interferences and the interpretation of Neolithic animal exploitation. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42: 287-292. Bartosiewicz, L. 1990. Osteometrical studies on the skeleton of pike (Esox lucius L. 1758). Aquacultura Hungarica VI, Szarvas: 25-34. Bartosiewicz, L. 1989. Variability of tooth eruption in cattle. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 37/4: 303-317. Bartosiewicz, L. 1989. Bone formation and body composition of European elk: an ontogenetic model. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 37/1: 55-68. Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Sexual dimorphism in the cranial development of Scandinavian moose (Alces alces L. alces). Can. J. Zool. 65, Ottawa: 747750. Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Relative growth in cattle: a multivariate approach. Zooogischer Anzeiger 219, Jena: 159-166.

Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Metacarpal measurements and carcass weight of moose in Central Sweden. J. Wildl. Manage. 51/2, Bethesda M.D.: 356-357. Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Ksrleten innenmintavtelen tl (Before experimentingafter sampling). Budapest: MSZI Szmtstechnikai Tjkoztat 4/1: 7-9. Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Cattle metapodials revisited: a brief review. Archaeozoologia I/1, Bordeaux: 47-51. Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Bone morphometry and function: a comparison between cattle and European elk. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 35/4: 437-448. Bartosiewicz, L.Gere, T.Lippai, K.Kaltenecker, J. 1987. A nvekeds szakaszossgnak vizsglata szkben (A study of periodical growth in heifers). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 36/5, Budapest: 425-432. Bartosiewicz, L.Gere, T.Lippai, K.Kaltenecker, J. 1987. Magyar tarka, holstein friz s R1 nemzedkbeli (75 % holstein) szk testarnyklnbsgei (Differences between the body proportions of Hungarian Fleckvieh, Holstein Friesian and R1 generation heifers). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 36/2, Budapest: 133-145. Bartosiewicz, L.Gere, T.Lippai, K.Kaltenecker, J. 1987. Magyar tarka, holstein friz s R1 genercij szk nvekedsnek s fejldsnek sszehasonlt vizsglata (Comparative study of growth and development). Tanulmnyok 85/6, Gdll: 1-93. Bknyi S.Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Domestication and variation. Archaeozoologia I/1, Bordeaux: 161-170. Choyke, A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 1987. Animal exploitation and its relationships to bone deposition at LovasbernyMihlyvr. Alba Regia XXIII, Szkesfehrvr: 7-18. Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. Skeletal development in Ruminants: Further data on Scandinavian elk (Alces alces). Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 34/3-4: 159-162. Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. Roman Period animal remains from Most na Soi. Arheoloki Vestnik XXXVII, Ljubljana: 287-296. Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. Multivariate methods in Archaeozoology. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 38: 279-294. Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. Egyes hzillatok hstermelsben betlttt szerepnek kapcsolatai nhny fejld orszgban (Relationships between the meat exploitation of some domestic animals in developing countries). Tudomny s Mezgazdasg XXIV/1, Budapest: 39-46. Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. Az llatcsontok eloszlsi rendszere avar temetkezsekben (The distribution systems of animal bones in Avar burials). Mra Ferenc Mzeum vknyve, Szeged: 77-95. Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. A szarvasmarha marmagassgt alakt tnyezk (Factors influencing the withers height of cattle). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 35/1, Budapest: 81-88. Choyke, A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 1986. Ijmaradvnyok Hdmezvsrhely Nagysziget honfoglalskori temetjnek 63. sirjbl (Bow remains from Grave 63 at the Hungarian Conquest Period cemetery of Hdmezvsrhely Nagysziget). Com. Arch. Hung. 1986, Budapest: 253-262. Bartosiewicz, L. 1985. Most na Soi: a preliminary faunal analysis of the Hallstatt Period settlement. Arheoloki Vestnik XXXVI, Ljubljana: 107-130. Bartosiewicz, L. 1985. Interrelationships in the formation of cattle long bones. Zooogischer Anzeiger 215, Jena: 252-262.

Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M. 1985. Animal exploitation at the site of Csabdi Tlizldes. Bri Balogh dm Mzeum vknyve, Szekszrd: 181-194. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. Szmitgp az llattarts rgszeti kutatsban (Computer in the archaeological study of animal husbandry). MSZI Szmitgpes Tjkoztat IV, Budapest: 19-20. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. Sexual dimorphism of long bone growth in cattle. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 32/3-4: 135-146. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. Faunal material from the Medieval cess-pool at SzkesfehrvrSziget. Mitteilungen des Archologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 12/13, Budapest: 241-251. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. CsabdiTlizldes: Taphonomy in the western section of the Neolithic site. Alba Regia XXI, Szkesfehrvr: 235-240. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. Az llatllomny faji sszettelnek sszefggse a lakossg trendjnek energiatartalmval nhny fejld orszgban (Correlations between herd composition and the per capita energy consumption of the human population in developing countries). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 33/3, Budapest: 193-203. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. An attempted distinction between the parts of the Neolithic site at CsabdiTlizldes: The use of macromammalian remains. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 36: 43-52. Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. An analysis of external hindquarter measurements in heifers. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 33: 141-147. Bartosiewicz, L.Gere, T.Lippai, K.Kaltenecker, J. 1984. A magyar tarka, holsteinfriz s az F1 nemzedk zsrdeponlsnak sszehasonlit vizsglata (A comparative study of fat deposition in Hungarian Fleckvieh, Holstein Friesian and the F1 generation of their crossing). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 33/2, Budapest: 133-137. Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M. 1984. Numerical classification of cattle astragali from Pit 55 at LovasbernyMihlyvr. Alba Regia XX, Szkesfehrvr: 181-194. Choyke, A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 1984. Interactions between game biology, environment and human behaviour in patterns of deer hunting. Analysis of a Precolumbian site in Pennsylvania, USA. Mitteilungen des Archologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 12/13, Budapest: 253-262. Bartosiewicz, L. 1983. Growth dynamics in the pelvic region of cattle. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 31/4: 201-205. Bartosiewicz, L. 1983. Animal remains from a Medieval cess-pool. Alba Regia XX, Szkesfehrvr: 169-179. Bartosiewicz, L. 1983. A testkapacits lineris jellemzinek sszefggse tejel tehnllomnyban (The correlations between linear characteristics of body capacity in a dairy herd). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 32/2, Budapest: 97-101. Bartosiewicz, L. 1983. A rgszeti feltrs finomtsnak lehetsgei (Possibilities in the refinement of archaeological recovery). Rgszeti Fzetek 2, Budapest: 37-54. Bartosiewicz, L. 1983. A holstein-friz fajta Magyarorszgon (The Holstein Friesian breed in Hungary). Tudomny s Mezgazdasg XXI/3, Budapest: 44-49. Bartosiewicz, L.Choyke, A. M.Horlai, J. 1983. Mintavteltl az adatfeldolgozsig (From sampling to data retrieval). Mzeumi s Mtrgyvdelem 12, Budapest: 337-344

Bartosiewicz, L.Gere, T. 1983. Pelvimetric differences between two generations of a beef crossing. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 31/3, 113-117. Bknyi S.Bartosiewicz, L. 1983. Testing the utility of quantitative methods in sex determination of domestic hen (Gallus domesticus L.) bones. Zoologischer Anzeiger 210, Jena: 204-212. Gere, T.Bartosiewicz, L.Lippai, K.Kaltenecker, J. 1983. Correlations between fattening characteristics of Holstein bulls and their dam's milk yield. Zeitschr. Tierzchtg. Zchtungsbiol. 100, Mnchen: 380-387. Choyke, A. M.Bartosiewicz, L. 1982. Comments on cattle astragali from Pit 55 at LovasbernyMihlyvr. Mitteilungen des Archologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 10/11, Budapest: 235-240. Gere, T.Bartosiewicz, L. 1982. Holstein-friz nvendkbikk hizlalsi jellemzi s az anyai tejtermels ssze- fggsrendszereinek rtkelse faktoranalizissel (The evaluation of fattening characteristics and maternal milk yield of Holstein Friesian bulls with factor analysis). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 31/5, Budapest: 407-413. Gere, T.Bartosiewicz, L. 1982. Results of fattening Holstein bulls in Hungary. Holstein Science Report 2, Brattleboro V. T.: 1-4. Bartosiewicz, L.Gere, T. 1981. Studies of Holstein cattle in Hungary. Holstein Science Report 9, Brattleboro V.T.: 1-4. Gere, T.Bartosiewicz, L.Lippai, K.Kaltenecker, J. 1981. A holstein-friz fajta nhny hizlalsi jellemzjnek vizsglata s ezek kapcsolata az anyai tejtermelssel (Relationships between fattening and dairy characteristics in the Holstein Friesian breed). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 30/1, Budapest: 71-75. Bartosiewicz, L. 1980. Relationships between the cranial measurements of cattle. OSSA 7, Lund: 3-17. Bartosiewicz, L. 1980. Changes in the skull proportions of cattle during ontogeny. OSSA 7, Lund: 19-31. Gere T.Bartosiewicz, L. 1979. Az ellssel kapcsolatos testmretek alakulsa hsmarhk esetben (The formation of body dimensions related to calving in beef cattle). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 28/4, Budapest: 343-349. Gere T.Bartosiewicz, L. 1979. A szarvasmarha hasznositsi tipusnak sszefggse egyes testmretek posztembrionlis nvekedsvel (Relationships between the type of exploitation and the postembrional growth of body dimensions in cattle). llattenyszts s Takarmnyozs 28/3, Budapest: 245-255. Encyclopedia entries: Bartosiewicz, L.Gl, E. 2010. Animal finds in the east and west. In R. E. Bjork ed.: The Oxford dictionary of the Middle Ages, Volume I. A C. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 6162. Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. Huns. In P. BoguckiP. J. Crabtree, eds.: Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. Schribners' Sons, New York: 391-393. Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. Hungary. In P. BoguckiP. J. Crabtree, eds.: Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. Schribners' Sons, New York: 572-579.

Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. Animal Husbandry. In P. BoguckiP. J. Crabtree, eds.: Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. Schribners' Sons, New York: 366-370. Bartosiewicz, L. 2001. Buda. In P. J. Crabtree ed.: Medieval Archaeology: an Encyclopedia. New YorkLondon, Garland Publishing Inc.: 36-38. Bartosiewicz, L. 2001. Archaeozoology: Eastern Europe (Carpathian Basin). In P. J. Crabtree ed.: Medieval Archaeology: an Encyclopedia. New YorkLondon, Garland Publishing Inc.: 8-9. Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. Szarvasmarha (Cattle). In Krist Gy. ed.: Korai Magyar Trtneti Lexikon (9-14. szzad). Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest: 618. Bartosiewicz, L.Takcs, I. 1994. llattarts (Animal Husbandry). In Krist, Gy. ed.: Korai Magyar Trtneti Lexikon (9-14. szzad). Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest: 38-39. Popular articles: Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. Candide piros juhai [The red sheep of Candide]. Trefort-Kert II/3: 35-37. Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. llatbetegsgek rgszeti kutatsa. Anatmiai s paleopatolgiai vizsglatok hzillatok csontozatn [The archaeological research of animal disease. Anatomical and paleopathological studies on the skeletons of domestic animals]. Termszet Vilga 140/11: 524-525. Bartosiewicz L. Kovts I. 2008. llattan a kirlyi palota termeiben avagy a rgszeti Csontbrigd (The Archaeological Bone Brigade). Mzeumcaf 2008. oktber-november: 30. Bartosiewicz, L. 2004. Egyik kutya, msik eb [One dog is just like the other]. des Anyanyelvnk 2004/2: 13. Bartosiewicz, L. 2001. Facts of History. The Budapest Sun IX/5: 6. Bartosiewicz, L. 1993. A magyar szrke marha histrija (History of the Hungarian Grey cattle). Termszet Vilga 124/2: 54-57. Bartosiewicz, L. 1991. Macskahiedelmek (Cat beliefs). A Macska 1991/2: 1-3. Bartosiewicz, L. 1988. Macskatrtnelem (Cat history). A Macska 1988/2: 11-13. Conference abstracts: Bartosiewicz, L.Van Neer, W.Lentacker, A.De Cupere, B. 1996. Measurement of bone mineral content in archaeozoology. In E. Marton ed.: The Future of our Past 93-95. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest: 88-89. Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. Environment, hunting and animal keeping in Hungary: an historical review. M. JolnkaiI. Lng eds.: Sustainable use of biological resources. Budapest: Akaprint: 70-72. Bartosiewicz, L. 1982. An archaeozoological approach to mortuary behavior. AAA 81th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.: 131.

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