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Fool's Paradise Episode 5: The Athlete

Episode 5: The Athlete

The fuck?! Bogancio's outburst could be heard throughout the entire student population who were all standing in front of a long white board in the quad area. Even though half of this certain population wanted nothing better to do than to stomp over and beat Bogancio up, he was fully protected on all sides by three young ladies under the name of Karenana, Kandyl, and Andy Blaire. Besides, they were here to check up on their grades from their midterms last week, not to bully the most disliked servant in the entire school. What's wrong, Bobo? asked Kandyl, concerned. It's obvious, Karenana said, staring straight at Bogancio's overall average of 53%. He failed... as expected. Oh, Bobo, Kandyl said with sad eyes. I'm so sorry... There are only about a hundred students in each grade right? Bogancio asked Andy Blaire, who was still searching for her scores. There are one hundred twenty Third Years, one hundred and two Second Years, and one hundred thirteen Third Years, Andy Blaire answered with her eyes on the board. Okay, then, Bogancio said, scratching his head. How the fuck did I get ranked one hundred and one in my year? Someone actually scored lower than you? Karenana asked, mildly impressed. Kandyl gaped. That's kind of scary! More so because there are not that many servants in the Second Years, Andy Blaire said before she turned to Bogancio's other two girlfriends. Are Nana and Candy finished checking their grades already? Yes, Kandyl said with a beautiful smile. I got a 100% and ranked eighteenth in my year. I'm so happy right now! No one would expect such a smart sweetie pie from looking at her innocent face, Karenana said, pinching both of Kandyl's cheeks affectionately. How did Candy get an average of 100% and still be only ranked eighteenth in the year? Bogancio demanded. Everyone here are overachievers, Karenana said, crossing her arms and looking upset. What's wrong, Nana? asked Kandyl, frowning. My ranking, Karenana said through gritted teeth. I saw your ranking, Nana, Andy Blaire said, tilting her head. You're second in the entire Third Years. That's something to be proud of. I might have went up a rank at 123%, said Karenana, making Bogancio groan at his failing grade. But I am still two percents behind first ranked. You can do better next time, said Kandyl in encouragement. Yeah, Bogancio agreed. I can't believe there's someone more of a mastermind than you.

I know, Karenana said with her hands on her hips. He's going down... Have you found your grade yet, Andy? Bogancio asked his third girlfriend. Not yet, Andy Blaire said with a sigh. I can't believe Ayden is ranked thirty of the Third Years. How much money did he pay for tutoring? Why do you look at that bastard's grades? Bogancio asked, more annoyed than he intended. Andy Blaire gave Bogancio an apologetic look. Force of habit. I found it, Blaire, Kandyl said, grabbing a hold of Andy Blaire's arm and dragging her to the middle section of the board. You got a 94%, Blaire! Congratulations! I've been in the eighties every time, Andy Blaire said, gawking at her score. This is like a dream come true for me. Andy Blaire bowed deeply to the other three. Thank you Bobo, Nana, and Candy for helping me come this far. I would have never gotten such a high score without you guys. I am eternally grateful.. No problem, Karenana said, throwing her hair back. We're Team Bogancio after all. We stick together, Kandyl said with a wink. You can tell this to your father, Bogancio said in encouragement. Oh, about my father, Andy Blaire said, remembering. Jovi's family and Ian's family are supporting my father in his upcoming re-election as Superintendent. That's great news! Kandyl said, hugging Andy Blaire. With that, Karenana said. Your father should be able to make enough money in a year to pay back a good chunk of your debt. All thanks to Bobo, Andy Blaire said, bowing to Bogancio again. Huh? What? Bogancio asked, acting confused. What did I do? Don't act dumb, Karenana said, holding her chest out. Everyone knows you're friends with Jovi of the Third Years. You probably asked her to help out Blaire. Bogancio denied it, but Karenana ignored him. And Ian is your Master so you asked him, too. It doesn't matter either way, Andy Blaire said, touching Bogancio's arm affectionately. My family might be saved and for that, I will pay you back someday, Bobo. No need, Bogancio said quickly. That's what boyfriends do, I think? Indeed, Andy Blaire laughed. I have a very reliable boyfriend. I'm so sad, Kandyl said, interrupting the other there. What's wrong? asked Karenana, full of concern. Kandyl started crying and tackled Bogancio into a deadly hug. My Bobo has to repeat a grade and we won't be able to graduate at the same time... Oh, yeah, said Andy Blaire and Karenana in unison. I have to study the same shit for another year? asked Bogancio as Kandyl released him. Andy Blaire rubbed her chin thoughtfully. The reason for this rule is to deter students from scoring below our school's passing grade of 65%. I was twelve percent away, Bogancio said, staring at his percentage again. This is absurd, Karenana said, placing a hand on her hip. One test should not be able to determine whether you repeat a grade or not. Everyone agreed

immediately. And it should definitely not determine whether someone is second rank for the rest of this semester. You're definitely bitter, Bogancio said, patting Karenana's shoulder in comfort. Let's protest like last time? Kandyl suggested. Protest? asked Andy Blaire. Nana and I protested about Bobo's bullying situation to the principal, Kandyl answered. Oh, Andy Blaire said. That's why he asked me to defend Bobo. The two girls confirmed. Let's do that, then. It's better than letting Bobo repeat the grade over, right? Karenana smirked. Yes, let's push to get rid of this unfair system where a single test determines your entire academic future. At the determination on Karenana's face, the other three knew that this would get done. Bogancio heard from Andy Blaire about how hard Karenana had been studying for this test, only to be one rank short of the top. Knowing his ambitious girlfriend Karenana, she was probably more hurt than him about the situation. For the longest time, Bogancio was frightened of her. He stayed by her in their romantic relationship because he knew she could think of more cruel ways to kill him than anyone else at this school. But he was beginning to understand her as well. For someone so demanding and sadistic, she was not proud of herself enough to show the world the real her. Only his other two girlfriends and he knew and accepted her. Similar to the first time, Bogancio was called into the Principal's office the next day. The old man was reading some women magazines when Bogancio entered. Inside, there was already Andy Blaire and Karenana sitting there and waiting for him. They had such serious expressions on their faces that Bogancio could only think of the worst case scenario. However, they both switched to lighter expressions at the sight of him. I have discussed it in thorough details with these two young ladies, The Principal said to Bogancio after Bogancio sat down at the extra chair. And we agreed upon giving you an extra two weeks for you to retake every test you failed in and pass the original 65% cut-off. Oh, Bogancio said, blinking. Great. And it won't affect your regular class schedule because of the break. At his words, Bogancio remembered the short one month break in between this and the next semester. He was planning on traveling back to visit his ninetyeight mothers during this break, but it looked like he would have to cancel the trip and settle for staying on school campus until the next semester. At least, there was going to be a much longer break after the next semester for him to return to his former hometown for a month or so. Thanks, Bogancio said, saluting. I won't let you down. There is a catch though, The Principal said in a solemn tone. Let's hear it, Bogancio said in a more confident tone than he felt. The reason why we are allowing you to retake the tests is because one of our scholarship students also failed the same test in your year. Bogancio remembered his ranking from yesterday. That's good for that person, too, then!

That is why I asked our top-ranked student Karenana to tutor both you and our scholarship student, Dani, The Principal said as he clasped his hands together on top of his desk. If even one of you are to fail this makeup exam, both of you will repeat the year over. Furthermore, we won't allow makeup exams for the years after you because they have been proven ineffective. That's harsh, Bogancio said with a frown. You refuse to take the makeup exam, then? On one hand, Bogancio would like to enjoy his one month break from this high class society of a school to be with his mothers. On the other hand, Bogancio noticed the urging looks on Karenana and Andy Blaire's face. They really wanted him to make use of this opportunity to get a better average on his makeup exams. If Kandyl were here, she would also encourage him to take advantage of this. In the end, ever since they decided to protest, he never had a choice really. I'll take it, Bogancio said at last. Excellent, The Principal said, shaking Bogancio's hand. If you and Dani are to pass your makeup tests, it will set a good example for the years after you. We will work to make the option of makeup exams possible for all students. I'm glad to hear that, Karenana said in her sweet tone. I will also report this to my father, Andy Blaire said a firm nod. Please do, The Principal said. I always thought the way we do things around here is a tad old-fashion. Bogancio mouthed to Andy Blaire about how the entire school was traditional in every sense of the word. Andy Blaire had to suppress her laughter. It is time for some changes, don't you think? Definitely, Karenana said with her perfect smile. I believe this is in everyone's best interest. If our students are failing, we should help them succeed, not make them feel more defeated with their grades. Well-said, Karenana, The Principal said, proud of her. Please help Bogancio and Dani pass their makeup exams. Karenana laughed behind the back of her hand and said, I will do my best. After the three of them left the office, Bogancio turned to Karenana and asked immediately, Who's Dani anyways? She is a Second Year, Karenana said with a frown. I'm not sure either. I know her, Andy Blaire spoke up. The other two paid attention to the bodyguard. Dani is the Captain of the Track Team. Oh, Karenana said, surprised. We have an excellent Track Team at this school. We do, Andy Blaire said proudly. We always make it to the Quarterfinals every year. Huh, Bogancio said. Your school is quite sneaky, then. The two girls tossed him curious looks. I mean, this Dani is a scholarship student, right? That must mean your school gave her the scholarship because she's a fast runner and they need her for the Track Team. Pretty much, Karenana said with a shrug. Sports teams meet up and practice during break, Andy Blaire said as the three of them left the building. Dani should still be on campus while the rest of the school are packing up to go home. Is that why Candy is not here? asked Bogancio, a bit disappointed. No, no, Andy Blaire said quickly. She's talking to her mother about

staying here over the break to support you during your two-week study period. I love her, Bogancio said, overjoyed. Her mother won't be too happy about this, Karenana said, frowning. I should have known, Bogancio said, changing his mind immediately. Andy Blaire patted him on the shoulder. Besides Nana and Candy, I will also be here to support you. I am your bodyguard after all and you might still be in danger even during break. Thanks, Bogancio said, giving her a quick hug. Bobo, Karenana said, gripping onto Bogancio's arm suddenly after he broke away from his embrace with Andy Blaire. If you pass your makeup exams, you can stay over at my house for the remainder of your break. Bogancio blinked. Really? I live not far from here, Karenana confessed. Unlike a lot of our classmates. Will it only be two of us? asked Bogancio, scared now. No, of course not, Karenana said, rolling her eyes. My servants will be there and I can't exactly leave Blaire and Candy stranded on school campus either. Bogancio grinned, knowing he was safe. Cool. I'll study hard, then. You will, Karenana said, smirking. As your tutor, I'll make sure of it. At the evil tone in Karenana's voice, Bogancio was beginning to regret his decision to stay at school and study for the next two weeks for his makeup exams. If it weren't for the fact that Andy Blaire and Kandyl wanted him to pass as well, he would have given up in getting that 65% average. This was the first time he really appreciated there being people who cared about him so much that they were willing to give up their break for him. Even if Karenana pretended to be mean about it, he hoped that she also wanted him to succeed. She was his first girlfriend and Kandyl and Andy Blaire's best friend after all. Before Bogancio and his girlfriends decided to head to the track and field area, they stopped by the girls' dormitory to pick up Kandyl. Apparently, she managed to convince her mother to allow her to remain on campus for this break. A part of Bogancio was still surprised that Kandyl and Karenana's parents were so carefree about him dating them both, but he knew they grew up in a less strict environment than Andy Blaire in general. It was obvious enough from the way they acted compared to Andy Blaire. Dani? asked one of the girls on the Track Team when they confronted her. We would like to speak to her, if possible, Karenana said sweetly. The girl frowned. Dani has already left by herself for her daily morning workout. Where is this workout? asked Kandyl. She usually jogs twice around the school before she goes up into the mountains... In unison, Bogancio and his three girlfriends turned their heads to the right where the tall mountain next to their school was located. No one really approached that side of the school except a couple of clubs, including the Hiking Club. Bogancio personally thought that that club was stupid and they could just hike on their own free time if they wished. Rich people and their tendency to turn every hobby into a club...

When will she be back? Andy Blaire asked. We don't know. Some days, she'll be back by lunchtime. Other days, dinnertime. This is not helping, Bogancio said, stretching his arms. Might as well fetch her. Fetch her? asked Kandyl with wide eyes. We're in a hurry right? Bogancio asked. We need to tell her as soon as possible, Karenana said. But, Bobo, Kandyl said, full of concern. We don't even know exactly where she is. I really have nothing better to do, Bogancio said frankly. If you're going, Andy Blaire said, standing next to Bogancio now. I will also jog up that mountain to search and relay the message to Dani. Andy Blaire gave Bogancio a serious look. We cannot afford to lose you to rattlesnakes. You're protecting him for rattlesnakes? Karenana asked in disbelief. Blaire is so noble, said Kandyl, gazing at Andy Blaire in admiration. If I am athletic like you, I would also run with Bobo and keep him safe from those dangerous snakes! Really, Bogancio said, smacking his forehead. Have you girls forgotten that I was a street urchin who survived on my own? Understood, said Karenana to Andy Blaire, completely ignoring Bogancio. I will leave Bobo in your capable hands, Third Girlfriend. Candy and I will stay here just in case Dani returns earlier than expected. Kandyl nodded. Good plan, Nana! Fine, Bogancio said, giving up in explaining himself. Let's go, Andy. Coming, Bobo! With nothing and no one but Andy Blaire by his side, Bogancio jogged on the provided mountain trail with his eyes scanned for the Track Team captain. Much to his surprise, Andy Blaire managed to keep up with his fast jogging the entire time. There wasn't any obvious sign of fatigue on her usual cold face either. Grinning, Bogancio decided to slow down and noticed a small sign of relief on her face. You're pretty good, Andy, Bogancio complimented. Thank you, Andy Blaire said, more breathless than how she usually sounded. Running was part of my initial training as a future soldier. Same here, Bogancio said and laughed. My training to not get caught. Andy Blaire managed to laugh as well. That's a lot more training than anything I've done. Probably, said Bogancio, amused. You have a lot of endurance though. I may not be as fast as you, Andy Blaire stated. But I have a lot of stamina and quick reflexes to make up for it. Yeah, Bogancio said. You're quite an athlete, Andy. I should have joined a sports team, but my father wanted me to focus on my studies. Quite a shame, Bogancio said, shaking his head. I'm still not used to the idea that rich people play sports and games in their free time. Yes, Andy Blaire said in agreement. Poor people do not have such leisure time to participate in such activities. And music! Bogancio cried, remembering Jovi. Sure, some of my mothers

play and listen to music to keep themselves entertained, but nothing to this level! This classical music deal is so high level and complicated! You live in a different world than the rest of us, Andy Blaire said. I've been living in this world with Ian for the past six years of my life, Bogancio said. I should get used to it by now, but it never feels quite right to me. I don't see why running is considered a sport to you people. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy. Bogancio frowned. What does that mean? It doesn't matter, Andy Blaire said decisively as they went up a slope. Nana, Candy, and I like your simple personality. Bogancio gave Andy Blaire a fond look. Andy... Someone is up ahead, Andy Blaire said, excited now. I think it's Dani! Where?! Bogancio cried, following Andy Blaire's gaze. Exactly like his girlfriend pointed out, there was someone jogging the same mountain road higher up the slope. At first, Bogancio tried to figure out how in the world he and Andy Blaire managed to catch up to Dani despite her head start. But then, he simply told himself that Andy Blaire and he were jogging at a fast pace and they didn't have to run laps around the school like Dani. Nevertheless, none of that mattered. They found the person they were looking for and only about two hours after them leaving school campus. If this were a show, they would have ran through a million obstacles to reach their goal. Bogancio grinned at the fact that this was reality. Hi there, stranger! Bogancio shouted out loud. The orange-haired runner threw a glance over her shoulder at them before she grinned and replied, I see people! Is this the Hiking Club? Andy Blaire quickened her pace until she was by the girl's side. On the contrary, we are looking for Dani. Are you Dani of the Second Years? This is her all right, Dani said with that infectious wide grin. What's up? We have something to discuss with you today, Andy Blaire said in a business-like yet breathless voice. Is it the Principal again? asked Dani, groaning. Bogancio finally caught up with the two girls and said, Yeah, the old geezer wants you to do something for him. He always bothers me, Dani said with a frown. What is it this time? Did you know you have the lowest average of all the Second Years? Andy Blaire asked critically. That makes sense, Dani said, laughing in a carefree manner. I didn't take two of my midterms and I fell asleep in the middle of another one. Andy Blaire tossed Bogancio a look. That's why she scored lower than you, Bobo. Whatever, Bogancio said, trying to act cool. Do you know what happens to those who have a low average? asked Andy Blaire. Dani tossed Andy Blaire a look. They repeat the grade, right? Yes, Andy Blaire nodded. Does that not concern you at all? I don't mind, Dani said bluntly. Another year to help out the Track Team. Well, Andy Blaire said with that same stern look on her face. The Principal

would like you retake your midterms in two weeks with Upperclassman Karenana as your tutor. Cool, Dani said. I'm fine with anything. That was easy, said Bogancio, lifting a brow. One problem, though, said Dani, grinning. I knew it, Bogancio said, dropping his head. I sort of don't have time to study, Dani said without shame. Andy Blaire frowned. You have no time? Yeah! Dani said with a firm nod. I mean, the Track Team have a rigorous boot camp schedule for the entire break since our first match is a month after the second semester starts. How packed is your schedule? asked Bogancio curiously. Let's just say that I wake up by six in the morning, Dani said, making Bogancio lose even more color on his face. I'm ready for my morning jog by seven. We workout and run until lunchtime, which is at noon. An hour later, we continue our routine until dinnertime, which is at eight. I go to sleep by ten since I need the eight hours to regain all my strength for the next day. This is not going to work, Bogancio said loudly, frustrated. Sorry that my schedule sucks, Dani said, keeping her eyes ahead. But I really want to give it my all for the Track Team during this break and I really cannot afford to take time off from workout for school. Isn't your Track Team short on members though? asked Andy Blaire carefully. Dani forced an uneasy grin. Yeah, but we managed to persuade some classmates to be substitutes. Even if they're not actual members of the team, we don't mind any outside help. We need to be at least qualified to enter first. I'm good at running! Bogancio pointed at himself. I'll join! You sure about this? asked Dani, surprised. Our training schedule is rigorous. Only for break though, right? Bogancio asked with a friendly grin. And I bet it's not that rigorous to me since I'm used to running. Bobo, Andy Blaire said, turning her head to him in disbelief. It was rare that Bogancio was this assertive. You should be concentrating on getting better scores on your makeup exams. I know, I know, Bogancio said. But since we're all stuck on campus together, we might as well help each other out. What else are we going to do besides studying anyways? Shopping? Andy Blaire laughed. You know I don't like that girly business! All right, Andy Blaire said, laughing weakly. I am persuaded. Andy Blaire gave Dani a determined look. I will also join the Track Team along with Bobo for the duration of the first couple of rounds. Unfortunately, I cannot stay as a longterm member because of my father. Dani winked at them both. It's cool! Thanks for helping us out in our time of need! Nice to have both of you on board! With that settled, the three of them jogged around the mountain and down. The three of them were pretty breathless by the end of it as they collapsed at the same time on the wooden bench with all the water supplies. Kandyl and Karenana were in the middle of their conversation about the latest fashion trends when they

noticed Bogancio finishing off a whole cup of water in two seconds. Andy Blaire was with him while Dani had already went off to see the other members of the Track Team. How did negotiations go with Dani? Karenana asked after Bogancio gulped down a second cup of water in front of her without shame. Andy and I joined the team, he answered. Kandyl gasped. Officially? Yeah, Bogancio said. At least until they can form a real team. Not a bad approach, said Karenana admittedly with a thoughtful look on her face. First, you make her your friend and then, you play the friend card for your own purposes. Bogancio sighed. Not everyone is like you. It is smart plan, but, said Kandyl with her eyes lowered. What's wrong, Candy? Karenana asked, concerned. I know this is selfish of me to say, Kandyl said with a depressed look. We won't judge you, Andy Blaire said, standing next to Kandyl now. Kandyl clung onto Bogancio's arm now. But I was hoping that aside from studying, we can have fun together without everyone else to shun us with their words... I'm sorry, Candy, Bogancio said with a frown. The workout for this team is tough. It lasts the entire day except for meals, Andy Blaire said, frowning. Kandyl nodded weakly. I'm not sad! Really! I'm happy that Bobo is taking the initiative on something! Kandyl tried to smile. I shall support Bobo to the very end! Before Bogancio could hug Kandyl, Karenana interrupted them and said, Sports is not my specialty, but we might as well join the team, too, while we're here. Kandyl nodded frantically. After all, our goal is to make sure Bobo passes his makeup exams and Dani is not likely to study off the field anyways. Are you sure about this, Nana? asked Bogancio, surprised. Karenana shrugged. I am supposed to tutor both of you. I can't exactly do my job if I'm not running alongside you and Dani. Oh, Kandyl said with wide eyes. You'll be studying and running at the same time? Precisely, Karenana said with her hands on hips. Studying is not restricted to sitting at a desk. There are countless ways to study. I like this plan, Andy Blaire said with a wide smile. If Dani cannot adjust to our schedule, we might as well adjust to hers and help out our school's Track Team, too. The others agreed. We're killing two birds with one stone. As expected of Nana to think up of such a superb plan! Kandyl said with sparkling eyes. Thank you, Karenana said proudly. Everyone is clear on what we're doing, then? Er, Bogancio said, scratching the back of his head. All four of us join the Track Team and you will tutor Dani and I during our workout? Yes, Karenana said, smirking. I'll figure out some study methods tonight. I'll also help with tutoring them, Andy Blaire said, volunteering. Me too! Kandyl said with renewed energy now. I want to be useful to

Bobo and Nana! Karenana gave everyone an impressed look. With that settled, I'll explain the situation to Dani and the rest of the Track Team. Right after Karenana left their group, Kandyl cried, I can't wait to wear a cute track outfit! The following morning, Dani was already stretching against the fence when she noticed the four new members from the distant. The other members of her Track Team started murmuring to each other about how bright and flashy Kandyl's outfit was. Kandyl was wearing a white and hot pink track outfit with the shortest shorts they have ever seen. Dani couldn't care less because she was so help for the extra help that she ran over and greeted them. Sorry that practice starts so early, Dani said, grinning. I'm used to waking up early, Andy Blaire said with a smile. Andy Blaire was wearing a regular brown track outfit with matching shoes. Kandyl hopped up and down. I'm fine, too! I was too excited to sleep! But Bogancio and Karenana looked exhausted next to each other. While Bogancio was yawning loudly, Karenana tried to maintain her perfect appearance and composure. She tried to hide her sleepiness with make-up. Even though Dani could tell she didn't get enough rest, Dani admired her for putting on a tough face. This could work out for the Track Team after all. I can't believe Upperclassman Karenana is part of the Track Team, one of the other girls gushed to another. Me too! She's even more beautiful than the rumors say! I love her! She's so intelligent and fashionable! Not only that, she has excellent manners, too. An ideal role model indeed! Despite what her teammates say, Dani frowned at the silver-haired girl and said to herself, But can she handle our boot camp is the real question... The first routine was stretching in a circle before the morning run around the school. As expected, Dani led everyone else. Bogancio noticed that there were only two other males besides him in a sea of females. He decided that young, athletic girls looked captivating in bloomers thanks to Dani, who was the only one dressed in one. In the meantime, Kandyl kept to his right while Andy Blaire kept to his left as they proceeded with the stretches. I love your homemade gothic lolita-styled track outfit, Kandyl gushed to Karenana, who was standing on her right. I asked my father's best seamstresses to design and sew this for me last minute, Karenana said sweetly with her head held high. Bogancio noticed a handful of the track girls admired Karenana like she was someone important. If everyone else likes the design and doesn't mind the wait, I can ask my father's seamstresses to prepare similar outfits for everyone before the first match. With that, Karenana completely won over the entire Track Team. Bogancio, Kandyl, and Andy Blaire were not surprised since Karenana was still one of the most popular girls in school, even after her choosing to date Bogancio. Although Kandyl and Andy Blaire were often judged for their decisions, Karenana seemed to be unaffected for the most part. Unfortunately for Karenana, the topic came up at last when the Track Team drank some water before the run. I do not mean any disrespect, but why would Upperclassman date someone

from the servant class? asked one of Karenana's admirers. Taken slightly off guard, Karenana used her perfect smile and said sweetly, Because I love him. Bogancio, Kandyl, and Andy Blaire turned to look at the silver-haired beauty like they had never seen her before. He makes me happy. While the other members of the Track Team fawned over Karenana, Dani took some time to observe the area. Everything looked good for their morning jog around the school. With her loud voice, Dani announced that they would head off to the West Gate. Kandyl attached herself to Karenana's arm on the walk there. Andy Blaire looked like she was prepared for battle. As for Bogancio, he just wanted to get his over with. The West Gate turned out to be their starting and ending point. They were supposed to jog around the school as many times as possible within two hours. Since this was the first time Bogancio and company joined the Track Team on this routine, Dani offered to adjust her speed to keep them company. The group waited until all the other members of the Track Team turned the corner before they began their jog together. It was obvious from the getgo that Andy Blaire and Bogancio were more fit than Karenana and Kandyl. I'm so tired! Kandyl cried, collapsing against the outer wall of the school after the first lap around the school. I haven't had a workout like this in ages! Should we wait for you? asked Dani with a comforting smile. It's fine, Kandyl said quickly, noticing that the other four showed no signs of fatigue. I'll catch up in no time! At the rate we're jogging, said Andy Blaire, looking straight ahead. There is literally no chance for you to catch up even if you run at your fastest, Candy. A couple of the other members passed by them. Perhaps you should rejoin us when we're done with this lap? I like that idea! Kandyl said with a firm nod. Keep going guys! I'm cheering for you! You should at least walk it out, Dani advised. It's not good to just sit there. I'll try, Kandyl said, forcing herself to stand back up. Have fun! Contrary to what Kandyl insisted, she never rejoined them the rest of the laps. Instead, Bogancio spotted her sitting near where the water supply was at and sewing something on her lap. The rest of the runners who sighted her were obviously not happy at her. They grumbled about her to each other about how Kandyl gave up so easily. Because Bogancio, Karenana, and Andy Blaire were well aware of the negative response, they went to her immediately during the next break to protect her. How was running? Kandyl asked, not noticing how pale the other three were. I'm sorry I didn't rejoin you guys. I'm still really tired. We haven't even started the main workout yet, Andy Blaire said, sitting down next to Kandyl and gulping down her water bottle. You are out of shape, Candy. I know, Kandyl said, unashamed. But it can't be helped! I don't run at all! I don't run either, said Karenana under her breath. The next jog is even worse, Andy Blaire said, frowning. We're going into the mountains. Kandyl gasped and hid her head behind Bogancio's arm. From

your immediate response, I suppose you're not joining us there either. It's all right, Bogancio said, rubbing Kandyl's head. You've tried your best. Why is the next course worse? Karenana asked, a bit breathless. It's simple, Andy Blaire answered. There are slopes in the mountains. Ah, Karenana said, glancing away. So... we're going uphill... And downhill, Andy Blaire added. But probably near the end. It's not that bad, Bogancio said with a shrug. I jumped buildings before. Kandyl's eyes sparkled. Bobo, why are you cool? The break was too short for Bogancio and his team; Dani already called everyone to meet up at the West Gate already. They were supposed to carry their lunches with them, too. Sighing, Bogancio regrettably had to limp over with the rest of the Track Team instead of stay in the arms of Kandyl. The pink-haired girlfriend watched them leave her tearfully, but recovered quickly and went back to sewing. Like before, Dani chose to stay with Bogancio, Andy Blaire, and Karenana because it was their first time running and she wanted to make sure they knew the route her Track Team took. Much to Dani's delight, she didn't have to slow down her usual pace much since both Bogancio and Andy Blaire kept up with her pace no problem. Karenana fell behind fifteen minutes into the run, but she reassured them she would keep running with the rest of the Track Team. Even though Bogancio was not entirely convinced, he knew it was better not to argue with the scariest woman he had ever met. Not bad at all, Dani said, delighted. You two are in top shape! Andy Blaire nodded. This is easier compared to my previous training. Really! Andy's highly disciplined, Bogancio said, noticing that Andy Blaire was breathless. If she talked any more than necessary, she might slow down her pace. She trains her mind and body at every opportunity. Cool! Dani grinned. Me too! It is nothing worth praising for, Andy Blaire said. It is expected of a soldier like me. It's still pretty darn awesome, Dani said, winking. Then, she went back to Bogancio. How about you, Bogancio? To run fast is to survive another day, Bogancio said in a solemn voice. Dani was taken aback by the seriousness in his usual playful voice. I don't run for fun. I run because it's necessary. Bogancio realized how heavy he sounded and laughed it off before he scared off Dani. But it comes in handy now since I get to talk to you! Dani laughed, blushing slightly. It is an honor to share this road with you too, Bogancio. Dani also noticed Andy Blaire slowing down a bit. Once we get to the top, we'll eat our lunches there. Our Track Team has had this tradition for a long time now. How much further is it? Andy Blaire asked in an unsteady voice. About twenty more minutes, Dani answered. Not bad, Bogancio said, unfazed. Dani was impressed at how much energy he had so she said, So, Bogancio, from the sounds of things, you must have had a hard life in the past.

It's not that bad, Bogancio said quickly. He knew very well that women had a tendency to pity people like him. If he admitted his hardship himself, they would pity him less than if they came to that conclusion themselves. I mean, I ate rotten food and wore the same shirt every day, but it could have been worse. Dani frowned. You lived on the streets? Pretty much, said Bogancio, sighing. Andy Blaire listened without interrupting. But occasionally, I would live with one of my mothers for a day. One of your mothers? Dani asked immediately. You have more than one mother? I have ninety-eight mothers, Bogancio said proudly. Dani gasped. They love me very much and whenever I stop by, they would treat me to good food. Noticing Dani's pity slipping away, Bogancio added, But those days are few in number. Ah, Dani said, shaking her head. How about your real mother? Bogancio had not anticipated that question. Even though he wanted to lie about his real mother, he thought about how Andy Blaire was listening to them. He could not lie with Andy Blaire there since she would definitely tell Karenana and Kandyl later. If those two were to somehow figure out the truth with their information tracking skills, he would be dead. Karenana especially hated it if she caught him lying to her. Poor Bogancio for his worries! He should have known that both Karenana and Kandyl had already obtained this information beforehand. It should not matter either way since Andy Blaire and Dani, who were present, had no idea. At last, Bogancio decided that Dani was cool enough to tell. Er, Bogancio said, hesitating. It's not a pretty story. It's all right, Dani said with a reassuring smile. I do not judge people on anything but the basis of their character. Bogancio felt slightly better as he said, My Ma's a... Bogancio sighed, clearly uncomfortable. However, he could see how curious both girls were now. He finally admitted the last word, Prostitute. Isn't prostitution illegal? Andy Blaire demanded. Bogancio shrugged. So? More reason for people to do it. Andy Blaire was a bit shaken and muttered, Bobo, were you born out of wedlock? Ma doesn't even know who my biological father is, Bogancio said honestly. Andy Blaire slowed down her pace even more and bit her bottom lip. She was a really popular prostitute. She could persuade any man to become a regular customer. Your mother must have been really pretty, Dani spoke up. Not really, Bogancio said, waving it off. Or else she wouldn't be a prostitute. Dani blinked. I guess so... She's just good at talking to people. Andy Blaire allowed a short chortle. Sounds like someone I know. I agree, Dani said, enthusiastic. Bogancio gaped at the shiny grin on Dani's face. You have to tell me more stories, Bogancio! That wasn't even a real story! Bogancio said, pumped up. Wait until you hear about how I managed to survive the desert on my own! Thanks to his stories, the three of them were the first to arrive at the top.

Bogancio threw himself unceremoniously against the ground and released a heavy sigh. Both Andy Blaire and Dani chose to stand instead. Because Andy Blaire was too occupied with bringing the lunches for Karenana and Bogancio, she completely forgot about the water supply. Though she rarely committed such mistakes, this was one of the few times she wished she hadn't. However, she was a future soldier; she must not complain about being tired and thirsty. Man, this is the life, Bogancio cried after he gulped half of his water bottle down. Dani was now sitting next to him while Andy Blaire remained standing. Andy, you should drink some water and relax. No one's going to bully me up here. With her back to him, Andy Blaire tried to maintain her composure as she said weakly, I am more at ease in this position. What is with women and stubbornness? Bogancio asked. Dani watched as he forced himself to stand up, walk over, and wrap his arm around Andy Blaire's neck from behind. She immediately grabbed it, but stopped herself from throwing him off her when she recognized him. It's school break, Andy, and nothing can really harm me from up here. Besides, if there is, you need to have the energy to fight them so eat and drink some water. That makes sense, Andy Blaire said as Bogancio removed his arm from her. I will quickly regain my energy for the trip downhill. Bogancio held his water bottle out to her. That's better, Andy. But you already drank out of it, Andy Blaire said, staring at the water bottle with wide eyes. It's fine, Bogancio insisted as he pushed the water bottle into her hands. Despite everything, I'm pretty healthy. It's not the germs, Andy Blaire said with a sigh. Flushing slightly, Andy Blaire finished the water bottle. Thank you, Bobo. I appreciate it. Always so formal, Bogancio said, sighing. You two are close, Dani said, grinning from where she sat. I'm so jealous! Andy Blaire blushed further and cried, Please do not misunderstand! We've only been dating for three weeks! Nana and Candy are much closer to Bobo! I'll be frank, Dani said with a teasing look on her face. You come off as really stoic and humorless at first, but you're actually quite cute, Andy Blaire. That term does not fit me, Andy Blaire said, ashamed. Dani and Bogancio laughed out loud at the same time at the bodyguard. With that, Andy Blaire finally sat down on Bogancio's other side as Dani started on her lunch. Andy Blaire would not allow Bogancio to start eating lunch without Karenana so she insisted they wait. Impatient, Bogancio whined about it for a few seconds before he resolved to wait for his first girlfriend, too. Though knowing her, she would take a while to reach up here. Have you seen Upperclassman Karenana? Andy Blaire asked some of the other Track Team members who also reached the top. No, we haven't seen her. Bogancio threw his head back and whined, How troublesome. Andy Blaire couldn't stop Bogancio from throwing an entire tray of dumplings into his mouth. I'll be right back. Where are you going, Bobo? Andy Blaire asked, concerned.

For a short jog, Before Andy Blaire could follow him, Bogancio was out of her sight already. The fool made his way down the slopes and checked the area closely. As other members of the Track Team passed by him, he asked them if they saw Karenana. None of them knew where she was. Everyone assumed that the perfect Upperclassman Karenana would be ahead of them. It was not until Bogancio knew for sure the last girl in the Track Team had already went on ahead that he began calling Karenana's name out loud. He was willing to bet that she hadn't went back down the mountain yet and struggled somewhere alone. Nana! Bogancio shouted from on top of a tree branch. He decided this tree provided better elevation to spot his girlfriend. Nana! Jogging further down the trail, Bogancio searched for any sign at all of the silver-haired girl. At last, after another half of an hour of wandering around, Bogancio noticed in the corner of his eyes a dainty, white lace on the ground. Since everyone else was dressed in regular track outfits, there was no doubt about who owned this lace. Bogancio picked up the lace and left the main road entirely. Once again, Bogancio climbed a tree and searched for any sign of silver. Nana! Bogancio called when he thought he saw silver behind a tree not far away. No reply. Knowing for certain it must be her, Bogancio quickly climbed down and made his way over to her. It was indeed Karenana who sat against the tree. Nana, are you tired? I am not, Karenana said, wrapping her arms in front of her chest. Why aren't you- Bogancio stopped when he noticed she had bare feet. Are you hurt? It's a mere sprain, Karenana said, shrugging. I'll continue my jog now. Are you crazy? Bogancio demanded. You can't keep running with a sprained ankle! I am Upperclassman Karenana, Karenana said and stood up. I can't give up now. Bogancio frowned at her. This is why you sprained it in the first place. You keep pushing yourself even though you're not even close to athletic, Nana. Without hesitating, Karenana slapped Bogancio with tears in her eyes. Even if I'm not perfect, I can't let them know that. If people know what I'm really like, Karenana's tears started falling down the side of her face. I'll be ostracized. That hurt, Bogancio muttered under his breath. Don't get in my way, Bobo, said Karenana with narrowed eyes. Since it's come to this, Bogancio said with a long sigh. With one motion, Bogancio picked Karenana up by the waist and carried her over his shoulder. While she kicked his chest, Bogancio ignored her and replied, Nana and Andy wouldn't want to see you push yourself with a sprained ankle. They'll worry too much and give me a headache. We're going downhill. I'll punish you for this later, Karenana growled. Bogancio kept a brave face on, though he was shaken on the inside. If anyone asks why you didn't reach the top of the mountain, blame it on your strained ankle. Karenana stopped kicking. No one can make fun of an injured person. I know. I tried it before. Karenana turned her head to look at Bogancio. That way, you can still maintain your perfect image. Thinking this over, Karenana decided that this was indeed the best course of

action so she allowed Bogancio to carry her quietly down the mountain. The gothic lolita woman really was in no condition to be stubborn. Not only that, she was completely exhausted from running uphill. It was a lot harder than running laps around the school. This was bad, though. Karenana was supposed to be Bogancio and Dani's tutor. If she couldn't keep up with him and Dani, how could she help them pass their make-up tests? Nana, Kandyl gasped, standing up at the sight of Bogancio carrying Karenana. Is Nana all right? Is she hurt? I am fine, Karenana said. Bogancio dropped her off on the bench next to Kandyl. I overestimate my endurance and hurt myself by accident. Kandyl cried and embraced Karenana right. Candy, you really should try to keep up with us tomorrow. But, Kandyl said, pulling away and pouting. I don't like this at all. You may do whatever you like, Karenana said, pouring herself some water from one of the scattered water bottles into a cup. There were a stack of cups on the table. But I will not be beaten after a day. Oh no... Bogancio thought, frowning at them. The bad feeling Bogancio felt after that first day of practice lingered throughout the course of the next three days. Kandyl would often run with them around the school, but was too tired and sore to continue up the mountain. As for Karenana, she stayed behind with Kandyl to recover from her sprain. At first, Karenana assumed she could continue running, but her condition got worse quickly. The Track Team was not too pleased with Kandyl in general and it was becoming more obvious every day. Andy Blaire and Dani became running buddies. After practice, every night, Karenana stayed in his room, consuming herself in reading over his school material and making study cards. Karenana decided after investigating the reason for his low grade average that Bogancio only needed to study for his history courses really hard these two weeks. Karenana already left the task of looking over Dani's grades to Andy Blaire. Kandyl was in charge of making study cards there. Er, Nana, Bogancio said, frowning at her. She was at his desk and he was across from her. If you can't keep up with us, how can you help me study? I won't be defeated by a mountain slope, Karenana said, scribbling down notes. Or I can slow down, Bogancio suggested. No, Karenana said with red cheeks. I will catch up to you and Dani. Karenana glared at Bogancio. Even if I have to build my endurance in a short amount of time. I don't get it, Bogancio said, taking a quick look at the cards she already finished. Why do you rich people go through such length to look good in front of others? Karenana straightened up at his words. By the end of the day, they're just words? It might not bother you, Karenana said through gritted teeth. But to be looked down by others... Karenana lowered her eyes. like a death sentence to me. Bogancio lifted a brow, confused. You wouldn't understand. Forget it. Words don't kill you, said Bogancio, shaking his head. How can you possibly die from words? I would have died so many times by now. Karenana lowered her writing utensil. We really come from two different

worlds... Duh, Bogancio said, laying back. When the time comes... Karenana said, crawling over to Bogancio's side. She looked down at him with a serious expression in her blue eyes. Will you adapt to our world, Bobo? Yeah! Bogancio said quickly, grinning. Karenana pouted and pinched his shoulder hard, making him wince. I know you're lying to me, Bobo. Karenana pushed her face closer to him. You can lie to any other pretty girl you like, but you're not allowed to lie to me. Bogancio gulped. Now, let me ask you again- will you adapt to this aristocracy world the rest of us live in? I don't have a choice, do I? Bogancio asked, giving in to Karenana. I've been living with Master Ian for a couple of years now and I know how you people work, but, Bogancio sighed. It's so fucking dumb. Bobo, Karenana said with surprising sad eyes. I agree with you. Bogancio blinked. You... do...? That's why I try so hard in my studies, Karenana said and laid her head down top of Bogancio's chest. I want to start my own branch of clothing store and be even more successful than my father. Bogancio gawked at her. He would have thought she would speak of her dreams to Kandyl or Andy Blaire first, but she chose him instead. There were times when he thought the silver-haired beauty stayed with him because she could make use of him. But at times like this, he was conflicted. From his experience, a woman, who would share her dream with a man, wanted to talk about marriage in the future. Sure, it was easy to say yes to Andy Blaire when she asked him about that heavy topic. But Karenana? I want to be in charge and rely on my own smarts, Karenana continued, closing her eyes. I don't want anyone to be the boss of me. Not my father. Not even the King. Karenana felt Bogancio tense up under her so she picked her head up and peered down at him. What's wrong with you, Bobo? You reminded me of the future, said Bogancio solemnly. Do you have any plans at all? Bogancio sat up straight and frowned. I heard from Dani that people actually compete by running against each other. That is what the Track Team does in a less professional level, said Karenana, moving herself next to Bogancio. Are you thinking of competing, too? I don't know, Bogancio confessed. Just a thought. You have a Master already, Karenana said, reaching for Bogancio's shirt collar and tugging it playfully. All you have to do is keep your Master happy and you'll live a secure life. Karenana reached her hand under Bogancio's shirt. You're actually very lucky, aren't you Bobo? You don't have to work hard to live comfortably and you get away with it. Wouldn't that be the same for those noble families? Bogancio said, though his attention was completely on Karenana's hidden hand. There are a lot of responsibilities that come along with nobility, Karenana said. She climbed on top of Bogancio again as she held his chin up with her right hand. I'll explain some other time. For now, concentrate on your studies. Tonight? Bogancio said, yawning loudly.

No, during practice, said Karenana firmly before she smirked at Bogancio. Now, beg me to undress you. The sadist is back. She never left. The following morning, Kandyl noticed that Bogancio was more enthusiastic than usual during their morning stretches. The pink-haired girlfriend glanced over in Karenana's direction and watched the Upperclassman laughing with a couple of the other Track Team members. Right after stretching, Kandyl skipped over to Karenana and pulled her aside. Nana, you never went back to your room yesterday, Kandyl said with a bright smile. I stayed over at Bobo's, Karenana admitted. Karenana saw this coming because Kandyl was extremely skilled at stealth and stalking. Have you finished the study cards for Dani? Yes! Kandyl said, beaming. How about you? I managed somehow, Karenana said proudly. Bobo is such a poor student that it took me ages to figure out his study plan. Is there anything else you would like to tell me, Nana? Kandyl asked, gazing intently at Karenana. Or is that everything? Karenana patted Kandyl lightly on the shoulder. Actually, there is, but I'll talk about it with you and Blaire after Bobo's makeup exam. Nodding, Kandyl said, I will patiently wait then! When the two women returned, Karenana and Kandyl watched as Dani and the other female member of the Track Team surrounded Bogancio. Andy Blaire stayed by his side, but she was busy spreading sunscreen over her arms and legs to really listen to what he was saying. Judging by his body language, Bogancio must be in story telling mode. Karenana and Kandyl hurried over. And then, Bogancio said with one foot on top of the bench. I landed on my feet and waved at my pursuers still left on board the ship. You get in so much trouble, Bogancio, Dani said with a dropped jaw. Bogancio shrugged. The life of a street rat like me. Well, I'm glad you're safe and healthy and here now, said Dani with a wide grin at Bogancio, who returned the gesture. They broke off the gaze as Dani placed her hands on hips and looked around her. All right! Let's hurry up, guys. We need to move on with our practice routine. The members of the Track Team started dispersing. At last, Dani noticed Kandyl and Karenana nearby. Will you two be joining us on the trip uphill today? I will, Karenana reassured. I'll try! Kandyl said with a firm nod. Cool, Dani said with a wink. Let's work hard together. After Dani marched ahead, Karenana and Kandyl exchanged a look with each other before they joined Andy Blaire and Bogancio. Similar to the other days so far, Bogancio carried the water and Andy Blaire carried the food. On the stroll to the front gate, Kandyl attached herself to Bogancio's right arm. You and Dani are getting along well, Kandyl mumbled to Bogancio. Extremely well, Andy Blaire said for Bogancio. I talk a lot with her, too. She's cool, Bogancio said with a grin. She's not like the others. In what way? asked Kandyl with a tilted head.

How do I explain this... Bogancio said, thinking. Then, he smiled. She has a real laugh. A real laugh? Karenana said, lifting a brow. You mean... a genuine laugh? Yeah, that, Bogancio said. She finds me hilarious. That's because our Bobo is really funny, Kandyl said, squeezing his arm. Humor won't help him pass his make-up exams though, Karenana said as Kandyl sobbed at the thought. But these study cards will. Karenana gave Bogancio a stern look. Stick close to Dani so you two can study at the same time. Yeah, okay, Bogancio confirmed. Should I carry the cards? Andy Blaire said to Karenana. Please, Karenana said, passing the material over. While Dani, Bogancio, and Andy Blaire jogged at their own place, Kandyl and Karenana stuck together in the back. At first, Karenana wanted to stay with the other three, but decided otherwise when five minutes later, it became obvious that she had neither the speed nor the stamina. She was now the last of the pack. The other girl never tried in the first place. However, Kandyl kept on jogging because she loved Karenana very much. She would not feel right to leave Karenana to run by herself. Last time, Karenana ended up with a sprain. There was no way she would allow this to happen again. After all, before Karenana, Kandyl never had a best friend. As for Bogancio, he and Dani reached the top of the mountain in half the usual time. Both of them panted and gulped down their water bottles. Then, they collapsed against a nearby tree side by side and laughed at the same time. No one was even close to the top. So, why did you run, Bogancio? Dani said, grinning. Out of reflex, Bogancio said admittedly. You? Same as you, Dani said and sighed. After your girlfriend started listing names of dead people, I just have to get as far away from her as possible. Bogancio laughed so hard that he had to hold onto his stomach. We are so going to fail our makeup exams. No shit, Bogancio said. I hate history. Me too, Dani said, sticking out her tongue. I can't stand it. It's so dumb. Why do we have to learn about dead people? They're dead. That, and our teachers keep forcing their opinions about history down our throats, Dani said in distaste. The past already happened! Leave it the hell alone! Bogancio shook his head with a grin on his face. You are cool, Dani. You too, Bogancio, Dani said, raising a hand at him. But we should at least try to listen to Andy Blaire and pass our pointless tests, yeah? Bogancio clapped Dani's hand and nodded. Yeah, or else Nana will kill me. Nana? Dani said, amused. She's so beautiful and charming. Yeah, right, Bogancio said, sighing. That's what you think. You're right, Dani said, laughing. I don't know anything about your girlfriends and you. Dani poked Bogancio in the shoulder. Maybe you should tell me a bit since we'll be in the same Track Team for a while. There's not much to say, Bogancio said, relaxing against the tree. We spend like literally all our time outside of class together.

What do you do? Bogancio thought about it. They go shopping a lot... Ew, shopping! Dani cried. Yeah, Bogancio made a face. It's icky. What can they possibly shop for? Dani wondered. They're rich. They have everything. I don't know why, Bogancio admitted. But Nana has an amazing eye for clothes and hair accessories. Dani nodded, interested. She helps Andy and Candy pick out clothes. Now, my adorable Candy is excellent with hair and makeup. She buys all types of makeup and test them on the other two. Sometimes, she even figures out new hairstyles for Nana. And Andy Blaire? Andy's not really into those things, Bogancio explained. She's into tools. Tools? Bogancio nodded. That's one of her side hobbies. She likes to break and open stuff. After she's done, she'll put them back together. If you ever break anything, you should ask her for help. She has a lot of knowledge about weapons as well. That's so neat, Dani said, gaping. Your girlfriends are so cool. They can all cook, too, said Bogancio proudly. Wow! I can't! Candy is the best cook. Her dishes are both cute-looking and delicious. Bogancio paused and thought back to Karenana. Nana is pretty good, too, but not as good as Candy. She studies too much so she can only make some, random dishes she picks up. Bogancio laughed at the thought of Andy Blaire. Andy only knows how to cook for survival reasons. She once told me that if we're ever lost in a forest, she'll know what to make. Dani laughed. You must have so much fun together! I guess, Bogancio said with a shrug. But they probably enjoy each other's company more than mine. Like I really don't want to shop for makeup. Yeah, Dani said with a frown. I don't see the point of it. Me neither, Bogancio admitted. Rich people and their leisure time. Definitely, Dani said as the two smacked fists. How about you, Bogancio? What are you good at? What do you do for fun? What are your goals? Do you really want to know? Bogancio asked, confused. Yeah! Dani said, excited. I want to know more about you. Let's see, Bogancio said, thinking. I don't think I'm good at anything. Oh, come on, said Dani, exasperated. You're good at running, aren't you? But it's not enjoyable for me as it is for you, Bogancio said defensively. I run because I don't know how to fight. Dani looked like she understood. I also don't have any goals. I just want to live another day and have fun. Have fun... Dani muttered. I want to travel the world and see new things, Bogancio said with a wide grin on his face. Eat lots of food. Talk with different kinds of women. Bogancio had a content look on his face. Maybe even collect treasure and find random artifacts. Dani laughed and shook her head. Man, that sounds so much fun.

I'll probably get a bunch of souvenirs for Master Ian, Bogancio added. Ian Castillo is your Master? And my best friend, Bogancio said without a doubt. He's the best thing to have happened to me. I never had a guy friend before I met him. Suddenly, Bogancio's face fell. But we were closer before we attended this school. He used to laugh at everything I say and we would do everything together, but now... Bogancio shook his head. He has his new, rich friends. You should talk to him about this! Dani insisted. Yeah, Bogancio said. He's the reason why I'm here in the first place. There's no point me staying here without him. What about your girlfriends? Dani reminded. Bogancio blinked. Oh... At the thought of Karenana, Kandyl, and Andy Blaire, Bogancio smiled and said, Yeah. You're right, Dani. I have another reason to be at this shitty school. They love you very much, Dani said with a firm nod. They do, Bogancio said, scratching the back of his head. I don't know why though... I do. Blinking, Bogancio gawked at Dani. Er, you do? I mean, Dani said quickly, flushing bright red. From hearing your stories, I can see why your girlfriends would choose to side with you. Dani laughed and clapped Bogancio's shoulder. Bogancio, I value your companionship. Same! Bogancio said, grinning. You are the coolest gal ever! I'm finally here... Bogancio and Dani glanced over to find an exhausted Andy Blaire a few feet away from them. She was panting hard and sweating quite a bit. Before she could take another step, she lost her footing and tumbled over. Bogancio ran and caught her before she hit the ground. Once he helped her to his spot under the tree, he placed her head against his shoulder and carefully placed the water bottle to her lips. She was burning hot. Dani watched as Andy Blaire recovered from her heat exhaustion thanks to Bogancio's water. I must train harder, Andy Blaire mumbled when she met Bogancio's eyes. It's my fault, Bogancio said in a regretful tone. I shouldn't have ran off like that and left you behind. Andy Blaire gave him a weak smile. I swear, I didn't do it on purpose. It was a reflex. Andy Blaire reached up for his face and stroke his cheek. It's fine. I understand. We'll be good and study now, Dani said, feeling guilty as well. Okay, Andy Blaire said weakly. Give me five minutes to rest. Andy Blaire dropped the bag full of study cards and held onto Bogancio closer to herself. Today is too hot. I hope Nana and Candy are fine. Bogancio stared down at their school at the bottom of the mountain. Maybe I should find them first... Andy Blaire needs you and we need to study, Dani said in a surprising stern voice. Bogancio gave her his full attention. And I believe in your other girlfriends. Bogancio blinked. Never estimate girls who live in heels. Andy Blaire managed a laugh at Dani's words. I agree with Dani. I don't know how those two do it, but they are surprisingly sturdy when it comes to it.

Yeah, okay, Bogancio said, loosening up. Women are crazy. I should know. I have ninety-eight mothers. Thanks, Bogancio, Dani said. Thanks, Bobo, Andy Blaire said at the same time. Within the next fifteen minutes, the rest of the Track Team also reached the top and ate lunch as usual. Andy Blaire had to help two people who seemingly had no knowledge at all about history. Fortunately, Andy Blaire's training as a soldier paid off in terms of patience. Soon enough, one by one, the Track Team started their jog downhill. There was still no sign of Karenana or Kandyl though. Dani, one of the other girls said. Are you coming? I'll wait for the rest of the team first, Dani insisted. All right. If you say so. Are you sure about this? Andy Blaire addressed Dani. You are the best runner of our school. I don't want you to sacrifice your daily training for our sake. I am the one who said to believe, right? Dani replied with a wide grin. They'll be here. Very well, Andy Blaire said, convinced. Let's move on to the next era. Aw... Dani and Bogancio whined simultaneously. The sun began to set, but none of them noticed. Dani and Bogancio collapsed on the ground on their stomachs with their brains filled with dates, places, and people that neither of them cared about. Andy Blaire stood on the edge of the cliff to search for any signs of silver and pink hair. At a glimpse of silver for one second, Andy Blaire stood up straighter and bolted down the road without another word. What's up with Andy? asked Dani to Bogancio. She prefers to be called Andy Blaire, Bogancio corrected. You called her Andy. I'm special. Dani smirked. Oh, I see how it is. Dani and Bogancio started down the same road as Andy Blaire. And is 'Bobo' only reserved for your girlfriends? You can call me Bobo... if you like, Bogancio said, glancing in her direction. Wow, Dani said, amused. She started laughing at him. What a charmer! Would you rather I kiss your hand? You already have three. Bogancio shrugged. The more the merrier. The sight of Andy Blaire startled Dani so much that she forgot to reply to Bogancio. In front of them, Andy Blaire was pretty much taking turns squeezing Kandyl and Karenana to death with her tight embrace. She proceeded to check their temperature and appearances. Dani had never seen Andy Blaire act this way before so she was speechless. Are you all right? Andy Blaire demanded, cleaning Kandyl's face with Karenana's lacy, white handkerchief. Are you hurt anywhere? Have you eaten at all since this morning? Kandyl burst into tears. I'm so hungry, Blaire! I hate running so much! I've saved half of my food for you, Andy Blaire reassured, rubbing Kandyl's head. Blaire! You are the best! I am so proud of you, Andy Blaire said with a sweet smile. You made it to

the top. Not exactly, Karenana said in interruption as she passed by all of them. She looked like she was on the verge of collapsing. We're not there yet. Bogancio grabbed her arm along the way, which made Karenana whirl on him and cry, What now, Bobo? You're close enough, Bogancio said. You should sit down, Nana. I refuse, Karenana said, jerking her arm away. I will not rest until I am at the top. It's right around the corner, Dani said, pointing ahead. Thank you, Karenana said in a breathless voice. She's one crazy perfectionist, Dani muttered after Karenana was out of earshot. You're all crazy. Dani turned to Andy Blaire and Kandyl. You surprised me there, Andy Blaire. I never thought you had that side to you. I know, right? Kandyl giggled. Blaire is usually quiet and cool, but she worries endlessly about Bobo, Candy, and I. She takes care of us and asks us constantly if we're eating correctly. Andy Blaire blushed slightly. No... it's my duty... You'll be quite a perfect wife one day, Dani said with wide eyes. That's too far in the future to predict, Andy Blaire said with a weak smile on her face. Carry me, Bobo? Kandyl asked with wide eyes. You carried Nana the other day! You don't care about getting to the top on your own? Dani asked Kandyl. Nope! Kandyl said, unashamed. Nana pretty much supported me for the past hour. No wonder it took you two forever, Bogancio said and lowered his back for Kandyl. Kandyl climbed on and squeezed his neck tight; she giggled out of happiness. Even with you being sore and tired, I imagine Nana wanted you to push on no matter the cost Yeah! Kandyl agreed. That or she'll whip me! Whip? Dani exclaimed. Upperclassman Karenana?! Oops, Kandyl said, hiding her head behind Bogancio's back for protection. Wicked, Dani said with a wide grin. That's so awesome! Andy Blaire and Bogancio gaped at Dani. Now, they were speechless. Dani looked excited now. I always thought Upperclassman Karenana was super boring. The perfect student. The perfect girl. The perfect role model. Who knew she was secretly so fierce? Awesome to you, Bogancio said with a sigh. Let's watch the sunset! Dani shouted as she ran on ahead. She's energetic, Andy Blaire commented as the rest of them also went up the hill. When it comes to anything but studying that is. Kandyl snuggled her head against Bogancio's shoulder. I'm so tired... and sore... and hungry... and sleepy... After the group of five watched the sunset while Karenana and Kandyl ate their late lunch, they jogged slowly together down the hill. Dani and Bogancio never ran so slowly in their life, but it was better to move as a group since the whole mountain was dark now. By the time they reached the bottom, it was already dinnertime and neither Karenana nor Kandyl wanted to run anymore. For once, even Andy Blaire seemed out of energy.

You've accomplished a lot today, Upperclassman Karenana and Kandyl, Dani said optimistically. Karenana and Kandyl were too sore and exhausted to comment. You should take the rest of the day off and have dinner together in the presence of each other's company. Yeah, Bogancio said. Dani and I learned a lot from Andy today so we're good for now. We're studying more later, Karenana told Bogancio. Damn it, Bogancio said, sighing. Sadly, I saw that coming. All of you should go, Dani insisted. She turned to Andy Blaire. Drink more water, Andy Blaire, or else you'll suffer from heat exhaustion again. Thank you for your advice, Andy Blaire said with a firm nod. I will eat plenty as well. With that settled, Bogancio said, stretching his arms. Let's change and go eat that one restaurant with the frogs. Kandyl brightened up at the thought. Bogancio threw Dani a glance. You sure you don't want to join us, Dani? Thank you for the offer, but I wish to jog more laps, Dani said, grinning. So dedicated, Andy Blaire said enviously. Running is my life, Dani said firmly. I have nothing else. Before any of the others could say anything, Dani had already started her jog around the school. Bogancio and his three girlfriends changed in the Track Team locker room before they left to eat dinner. Kandyl remembered that she left their bag of study notes behind in the locker room so she turned around to retrieve the material. The other three went on ahead because the restaurant would most likely need reservations. They knew Kandyl would be fine alone because she was stealthy. But when Kandyl could retrieve her bag from the locker room, the other Track Team members had already returned. This is really annoying, said one member, unaware of Kandyl being outside the locker room. Our practice routine is completely thrown off because of these new people. I don't mind Andy Blaire so much, but that Kandyl is really whiny. I agree. She can't run even if her life depended on it and all she does is complain. Let's ask Dani to kick her off the team, a male member said. She'll only bring us down. Kandyl stiffened up. Everyone always rejected her. One of the other members groaned. She's not going to. Did you see Dani's attitude today? She's completely on their side. She doesn't care what the rest of us thinks. Another giggled. She's too busy flirting with Bogancio. I can't believe the rumors about him are true. Which rumors? someone else asked. That he's a ladies' man? Girls fall for him left and right. Ew! A girl cried. He's so ugly though! Dani's always been a little weird. Maybe she has weird tastes in men, too. I can so see that! The group laughed. She thinks she's so great just because her parents are both famous athletes! When Kandyl heard the Track Team closing their lockers, she scurried away as far from the building as possible. She decided to pick up the bag of cards later

after dinner. The others were waiting for her. She mustn't delay their dinnertime together any longer. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Kandyl headed toward the restaurant with sore limbs and throbbing heart. That night, after everyone returned to their dorm rooms already, Dani entered the locker room. She had finished jogging around the neighborhood and decided to clean up the locker room before heading off to bed. When she turned on the lights, Dani gasped to find the entire place tagged with graffiti. There was sticky orange liquid all over the ground, too. The entire building was trashed from top to bottom. Before Dani could figure out a course of action, she was face to face with Kandyl, who was carrying a single bag over her shoulder. The pinkhaired girl looked like she was in a hurry to leave. Kandyl... Dani said, baffled. I don't care about getting expelled, said Kandyl darkly. Dani stepped toward her. Why? Because your team is full of bitches, Kandyl answered with tears in her eyes. What did they say or do to you? Not me! Kandyl cried, stepping back. I don't care what they say about me! Tears flowed down the corners of her eyes. But I'll never forgive them for calling Bobo ugly! Kandyl sobbed loudly. They don't even know him! It's okay, Upperclassman Kandyl, Dani said, closing the door behind them. No, it's not okay! Kandyl said. They even called you weird! They were making fun of you! How can you let them get away with that? I am weird, Dani said calmly. Any ordinary person would have walked into this room and gotten upset about someone destroying their locker room. Kandyl wiped the tears from her eyes. Not me, though. Dani laughed. I find it hilarious how you're able to do this at all. You can't get angry? Kandyl said carefully. More like I can't get serious, Dani said with a carefree shrug. I run because I like it and that's all I have, but I'm not really that obsessed over it. Dani calmly sat down at one of the benches while Kandyl stood rooted in her spot. If tomorrow I were to break my legs and never run again, I don't really care. I'll probably laugh and tell myself that what's done is done. Dani grinned up at Kandyl. You're actually really possessive of Bogancio, aren't you? He's my life, Kandyl said immediately. I love him. I wish I was serious about something with my entire life. No, you don't, Kandyl said in a shaky voice. Her hands curled into fists. All my life, I've been like this. I would destroy tables, sabotage others, and even stalk them for blackmail purposes. Everyone has dirt on them. Kandyl clenched her jaw. When I lose my temper, I lose it. I can't control myself anymore. You don't seem that bad to me, Dani said carefully. I've been suppressing it for years now, Kandyl admitted. I take out my frustrations by either ripping pointless things like grass or pulling apart a sweater. Kandyl couldn't stop her entire body from shaking. But today, no amount of ripping or pulling is satisfying enough. And before I know it, the entire room became like this. We have polar opposite problems, Dani said with an understanding nod. Now that you come to your senses, how do you feel, Upperclassman?

Sniffing back the tears, Kandyl said, Terrible! I didn't mean to do this! Kandyl started crying loudly. I wish I could turn back time! Dani stood up and placed a hand on Kandyl's shoulders. Let's mop this floor clean then and pick up all the trash... together. No, no, Kandyl said regrettably. I'll do it by myself. I'm responsible, too, Dani said fiercely with a short chortle. It's my Track Team after all. Since Dani refused to leave, the two girls borrowed the mobs from the closet and filled a bucket of water full of soap. Dani took care of the left side of the locker room while Kandyl had the right side for herself. Once they finished, they met in the middle where Dani admired the colorful graffiti all over the lockers. Your mean words are funny, Dani commented. Those won't come off, Kandyl said in defeat. No big deal, Dani said in a carefree manner. Think of it as a complete makeover. Bobo said you have a genuine laugh, Kandyl said, remembering at the sight of Dani and her laughter. Dani stopped and glanced over at Kandyl curiously. Do you have a crush on him? Why do you ask? A gut feeling, Kandyl confessed. I want to know really badly. I like him a lot, Dani said with a firm nod. We're buds. After the two girls cleaned up the entire locker room, Dani offered to throw away the trash. Kandyl agreed with the most guilty expression on her face. Not only did Dani not scold or turn her in, the runner had chatted with her and helped her out the entire night. Right before Dani left the room, she said, Be safe on your way to your room, Kandyl. How can I ever do to repay you for this? Kandyl said, picking up the bag from before. I heard from Bogancio you're a great cook. Kandyl's face lightened up a bit. Bobo praised me? Yeah, of course, Dani said with a short laugh. You should cook some food for the Track Team tomorrow as an apology for the graffiti. Dani winked at Kandyl. They don't have to know it's an apology though. Kandyl smiled. Will do! The following morning, the entire Track Team was devastated at the graffiti all over their lockers. Kandyl pretended to be surprised next to Bogancio and Andy Blaire. The tense atmosphere evaporated in a second when Dani laughed. Everyone, especially Kandyl, turned to her in disbelief. I like it, Dani declared. No other teams have such cool lockers like us. But, one of her team member said. There are curse words and- Such creative vocabulary, Dani said, grinning. Dani's speech made everyone else speechless. Taking this opportunity, Dani went over to Kandyl. Have you guys tried Kandyl's cooking? I heard she's excellent. Everyone crowded around Kandyl for breakfast as she passed out her infinite supply of cinnamon cakes and buns. She spent the rest of her night after she left the locker room cooking breakfast for the team. She wanted to apologize sincerely without giving herself away. More importantly, Kandyl remembered what

Dani said about Bogancio praising her cooking. That motivated her even more to stay up and finish the cinnamon cakes and buns. Upperclassman Kandyl, said one of the freshman. You're really good at this. Yeah! another said. Your cakes are delicious! Kandyl gasped. Really? Should I hurry and cook lunch for everyone, too? It'll be an honor! You should be our team manager instead, someone suggested. Everyone agreed immediately and Kandyl beamed at them. Dani smiled at the pink-haired girl being so accepted so easily by the others. Andy Blaire and Bogancio exchanged a look, but they said nothing. The poor fool and his bodyguard. They knew nothing about what happened in the locker room the previous night. All they could think about was that Kandyl was better off as a team manager than an actual runner. Where's Nana? Andy Blaire asked quietly to Bogancio. She didn't sleep over, Bogancio said. I have no idea. Do you think that she might have... Andy Blaire lowered her voice even more. ...pulled off that prank on the Track Team earlier? Bogancio frowned. Maybe, but why would she? I cannot figure out a reason, Andy Blaire said, thinking. I am sorely basing this on the fact that she's not here with us. Sabotaging the Track Team would not help my studies, Bogancio said as he watched Dani and Kandyl chat. It's not very smart. Therefore not very Nana-like, Andy Blaire said with a firm nod. Sound reasoning, Bobo. Kandyl stayed behind so she could prepare lunch for the Track Team. They planned to follow their usual routine except go downhill and eat lunch back at the school instead of at the top. Dani, Andy Blaire, and Bogancio jogged at their fast pace like always to the top. This time, Bogancio and Dani forced themselves not to run away and stayed with Andy Blaire as she quizzed them on everything she taught them yesterday during their jog. Nana? Andy Blaire said as she noticed silver ahead. Wait, Blaire, Bogancio said, but Andy Blaire already quickened her pace and went to the top ahead of the other two. She has really good eyesight... She does, Dani agreed with a bright smile. Like Andy Blaire suspected, Karenana was stretching at the top of the mountain. Bogancio dropped his jaw at the sight of his first girlfriend waiting for them. She threw Dani a quick glance before she went over to Bogancio with a neutral face. Bobo, dear, Karenana said sweetly. Where's Candy? She's cooking lunch, Bogancio said automatically. Excellent, said Karenana, holding onto Bogancio's arm with a charming smile on her face. I'll be taking over for Blaire on our jog downhill today. I will not slow your pace today. Dani joined in. You'll be helping us study, Upperclassman? Precisely, Karenana said with a bright smile at Dani. This is the task our Principal left me. I apologize for taking such a long time for helping you, Dani. I need to train my body first.

It's okay, Dani said quickly. Thanks for your help! You jogged up here all by yourself? Bogancio spoke up. I woke up early and came up here by myself. Dani lifted a brow at Karenana. Upperclassman, if I may have a word. Karenana turned in Dani's direction. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not to be admirable. Karenana's eyes narrowed. The extent to which both you and Upperclassman Kandyl go for someone you care about, Dani indicated at Bogancio. is something to be envied. Karenana kept her guard up. How much do you know? A lot, Dani said with a laugh. But your secret's safe with me. I hope one day it doesn't necessarily have to be a secret anymore. Karenana glanced away as if ashamed. Dani placed her hands on her hips and grinned. So, where do I sign up to join this party? Party? Andy Blaire repeated, looking around. Actually, Dani said thoughtfully. Answer me after I pass my make-up exams. During the jog downhill, Karenana prepared history questions for Bogancio and Dani to answer. Every time they failed to answer one, Karenana made them repeat the answer over and over before she moved on to the next question. However, every now and again, she would return to the old questions again to retest them. If they failed again, she added more questions for them to study. She paced the questions exactly how they paced their jog. Since Bogancio and Dani ran for most of their life, the pacing caught on and they started making less mistakes. And, Karenana said as they finally reached the bottom of the mountain again. That's correct. Dani and Bogancio clapped hands. Blaire, have you been keeping track of their scores for me like I asked you to? I have, Andy Blaire said. Would you like them in percentages? Please. Dani got seventy-two percent of her questions right and Bogancio sixty percent. Karenana glared at Bogancio. Bobo... Andy Blaire continued. They improved massively from the beginning of the jog though. If we continue at this rate for the last week, they should be able to master history and one other subject at around eighty-percent rate. You hear that, Bobo? Karenana asked through gritted teeth. You need to work harder! Y-Yeah, Bogancio said with a shaky grin as Karenana grabbed a hold of his collar. If we jog a little faster, I might actually study better. Maybe? Very well, Karenana said with a sigh. It will also help me improve my stamina. At the exchange, Dani grinned at them both. She felt good about this study method. She loved being able to absorb information while running. Bogancio should, too. Everything was going smoothly already. With the help of Karenana, Kandyl, and Andy Blaire, Dani was certain she would pass her make-up tests no problem. She believed in the Bogancio team. *** After two weeks of intense jogging and studying, Dani and Bogancio yelled

out of happiness at the same time as they left the test room together. Bogancio had never been so relieved to be done with exams before, more so because Dani looked amazing in a simple t-shirt and shorts next to him. From the first time he met her until now, he had only seen her in her track clothes. She grinned widely at him. Where are your girlfriends? Dani said curiously. They're waiting for me at the front gate, Bogancio said. To celebrate. That must be so much fun! Dani punched Bogancio playfully against the shoulder. You should come, too. Dani stopped in her tracks and turned to Bogancio, who also stopped. You sure? Yeah, Bogancio grinned. Join the party. I know they like me and want me to stick around, Dani said slowly, lowering her eyes. But I want to know your opinion, Bogancio. After all, I'm not dating them. Dani held up a fist at him. I want to be your buddy, Bogancio. What about you? It's Bobo, Bogancio said, hitting his fist against hers. Buddies forever. Sweet! Dani said, holding her hands behind her back. They proceeded with their walk again when Dani slowed down and started fidgeting with her hands. So, what do I have to do now? Is there some special ritual? Do I have to participate in some dumb sleepover party? Bogancio thought about it before he shrugged. Naw. Nothing like that. But there are a couple of rules you should abide by. Rules, Dani repeated. Dang. This shit's complicated. Nana always gets to be girlfriend number one no matter what, Bogancio started as Dani nodded and took mental notes. She hates not being in control so never question her position. Right... Kandyl always gets to latch onto my right arm at every occasion possible. That's her thing. No one can take that away from her. Dani nodded again. I can do that. I hate clinging. Andy's simple. Never ever call her 'Annie' or 'Andy'. Just call her 'Andy Blaire' or 'Blaire' and you'll be in good shape. Is that all? Dani asked hopefully. Bogancio laughed. I sure hope so. I'm new at this, too. It's not like I have a group of girlfriends every other year for fun. Dani started laughing uncontrollably now. Anyways, let's hurry or else I have hell to pay with Nana. With the make-up exams behind them and a new member to his team, Bogancio thought of the two weeks break left before the start of the next school term.

Episode 6: The Date

I should have went with my mother instead.

A kiss is intimate, isn't it? The more you love, the more insecure you become.

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