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The causes of occurrence of Tsunami

Tsunamis can be triggered by a variety of disorders (disturbance) large-scale sea water, such as earthquakes, plate shifts, volcanic eruption under the sea, or the collision of celestial bodies. Tsunamis can occur when the seabed to move suddenly and run into the vertical displacement. The tsunami triggered by the avalanche (tsunamigenic submarine

landslide). Tsunami is referred to as submarine landslide tsunamigenic tsunamigenic There are several large submarine landslide that unanalyzed well. It happened in the past and analyzed by Bugge et al (1987): "A giant three-stage submarine slide off Norway" (Geo-Marine Letters, vol 7, p. 191198).

Underwater avalanches Plate (Undersea landslides)

Large movements in the earth's crust usually occurs at the boundary between tectonic plates. Crack gap between the two tectonic plates is called a fault (fault). For example, around the edge of the Pacific Ocean commonly called the Ring of Fire (Ring of Fire), the denser oceanic plates menunjam got under the continental plate. This process is called a subduction (subduction). Very effective subduction earthquake generating tsunami waves.

Earthquake Bottom of the Sea (Undersea Earthquake)

Tectonic earthquake is one of the earthquakes caused by plate movement of the earth. If these earthquakes occur beneath the sea, the water above the moving plate moves from equilibrium position. This wave appears when the water moves by the influence of gravity back to the equilibrium

position. When a large area on the ocean floor moves up or down, a tsunami may occur.

Volcanic Activity (Volcanic Activities)

Shifting plates in the seabed, but may also result in earthquakes often cause an increase in volcanic activity at the volcano. Both of these can shake the sea water above the plate. Similarly, the eruption of a volcano that lies at the bottom of the ocean can also raise water and generate a tsunami.

Collision Space Objects (COSMIC-body Impacts)

The collision of space objects like meteors is disruption of sea water coming from the surface. Arguably the tsunami that arise due to this reason usually happens very quickly and rarely affect the coastal areas far from the source wave. Even so, when the plate movement and collision of space objects is quite powerful, both of these events can create megatsunami.

Critical potential avalanche slopes.

Avalanche is a sudden event (suddent process ", the story is similar to the earthquake. There is a process of accumulation or buildup of potential energy which, when triggered it will pass. In easily illustrated by the figure below, indicate a buildup of sand that will have a critical angle. At first the sand will accumulate until it reaches a maximum slope angle, known as the critical angle. In the science of geomorphology known as the "angle of repose." After this point is reached, then the addition of sand will cause the "collapse" slope. If sand is sand loose, tentusaja corner ramps. But when mixed with fine sand and clay as a binder, then the angle formed be teeper.

Tsunami The term tsunami comes from the Japanese tsu means harbor and nami meaning wave. It literally means "big waves in the harbor", is a wave that occurs after an earthquake, seismic sea, the volcano erupts or a meteor hit the ocean. Power of each tsunami is still on the function of altitude and kelajuannya. With it, when the wave approached the shore, its height increases while kelajuannya decreased. The wave is moving at a high pace, almost no effect can be felt by a ship (for example) as it crosses the deep ocean, but increases until it reaches a height of 30 meters or more in coastal areas. Tsunamis can cause erosion damage and fatalities in coastal areas and islands. While the waves are vibrations that propagate. In addition to electromagnetic radiation and gravitational radiation may be, who can walk through the vacuum, is also available on medium wave (which is due to change in form can produce bending restoring force), where they can walk and can transfer energy from one place to another without causing particles in the medium move permanent, ie no mass displacement, instead of each specific point oscillates around a certain position. Negative impact caused by tsunamis are damaging anything in its path. Buildings, vegetation, and result in human casualties and causing inundation, salt water pollution, agricultural land, soil and water.

1. Thermonuclear Weapon trough that may be distributed in Sumatra Danny Hilman, researchers LIPI Bandung, as an expert on earthquakes, the earthquake in Aceh due to / caused by a variety of sources rather than from just one point, but a line or shape that leads north to the Andaman Sea along the 1,000 km. Based on GPS data, Simeulue island which lies closest to the source of the earthquake displaced approximately 10 m laterally and 2 m vertically. On average, Sumatra itself has a movement of 3 cm / year. Mr. Danny also mentions the possibility of changes under the surface of the Sumatran earthquake Aceh. It is proposed that examination volcanology, especially the gas content in any volcanoes in North Sumatra and surrounding areas. 2. H. Harni Arrasyid MK An earthquake measuring 8.9 magnitude with a fault along the 200 km accompanied by a giant tsunami wave that hit Aceh, North Sumatra and some countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia and East Africa December 26, 2004 was undoubtedly a natural disaster of this century because terdahsyat very eskalatif and victim died very large.

Causes of Tsunami Earthquakes are most likely to cause a tsunami is the earthquake that occurred in the sea. The depth of the epicenter less than 60 km, magnitude greater than 6.0 on the Richter scale, and other types of classified penyesaran earthquake, faults or fault ride down.

Post-earthquake and tsunami in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam December 26, 2004, the word "tsunami" is now more popular in Indonesia. Yet since the 1992 tsunami began to be known people in this country when the tsunami in Flores on December 12. Despite starting recognizable, but not yet properly understood.

Causes of Occurrence of Tsunamis

Tsunamis occur due to an impulsive disturbance of sea water due to changes in the form of the sea floor abruptly. This happens because of three reasons, namely: earthquakes, volcanic

eruptions and avalanches (land slides) that occur on the seabed. Of the three causes of tsunamis, earthquakes are a major cause.The size of the tsunami wave is determined by the characteristics of the earthquake that caused it. The biggest part implusif noise sources that cause the

devastating tsunami is the earthquake that occurred on the seabed. Although volcanic eruptions can also cause devastating tsunamis, such as the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Earthquakes on the seafloor is cause interference sea water, which caused changes in seabed profiles. Seabed profile

iniumumnya due to tectonic earthquakes that could cause the ground motion perpendicular to the sea or the earth's surface. If the horizontal ground motion with the ocean surface, then it will not happen tsunami.

When an earthquake occurs towing, even though this earthquake ground motion due to horizontal, but because of the earthquake energy, it can tear down the cliffs (hills) in the sea, which in itself is the movement of debris in is perpendicular to the surface of the sea. So while not an earthquake but because the

circumstances of the hill / sea cliffs are unstable, then the force of gravity and ocean currents can cause landslides and tsunamis happen eventually. This had happened in Larantuka 1976 and in Padang in 1980.

Earthquakes are most likely to cause a tsunami is: 1. The earthquake that occurred on the seabed. 2. The depth of the epicenter less than 60 km. 3. Earthquake magnitudes greater than 6.0 on the Richter Scale. 4. Pensesaran earthquake fault types belonging to rise or fall fault. The forces of this kind usually occur in the zone openings and fault zones. Lida (1970) based on tsunami data in Japan showed that the earthquake that caused the tsunami is largely the focus of the earthquake that has a mechanism with dip-slip component, which ever is the type of thrust (fault ride) such as Japan Sea tsunami of 1983 and Flores in 1992 and some small type normal (fault down) such as Japan sanriku Sumba 1993 and

1977. earthquakes







(horizontal section) a very small possibility to cause a tsunami

Japan's Tsunami Causes

A number of earthquakes triggered as a result of tectonic plates forming folds, breaks up the earth's surface when shifted from each other. Tokyo is located on Honshu island, located just three continental plates were inbetween Europe, the Pacific and sea plate Filipinos, which gradually shifted to one another, forming a powerful seismic pressure with highly malignant force. A number of volcanoes and oceanic trenches around the Pacific Basin has been holding Japan to Ring of Fire region. Japan is an earthquake prone area of about 20 percent of kesulurhan happening in the world with an average of six times in every five minutes. While the epicenter was on the seabed, will result in a tsunami that is often more devastating than the earthquake itself. Tsunami from the Japanese word meaning harbor wave and the movement of sea water in large quantities due to a shift in the earth's crust. Water is turned into waves that can travel very far distances, at high speed, swept inland and destroyed everything. There are several factors that determine the height and destructive force of the tsunami. As the size of the quake, the volume of water, seabed topography and a number of natural inhibitors wave absorbers. Destruction of protective mangrove forests and coral reefs as well as a number of hotels and houses built on the open coast is often blamed as the main cause of high mortality caused by the tsunami. Kevin McCue, seismologists CQUniversity, Queensland, Australia, said that while the number of casualties is quite high, but be thankful for because of the distance from the Tokyo earthquake, the most populous city in the world is quite far. "In 1932 during the Kanto earthquake (7.9 magnitude), resulting in 147,000 deaths. We thought there would be more people died with more severe damage, "said Kevin McCue as reported by the Telegraph. "Fortunately, Tokyo is a little farther to the north of the Great Kanto earthquake center at the time, thus resulting in less damage in Tokyo."

TSUNAMI There are 3 (three) incidents at sea that resulted in the emergence of the tsunami, namely: 1. Earthquakes In general, the earthquake which could cause a tsunami is a tectonic earthquake that occurred at sea and have following characteristics: 1 Source earthquake at sea 2 The depth of shallow earthquakes, ie less than 60 km 3 His strength is large enough, ie above 6.0 SR Type 4 fracture down (normal fault) or fault ride (thrush fault) Tsunamis generated by earthquakes usually cause a wave large enough, depending on the strength and magnitude of earthquake fault area that occurred. Tsunamis can be generated by any disturbance that rapidly move a huge mass of water, such as an earthquake, volcanic eruption, meteorite /

asteroid or a landslide.

However, the most common cause is from the

earthquake under the sea. Small earthquake created a tsunami could have been a result of landslides under the sea / ocean floor that is able to generate a tsunami Tsunamis can be formed when the ocean floor deformed vertically and move the water above it. With the vertical movement of the earth's crust, this event usually occurs in areas called subduction plate meeting. Earthquakes in subduction regions are usually very effective in generating tsunamis where oceanic plates slip under continental plates, this process is also called subduction. 2. Land Slide (Landslide) Land Slide / landslide with a volume of soil that fell / fall fairly large and occurs at the base of the Ocean, can lead to the onset of the Tsunami. Usually the tsunami that occurred not too large, when compared with result tsunami earthquake. 3. Active Volcano in the middle of the sea, when it erupted will be able to generate a tsunami. Tsunami can be small, it could be very large, depending on the size of the eruption of the volcano. There are many volcanoes in center of the sea around the world. For in Indonesia, the most famous is the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano that lies in the middle of the sea around the Sunda Strait, which occurred in 1883. The explosion is very fierce, so create huge tsunami and many casualties, both life and property from disaster things. This impact is also felt in other countries. Landslides in the deep ocean, sometimes triggered by a major earthquake or like building that collapsed due to volcanic eruption, may also interfere with the water column as a result of sediment and rocks that move across the seafloor. In case of volcanic eruption from the sea can also cause a tsunami because the water column will rise as a result of volcanic eruptions are large enough and then forming a tsunami. Examples such as those at Mount Krakatau wave formed due to mass transfer of water moving under the influence of gravity to achieve balance and move

in the ocean, as if we dropped the rock in the middle of the pond will form a circular wave. Around the era of the 1950s found that larger tsunamis than previously believed or not this might be caused by landslides, explosive, volcanic activity and other events. These symptoms are quickly moving large volumes of water, as energy of material carried by or expansion of energy transfer to the water, causing ground movement. Tsunamis caused by this mechanism, not the same as the tsunami in the ocean off caused by some earthquakes, generally dissipate quickly and rarely affect to the beach because the affected area very small. This incident can give rise to a local shock wave that moves quickly and larger (solitons), as ground motion that occurs in the Gulf Lituya produce a wave with a height of 50-150 m and reach the mountainous area which was about 524 m. However, a large landslide could generate mega tsunami which may impact on the ocean

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