Creative Writing Course

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Creative writing course:

Paper I. Study on Writing as a spiritual practice This paper will help the student to really get acquainted with writing as a process. Writing is a spiritual process so the books included in this paper will help the student to comprehend the real meaning of writing and its purpose. Text Books A) B) C) D) E) The Artist s way by Julia Cameron Writing down the bones by Natalie Goldberg Writing Begins with breath by Larraine Herring Writing as a sacred path by Jill Jepson Writing from the heart by Hal zina Bennett

Reference Books: 1) Julia Cameron: The Right to write The Sound of Paper 2) Natalie Goldberg: Wild mind Thunder and lightening 3) Joseph Sestilo: Write for your lives 4) Sarah Stockton: A pen and the path 5) Bernard Selling: Writing from within 6) Larraine Herring: The Writing warrior 7) Clive Matson: Let the crazy child write

Question pattern: 1. Five long questions on each of the text carrying 15 marks each. The each question will be related to the basic components of the particular book. 15x5= 75 2. There will be two analytical questions from the reference books prescribed in the syllabus. 12+13= 25

Paper II. Study on Buddhism with creative perspective This paper will help the student to work on his personal growth. The success of writing will depend on how the writer has been transformed as a human being. Further, the study on Zen meditation will lead the aspiring writer to another level. Text Books: A) B) C) D) E) Miracle of mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh Zen mind, beginner s mind by Shunryu Suzuki Every day Zen by Charlote Joko Beck Journey of Awakening by Ram das Awakening the Buddha within by Lama Surya das

Reference Books: 1) Thich Nhat Hanh: Peace in Every step No death, no fear Interbeing The heart of understanding Breathe! You are alive Anger Our appointment with life 2) Pema Chodron: When things fall apart The places that scare you 3) Shunryu Suzuki: Not always so 4) Sogyal Rinpoche: The Tibetan Book of living and dying 5) Jamyang Khyentse: What makes you not a Buddhist 6) Chogyam Trungpa: Crazy wisdom

Question pattern: 1. Five long questions carrying 15 marks each from the texts prescribed above. The questions will test the overall knowledge of the students about the prescribed texts. 15x5= 75 2. There will be two analytical questions from the reference books. 13+12=25

Paper III. Study on writing as process This paper will help students to get familiar with the art of writing. The books included in this paper will show how to experiment with one s potential and make writing as a habit.

Text Books A) B) C) D) E) If you want to write by Brenda ueland Becoming a writer by Dorothea Brandee Bird by bird by Anne Lamott Writing without teachers by Peter Elbow The courage to write by Ralph Keyes

Reference Books 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Ray Bradbury: Zen in the Art of writing Stephen King: On writing Elizabeth Berg: Escaping in to the open Fred White: The daily writer Bonnie Goldberg: Room to write Susan Saughaessy: Walking on the alligators Tom Bird: The call of the writers craft Racheal Ballon: The writers portable therapist

Question pattern: 1. Five long questions carrying 15 marks each from the texts prescribed above. The questions will test the overall knowledge of the students about the prescribed texts. 15x5= 75 2. There will be two analytical questions from the reference books. 13+12=25

Paper IV. Study on writing fiction This paper will cover the genre of writing fiction. The books included in this paper will help students to know every nuts and bolts of fiction. With the knowledge, they can start writing fiction with new perspective.

Text Books A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) K) L) Plot and structure by James Scott Bell Characters and view points by Orson Scott card Characters, emotion and viewpoints by Nancy Kress Description and setting by Ron Rozelle Dialogue by Gloria Kempton Plot by Ansen Dibell Description by Monica Wood Conflict, action and suspense by William Noble Revision and self-editing by James Scott Bell The art of fiction by John Gardner Fire in the fiction by Donald Mass Writing the break out novel by Donald Mass

Question pattern 1.There will be ten analytical questions from the texts mentioned above. Among them three compulsory questions will be from last three texts. 10 x 10 = 100

Paper V. Study on writing poetry and non-fiction

This paper is framed to blossom student s potential both as poet and also as non-fiction writer. The books prescribed in the paper will surely develop student s poetic sensibility and also writing skills for perfection. Conveniently, the paper is divided in to two sections: poetry and non-fiction.

Section A. Poetry Text Books A) B) C) D) E) In the palm of your hand by Steve Kowit Creating Poetry by John Drury The poets companion by Dorianne Laux The Discovery of Poetry by Frances Mayes The Ode less travelled by Stephen Fry

Question pattern There will be five analytical questions from the each text mentioned above. 10 x 5 = 50

Section B. Non- fiction Text Books A) B) C) D) E) The elements of style by Strunk and White On writing well by William Zinsser Writing tools by Roy Peter Clark Tell it slant by Brenda miller Woe is I by Patricia O Connor

Question pattern There will be five analytical questions from the each text mentioned above. 10 x 5 = 50

Paper VI. Study on great spiritual fiction This paper will help students to get acquainted with some of the masterpieces from the spiritual literature. This study will provide them scope to explore in to an entirely new territory.

Text Books A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) K) L) Old path white clouds by Thich nhat hanh Sidhartha by Herman Hesse Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda Way of the peaceful warrior by Dan Milman The Shack by Paul Young Mutant Messages down under by Marlo Morgan Ishmael by Daniel Quin Zen and the art of motor cycle maintenance by Robert Pirgis Greatest salesman in the world by Og mandino The Celestine prophecy by James Redfield Illusions by Richard Back The alchemist by Paolo Coelho

There will be ten analytical questions from the text books mentioned above. Besides, there are few other books suggested for pleasure reading. Questions will not be asked from the books of this category. 10 X10 = 100 1. Robin Sharma: The monk who sold his Ferrari 2. Richard Back: Jonathon Livingston seagull 3. Og mandino: The return of the rag picker 4. Leif Enger: Peace like a river 5. Harper Lee: To kill a mocking bird 6. Sue Monk Kidd: Secret life of bee 7. Judith Picoult: The second glance 8. Cecilia Ahern: The gift 9. Alice Seabold: The lovely boon 10. Yann Martel: Life of Pi

Paper VII. Study on the art of story writing This paper will introduce students to one of the very popular genre of fiction writing. The books included in this paper will help students to learn every little trick of a story writer. The paper is divided into two sections:(i) Craft of story writing and (ii) Master story writers.

Section I. Craft of story writing Text books A) B) C) D) E) F) Stein on writing by Sol Stein Immediate Fiction by Jerry Cleaver Writing in general, short story in particular by Rust Hill Creating short story by D. Knight Scuam s quick guide to writing great stories by Margaret lucke Writing short story by Alisa Cox

1.There will be six questions from the texts mentioned above and students will have to attempt them all with analytical answers. 10 X6 = 60

Section II. Master story writers Text books Collection of short stories from (i) O. Henry (ii) Maupassant (iii) Hemmingway (iv) Chekhov

Question pattern 2.There will be four questions from the master story writers related to their works. 10x4=40

Paper VIII. Study on motivational literature This paper will help students personal growth. The course has been designed not only to enhance one s creative faculty but also to transform his mental makeup. The books prescribed in this paper will certainly prove immense aid to personal development.

Text books A) B) C) D) E) F) G) The power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy As a man thinketh by James Allen Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill The magic of thinking big by David J Schwartz The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey The magic of believing by Claude M. Bristol The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Reference books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mitch Alboom: Tuesdays with Morie Daniel Gotlieb: Learning from the heart Rhonda Byrne: Secret Victor Frankl: Man s search for meaning Eknath Easrwan: Take your time Harold Khusner: When bad things happen to good people M. Scott Peck: The road less travelled John Izzo: The five secrets you must discover before you die

Question pattern 1. There will be five questions from the text books prescribed above. The questions will test the comprehensive ability of the students and each of the questions will carry twelve marks. 12 X 5 = 60 2. There will be four questions from the reference books and each question will carry ten marks. 10 X 4 = 40

Paper IX. Study on literature as innovation This paper will enable students to appreciate writing as a tool of innovation. The paper is however divided in to two categories. The first category is about writing but the second category includes books from varied subjects.

Section I. Innovation, the name of writing A) B) C) D) E) F) The power of your other hand by Lucia Capacchione The story of your life by Mandy Aftel Writing the natural way by Grabriele Rico The Tao of writing by Ralph L. Wahlstrom I ching for the writers by Sarah Jane Sloane Writing alone, writing together by Judy Reeve

Section II. Variety, the spice of life 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mihaly Csikszentmihaly: Flow Deepak Chopra: Ageless body, timeless mind Hal zina Benett: Writing spiritual book Jack Hodgins: A passion for narrative Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin David D Burns: Feeling good

Question pattern 1. There will be five questions from the first section. These questions will test students understanding of the innovative techniques explained in the prescribed books. 12X5=60 2. There will be four questions from the next section in which students will be tested for their appreciative capability. 10x4= 40

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