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Consumer advertising is advertising that

is directed and intended for domestic markets such as individuals and families. This is in contrast to industrial advertising, which is specifically directed and marketed toward businesses. The goal of consumer advertising is to introduce, or sometimes re-introduce, products and services to families and private individuals for daily use and consumption. These can be automobiles for family use, household appliances, home electronic devices, clothes, books, movies, and just about anything else commonly found in an individual or family household. Advertising is, generally, the practice of creating print, audio, and video messages intended to reveal or display a product or service and to show features meant to entice a customer into purchasing that product or service. Consumer advertising is a specific field ofadvertising, which focuses on the needs and desires of households rather than businesses. These types of advertisements are often focused even more narrowly on a specificdemographic or target audience to increase effectiveness and message penetration among that audience. A demographic is a specific portion of the population and is based on particular common features, beliefs, practices, or ideologies. These can be separated according to age groups, gender, religious beliefs, income ranges, education, profession, and a number of other specifically targetable aspects of modern life. Consumer advertising often seeks to find ways to relate to either the entire population or more commonly a specific demographic and appeal to peoples sense of consumer desire.

By Miss. P. PIRAKATHEESWARI, Lecturer in Commerce, Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous), Salem 16. Retail Advertising lies between trade and consumer advertising. The best examples are department stores and supermarkets. A major form of retailing new-a-days is direct response marketing or retailing without shops. This is the modern form of mail-order trading which has moved from the traditional club catalogues to direct mail campaigns for products and services, of which financial houses and department stores have become leading participants. Purpose of Retail Advertising The purpose of retail advertising is outlined belowa) Selling the Establishment: To sell the establishment, attract customers to the premises and, in the case of a shop, increase what is known as store traffic', i.e, trying to increase the number of people passing through the shop. If they can be encouraged to step inside they may possibly buy something which they would not bought otherwise. b) Selling exclusive or own labeled goods: Some retail distributors are appointed as dealers for certain make. Example is a dealer for Vimal fabrics the famous Only Vimal' showrooms. Besides, some supermarkets sell their own labelled goods' which manufacturers pack in the name of the supermarket. Some large departmental stores have a special brand name for all their products, invariably they will be cheaper and they complete with national brands. Competition between national

and own - label brands is intense, and there is always a risk that the national brands will be de- listed in favour of a store's own labeled products. About 31.5 per cent of grocery product are of the own labeled varieties. Own label products are usually made to the retailer's own specifications or recipes, and are not simply replicas of existing national brands. All the retail outlets are likely to use advertising to promote sale of their stock. Ads by Google

c) Clearance Sale: To clear the stock of the shop, such as promoting products which are seasonal, special offers could be made. Examples are sale of certain products during winter or summer. Sale of air conditioners during winter and water heaters during summer. Media of Retail Advertising Retail Advertising is mainly confined to local media. An exception is when a shop is located in a major city, attracting shoppers from nearby areas. Even then, a regional newspaper will serve the purpose effectively. The principal media for retail advertising are: v Local weekly newspapers, including numerous free newspapers which cover residential areas. v v v v v v v Regional newspapers, Public transport, external posters, and display boards at sports grounds. Direct mail to regular customers and door-to-door leaflet distribution Regional Commercial Television Local Radio Window bills and Point of sale displays within the shop; Window and in store displays

The shop itself is regarded as a considerable advertising medium, and it may well be a familiar landmark. Some largedepartment stores rarely advertise, but their shops are so big that they advertise themselves.

Special Characterist Retail advertising is characterized by four main aspects: Creating an image of the shop Establishing its location Variety or special kind of goods offered, and Competitive price offers

The object of the advertising is to persuade people to visit the shop, although orders over telephone and the use of credit cards are a growing feature.

Financial advertising
the advertising of financial businesses and services such as banks, investment companies, loans, and mortgages:
Firms advertising financial products or services must make sure their promotions are fair, clear and do not mislead you. Promotions can be: adverts in the media (eg radio, press, television); direct mail sent to your home; leaflets or posters; letters to customers; shop window advertising; telephone calls; teletext; emails; and websites. If we find that an advert is misleading we may do any of the following: ask the firm to change the advert; ask the firm to withdraw it;

ask the firm to write to customers who may have been misled and compensate them if theyve lost money as a result; warn the firm; or fine the firm.

Political adv
Political advertising involves the use of advertising by politiciansto bring their messages to the masses. These usually warn voters that the gates of Hell will open and demons will eat skin off their still-living victims if voters approve a bond issue for schoolplaygrounds. Promoting candidates with paraphernalia -- whether ribbons, flowersor condoms -- goes back to the Middle Ages. Peter de la Mare, the first speaker of the House of Commons, painted antimonarchicalslogans on the back of a sheep to win major democraticconcessions from Richard II in 1377. Today, political advertising is amultibillion dollar industry, employing musicians who play ominouschords, photographers who take unflattering pictures and videoartists who can make your saintly grandmother look like a meth-smoking, child-murdering Klan wizard. In theory, political advertising could explain policy, inform citizensand connect people to their leaders. But theoretically, Bill Moyerscould record a version of "Hips Don't Lie."

Internet adv
Internet advertising, also known as online advertising or web advertising may be one of the most effective advertising methods used, as it provides the ability to target specific markets while they are surfing the Internet. However, the effectiveness of an internet advertising campaign is only as good as the ads. A powerful ad is one of the most important aspects of your success. And, the secret to a successful ad is your HEADLINE. You only have a split second to grab your targets attention. Your potential customer will most likely scan the ads and only read one if it catches their attention. Write your ads with passion, excitement, and benefits. Use this powerful approach when creating your ad copy.

A -Attention -Grab your targets attention I -Interest D -Detail A -Action -Create curiosity -Provide details -Call for action

Create an urgency to act now. Creating a successful ad will take a great deal of time and effort. You'll need to write it and re-write it over and over again before you come up with a great ad. We all know the importance of a powerful headline. However, writing a great headline isn't as easy as it sounds. An effective headline will literally force your potential customers to learn more. It will instantly ignite a certain emotion and intrigue them to read on. In order to write an effective headline, you must learn how to use specific words to achieve a specific reaction. Before writing your headline, you must first learn a little bit about the basic human motivators. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, human behavior is always the result of one or more of five basic needs. He listed these needs in a sequence that he refers to as "the hierarchy of human needs."

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