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Lector univ. dr. IRBAN NARCISA



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INTRODUCTION KEYWORDS .............................. 3 II.

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UP AND DOWN ............................................................10 ECONOMICS ................................. ............................. 12 MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: MAIN INDEXES ........................................ ..............................27 SENTENCES .28


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I Introducere - Keywords

Acest capitol prezinta vocabularul general precum si definitiile indicator-cheie absolute necesari accesului la informatia economica. El constituie o prima initiere si totodata baza pe care se vor acumula cunostintele mai complexe oferite pe parcursul celor doua semestre ale anului I. Keywords - Cuvinte - Cheie Achizite Acord Actionar Actiune(bursiera) A administra(a conduce a gestiona) Administrator(conducator) Administratie Afaceri Afacere(contract) Agricol Agricultor Alocatie (cu) amanuntul sell (conducere) acquisition, purchase agreement shareholder, stockholder share, (US)stock to manage, (un cont) to handle manager management business trade deal agricultural, farm, farming farmer allowance, subsidy retail ( a vinde cu amanuntul) to retail, to by retail 2

(vanzator) cu amanuntul angajat angros angrosist antreprenor

retailer 1.(statut) employee 2.(calificare)clerk wholesale wholesaler employer 2.(sens economic general ) entrepreneur, (pentru lucrari etc.) contractor

articol asigurare B balanta banca bani bani marunti, maruntis beneficiu Atentie benefit= 1)avantaj

article, item 1.(activitate) insurance 2. (societate) insurance company

balance 1.(institutie) bank 2.(activitate) banking money, (metal) silver small change profit

2) alocare alocatie subventie bloc (commercial) buget bun, bunuri budget good


Atentie, good nu se foloseste la singular decat in sens macro-economic : un mijloc de productie a capital good. In sensul de marfa ,el nu se foloseste decat la plural (goods) , o marfa a commodity Bursa stock-exchange,executive(piata bursiera) Stock-market C 3

Capital,capitaluri Cadre, personal de conducere

capital executive

Atentie: cuvantul englez capital folosit cu acest sens nu are pl: a-si procura fonduri to raise capital A cadea, a scadea, a se reduce Cadere(scadre) Cerere to fall, to drop, to decrease fall, drop, decrease demand (cerere si oferta law of demand and supply cheltuiala, cheltuieli bugetara) cifra cifra de afaceri comerciant client comert competitiv competitivitate a concedia(a disponibliliza) spending , expense (pozitie expenditure figure turn over shopkeeper, trader customer (servicii) client trade competitive competitiveness to lay-off, to dismiss, to make (workers) redundant concediere(economica) concentare concurent concurenta concurential redundancy lay-off, laying-off concentration competitor competition competitive

Conjunctura = atentie in lb engleza nu exista o traducere unica a acestui termen, folositi the economy sau expresii ca (present) economic trends, the (present) economic situation,the (present) state of the economy, the business outlook ,the economic situation.

Constructie Constituirea unei intreprinderi (cererea unei intreprinderi) consum a consuma consummator cont contabilitate contabil cost cota Creanta

housing, construction business formation

consumption to consume consumer account accounting taxpayer cost quota debt[det]

Atentie: in lb engleza exista un singur cuvant pt creanta (bani care ne sunt datorati) si datorie (bani pe care ii datoram): dept Credit Creditor A creste cresterea criza a cumpara credit creditor to raise, to rise, to increase, to go up growth slump, depression, crises(pl crises) to buy, to purchase

cumparare comparator D Datorie Debuseu Deficit Deflatie Deflationist Depresie(econmica) Dereglementare (neitreventia statului ineconomie) devize director disponibilizare distributie dividend drept E Echilibru Economic

purchase , buy buyer, purchaser

debt outlet deficit deflation deflationary depression

deregulation currency manager mass-dismissal distribution dividend 2.(vama etc) duty

balance economic

Atentie : economical inseamna economic in sensul de economicos, prin care se poate economisi sau rentabil. Economie 1. (stiinta) economics 2. (caracteristici economice ale unei tari sau conjunctura economica)

(the) economy ; economia romaneasca: the Romanian economy (nu uitati articolul the!); economiile lumii a treia third-world economies economii a economisi econom (persoana care economiseste) export a exporta exportator exterior F a fabrica, a produce
to manufacture, to make, to build

saving, savings to save saver, small investor export to export exporter foreign, overseas (GB)

fabricant, producator a factura factura faliment financiar finantare a finanta finante finantist fisc

manufacturer, maker, builder to invoice, to bill, to charge invoice, bill bankruptcy, failure (adj.) financial financing, funding to finance, to fund finance financier (the) tax authorities; (GB) the Inland Revenue;

(US) the Internal Revenue Services (IRS)

fiscal flux fond, fonduri

tax, fiscal flow fund funds, capital money


1.(de personal) training 2.(a unei societati etc.) formation, forming,

founding, setting up, creation

a furniza furnizor a fuziona fuziune G a (se) globaliza globalizare greva grevist I importator import a importa a impoza, a impozita

to supply supplier to merge merger

to globalize (to go global) globalization strike

importer import to import to tax

impozare, impozitare impozite indice, indicator

taxation tax, taxes index, pl. indexes, indices; indicator

industrializare industrializat industrie industrial industrias inflatie inflationist informatica

industrialization industrialized industry adj. industrial industrialist, businessman inflation inflationary information technology; computing; computer science; data processing domestic, home to invest investment investor

interior (intern) a investi investitie investitor mprumut a mprumuta (a lua cu mprumut) ncetinire a nfiinta ntreprindere

loan to borrow slow-down to set up business, firm, enterprise,

concern L liber schimb lichiditati locuinta lucrator M marasm marfa marfuri masa monetara materii prime mana de lucru slump, doldrums commodity, product
goods, commodities, products

free-trade cash, liquidities housing worker, (GB) working man

money supply raw materials labour force, (US) labor force, workforce

menaj mondial moneda multinational munca a munci muncitor a muta mutare

household world, global currency multinational work to work worker, (GB) working man to relocate relocation


N national a nationaliza nationalizare a negocia negociere negustor nivel nivel de trai O obligatiune (bursiera) oferta a oferi, a face o oferta P patron patronat pensionare pensionar piata plafon plata a plati planseu manager, fam. boss management retirement retiree, (GB) pensioner market ceiling payment to pay floor bond supply to make an offer national, home, domestic to nationalize nationalization to negotiate negotiation merchant, dealer level standard of living



increase in value; (capitaluri) capital gains

povara (fiscala) a prevedea (a prognoza) previziune (prognoza) a privatiza privatizare producator a produce productivitate produs progres productivity

burden to forecast forecast to privatize privatization producer to produce

product(agricol)produce progress

Atentie:Pentru a traduce un progres(al stiintei etc )folositi advance sau breaktrough profit proportie protectionism protectionist publicitate R randament raspundere raspunzator liable output ;(agricol,financiar)yield ;return responsibility;(susceptibil de a antrena urmariri judiciare) liability 1. adj.responsible;(suscesptibil de a fi urmarit in justitie) 2. n.official; person in charge profit rate protectionism protectionist ; adj. protectionist, protective 1. advertising 2.(=anunt) advertisment, ad


recesiune recuperare(revenire, restabilire) a relansa relansare rentabil rentabilitate resurse revendicare S salariat salariu sanatate schimburi sectorul privat sectorul public servicii serviciu,slujba sindicalist sindicat social societate

recession recovery ;(bursa)rally

to boost,to spur,to stimulate,to revive,to refuel boosting, revival, stimulation, spurring; (prin investitii de stat), pump-priming profitable profitability resources claim

wage-earner salary (al unui muncitor) wage(s);(al unor cadre etc.) health trade private sector public sector service(s) employment,(o slujba-a job) union official,union member union(GB trde union;US labor union) social 1(inreprindere)company,business firm,US corporation


2society Atentie:in afara sensului general(viata in societate) society desemneaza o asociere in scop nelucrativ sondaj stoc(uri) strain subventie a subventiona suma s somaj somer somerii, populatia aflata in somaj T tarif(taxa,curs) transport trimestru tara U utilizator uzina user factory, plant country rate transport,(US) transportation quarter unemployment;(US joblessness) unemployed person the jobless,the unemployed (opinie) poll,survey inventory,stoc,store foreigner(n.);foreign(adj,) subsidy;allowance to subsidize amount


V valuta vama currency customs

Atentie: nu omiteti s final in cuvintul englez vanzator, vanzatoare salesperson, salesman, saleswoman; seller a vinde vanzare to sell sale

II. Up and down Crestere si descrestere

1. VOCABULAR Limba engleza dispune de un numar foarte mare de termini pentru a desemna o crestere sau o scadere ,in functie de gradul de intensitate si de rapiditatea lor. Iata o lista cu substantivrle si verbele cele mai frecvent folosite,asa cum apar ele intr-un context economic,referitoare la cresterea /scaderea cursului etc.

a) a creste, a se mari
to go up to rise to increase to move up


to inch up to surge to balloon to soar to skyrocket to peak a rise an increase

a creste putin cate putin a creste dintr-o data a creste rapid a urca a creste fulgerator a atinge nivelul cel mai inalt,nivelul maxim

b)a scadea,a cobori

to go down to fall to drop to decrease to sage to slump a fall a drop a decrease a se prabusi a cadea brusc,a se prabusi a slump ocriza economica o recesiune to plunge to sink to plummet to collapse to be on the skids a downturn a plonja,a scadea in mod dramatic si brusc a scadea mult a scadea brusc a se prabusi a collapse

a fi in decline,a fi pe cale de a se scufunda o cadere,o recesiune


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a se stabiliza


dupa o scadere to bottom out (indica in acelasi timp faptul ca va incepe cursul sa creasca) dupa o crestere to reach a plateau to level off

d) a se redresa
to recover to look up to turn up to pick up to pick up to improve to rally (mai ales la bursa) a rally an upturn a recovery


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a fluctua

to fluctuate to seesaw to go into a roller-coaster (a fi ca pe un tobogan cu suisuri si coborari)


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a face sa urce, a face sa creasca

to raise to raise to hike (US) to drive up to step up a accelera ritmul a raise (US) a hike


to boost

a stimula, a promova

a boost

g) a face sa coboare, a face sa scada

to bring down to cut to cut back to slash a reduce considerabil a cut a cutback a slash

2. PREPOZITII Atentie la folosirea prepozitiilor: an increase of 5% sau a 5% increase an increase in production sau a production increase it increased by 5% sau (US) it increased 5% Acest lucru este valabil pentru toate verbele si substantivele care desemneaza cresterea sau scaderea (to go up, rise, drop, fall, decrease etc.) Dar: a shortage of foreign currency. 3. FOLOSIREA VIRGULEI SI A PUNCTULUI Atentie la folosirea corecta a punctului sau a virgulei: 2,5 la suta = 2.5 (two point five) per cent o,5 la suta = 0.5 (zero point five) per cent sau .5% (point five) 10000 se scrie in engleza 10,000 5000 lire = 5000 2 milioane de dolari = $ 2 million sau $ 2 m. Atentie si la : Sute/ mii/ milioane/ miliarde de dolari Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of dollars dar 18

Cinci sute/ mii/ milioane/ miliarde de dolari: Five hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion dollars. Hundred, thousand etc. sunt invariabile atunci cand sunt precedate de o cifra.



Agenti economici Agregate economice Ajustat (corectat) in functie de sezon Ameliorare (imbunatatire) Anual Austeritate Autarhie Birocratie Bloc comercial Bogatie Brut Capitalism Cadere (scadere) Ciclu Cifra Competitivitate Concurent Concurenta

economic agents economic aggregates seasonally adjusted improvement annual, yearly austerity self-sufficiency red tape, bureaucracy trading bloc wealth gross capitalism fall, drop cycle figure, digit, number competitiveness competitor competition


Conjunctura Crestere Crestere puternica Criza Curba Date Declin Decolare Deflatie Densitatea populatiei Depresiune Dereglementare (neinterventie a statului) Dezvoltare Economia unei tari Economic (rentabil) Economic Economie (stiinta) Economie libera

current situation, current trend, economic outlook increase, rise surge crisis, slump curve data decline take off deflation population density depression deregulation development the economy economical economics economics laisser-faire economy, liberal economy (atentie la cuvantul liberal, care in America de Nord denumeste o orientare politica progresista, de stanga in alte cuvinte (n. a.)) underground economy state controlled, state-run, planned economy economist

Economie paralela, subterana Economie planificata Econommist


Eficienta Era post-industriala Evolutie Expansiune (avant, dezvoltare) Expansiune Flexibilitate Fluctuatie Fluxuri economice Fluxuri migratoare Grad, masura Grafic Impas Imobilism Independenta (economica) Indexare Indice Indicatori economici Indicatori de tendinta Indicatori (principali) Industrializare Inferior Infrastructuri Imbatranirea populatiei

efficiency post-industrial era evolution expansion, development expansion flexibility fluctuation, swing economic flows migratory flows scale, table graph, chart stalemate status quo self-sufficiency indexing index (pl. indexes, indices) economic indicators trend indicators leading, key indicators industrialization lower infrastructures ageing


Incetinire La scara redusa Legea ofertei si a cererii Liberalism

slowdown, slackness small-scale law of supply and demand laisser-faire, free market economy, liberalism (atentie la cuvantul liberal, care in America de Nord denumeste o orientare politica progresista, de stanga in alte cuvinte (n. a.)) free market free trade Third-World monthly macroeconomics mercantilism average, median, mean microeconomics population shifts movement of capital movement of goods relocation neo-conservative economic policy neo-liberalism

Libera concurenta, piata libera Liber schimb Lumea a treia Lunar Macroeconomie Mercantilism Mediu (adj.) microeconomie migrari ale populatiei miscare de fonduri miscare de marfuri mutare neoliberalism

net oferta, cerere parteneri comerciali

net supply, demand trade partners


perspectiva pe scara larga pe termen lung pe termen mediu pe termen scurt piramida vrstelor plafon plan de relansare planificare politica economica politica de preturi populatia activa prag pragul saraciei pret previziuni(prognoze) economice procentaj productivism proiect progres prosperitate, avnt protectie sociala

outlook, prospects large-scale long-term medium-term short-term age pyramid ceiling recovery plan, incentive plan planning economic policy pricing policy working population threshold poverty line price economic forecasts, survey

percentage productivism project progress, advantage boom, prosperity social protection


rata fertilitatii rata mortalitatii rata mortalitatii infantile rata natalitatii rata recesiune redresare, recuperare reforma relansare(revigorare) restructurare retea revolutie industriala rigoare saturatie saracie scadere schimburi comerciale societate bogata societate cu doi parteneri societate de consum societate de servicii speranta de viata spirit de initiativa

fertility rate death, mortality rate infant mortality rate birth rate rate recession recovery, rebound, rally reform revival restructuring network industrial revolution austerity saturation, glut poverty decrease trade exchanges affluent society two-tier society consumer society service society life expectancy entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurship


stagflatie stagnare statistica strategie strategie de reconversie strategie de redistribuire strategie de recentrare subdezvoltare superior(adj.) suprancalzire taraganare tendinta (ascendenta, descendenta) teoria ofertei transa tara care creste rapid (cu crestere rapida) tara care se dezvolta rapid tara industrializata tara n curs de dezvoltare tarile cele mai sarace (mai putin dezvoltate) tari recent industrializate

stagflation stagnation statistics strategy reconversion strategy redeployment strategy core strategy under development upper overheating sluggishness upward, downward, trend

supply-side, economics bracket fast-growing country

fast-developing country industrialized, developed country developing country less developed countries (LDC)

newly industrialized countries


urbanizare zilnic

urbanization daily

2. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY INDEXES INDICATORII ACTIVITII ECONOMICE alocatie cheltuieli conducere(gestiune) consum casnic (al menajelor) controlul preturilor costuri salariale credit crestere a cereri crestere a productivitatii crestere zero disponibilizare disponibilizare (economica) deficit economii economii ale menajelor econom (persoana care economisteste) emisiune monetara excedent export flexibilitate allowance expenditures, spendings management household consumption price control labour costs credit excess demand productivity gain zero growth dismissal lay-of, redundancies deficit savings household savings saver, investor money issuing surplus export elasticity, flexibility


import impozit asupra consumului impozit asupra plusvalorii impozit asupra venitulu societatilor impozit direct/indirect impozit funciar impozit (taxa) de succesiune impozit pe venit (al persoanelor fizice) indemnizatie indicele costului vietii indicele preturilor (bunurilor de consum) inflatie inflatie cu doua cire inghetarea salariilor lipsa, penurie masa monetara masa salariala menaj, gospodarie mic investitor nivel de trai nivelul general al preturilor PIB commercial Plusvaloare

import consumer tax capital gains tax corporate income tax direct taxation/ indirect taxation, excise duties land tax inheritance tax (individual) income tax allowance, indemnity Cost of Living index (C.O.L. index) consumer price index inflation double digit inflation wage-freeze shortage money supply aggregate remuneration, payroll household small investor standard of living overall price level merchant GDP capital gain


PNB pe cap de locuitor Politica bugetara Prestatii sociale Productivitate Produs intern brut (PIB) Produs national brut (PNB) Putere de cumparare Randament Rata de crestere Reducerea personalului unei societati Relaxarea politicii de credite policy Rentabilitate Restrictie de credit Resurse (naturale) Salariu mediu Salariu minim Spirala inflationista Stoc Subproductie Subventie Supraproductie Surplus

GNP per capita budget policy social security benefits productivity Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross National Product (GNP) purchasing power return, productivity, yield growth rate downsizing easing of credit restrictions, easy credit profitability credit squeeze, tight credit policy (natural) resources median wage minimum wage wage and price spiral stock underproduction subsidy, subvention overproduction surplus

Taxe si impozite asupra produselor petroliere (TIPP) domestic oil tax


TVA (taxa pe valoare adaugata) Unitate de productie Valoare adaugata Valoarea de piata Venit Venitul mediu al menajelor Venit national Venit pe cal de locuitor

Value-Added Tax (VAT) production unit added value market value income, revenue household median income national income per capita income


Angajare cu jumatate de norma/ cu norma intreaga part-time/full-time employment angajare pe viata angajare temporara angajat angajator(patron) antreprenor, intreprinzator aport social aportul social al partonului(al angajatorului) artisan, mestesugar artizanat, activitate mestesugareasca atelier workshop craftsman, artisan craft industry, cottage industry lifetime employment temporary, precarious employment employee employer entrepreneur social contributions employers social contributions


autoritatile publice avantaje sociale beneficiu(comercial) birou bogatii cadru, cadre (de conducere) cadru de conducere cadru mediu cadru superior castiguri cecurile de afaceri cifra de afaceri clasa bogata clasa conducatoare clasa de mijloc clasa defavorizata clasa muncitoare clasa superioara clasa sociala comerciant companie, firma, societate companie multinationala concern (clasa de comert)

the public authorities benefits profit office the rich executive, manager top executive middle manager senior executive, senior manager earnings business circles, quarters turnover the well-off the ruling class the middle class the lower class the working class the upper class social class, social status shopkeeper, store operator(US), tradesman (GB) company multinational company concern


conducatorul intreprinderii conglomerat cooperativa corporatism crearea(infiintarea) unei intreprinderi deposit faliment filiala firma functionar (al statului) fuziune greva grevist grila de salarizare grup holding inginer intreprindere intreprindere de statie intreprinderi mici si mijlocii(IMM) maistru

company manager, head, owner conglomerate cooperative corporatism (business) formation, start-up, set-up

warehouse bankruptcy subsidiary, affiliate firm state employee, civil servant merger, amalgamation strike striker wage scale group holding company engineer firm, company (GB), corporation (US) state-owner company, public utility company small and medium sized business

foreman, supervisor


mana de lucru munca minorilor munca grea muncitor muncitorii zilieri(sezonieri) nationalizare partener patronat pensionare pensioner pescar privatizare profesie profesie (liberala) profesii liberale profit salariat salariu saracii sectorul public/ privat sectie (in fabrica) sediu serviciu public

workforce, manpower child labour hard labor worker day laborers nationalization partner management circles, the employers retirement retiree, pensioner fisherman privatization occupation, trade profession professional people profit wage-earner wage, salary the poor public/private sector the shop floor head office, registered office civil service, public service


sindicalism sindicalist sindicat societate (comerciala) societate mixta sucursala sef, patron, director, angajator somaj somer uzina

trade unionism unionist trade union, labour union (US) company, firm, corporation (US) joint venture branch boss, owner, manager, employer

unemployment unemployed factory, plant

4. PRODUCTS, MARKETS AND FINANCE PRODUSE, PIEE sI FINANE actiune angrosist aparate casnice articol banca bunuri bunuri de folosinta ndelungata bunuri de marfuri bursa de valori capital, capitaluri commodity exchange, commodity market stock exchange, stock market capital share, stock (US) wholesaler household appliances, white goods item, article bank goods durable goods, durables


casa de economii client (servicii) client client permanent clientela comerciant comerciant cu amanuntul comert comert en detail (cu amanuntul) comert en gros conducator, director, manager consumator creanta creditor cumparare cumparator datorie debitor devize distribuitor distributie

savings bank client customer patron clientele shopkeeper, tradesman, dealer, merchant retail dealer, retailer commerce, trade retail trade

wholesale trade manager

consumer debt creditor purchase purchaser, buyer debt debtor currency distributor distribution


distributie n masa exportator fabricant febra cumparaturilor finantist fiscalitate, sistem fiscal importator intermediar investitie investitor mprumut ndatorare marfa marfuri, bunuri marfuri de larg consum marfuri de prima necessitate marfuri de uz casnic mijloace de productie obligatiune oportunitate (pe o piata) piata piete financiare plasament (investitie

mass retail, mass distribution exporter manufacturer spending spree financier taxation, tax system importer middleman, intermediary investment investor loan debt, indebtness commodity goods, merchandise, wares mass consumption goods staple goods, staples household goods capital goods bond, debenture niche market financial markets investment


mobiliara) politica fiscala politica vamala producator productia interna nationala productie productie n vrac produs (industrial) produs agricol produs de lux produs finit produs semi-finit produse alimentare produse lactate produse perisabile protectia consumatorilor rata de schimb rata dobnzii renta reprezentant servicii subcontractare output, production in bulk production, output product produce luxury goods finished product semi-finished product produce, foodstuffs dairy produce perishable goods, perishables consumerism exchange rate interest rate revenue representative, agent services subcontracting fiscal policy, taxation policy tariff policy producer, manufacturer domestic output, national production,


subcontractor taxa vamala titlu (de valoare) troc unitate de productie valoare (bursiera) vama vnzator, -oare, agent de vnzare vnzare 5. MAIN VERBS VERBELE PRINCIPALE a cadea a cstiga (bani) a cheltui a comercializa a concedia a conduce a consuma a creste a creste (puternic) a cuceri (o piata) a cumpara a da faliment

subcontractor customs duty security barter production unit security customs salesman, -woman; seller


to drop to make, to earn to spend to market to dismiss to run, to operate, to lead, to manage to consume to increase, to rise, to grow to surge, to skyrocket to grab, to seize, to corner to buy, to purchase to go bankrupt


a dezvolta a disponibiliza (din ratiuni economice) a economisi a exploata (o ntreprindere) a exporta a fabrica a face afaceri cu a face o afacere cu a gestiona (a administra) a importa a investi a ncheia (un contract, o afacere) a nfiinta a lansa a se mari a muta a opri inflatia, somajul a patrunde (pe o piata etc.) a produce a realiza un profit

to develop, to expand to lay off, to make redundant

to save, to spare to operate

to export to manufacture to do business with to make a deal with to manage, to handle to import to invest to sign, to close, to clinch

to set up to launch to increase, to rise to relocate to curb, to stern the tide of, to check to penetrate, to break into, to tap to produce to make a profit


a reduce a reduce (puternic) a reforma a relansa a scadea a scadea, a se prabusi (preturi) a stapni, a controla (costurile, cheltuielile) a subcontracta a sustine a trata cu, a se confrunta cu a vinde

to reduce, to cut, to lower to slash to reform to spur, to boost, to revive, to prime to decrease, to fall to plummet, to collapse

to control

to subcontract, to contract out to sustain to deal with

to sell

6. A COUNTRYS NATIONAL ECONOMY ECONOMIA NAIONAL A UNEI RI sectorul primar sectorul secundar sectorul tertiar 1. AGRICULTURA a) productia agricola bere cacao cafea primary sector secondary sector tertiary sector FARMING agricultural production beer cocoa coffee


cartof ceai cereale citrice gru oleaginoase orez porumb tutun vita-de-vie zahar b ) zootehnia (cresterea animalelor) bovine ovine pasari porcine c ) piscicultura (pescuitul) flota comerciala piscicultura port pescaresc d ) industria forestiera padure, lemn

potato tea cereals citrus wheat (US), corn (GB) oilseeds rice maize (GB), corn (US) tobacco vine sugar cattle-raising, cattle-breeding, cattle rearing cattle the ovine race poultry swine, pigs fishing industry (the) merchant fleet aqua farming fishing harbor forest industry (the) wood


2. INDUSTRIA ENERGETICA carbune (huila, lignit) energia nucleara gaze naturale hidroelectricitate petrol surse de energie alternativa solara, eoliana etc.) 3.METALURGIA GREA METALLURGICAL

POWER INDUSTRY (THE) coal (coal, beown coal) the nuclear energy, nuclear power natural gas hydroelectricity oil (US), petroleum (GB) alternative sources of energy (sun, wind, etc.) HEAVY INDUSTRY (THE)

(siderurgie, minerale) aluminiu bauxita cobalt crom cupru fier fosfati mangan nichel otel plumb staniu

( iron and steel industry, ore) aluminum (US), aluminium bauxite cobalt chromium copper iron phosphates manganese nickel steel lead tin


zinc 4. INDUSTRIA MINIERA argint aur diamante 5. INDUSTRIA TEXTILA bumbac fibre artificiale fibre sintetice in iuta lana matase

zinc MINING INDUSTRY (THE) silver gold diamond TEXTILE INDUSTRY (THE) cotton artificial fibres synthetic fibres linen jute wool silk

6. ALTE RAMURI DE PRODUCTIE OTHER PRODUCTIONS ciment cauciuc mase plastice 7. INDUSTRIILE PRELUCRATOARE industria aeronautica si spatiala industria aparatelor de cale industria automobilelor industria navala rail, railway, railroad industry (the) car industry (the) shipbuilding (the) cement rubber plastics PROCESSING INDUSTRIES

aerospace industry (the)


8.TRANSPORTURI transportul aerian transportul feroviar transportul maritim transportul rutier transportul terestru

TRANSPORT, TRANSPORTATION air transport(ation) rail transport(ation) sea transport(ation) road transport(ation) ground transport(ation)

alimentatie analfabetism timp liber sanatate scolarizare rata dotarii turism 7.INDUSTRIES AND SECTORS industria agro-alimentara industria alimentara industia chimica industria de armament industria de constructii

food diet iliteracy leisure health schooling equipment rate tourism INDUSTRII SI SECTOARE agro-business (the) food industry (the) chemical industry (the) arms industry (the) building industry,building trade (the)

industria de telecomunicatii industiile de varf

telecommunications industry (the) leading industries (the)


industria farmaceutica industria grea/usoara industria informatica industria petrochimica industria producatoare de confectii industria produselor de lux industria spectacolului

pharmaceutical industry (the) heavy/light industry (the) computer industry (the) petrochemical industry (the) clothing industry (the)

luxury goods industry (the) show business, entertainment industry (the)

industria de inalta tehnologie 8.MISCELLANEOUS audiovizualul averea imobiliara editurile

high tech industry (the) DIVERSE audio-visual industry (the) real estate publishing industry (the)

industria producatoare de imbracaminte (productie in serie) ready-to-wear industry (the) locuinte mass-media robotica sectorul asigurarilor sectorul bancar telematica 9. Vocabular suplimentar baraj housing media(the) robotics insurance industry(the) banking industry(the) telematics Additional vocabulary dam


bazin centrala (energetica) companie aeriana extractie de minereuri foraj furnal linie de montaj masina-unealta mina otelarie piese de schimb rafinarie ssantier naval transportator, caraus zacamint

field power plant airline company mining drilling, boring blast furnace assembly line machine tool mine steel mill spare parts refinery shipyard carrier, haulier deposit


IV. Measuring economic activity : main indexes Evaluarea activitatii economice: principalii indicatori
Gross National Product (GNP) Produsul national brut (PNB) The total final value of goods and services produced in a national economy over one year. The Growth Rate (rata de crestere) of an economy is the increase in its GNP from one year to another. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) produsul intern brut (PIB) The index measures the value of goods and services produced on the national territory over a year. Balance of trade, trade balance balanta comerciala The difference over a period of time (generally a year) between the value of a countrys imports and exports of merchandise. The balance is said to be favourable (US favorable) when it shows a surplus of exports, in which case it shows a deficit. An unfavourable balance is referred to as a trade gap. Balance of payments balanta de plati A system for the recording of a countrys total transactions with the rest of the world during a given period of time (usually a year). Consumer Price Index (CPI) indicele preturilor (bunurilor) de consum. A measure of change in consumers prices, determined by a monthly survey. Also known as Cost-of-Living Index. Household consumption consumul casnic (al menajelor); Industrial consumption indicele productiei industriale; A monthly statistics on the total output of factories and mines. Unemployment figures (US Jobless Rate) numarul soemerilor/rata somajului. The proportion of the labour (US labor) force that is without paid work. Exchange rate rata de schimb. The prices at which a countrys currency can be converted into anothers. 46

Other indexes and yardsticks alti indicatori si instrumente de masura; Consumer demand nivelul consumului, cererea consumatorilor; Purchasing power puterea de cumparare; Standard of living nivelul de trai;

Population growth cresterea demografica; Birth rate rata natalitatii; Death rate rata mortalitatii; Life expectancy/expectation speranta de viata.

1. The economys performance in the last few months has not been encouraging. 2. Sluggishness has persisted throughout the year, and most estimates have had to be revised downwards. 3. The immediate outlook is gloomy. 4. There is a widespread concern over a deepening of the business slowdown. 5. Business is at a standstill. 6. A devaluation would give exporters a competitive edge. 7. The aftermath/ outcome of a devaluation is often a rise in the production costs, prices and wages. 8. We are headed for a slump. 9. The situation is compounded of inflation and social unrest. 10. Stagflation is rampant. 11. There are disturbing reports of mounting chaos and widespread lay-offs. 12. Unemployment has been inching up all year. 13. Beleaguered industrialists are casting about for means of coping with the rash of wildcat strikers.


14. The rising tide of inflation will have to be stemmed. 15. Unions should be discouraged from speeding up the wage-price spiral. 16. If consumer demands levels off or falls, employers will eventually have no alternative than to cut their payrolls. 17. The government is now contemplating a wage-freeze. 18. Additional measures will have to be taken to reduce inflationary/upward pressures on costs and prices. 19. According to the forecasts of experts, household consumption should go up in the next quarter. 20. Expectations of an early rebound in the economy have been disappointed. 21. Many economists feel that artificially stimulated demand is preferable to slack economy. 22. There is no alternative but to spur the lagging economy. 23. Some amount of pump-priming will be needed if the country is to be set on its feet again. 24. The country now seems on its way to recovery. 25. A powerful surge of buying has been developing. 26. (The) consumers have gone on a spending spree. 27. The revival spreads although the country is still plagued by inflation. 28. Despite official optimism, it is still far from sure that the economy is recovering from its mild recession. 29. Retail sales are up only 3% over last year an actual drop in volume after discounting inflation. 30. New incentives to spur capital spending are currently under active/serious consideration. 31. There is a need to spur/stimulate employment and consumption. 32. The question is: how to retain prosperity curbing/checking inflation. 33. Seasonally adjusted unemployment figures tend to suggest that business start-ups have not been so/as numerous as expected. 34. Businessmen have been loath to use the credit already available. 35. With interest rates falling, hot money will flow to other areas/regions. 36. Confidence cannot be restored overnight. 37. The business slowdown is causing serious concern in government circles. 38. The Gross National Product (GNP) has increased (by) 5.25%.


39. The Xmas (i.e. Christmas buying spree should not be mistaken for a genuine recovery. 40. Production is down 4.5% on last year


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