Popliteal Fossa 1

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Popliteal Fossa Dr.

Carmen Olivia Sanoria * Diamond shaped intermuscular space found at the posterior aspect of the knee. * Prominent with the knee joint flexed. * Boundaries: - Laterally: (Above) biceps femoris muscle. (Below) Lateral head of the gastrocnemius & plantaris muscle. - Medially: (Above) Semimembranosus muscle. (Above) Semitendinosus muscle. (Below) Medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. - Floor Popliteal surface of the femur. Posterior ligament of the knee joint. Popliteus muscle. - Roof Skin. Superficial fascia of the thigh. Deep fascia of the thigh (fascia lata). * Popliteus muscle - Flat, thin muscle of triangular outline lying in the floor of the lower part of the popliteal fossa. * Popliteal artery - Continuation of the femoral artery. - Enters the popliteal fossa through the opening of the adductor magnus muscle. - Terminate at the lower boarder of the popliteus muscle as anterior & posterior tibial arteries. - Relations: Anteriorly: - Popliteal surface of the femur. - Oblique popliteal ligament of the knee joint. - Popliteus muscle. Posteriorly: - Skin. - Fascia. - Popliteal vessel - Tibial nerve. - Branches: Muscular branches. Anterior tibial artery. Articular branch of the knee. Posterior tibial artery. * Popliteal vein - Formed at the junction of the venae comitantes of the anterior & posterior tibial artery. - Initially commence at the medial side of the popliteal artery as it course upward then cross the artery to become lateral. - Exit the popliteal fossa thru the opening of the adductor magnus muscle to become the femoral vein.

- Tributaries: Corresponding veins to arterial branch of the popliteal artery. Small saphenous vein.

* Arterial anastomosis of the knee joint Small branches of the Muscular branch of the femoral artery popliteal artery Branches of the anterior tibial artery Articular branch of the popliteal artery

Branches of the posterior tibial artery * Popliteal lymph nodes - 6 nodes embedded in the fatty connective tissue of the popliteal fossa. - Recipient of the superficial lymph vessel from the lateral side of the leg, knee joint, and foot in company of the smallsaphenous. - Recipient of the deep lymph vessel accompanying the anterior & posterior tibial artery. * Tibial nerve - Larger terminal branch of the sciatic nerve. - Course: Sciatic nerve Lower 1/3 of the thigh Tibial nerve Posterior compartment of the thigh beneath the soleus muscle Lower 1/3 of the thigh Common peroneal nerve Leaves the popliteal fossa to pierce the peroneus longus

Muscular branch Articular branch Cutaneus branch * Posterior tibial artery - Origin: popliteal artery. - Termination: Medial & lateral plantar artery. - Branches: Peroneal artery. st - 1 branch. - Gives nutrient artery to: (which pierce the interosseous membrane). To fibula. Muscular branches. Perforating branches. Muscular branches. - Supply the muscles at the back of the leg. Nutrient artery of the tibia. Anastomotic branches. Medial & lateral plantar artery. - Its venae comitantes joins the venae comitantes of the anterior tibial artery forming the popliteal vein.

* Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh. - Supply the skin over the popliteal fossa. * Obturator nerve - Enter the popliteal fossa by entering the opening in the adductor magnus muscle. - Terminate by supplying the knee joint.

Posterior Compartment of the Leg * Comprise the back of the leg. * Structures: Skin: - Cutaneus nerves Posterior cutaneus nerve of the thigh. - Supply the skin over the popliteal fossa & upper part of the back of the leg. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf. - Supply the skin over the upper part of the posterolateral surface of the leg. Sural nerve. - Supply the skin over the lower part of the posterolateral surface of the leg. Saphenous nerve. - Supply the skin on the posteromedial surface of the leg. - Superficial veins. Small saphenous vein tributaries. - Numerous small veins of the back of the legs - Communicating veins with deep veins of the foot. - Anastomotic branch. - Terminates by joining the popliteal vein or great saphenous vein, splitting into 2 and joint 1 each to great saphenous & popliteal vein. - Lymph vessels Superficial inguinal lymph node. Popliteal nodes. Muscles: - Divided into superficial & deep group by the deep transverse fascia.

ENCODED BY: dasal, fabian

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