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I Love... Money
Author: Suresh Padmanabhan
When you pay attention To Money it starts growing

About the Author

Suresh Padmanabhan is an author, public speaker, columnist and creator of Money Workshop. His book I Love Money is an international bestseller and has been translated into 11 languages. Earlier, he was associated with Times of India initiative NIE, through which he has delivered talks across major English speaking schools, to create a new awareness amongst children. His talks on money, Life and Spiritualism have mesmerized audiences across the world. He firmly believes that Materialism and spiritualism can co-exist in complete harmony.

1. Money Rituals 2. Money Thoughts to Reality 3. Money and Conditioning 4. Money and Behavior 5. Money- Personal Powers 6. Money- Spending and Savings
7. Conclusion

The Book

The author wrote this book on the basis of his practical experiences and knowledge he gained. From the very beginning he has keep stated his love for money and how one should love it. The book states that Money, Personal Power and a Greater force work in sink to make life wonderful. There are plenty of opportunities lie in front of us. We just have to be a little daring and garb that. Then who knows what heaven is waiting for us. But we must have to perform, because performance through the application of knowledge is its actual application. Again there is various problem arises in our life. So we must tackle and solve them rather running away, otherwise one have to suffer when it turns into worse. Bigger problems occur when smaller issues are neglected. While we earn money, we must know how to handle or balance our money. Being lazy or ignorant about money will cause blunders in life. We have to do right things in the right manner at the right time. Money is a natural phenomenon and we have to know how to play this money game. There are certain rules n this game. You must have to learn from mistakes, better from others mistakes. You must be happy to be rich. Only happy minds can take positive decisions to prosper. Money is a very good tool. Using it properly one can have almost everything. But when it handles you, you can be in serious trouble. This book works to be an instruction manual. Everyone can handle money, but how many handles this enormous power properly. There could many reasons for this faulty knowledge. They are1. Wrong inputs in the impressionable years of life. 2. Faulty conditioning by family and society. 3. Distorted reasoning and wrong conclusions drawn from limited individual experience and lack of exposure to the outer world. The world may be responsible for your problem, but you are responsible for solving them.

Money rituals:
We have to learn to respect our money; we have to organize our money. Only then goddess Laxmi blesses us. Being discipline in life brings freedom in thinking, and this freedom leads to abundance. Maintaining daily accounting helps a lot in understanding owes money. We can understand how money is coming and going, can track our loss or gain.

Money thoughts in reality:

Money does grow in trees. But the tree lies in our brain. We have to work to turn into reality, we should work smart rather work hard. All things aerated twice, first in our mind then in reality. We can earn money easily by applying thoughts in the right direction. So when ever a new thought comes, write it in pages, then think about it later sometime how much it is of use.

Money and conditioning:

To be successful, to be reach in life we have to break the limitations and conditionings that limits us. We must admire another thing, the ifs and buts of life. Past is past. We can only learn from past, but cant live in it. Forget the sads. They are of no use. Money hates excuses. They dont co-exist together. And there is nothing called impossible. We can make it happen if we want.

Money behavior :
We should behave according to situation. It the best way to survive. There is no way to run, you have to face and fight. We have to learn to take responsibility and fulfill them. Only then we can get more power to direct others. Then we have learned how to say NO. It is very powerful and profitable too. And we should know to protest also. Otherwise people make joke of us. Every little loss should pinch us.

Money-Personal power: You need to learn the art of standing up your rights and getting things done. The world is tough and also there are characters that have varying thickness of the skin. In the jungle of our money world only the toughest can survive. I-centric means taking money decisions from your own self rather than from other. There is great truth in the saying ASK and you will Receive. You have a right to ask. It has been said that the more you give the more you get in return. Money and family:
Women contribute whole-heartedly and selflessly to the house hold. Those who are ambitious but dont compromise on their role as a mother are especially fantastic. Keep the office work in office because when you went to your house you have to give your time to your children and wife. The entire family seated around the dinner table sharing a beautiful moment of togetherness.

Money and organization: One has to keep moving up the value chain. What you must do is to be true to yourself. Somewhere in your organization one person can be termed as one man army. The human factor can be never replaced by any amount of technology. Each and every money transaction has a person behind it. Develop the magical touch everywhere you go. Stop comparing yourself With others. Just be happy, context and relaxed. The best things in life come in small package.

This book surely helps understand how money is important in everyones life, how we should take care of our money and how we should use it for the prosperity of our life. The book helps us discover:

1. A clear money blue print for one and his family or his organization. 2. Amazing insight on money, wealth creation prosperity. 3. Exact process of how money comes and goes of ones life. 4. Identify and remove the behavior that drains out money. 5. Powerful money rituals that can transform our money world. 6. How to attract money, how to recover stuck money, receiving and giving,
spending and saving, money and hard work, the power of saying NO and lots of powerful methods to catapult us to great success.


PGDM- Vth Batch

Submitted to: Sri K.V.S.Krishnamohan Dr. Shahaida.P Submitted by:

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