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Honorable Senators, I am in opposition of this bill.

SB1517-1 is continued effort to remove the requirement to destroy the unused ballots on election night at 8 PM Immeasurable time and effort has been spent on the numerous bills that have come to this legislature over the last several years regarding this statute ORS 254.483. Our representatives have not been convinced that it is a good bill. To this point it has been rightly rejected. Yet the proponents of this bill, continue, to pursue this change in law, putting in at every opportunity. It wearies the most vigilant citizens. Several citizens have observed election processes in Multnomah County over the last several years. We asked for Mr. McCullough and Mr. Nisbet to evaluate the electronic security of Multnomah County. McCullough Research is a highly successful research company that found the Enron scandal from their office in Portland. They are well versed on corporate computer fraud. They made a report at the end of their evaluation of Multnomah County Elections. I have attached it to this email. If the electronic security could be compromised as the report says is possible, that with the presence of unused ballots can only leave us to consider the vulnerability of our election process to mischief. Not forgetting that there is plenty of motive for mischief. The results of the election will determine how billions of dollars are spent. Integrity in our election process is vital. We must uphold the highest of standards possible. Unused ballots must not remain in play. They are only one piece of the process however. Combine them with electronic security problems as listed above and you have a troubling scenario. You may be interested in the linked an article I wrote, which was published on the Oregon Catalyst. It references the attached report on Electronic Security at Multnomah County Elections Division. Our time on election reform would be better spent adding safeguards for electronic security of the counting machines in the sited passages of ORS. This has been ignored, and is not found in the ORS. The pc that tabulates the machine is not examined for compromising software. This should be part of the review before the elections, with a both parties present. The pc should truly be isolated without USB drive ports, in it's own enclosure. A printer should print the results. Paper is the mode of transportation of the data to the outside. The paper can be scanned into the outside office pc. A reporting function for a security breach is also absent in the law. The public has a right to know if their election has been compromised. The undisclosed security plan should only include the most basic functions as in the security codes for the office. Counting and Storing ballots is not a mystery. It is an accounting process and should be open to the oversight of the public. The proponents of this bill site the following reasons to pursue this bill. Here are some solutions. 'The language is confusing.' (Solution: The law has 3 requirements, which are to destroy, secure and count the unused ballots. Most folks would count them before destroying them. It is just logical to count them first, then destroy. Hopefully they were secure throughout the process.) 'The ballots are needed to give and account of the the total ballots used at the end of the time when a recall could be called (40 days post election).' (Solution: Count the ballots by election board members. These are bi-partisan members trained to do these functions. They can do this just prior to the stated 8

PM time. Observers can watch the count. The unused ballots are not needed after this point. What change would be from counting them at the end? The number should remain the same and if it were different we should be concerned. Just remove the temptation.) 'The ballots are needed to duplicate the machine unreadable ballots.' (Solution: Machine unreadable ballots can be tallied onto tally sheets and added to the count. These ballots are currently required to be transferred onto a duplicate ballot, a tally sheet would not add any additional cost, just a change in method.) 'The office is too busy to do it on election night. '(Solution: The priority to task is a vital. We think the rule of law should have a high priority) 'Officials are concerned that the public will think the office is mishandling the publics ballots.' (Solutions: Call a press conference and educate the public what is happening and ask them to witness the fulfillment of the law. Ask a bi-partisan witnesses to examine the ballots prior to destruction. Perception of how the public will react is not an valid reason to disobey the law) All of these objection could be easily over come if there was a will to do so. Our election laws should be of the highest standards. We expect our officials to obey the law. They took an oath. This last week, State Elections Director in the House Rules Committee on, HB4174, stated "this law [ORS254.483] has not been observed in this Millennium." I have only been documenting this process since 2008. I find it highly troubling for the rule of law to be absent in this state for such a time. Please do not pass this bill. Affirm the law. Thank you for your service to our state and consideration of my remarks. Respectfully, Janice Dysinger 32235 SE Pipeline Rd. Gresham, OR 97080

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