Drug Metabolism: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective

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Drug metabolism: A pharmaceutical industry perspective

Prof. Dr. Jrg Huwyler University of Applied Sciences (FHNW) School of Life Sciences Dept. of Pharma Technology Grndenstrasse 40, CH-4132 Muttenz and Rosental WRO-1060, CH-4002 Basel


J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 1

Pharmacokinetics / Pharmacodynamics / Safety

ADME: Absorption (active transport, diffusion, metabolism) Distribution (active transport, diffusion) Metabolism (phase I, phase II enzymes) Excretion (active transport, diffusion) Context: SAFETY EFFICACY

drug at absorption site

drug in the body


excreted metabolites

excreted drug

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 2

Impact of metabolism on ALL stages of the ADME process

A: e.g. Expression of CYP3A4 in enterocytes may limit intestinal absorption D: e.g. Expression of CYP1A1 in lung tissue may limit distribution to lung tissue M: Hepatic and extraheptic metabolism E: e.g. Biliary excretion of drugs

drug at absorption site

drug in the body


excreted metabolites

excreted drug
J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 3

The liver as an example: Interplay between metabolism & transport


X X-SO4 X-O-gluc

Drug >

Phase 0 uptake Oatp oct


Phase I functionalization oxidations (CYP450) reductions hydrolysis isomerizations


Phase II conjugation glucuronidation (UGT) sulfation (ST) glutathion conjug. (GST) methylation acetylation


Phase III export P-gp (MDR1) TC transporter (cBST) cMOAT (MRP2)

> Excretion

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 4

Multitude of different drug metabolizing enzymes

P450s: Superfamiliy of heme enzymes, approx. 1200 isoenzymes in all known species (20 in bacteria, 60 in human, 300 in plants) Additional examples:

Functions of P450's: - Plants: Biosynthesis of pigments, growth regulators, plant toxins - Human: Biosynthesis of low molecular weight regulators (steroids, prostaglandins, thromboxanes, fatty acid derivatives, retinoic acid derivatives) - Metabolism of xenobiotics

Human arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NAT1 and NAT2) Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs, > 15 isoenzymes) Additional examples: Human SLC transporters (43 families, >300 transporter genes) ABC-Transporter (49 families) ... etc.
J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 5

... etc.

Major CYPs and variability in expression levels

Variability: Polymorphism (e.g. CYP2D6) Induction (e.g. CYP3A4)

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 6


Pharma industry: Development of safe and efficacious drugs Basic observations:


Impact of metabolism on all stages of the ADME process (consequence for both PD and safety) Interplay between metabolism and transport Multitude of metabolizing enzymes (and drug transporters) Inter-individual variability in expression levels (polymorphism, induction)

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 7

Tasks and in vitro methods

Hepatic clearance (CLH): - Recombinant systems (human CYPs expressed in E. coli, baculovirus, ..)

Hepatic subcellular fractions (S9 or liver microsomes, different species) Hepatocytes in primary cultures or suspension (different species) Liver slices and more complex models (perfused liver)


Hepatic models: well stirred / parallel tube / dispersion model In vitro in vivo scaling: allometric / physiological / empirical Protein binding to be considered Metabolic pathways and metabolite identification Chemically reactive metabolites and covalent binding (incl. GSH adduct screening)
J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 8

Microsomes and human hepatocytes

Comparison between systems: advantages and limitations

Microsomes Pro:
Easy to store Well characterised system Easy to use Available in pools (n=15)

Hepatocytes Pro:
Cryopreserved Well characterised system Phase I&II metabolism Active transport Intact cellular properties No need for cofactors

Phase I metabolism Cellular system destroyed Lack of cofactors Limited Phase II metabolism No active transport Product inhibition

Primary culture Limited availability (n=1) Variability (enzyme expression levels) Limits of concentration (cytotoxicity)
J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 9

Tasks and in vitro methods

Drug-drug interactions (DDI): - Recombinant systems (e.g. human CYPs)


Microsomes (e.g. human, pool of 20 donors) Hepatocytes (e.g. human primary cultures)

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 10

Drug-drug interaction studies (DDI) with microsomes or recombinant enzymes

1. HTS fluorescent indicator assay (Crespi assay): - Recombinant human 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4 - (non specific) fluorescent test probes - derived parameter: IC50 Human liver microsomes (pool 20 donors): - Specific test probes, 1/isoform except 3A4: 3 probes - LC-MS/MS quantification, derived parameter: IC50s


CYP 3A4 substrates: MIDAZOLAM NIFEDIPINE 7-Benzyloxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)coumarin (BFC) TESTOSTERONE

CYP 2C9 substrate: DICLOFENAC CYP 2D6 substrate: (+/-)BUFURALOL

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 11

Recombinant enzymes, microsomes or cell lines: Cost-efficient automatization of assays (HT screening)

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 12

Goal: in vitro - in vivo extrapolation (e.g. DDI risk)

Fold of change = in AUC



I Ki

Fold of change in AUC




Threshold of significant interaction

0 0 0.0 1 0.1 1 10 10 0 1 00 0

I / Ki

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 13

Blanchard et al., Current Drug Metabolism, 2004, 5, 147-156

DDI with CYPs: clinical probe substrates / inhibitors

Criteria: 1) Substrate of a single pathway 2) Highly sensitive towards CYP activity changes 3) No P-glycoprotein substrates or other transporters 4) No (adverse) PD effects at used doses 5) Commercially available 6) Readily measured PK endpoint

Bjornsson et al. (2003) J.Clin.Pharmacol.

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 14

Tasks and in vitro methods


Nuclear hormone receptor binding and activation (e.g. PXR) Cell lines (e.g. LS180) Hepatocytes (e.g. human primary cultures) ( Microsomes from induced animals )

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 15

Induction: Use of cell lines or primary hepatocytes

CYP3A4 mRNA induction by the antibiotic rifampin (72h): MDR1 (LS180 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells, left) and CYP3A4 (human hepatocytes, right)

Huwyler et al, Curr.Drug Metabol., 2006

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 16

Tasks and in vitro methods

An integrative picture of ADME:


Computer assisted simulations and modelling

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 17

Physiology based PK modelling Input

- In vitro data - Species specific physiological data (e.g. blood flow, tissue volume) - Compound specific physico-chemical properties (e.g. ClogP, pKa)


Simulation of outcome


Brain Kidney Heart M uscle Adipose Other tissues...

Plasma concentrations Time

J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 18


Strategy to optimize efficacy:


Determination of CLH Clarify PK properties and PK / PD relationship Phenotyping (individualized health care, stratified clinical trials)

Strategy to assess safety: - Identify metabolic pathways and main metabolites (e.g. active, toxic or reactive metabolites)

Identification of metabolizing enzymes (drug-drug interactions; polymorphism; disease, gender and age) Induction (dose adaptation, polypharmacy, environmental factors)
J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 19

EPAA workshop

Complex situation:


Focus on a limited set of technologies Tools should be cost-efficient (e.g. automatized HT screening) Predictive in vitro tools to avoid animal experimentation (3R and costs) Important task of in silico simulation and modelling
J.Huwyler, 11.2008, page 20

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