Thuyet Trinh

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Chun b : slide phi t ch tt, phn chia r rng ra 3 phn: Intro - body conclusion. + Intro : - topic of the presentation.

- brief structure of presentation ( how many part(s) (equal or more than 3 parts is encouraged) - transition. + Body : Main ideas, not details ( some good presenter need only 5 slides for 1h30m talk) .... [Only Registered Users Can See Links. Click Here To Register...] <--- click here to see perfect talks. + Conclusion: keep it short, contain all main ideas that of the present but do not

repeat intro and expand ideas and your opinion. So let's start present: _First: say: Good morning/ afternoon(depend on what time :00am-11:59am is morning, 12pm - 6pm is afternoon) ladies and gentleman. Intro the topic : example of my present about color : "All designers know that color play an important role on their work, it is not easy to choice suitable colors for, the use of color depend on position, the artwork, the goal and their target and so on ... so. So to day my group will talk about the Color and the effect of color on Design ...." Intro the structure: Our present will be divided on 3 parts ( depend on number of part), and remember intro the main idea of each part, every single part should contain only one idea. _Second : using transition signal: let's start with, move on, come to, begin, on the other hand, let's talk about,..... Example: ideas1: So let start with the colors on color wheel .... lap lap.lap.... summarize <idea 1> idea2: That is the hold meaning of (topic of <idea 1>) let move on <idea 2> lap...lap...lap... summarize <idea2> idea3: now we will talk about <idea3> ... ( mo li li g tp qu) summarize <idea 3> _ Third : In conclusion, <sum idea1, 2,3 together>, expand, opinion .... _ Fourth: This is the end of our presentation, thank you for your attention if you have any question, please ask us now. We will very glad to hear and answer your questions ..... Vi du :

Well, I suppose if I had to describe. The first thing I should mention is that(point 1)In fact(detail 1)

Another point which I could add is that(point 2)..which means (Actually) (detail 2). In addition to what Ive just said, I can add that(point 3).So actually(detail 3) Example : Please, tell me about your home town Well, as you can probaly guess I come from Ho Chi Minh city and I have lived here all my life although at the moment Im studying in another city- Ha Noi. I suppose if I had to describe Ho Chi Minh city, the first thing I would say is that its absolutely enormous, may be even one of the biggest city in Viet Nam, I guess. Its so big in fact that even the locals have problems finding their way around. Another point which I could add is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually some of the Ho Chi Minh s most renowed landmarks are slap bang in the middle of Ho Chi Minh.

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